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You're right about Nix's nipples but their shape also warps, on different figures. It could just be my shapes, though. I might add, wonky nipples are worth it, as the "exile" poses came cheap and they are very well done.
As for your latest bunch of renders, they're all very good. Although, for the life of me, I cannot comprehend wearing winter woollies at christmas - 'tis the season for heatwaves, flies, dust storms, thunderstorms, flies, bushfires and flies .
The poses are wonderful! Thank you!
I will check out the exile poses. My beef with Nix's nipples is they remind me of a Salvador Dali painting. They seem to be melting off his pecs.
Hehhe. We don't get real winter much here in my neck of the woods likee others in more northern parts. But I'm still nostalgic for white winter, even thought, I'm glad we don't get them here often.
Glad you like them! I should mention the poses mix-n-match pretty well. I should test out a pose set like that. Might be interesting.
Noah Sci-Fi Outfit for Genesis 8 Males.
This set looks really good. It was released today and missed the big NIX intro, which is suprising, but. Yura really has stepped up their game with textures. These are really impressive and realistic, without being super memory intensive. You get lots of great suit colors in this set as well
The only negative, is the pelvis/groin looks a little... High? Almost Looks like a female hip and there is a baked in round shape, highter than my male character's anatomical elements. I see it in a few textures... Is that his armor? Is it tucked in all the way down there? I don't know, but not liking it. It draws the eye there, and makes me wonder where the rest of him has got to.
I did try dialing in a bulge morph to try to see if that could be corrected, but still looked weird. Overall, I love the outfit, just wish the groin didn't have the baked in (?) line. It just emphasizes there is no bulge.
Here is Owen wearing the outfit with one of the texture expansions. Each piece is removable, so this set would be great for kitbashing. you can see the baked in line...
Maybe the fabric of those pants is meant to be too thick to show much of a bulge, or there may even be a crown jewel protection compartment built in. It's a suit of armour, after all.
Owen looks good, though. (When doesn't he? Ha ha!)
Slight correction to one of the hands was made. other than that its exactly the same.
Available Here for Download soon.
Its just the seam is kinda high. Its like his crotch is an itch or two below this baked in shape. I'm going with it being the top of the bottom of his torso armor. The seams of his pants are kinda cool though. Too bad about the white mark
I love the textures on that suit but yes, it looks like he has been neutered.
Boyd on his Lime scooter... Will be back. Just need to fix a hand.
Boyd with his lime scooter. I had tremendous amount of difficulty with this simple render, due to a product throwing a duplicate formula error. All my batched night renders did not render.
The scooter is cute, but too small for Boyd. (Then again, since he's pretty tall, this is unsurprising) . The pose also didn't work for me too well. It was quite stiff, with the knees, up and the legs and arms oddly placed. So I relaxed it a bit...
He is clearly out for a coffee run.
He looks great- needs a double cup holder on the scooter!
He totally does! He’ll need to go twice to get drinks for them both at this rate. I’m not even sure how he manages one drink on the scooter but he’s pretty resourceful. Given the size of that drink, it is most certainly Owen’s.
Owen and Boyd hang lights on Boyd's grandmother's home. Sadly, the victorian home is an old product and there wasn't really a way to make the windows light up, like I wanted. And I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel to find winter clothing I haven't used in a render! This is Genesis 2 Windchill hoodie and shirt.
I like your winter renders best...
Boyd's 2018 Christmas Pinup Picture.
Remind me to never render the white fluffy rug again! LOL
Okay, so I bought the Iray Blizzard Product. I'm going to see what we can do to make Stonemason's Abandoned city look more... Snowy.
Here is a quick viewport snapshot of the environement I'm going to tweak. It is purely 3DL so, I have irayized it, and removed the skydome since its for 3DL.
The first options we have are fog and snow. When I click to add them my viewport is osbscured by clear panes. This is clearly the effect to add last. But you can see when I switch to preview mode, we have some murk and snow.... So that looks good. But... I think we need to make the ground look more snowy first.
So we have two options here- shaders and decals. I'm going wtih shaders for now. There are several which have different strengths of snow, so you can cover your scene with a light drizzle or a blanket of snow. Here I've done most of the ground. Including the river with the shaders to give it the frosty touch.
That looks great! So lets make it all snowy!
There is one 'snow pile' product included, so I put that up against the building. It is hollow on one side. I'm not overly enthused about that prop, because you only get one, but there it is.
Overall, this product is great. Definitly worth picking up for those shaders. It also isn't too memory intensive. Sometimes Ice and snow can be memory munchers. Not this set- so far.
There was a rug in that picture???
Although I barely noticed it, that's a nice Santa hat.
I'm following your snow adventure. I'd like to know how easy it is to use. So far it looks like it is working well for you.
The hat is from the G3M Santa suit. It looked better than the one that comes with the skimpwear. It has better fur and a nicer bell. Although I photoshopped in another bell since autofit, distorted it.
I like the set so far. The snow effects are great!
Okay, so now, we will try adding snow and mist to the scene.
There are additional shaders that can be used but I think they'd look better on a flatter less detailed ground. They can add tire tracks and footprints. I used footprints on the center path in my last render but I think they should be bigger. We will try a flatter area.
I'm going to add some people to try the frosty breath as well, which means Owen or Boyd gets to freeze.
Okay, so here is with the mist, and snow added. I think I'm going to delete my snow mound. It looks incongrous sitting there .
The product page does say it has two shaping morphs.
I like the previous versoin better. The snow mound looks fine in that one. In the last one, there are dark spots between the viewer anf the mound that look strange to me. Is that supposed falling snow? /why is it gray?