WinterMoon Wants Attention.



  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    DanaTA said: Nice work!

    Thank you, Dana!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    My original mental image of Vera was something quite different, so I just had to make another model to show my friend what I "saw" when I read the scene in which she first appears.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    How many times now have I said that I need to do more scene stageing and less character designs? Anyway, this is babby.


    Yeh, I know the lighting is funky. I tried to get it right, but the purpose of the render was only to show a friend how the character looks as a young child. Her name's Valerie. She's a time-travelling baby from the 50s. Long story.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    It's been a while since I've kitbashed a scene into existence, so I figured it was time I did an "environment" render again. This is a secret lair below a bridge. Well, maybe not all that secret, because people on the street above can see it. They just don't know who lives there. surprise


    Um, yeah. I can't help myself when it comes to creating freaky characters. In the interest of disclosure, though.... This isn't really an original idea. I was deliberately trying to copy an aesthetic that was incredibly popular (controversially so) in the Sims community on Tumblr, some years back. Heavily lidded eyes with red or pink circles around them, a roughly triangular mouth that's always open, and a generally dead expression. People either thought it was the bees knees, or they thought it was hideous. 


    Guys, this is Sprynxx. Characters like this have names like that. I was actually trying to make her a lot uglier, but I didn't have the right tools necessary to pull her head out to the width and shape I wanted. She's also supposed to have one eye that's noticable larger than the other, but I had to settle for just making the eyeball itself bigger and pushing it in. I don't know how to enlarge the socket without messing up the whole face. Tips and hints are welcome, because I'm getting in the Halloween mood. smiley

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited July 2023

    It's late July, and it will be Halloween before you know it! I've started the spooky season early, by re-rendering one of my really old pictures. The original had terrible colour banding on it, and was done with a ghost light I hadn't quite figured out how to use. I also didn't like the expression on the character on the right end. This time I gave them a spotlight each, so that they have an unearthly glow around them, and the picture on the whole is darker and looks more like it's night. Yeah, it's still kind of so so.

    You'll have to click on it to see details. It's very shrunk.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited August 2023

    Wow, this scene got a little extraer than intended. Half the job of setting it up was to delete the items that were out of the frame, so it would at least render. It's still a quite heavy scene, and I'm re-doing it as I'm typing this, because I think the younger boy's head looks a little big on him. (I'm going to replace the original version of this picture later, so if you don't think his head is big, it's probably because you're looking at the newer version.)


    Maybe you recognise Tyler and Andre, who were having a bit of a sibling scuffle a couple of pages back. I've been intending to do more with my "proper" original characters. Actually making models for a few more of them would be a good place to start. 

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,667

    WOW You have been busy bee lately!!!!

    Amazing images for sure!!!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Thank you, @Saphirewild! I'm very good at keeping busy with everything other than what I should really be doing! wink

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited August 2023

    Every year I make a new "Yearbook" picture for Raelynn, to add a little bit of immersion to her role as a separate narrator of some of my stories. It's easier to "believe" in a person you can see. Unfortunately, Raelynn's been stuck in a time loop since 2016, so she turns 15 every year. 


    Her newest nostalgia kick is mid-90s grunge.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,216

    Found this thread and had a chance to look at some of the images.  I must say you HAVE improved since the beginning.  Makes me wish I had made a thread with some of my first artworks.. eep!!!  Well done... keep up the artworks.  You ARE improving ;)

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Llola Lane said:

    Found this thread and had a chance to look at some of the images.  I must say you HAVE improved since the beginning.  Makes me wish I had made a thread with some of my first artworks.. eep!!!  Well done... keep up the artworks.  You ARE improving ;)

    Thank you, Lola! heart It would have been fun to see where you started from. You don't have any of your old work on a backup device somewhere?

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,216
    edited August 2023

    WinterMoon said:

    Llola Lane said:

    Found this thread and had a chance to look at some of the images.  I must say you HAVE improved since the beginning.  Makes me wish I had made a thread with some of my first artworks.. eep!!!  Well done... keep up the artworks.  You ARE improving ;)

    Thank you, Lola! heart It would have been fun to see where you started from. You don't have any of your old work on a backup device somewhere?

    Oh I have lots of my old stuff on my DeviantArt account... Here is one of my first and it even won the contest that week... ; Just never made a Daz thread... I do look back now and then at my first artworks on DA... so I'm glad I have them all in one spot... and yes... I have ALL my old stuff on my backup drive(s)... :)  ENJOY! 

    NOTE:  just noticed my first contest folder for Daz is from 11 10 2012... and I have some artworks from before I joined Daz... hummm

    Post edited by Llola Lane on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Llola Lane said:  Attack of the 50 foot cat.

    I love it! laugh That would be SO dangeroo, LOL! Cats are my number one favourite animals, but they're just itty-bitty sabre-toothed tigers. People are always amazed at candid videos of big cats acting the same as our pet housecats. It's because they're 99% the same! Kittehs are just too smol to be dangerous to us. 

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,750

    WinterMoon said:

    Every year I make a new "Yearbook" picture for Raelynn, to add a little bit of immersion to her role as a separate narrator of some of my stories. It's easier to "believe" in a person you can see. Unfortunately, Raelynn's been stuck in a time loop since 2016, so she turns 15 every year. 


    Her newest nostalgia kick is mid-90s grunge.

     I like how you provide a closeup so we can get to know the character,  and a wider shot so we understand the context of the scene. It gives depth to the potential story.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited August 2023

    FirstBastion said:

     I like how you provide a closeup so we can get to know the character,  and a wider shot so we understand the context of the scene. It gives depth to the potential story.

    Thanks! smileyheart

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,216

    WinterMoon said:

    Llola Lane said:  Attack of the 50 foot cat.

    I love it! laugh That would be SO dangeroo, LOL! Cats are my number one favourite animals, but they're just itty-bitty sabre-toothed tigers. People are always amazed at candid videos of big cats acting the same as our pet housecats. It's because they're 99% the same! Kittehs are just too smol to be dangerous to us. 

    Mine tooooooooooooo!!!  We foster kittens at our local animal shelter.  I have 3 right now that will go back on Monday to be fixed on Tuesday then ready for FURever homes on Wens... Gonna take a little break then we'll get a new batch to foster.  We are hitting close to 50 fosters so far.  :)  Totally get'cha on big cats vs kittens ... lol

    Glad you liked my artworks... I remember having sooo much fun putting that one together.... The faces on the peeps were especially fun! 

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    When you accidentally dForce your model instead of her dress. 

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    OK, here's what I was actually trying to do when the little accident above happened.


    I'd been wondering for a couple of years why my newer model of Tara didn't look like the original I made back when I was a complete newbie. She looked tired and drawn. I didn't understand why. All I'd done was dial in a new body, right? 

    Then it dawned on me that Tara had originally been made with the teen morph from Growing Up. When I gave her a new body morph I dialled out the teen one, because the new body was already teen and the bust became.... well, inverted. You know how it is. Tara's short and waifish, which is why I use teen bodies for her. Anywho, the Growing Up morphs affect the face, making it rounder and more babyish. Since Tara was meant to be an adult in her 20s, I thinned out her face a bit, and made her look older. When the GU morph was removed, she started looking really skinny and prematurely aged. It was such a simple explaination, and I'm kind of facepalming at not figuring it out years ago. 

    Anyway, Tara's back in another version. This time I didn't remove the GU morph completely. I dialled it down from 16 to 12, which allowed her to gain some height, and I only dialled the other body morph in a little past 60%. Expect to see Tara a lot in the future, because I'm way more happy with her looks now. smiley



    Colour versions, in case you're interested.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,180

    Much better looking than that alien at the top of the post!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    DanaTA said:

    Much better looking than that alien at the top of the post!

    LOL, thank you! That wasn't difficult!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited August 2023

    Sorry not sorry for all the Tara spam. Once I saw what the original scene looked like with the vintage filters, I desired to make another version where she was dressed in an actual vintage outfit. History and/or fashion buffs will probably be able to tell me that there are some really obvious anachronisms in her look, but to them I have just two words: I know.



    Colourized in 2023, heh.

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    So, a couple of days ago I picked up P3D's Mia, to be my first test subject with Genesis 9. Experimenting with dressing and posing her led to the following weird little scene.


    ♪ ♫ You took my sadness out of context

    At the Mariners' Apartment Complex

     I ain't no candle in the wind ♪♬ ♭


    ♩♯♫ I'm the bolt, the lightning, the thunder

    The kind of girl who's gonna make you wonder

    Who you are, and who you've been ♪♬


    ♫♪ And who I've been is..... "Hi, I'm Mia."

    "I'm Tara, and I do believe that's my dress you're wearing."


    "Did you seriously steal my dress from the laundry line in the back yard?"

    "N-nn-no, no! I just borrowed it! Look, I have basically nothing to wear. I'm new around here and I'm busking for money so I can get myself some new clothes."


    "By the way, are you even allowed to wear this dress? I mean, you're like an Edwardian and all."

    "Only part time. I probably have some old clothes that I don't wear, that you can have. But you gotta give that dress back, okay?"

    "Of course! That's awfully kind of you, Sarah. Thank you so much! Oh no, my stocking has ripped!

    "That's too bad. Are they at least yours?

    "....afraid not."

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    "Wow, all your make-up is LIE!" surprise

    "Yeah. I'm of the New Generation, we know our products. Not gonna keep me very warm tho, is it?

    "I'm sure we can work out a trade." 


    "And you have LIE remover?! Where did you get this?"

    "I bought it at the brand's online store, but I'd be careful with that one.

    "Why? Can something go wrong?"

    "Well.... You're an older generation. I mean.... Like a Millennial or something. So it may kinda take your whole face off."

    "We must try it for science."

  • David RDavid R Posts: 276

    WinterMoon said:

    When you accidentally dForce your model instead of her dress. 


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    David R said:


    Well said!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Since Tara got a "formal" portrait in an antique dress, it was only fair that her sister, Elena, should also get one. Elena is two years older than Tara, but looks and often acts like the younger one.


    I think maybe I like this filter a little more than the pure sepia one. The outfit she's wearing was put together specifically to be shown in monochrome, and it's very drab looking. You can see a colour version here, if you're interested.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    edited October 2023

    This post was so dumb it died from it. So instead here are some pictures I "made" with Craiyon.


    I was generating images to use as paintings for a spooky house in my Sims 2 game, in case anyone wonders what mushrooms I was on. Because this is weirding even ME out. The censored one was a cartoon person that vaguely looked like she was being strangled by two boney hands. surprise

    The Skull-Faced Lady is an urban legend in my story-verse. These are cool, but not quite what she actually looks like. Middle left gets closest.

    General concensus of what a Bertha Hortence looks like seems to be a bit kinder than I was expecting.

    That's very.


    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904



    Pumpkins are my newest obsession. Please line up, or I shall have to make experimental formattings.



  • David RDavid R Posts: 276

    WinterMoon said:



    Pumpkins are my newest obsession. Please line up, or I shall have to make experimental formattings.



    Nice.  Are these hand-painted or AI? 

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    David R said: Nice.  Are these hand-painted or AI? 

    Thanks! I wish I could paint like that. They're just AI images, generated by a free program called "Craiyon." It's incredibly hit and miss with what it can produce. For example, I asked for a car shaped like a bear, (Long story, bro...) and it wasn't able to serve that no matter how I phrased it. These sets of pumpkins came out lovely, though. 

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