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Superman is hot!
I almost thought Batman was Captain Jack Harkness for a second, though!
Aww. Thanks. Batman and superman are enigmatic to me since they kind look similar. Dress badman as Superman and vice versa they would be difficult to tell apart. Superman is technically an alien so he is a sci-fi character.
Here is RoboSkinz Security Bot for G8M.
Lets take a moment to appreciate the fact that a PA made a MALE robot skin. and it looks pretty nice.
Here is Boyd with the skin on. The only thing I thing I wish it had were some different eye options. These seem a touch TOO human.
This is great though. Very easy to use.
There is no gen texture.
A robot wouldn't need gens, would he?
Well ... not to put too fine a point on it, but that would depend on why the robot was made and what the owner intended to use him for. (And I cannot imagine Daz -- or most PAs, really -- being terribly comfortable articulating that concept with a character.)
It isn’t uncommon in sci-fi to have anatomically correct robots. There was terminator, lt. Commander data, and any number of female robots..
it doesn’t make a lot of sense if you go through the trouble of making a bot humanoid to make it neuter. Otherwise there are much more practical shapes a bot could be that would work more efficiently. The human figure although aesthetically appealing isn’t the best body shape for a robot truth be told
I think there's a difference, in that they all had human-like skin, and were made to look as human as possible. They wore clothes, like humans. This skin looks like metal, and is probably meant for a "nude" character.
Back when I reviewed fanfiction, I read a fic where Bella Swan got pregnant with Optimus Prime from Transformers. My head would just not wrap around that one.
BTW, this makes me wonder, how does Boyd get in and out of his body? It's a biological human body, right, and not an android? So, does it have an easy way to open his skull so his brain can get out? Because TBH, that sounds like a humongous vulnerability for a military guy to have.
It is a guild secret but Boyd and other pilot brains can disassemble his brain into particles move a short distance and reassemble in his new location. He can survive about an hour outside his body but must find a new body in that time or he wil die
He usually goes up the nose or maybe the ear. It is easier to transfer into a mechanical bot since there are specific valves to enter.
Law does not allow people to clone with brains for ethical reason so all clone bodies can be inhabited but Boyd prefers bodies with more hardware so he typical does not inhabit chipless bodies.
Boyd has his own veins and attachments one he gets in the drivers seat but some bodies have these implanted already for his convenience.
some brains can’t inhabit bodies if they become too tankbound so young brains are tanked within similar confines to the human skull so they don’t grow larger than the human skull will allow.
The abiltiy to disassemble is an advanced brain technique and most brains still are implanted the old fashioned way by surgeons. The bodies they are implanted in are often semi permanent for this reason
As far as skin being an indicator of anatomical correctness I would say often that is true but not always. There are quite a few fully functioning gynoid characters with all their bits. Hajime Sorayama for example piloted the concept of sexy metal bots with some bits.
Superman rescues tourists from a freak storm.
I wanted to render a picture form the ground up looking up at the sky. This proved to be an interesting challenge light wise.
Wow! Could be an old-school illustration!
Looks good. I recently tested the recent Underwater freebie and while it is very nice in most natural poses with people the front of the body will be in shadow so not so dramatic unless you invent unusual circumstances and add more light sources.
Fantastic render. Love the feeling of movement!
Thank you!
Thanks appreciate that.
I downloaded it but haven't tried it yet. Maybe superman needs to go swimming.
I think MightyMite has an old-school Aquaman suit at Rendo. Then again, it might be manageable with one of the Daz supersuits, autofitted or transferred to G8M, and some shaders. You know, in case Supes needs some company underwater.
Oh man, hunky old school aquaman? I’ll have to try that!
Heads up, Muscleman released a nice freebie texture expansion to the MAXX swimwear here:
Thanks, woulda missed it!
Thanks for the heads-up. Probably wouldn't have found them & they are too awesome to miss out on!
That Superman looks amazing, and you did the camera angle perfectly. VERY nice job!
Superman and his Dog, because Krypto is always a goodboi. =-)
Too adorable...
Dr. Tate Michaels is Boyd's brilliant older half brother.
Dr. Tate is a bioethicist: Which is a professional with an advanced degree in one of many fields who addresses questions about the “right” thing to do when there are conflicting values and uncertainty about ethically justifiable decisions or actions. Also he has a medical degree, with a specialty in cybernetics.
Boyd believes Tate is dead, but we all know that isn't true. The question is where is Dr. Michaels now and what nefarious reason was he abducted 20 years ago?
Sadly I couldn't find any bell bottoms for MEN! But...These fit kind of... They are from the Looking Back set, I believe which came with Monique 8.
Why is he wearing bellbottoms, when we last saw him he had just shaved all his hair... Hmm... One wonders....
The flower power outfit for genesis fits a bit better than the G8F version, but the textures aren't really optimized for iray. I tried using a denim shader, but it sort of removed the detail. The montana shirt for genesis 3 male, looks great recolored though. It has the right style of collar (almost), for the retro look I was going for.
Ansakos' Road Trip Hippy van (why not spell this properly), Hippy means someone has big hips... Renders suprisingly quickly despite causing my machine to lag.
Looks a bit like Lenny Kravitz, who reminds me of Abner & Gladys Kravitz with that name.
I remember wearing bell bottoms as a boy. Some people might not believe it but it used to be bell bottoms were the only type of pants available and not just for jeans. Well if you were a boy and had never worn what we called 'church clothes' that is. Also, if a shirt was longed sleeved, then we wore balloon sleeves, yes, even if you were a boy.
I despised balloon sleeves but loved bell bottoms; truth be told I'd of never of stopped wearing and would still be wearing bell bottoms had they eventually not stopped selling them.
I think we've collectively all decided to forget about it, but bell bottoms briefly (but fiercly) came back in the early 00es.
I like bell bottom jeans and find them a very flattering style. I still wear bootcut whenever I can, and would wear bells if they were more available. You can order bells online but I find women’s sizing is not true and worse, often innacurate so I prefer trying stuff on.
I am short waisted with really long legs so bells are a great look for me.
I guess Tate's time-travelling, and has made himself quite at home in the 70s.
I loved them so much I took his designs and created thong counterparts. I did some other updates here and there. He approved and probably will share them soon as well
That is entirely possible. I wonder how that happened. =-)