WinterMoon Wants Attention.



  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited September 2021

    Hey guys... Meet Tameron. She's Raelynn's best frienemy and eternal nemesis. This is a joke character, so please don't take any of the following as serious social commentary. I don't do social and serious in the same sentence.


    Tameron is heavily based on all the self-absorbed, daft edgelords I've ever met online. So yeah, she's a parody character, and not a particularly affectionate one. But what can I say? I tend to start liking all my characters, no matter how terrible I intend them to be.


    Things to know about Tameron include:

    1 - She's lethally allergic to all kinds of vegetables. Not to fruits and berries, just to veggies. Don't ask her to explain.

    2 - Her short term memory is non-existant, and she finds everything related to Finding Dory very ableist and offensive.

    3 - In her soul she's part cat and part wolf, meaning that she's got an instinctive need to scratch on stuff, howl at the moon and chase sheep.

    4 - She DIES if she eats vegetables, like LITERALLY.

    5 - She fights the Patriarchy all day long, by not using grammar and punctuation in her tweets. Those are tools of oppression! (Grammar and punctuation, not her tweets. Her words are weapons of Liberation!)

    6 - Her own mother tries to literally murder her every day, by suggesting that she add vegetables to her diet.

    7 - The soonest she's been expelled from school is three weeks into a semester.

    8 - She's a proud Anti-Waxxer, and fights for women's right to having hairy legs. 

    9 - She's got a self-diagnosed IQ of 160.

    10 - Vegetables. Allergic for real. Literally dies!!1


    It's easy to assume that Tameron is a Social Justice Warrior (not to be confused with actual activists, who really work to change things), but she's not. Although their focus may be misaimed and their methods may be ineffective, Keyboard Warriors usually think they fight for something bigger than themselves. Tameron... nah. She's looking out for herself, and that's about it. Even on the occasions where she does speak up about an actual problem, it's always phrased in a way that very specifically points to her. She does not appreciate having her suffering invalidated =UwU= by someone pointing out that there are people worse off. 


    Tameron's in college, working on a custom PhD in a field she's invented herself, so she makes money by blackmailing people. The problem is that hardly anyone ever pays up. Raelynn, for example, owes Tameron about $ 45k, for having said stupid things, had stupid opinions, not known things she really should, and for just rubbing Tameron the wrong way at the wrong moment. Tameron doesn't ever expect to see a penny of it, but that's okay. Knowing that someone owes something her makes her feel justified.


    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • I so love that character she is totally amazing!!!

  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    ... or, as Coco Chanel famously said: Before you leave the house, look in the mirror, take one thing off, and give it to Tameron. She'll find a way to wear it. Not wear it well, mind you... but wear it.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Saphirewild said:  I so love that character she is totally amazing!!!

    Thank you! laugh I've had a lot of fun at her expense for some years, and now also in 3D! She may show up again!

    Hylas said: ... or, as Coco Chanel famously said: Before you leave the house, look in the mirror, take one thing off, and give it to Tameron. She'll find a way to wear it. Not wear it well, mind you... but wear it.

    Tameron's fashion sense can best be described as "fell into a laundry basket, and this is what stuck." Normally she isn't as decked out as she is in those pictures, but I felt she needed a statement piece since you can't see her shoes. (They're fabulous, I promise!) All the necklaces are one item. There's a wicked little devil skull pendant on the longest one, but it didn't fit in the picture.


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited September 2021

    I felt like it was time to do some renders of guys again. As usual it's someone who can't exactly be described as "sexy" or conventionally handsome, but he's kind of cute in his own way. Back on the second page of the thread, at a point where dialling up characters was even more of a hit-or-miss than it is nowadays, I "accidentally" made a guy that had a passing reseblance to an original character named Andre. That version wasn't all too accurate, so I made a couple of new attempts. First I created a G8.1 version, which I'm still pretty happy with, but I'm having a bit of a hard time with expressions on 8.1 yet. Then I copied all his settings over to a G8M base, which you see here.


    Andre looks a lot younger than he really is. In the story he's from, he's in his mid to late 20s by the time he gains any kind of prominence. He's also got these soft, subtle kind of features that makes him look very innocent and harmless. This is one book you mustn't judge by its cover, though. Andre's not bad, but neither is he harmless or completely innocent. He's impulsive and a bit reckless, and although he's tested negative for ADHD twice, there clearly is something a little off. His reactions to things, and just his behaviour in general, are unpredictable a lot of the time. Andre plays rough, and a few times he's ended up hurting someone unintentinally. He's even been scarily close to seriously injuring or killing people on a couple of occasions, because he's not always able to predict the consequences of his actions. It seems like he's not aware of how strong he is.


    Like I said, though: He's not a bad person. His personality is more of a clever, mischievous rascal who tends to get in over his head. He often shows signs of high intelligence and insightfulness, but at the next moment he may do something that makes you wonder if his brain is plugged in at all. Andre's usually friendly, cheerful and energetic. There's nothing about him that seems sinister on the surface, which makes it come as a surprise when he suddenly pins someone down and starts reciting a creepy poem. He'll make morbid remarks out of the blue, and be completely oblivious to why they're inappropriate. I'm talking stuff like telling you that your baby's got a striking resemblance to a famous child Doe (not his worst statement), and that kind of bloopers. It's not so much that he lacks compassion and empathy, he just seems to lose connection with them at random times. Oh yes, and he does like researching dark topics.



    These are some additional renders of him, and if they would line up nicely that would be neat. (Gettit?)

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    During the last sales of the PA Festival I snapped up the Aycroft and Rye Croft outfits, that had been on my wishlist for a while. I just can't resist 70s boho clothing. Annie (L) and Elena (R) got to try them on for size, which made them in the mood for attending a harvest marked and look at pumpkins. They want to go to a Halloween themed pumkin patch next, but that would require warmer clothing and another photo shoot.


    This is the original picture with just some auto-correct.

    No filters, and too much DoF for my taste.

    No DoF at all, for those who like individual leaves.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Elena's arms must be getting tired of posing with that big pumpkin by now. x)


    Less filter.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited October 2021

    No filter?? surprise


    Ok, here's the auto corrected version.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited October 2021

    "This little piggy went to market. This little piggy went to school... Wait, if the piggy went to market, that probably means it's getting butchered. That's dark for a children's rhyme. Anyway! This little piggy stayed at home."

    "I'm gonna kill you, Andre! Freaking moron. When you let me go, you'll be SO sorry, and you'll be so dead..!"


    "And now, all the piggies at once!" They're doing the Riverdance!"

    Tyler is the youngest of three brothers, and there's more than a decade between him and Andre, who's the middle child. Their maturity levels are often roughly similar, but Andre is almost twelve years ahead in size. There isn't much Tyler can do while his scalp is being introduced to Andre's knuckles than to unleash threats and try to get in a good kick. He's digging his nails in too, but Andre has stupidly high pain tolerance so it doesn't do any good.


    Different angle. I think maybe I like this one better.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited October 2021

    UGH! And by that I mean that none of the renders I've attempted all month have come out any good. I'm so fed up, I think I'll just do a bunch of pics with the Starbloom family until the fog lifts, metaphorically speaking.


    In the mean time, I decided to revisit this scene, and swap Andre - who I made as an 8.1 character - out with his G8M clone. He just looks so malicious in the original renders, I wanted to see if I could get a more playful, mischievous result with the plain 8 version. Yeah, I think he definitely looks less evil, but he also looks a lot less realistic. There's this almost animé-ish look to him, and his face isn't as round as it should be. That's probably what I get for making a model of this character, because he sometimes turns into his own evil twin Andrei. (Or so he claims...) When Andrei's in control, things can get interesting. Now I have two versions of him, and who knows which is the real one!?

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    Tyler looks 10-ish, which makes Andre 21 at least? Go get a job, Andre! Sheesh.


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Hylas said:

    Tyler looks 10-ish, which makes Andre 21 at least? Go get a job, Andre! Sheesh.

    Yeah, they're something like that. He does have a job, as a caretaker/repairman at this home for peculiar children. (It's an urban fantasy sort of story. Andre is a genetic mutant. Yes, really.) Problem is, he's on the day shift and has the whole afternoon to get into mischief. His parents are sort of hippies, and they don't mind him living at home.


    This is how mischief happens. Andrei the evil twin comes sneaking up on him, and has a bad idea. 

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,667

    Some great images @Wintermoon!!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Thank you @Saphirewildheart laugh

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited December 2021

    It's been a hot minute since I posted, which is because it's been a hot hour since the last time I had a render come out as I wanted it. I like the colours and warm light of this one, though. It reminds me of my relatives' vacation pictures from the 80s and 90s, which was pretty much the feeling I was going for. We're having depressing rain in the real world, after a week of snow. I needed colour therapy! laugh Riana and Iris are visiting somewhere temperate.

    Do you ever get that feeling that you're not challenging yourself enough with your renders? That you keep making things that have become easy for you? I mean, in one way that must mean that you've made progress, because you can do it easily. In another way it may mean that you've stopped making progress, if you never get that feeling of "Whew, I actually pulled that off," anymore. I've still got so, so far to go, to get to the level of talent showcased in the gallery, and I haven't even started thinking about making my own customised content beyond mesh grabbing and shadering.


    More filter. 

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,903

    WinterMoon said:

    Do you ever get that feeling that you're not challenging yourself enough with your renders? That you keep making things that have become easy for you?

    Yes, but not for the same reason. I just published a render where I spent a lot of time setting it up, posing, etc., but then completely phoned in the actual render because I was just tired of dealing with it.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Gordig said:

    Yes, but not for the same reason. I just published a render where I spent a lot of time setting it up, posing, etc., but then completely phoned in the actual render because I was just tired of dealing with it.

    Like I said in your thread, it's understandable that you were just done with that whole idea. Your shadow runner pictures are incredible, though!

  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    WinterMoon said:

    Do you ever get that feeling that you're not challenging yourself enough with your renders? That you keep making things that have become easy for you? I mean, in one way that must mean that you've made progress, because you can do it easily. In another way it may mean that you've stopped making progress, if you never get that feeling of "Whew, I actually pulled that off," anymore.

    I feel like it's good to challenge yourself, but it's also good to just have fun and let things flow sometimes, which may involve just busting out your old bag of tricks.

    If I resolved to challenge myself every single time I think I'd rarely get anything done at all!


    Gordig said:

    I just published a render where I spent a lot of time setting it up, posing, etc., but then completely phoned in the actual render because I was just tired of dealing with it.

    The entire reason why I started with all of this was to make series of pictures that tell stories.

    I've even started a couple of times! Somewhere between render 3 and 5 I usually get tired of the set-up and move on. It's frustrating... I need more stickwithititude.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,903

    Hylas said:

    Gordig said:

    I just published a render where I spent a lot of time setting it up, posing, etc., but then completely phoned in the actual render because I was just tired of dealing with it.

    The entire reason why I started with all of this was to make series of pictures that tell stories.

    I've even started a couple of times! Somewhere between render 3 and 5 I usually get tired of the set-up and move on. It's frustrating... I need more stickwithititude.

    A long time ago, I made a couple of what I called "Choose-Your-Own-Renders", where I rendered a two different conclusions to a scenario set up by the first panel:

    I've thought about starting a challenge thread along those lines, but never followed through on it, possibly because doing so would obligate me to make more. Not that that would be a bad thing, I guess.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    I (vaguely) remember those.

    Really strong body language and facial expressions!

    I feel bad for laughing but punched Batgirl looks hilarious.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited December 2021

    Poor Batgirl, hahahaaa! I think I like the first scenario best. If they teamed up, they'd be a very unpredictable duo. laugh

    Aaanyway, this made me pick up one of my abandoned projects. If the render turns out okay, we'll finally get an answer to what happened on that foggy night in August 1990. Well, maybe not. In fact, we're probably going to have more questions.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited December 2021

    The following account was posted in the local newspaper The Morning Trumpet, on Saturday 11th of August 1990.


    Boy Found Unconscious Outside Village Hall - Suffers From Amnesia.

    A young man, assumed to be between the ages of 18 and 23, was found "profoundly unconscious" outside Brambleton Village Hall at around 23:30 last night. After being taken to the county hospital and given a physical examination, he was found to be unharmed. Upon awakening later in the night, he could, however, not recall the events that led up to him collapsing outside the Village Hall. 

    "The boy appeared to be very confused," attending physisian Dave Neward (52) told our reporter. "He did not seem to understand where he was, and he's so far been unable to identify himself. It's likely that he suffers from amnesia, possibly following a traumatic incident. No signs of violence or an accident were found on his body, but severe emotional trauma can produce similar states of shock."

    Local police are currently searching for the young man's family. As he was found without any identification, or indeed any possessions other than the clothes he was wearing, their hope is that he can be matched to a recent missing person report. "He may not be a local youth," Seargent Geoffrey Braithwaite (46) theorised, but declined to go into further speculation.

    The boy's unresponsive form was discovered by the Village Hall caretaker, Oliver Greene (39), as he was locking up for the night. Frightened by the unsettling find, Mr. Greene ran to a nearby phone booth and called the hospital. "I don't blame him for thinking the poor lad was dead," said Dr. Neward. The unidentified youngster was found lying in a twisted heap on the cobble stones, in a position Dr. Neward could only describe as "artistically disgraceful." "I barely understand how anyone can even get that uncomfortable," Dr. Neward told The Trumpet. "He most certainly did not simply lay down and go to sleep in that contorted pose. There's a possibility he may have suffered some type of seizure. We should be able to tell more once the toxicology report is ready."

    The police asks anyone who may have tips leading to the discovery of the boy's identity and circumstances to either come into the station, or to call them on 307-xxxxx.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Oh hi, guys. The holidays happened, and other excuses. But new year, new renders, right?

    Today I have the malicious pleasure of introducing the most ridiculous character to exist within my arsenal. Yes! I also have to admit that she's not just my creation. This model is, but the character itself also belongs to my friend Sam. A few years back, we had the idea of writing the most intentionally silly YA romance we could possibly think up, and send it to publishers as a joke just to see if any of them really had standards that low. Well, that didn't happen. Instead we started working on a series of fantasy novels. This kid and her preposterous life story was going to be what we'd be working on whenever we'd hit a snag in the writing of our real story, to give us a breather and still keep our writing muscles warm. Her real name is a bit of a secret, so I've given her the code name of Tessica Zephyr, which is in the same vein.


    Over the holidays, I started looking through the Instagram and Flicker accounts of several doll artists I followed some years ago. There was one particular photo that stood out to me, in all its pastel-haired beauty. I messaged Sam, like "Look! This is almost Tessi!" So, then I knew that I had to make a model of our girl. I tried to keep as much of the BJD doll's aesthetic as I could, while still making her look somewhat realistically human. 


    Her mouth was the most difficult part of her face to get right. The doll that inspired her is sculpted to have a very wide, closed smile with small plump lips in the middle. It wasn't possible to get the corners of her mouth to extend outside her lips that way, with the morphs I currently own. Oh, and I feel the need to clarify this: I know that she's not exactly unique looking, as far as semi-cartoony characters go. She's got a clear resemblance to Josie, Kaylee, Mika, Tika etc, and there are several of those character in her. (Not Tika, I don't have her.) However, I couldn't just use one of them and call it a day. She needed to be my own model. So as counter-productive as it may be, I did a lot of dial work on her. I hope she doesn't actually look exactly like any artist character in the shop.


    I love this expression, it shows her personality so well. laugh Oh crap, the necklace clips through the choker. This is definitely not going in the gallery.


    I'm not at all tempted to get her 3d printed as a ball-jointed doll. Nope.




  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    I'm certainly not surprised that she has a lot of Thorne DNA but she doesn't look like a Thorne character to me. She looks like a Wintermoon character laugh

    So jealous that you actually write fiction. Fiction writing is one of these things that I've done in the past (and hopefully will do again someday!), and I think I'm fairly decent at it, but... so many things I'd like to do, so much time being eaten by adult life crying

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Hylas said: 

    I'm certainly not surprised that she has a lot of Thorne DNA but she doesn't look like a Thorne character to me. She looks like a Wintermoon character laugh

    Thank you! laugh


    So jealous that you actually write fiction. Fiction writing is one of these things that I've done in the past (and hopefully will do again someday!), and I think I'm fairly decent at it, but... so many things I'd like to do, so much time being eaten by adult life crying

    I love writing, but it's really not going as quickly and smoothly as I wish it would. This time it's not just for my own (and hopefully the readers') entertainment. We're trying to get this published, and that's why we need to get it absolutely right. There are other things hindering our progress too, but that's not really for this thread. Writing is a very time-consuming activity indeed, when you factor in all the research, world-building and character creation you need to do. Ideas have a way of taking on life of their own and becoming something completely different than what you planned. laugh

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    The thread about the new candy floss prop, which has people baffled, ventured into a discussion about visits to the beach and saucy postcards from resort towns. Someone jokingly asked for renders mimicking those postcards, and I saw an opportunity to troll share something of true beauty.


    Now that I think about it, Aylatani probably is the most sexy out of my original characters, if you only consider what's below the neck. I usually don't give them curves like that.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,667

    I just love your last render of her puckering up her lips!!

    All your renders are amazing though!!

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,903

    Clearly some mad scientist was laboring for years to craft the ultimate butterface.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited January 2022

    Saphirewild said:

    I just love your last render of her puckering up her lips!!

    All your renders are amazing though!!

    Aww, thank you! heart


    Gordig said:

    Clearly some mad scientist was laboring for years to craft the ultimate butterface.

    Her backstory actually goes a bit in that vein! She was originally very beautiful, and was in the pop business. (All while being the wife of an axe-murderer and living in a little axe-murderer shack, with their feral children crawling around in the mud outside.) One day her record company demanded she get a nose-job, but Edgar fudged with her medical records so she got a full facial transplant instead. Her daughter Liranda refused to believe that she was really her mother, and thought the plastic surgery disaster was a cover story for some crazy imposter murdering Aylatani and stealing her life. So for the last 200 years or so of their story (They're immortal.) Liranda has been waging a war of vengeance towards Aylatani, for the suspected murder of Aylatani. It's very sad and confusing.

    It can all be read here, but it's kind of NSFBrain.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,909

    WinterMoon said:


    I'm laughing so hard... my boyfriend is looking at me funny

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