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There's a VWD for Carrara? I don't have it. I've just been using Bullet. The bounce is at 0, but i'm noticing it doesn't just get bigger, it ex-plodes and tears and makes a m ess
1) Yes, you can use VWD with Carrara. You need a plugin by Philemo to transfer the files from Gerald's VWD to Carrara.
2) It has been a while since I did much with softbody physics. However, here are some potentially useful excerpts and links.
stringtheory's main thread -
Sorry, I'm slow
But here's something to show
That I'm work8intg on a thingo
Song: "Every Breath You Take" by The Police
no rush, am waiting until the Hairy side challenge winds up before I announce an entry thread and end date for submissions
yumma thanks!
cant see a gingerman without thiking of the scene in Shrek
gumdrop buttons. doo yoo know the muffin man?
i'm thinking 'Dream Warriors by Dokken'
there a song rule?
i should read the 1st post again
i'm at turbo ... cant figure out how to search for free .car
Hello Misty, I went to TurboSquid, first of all I searched for Carrara, then when those had been found I searched for $0 Free items. None available according to the search. There are quite a few obj, 3ds, fbx files for free.
I love the smell of A-bombs in the morning.
I'm not much for horror poems or music. The closest I can come is Ghost Riders in the Sky. Vaughn Monroe sang the original version - and he has incredible pipes - but I also like this version from an otherwise forgettable movie, Blues Brothers 2000:
However, my idea of a ghost herd render got modified when I saw Mark Bremmer's A-bomb freebie. And I also remembered the famous line from Apocalypse Now:
Another influence was HW's thread about JSplacement. I love displacement, and that program provides an endless playground in Carrara. Thanks HW!
The terrain was made in Carrara using a map from JSplacement. Lights are standard Carrara, with no GI or HDRI. Carrara fire, Carrara clouds, and Carrara text (sig).
The models are Steam Dragon, Michael 4, and some Steam Cowboy accessories. And the freebie is, of course, the A-bomb from Mark Bremmer, which is both stunning and incredibly educational to open up and study how he did it.
And no postwork. Thanks Carrara!
(I may add some postwork later to make the flames more realistic - unless someone has a suggestion of how to do it in in Carrara)
wow that's just a WOW UB, very impressed, love that scene too, Charlie Dont Surf ;)
Thanks HW! Yeah, surfers nightmare. :)
Just had a closer look at the city. Amazing job you did. Ad the lighting is 'just' right.
I am concerned the .car freebie required causing so many stress and must remind you all it only needs to be used and mentioned not the main focus of the scene so please look at the links on the first page, pick something insignificant and plonk it in a corner, on a shelf, as an ornament or even as a miniature on a necklace or something if it's going to be a problem using it.
and on the other requirement you can also write your own poem, it need not be great literature.
There are 17 pages of freebie Carrara format files listed at ShareCG. Just check the box for Carrara in the search parameters.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sweeny Todd bled,
And so will you.
Bwahahahahahahahaha. Obviously, I am looking for a Carrara hair freebie. Or, I will post another one. There are some dynamic hair "shields" at ShareCG to speed up calculaitons of animations when hair interacts with moving figures, but I don't think I will use one.
(Edit: I bet several of you now prefer my parody of the Oktoberfest standard, "In Heaven, they have no beer" as "In heaven, they have no hair.")
I'll have a go at this one today sometime... inspired after doing some decking work this week on the house..
The boy stood on the burning deck
His pocket full of crackers
When a spark flew up his trouser leg
And blew off both his........................
@UnifiedBrain that is pretty awesome and gave me an idea for another render as well...
ha ha - how many letters ?
Diomede thanks for the free car links!
with that statement you have opened a pandora's box............
Pandora opened her box
she was quite the fox
what came out
was a large amount
of very smelly odd socks
Hi all, I have been working here and there on an entry, but something has come up and I cannot complete it. The person scheduled to direct my community theater's winter production just bowed out due to an unexpected medical problem. I have volunteered to step in and direct. As some of the folks here can attest, planning a show is very time consuming, and I'm starting late, and hitting the ground running.
I'm sorry I can't finish an entry for Wendy's debut challenge!
that's a shame EP... but good onya for stepping up... anyone who enters a pie eating comp can do anything... go you good thing
The Carrara freebie is my The Karaboudjan I modelled for the Animation Club #4
The boy stood on the burning deck
His pocket full of crackers
When a spark flew up his trouser leg
And blew off both his........................
:) :) :) must have been evil's :)
Sorry you cant finish Evil, better luck next time. The show must go on of course, but dont break a leg
wonderful scene Stezza :)
The Ballad of the Horrible Goat Man - courtesy of
Great free hair from sharecg - have to check whomade it again!! sorry :(
MAJourney, hope you get that entry done.
Misty, hope you can join in the action.
UB - looks like those steampunk dragons don't need to worry about EMP
Diomede - plenty of freebies to choose from
Stezza - absolute crackers of a render, although I can think of a better place to store those mini-dynamite sticks
Headwax - a poet wouldn't you know it !!!! Nice render.
This is an illustration of my own poem written in 2016. I post it as is, without translation.
Мне снилось, кто-то лез в окно:
Глаза горят и рот шипящий —
он не людской, ненастоящий...
И окровавленную руку
тянул в разбитое стекло...
Но испугаться мужика
тогда я толком не успела,
Как за окно его стащила
назад неведомая сила...
Другая сцена, чей-то дом,
Чужой, безликий и гламурный...
Какой-то мальчик был мой муж...,
Совсем ко мне неподходящий:
Он был божественно красив;
Танцор, над пропастью парящий,
Поверх всего живого взгляд
его таинственно светился,
Навеяв радости мотив.
В пустом дворе мы попрощались,
Настал момент; он мне назвал
то место, где мы повстречались
И где могли бы в нужный час
Когда-то снова повстречаться;
Но я забыла про него...
Без сожалений, без печали.
В сырой, кромешной темноте
Я выбиралась из колодца;
Мечтая вновь увидеть солнце,
Хватала выступы не те...
Холодный воздуха поток
Лицо спасительно овеял;
И почва с запахом шалфея
Шуршанием коснулась ног.
Я побежала, я бегу...
Луна дорогу освещает,
И лес за шиворот роняет
то дождь, то снег...
Исчезло всё...
В просторном зале у окна
Я тихо пряталась за шторой,
Сквозь сетку ветхую которой
Мне было видно хорошо.
Дамаска рваные обои
свисали клочьями в углу
Шальным огнём мерцал камин,
Холодно-синие фракталы
перебирая на полу...
Тень отделилась от стены
Мужчины в черном —
он соткался
из воздуха;
И силуэт
его в стекле не отражался,
И край его плаща скользил
по синим языкам огня,
Вдруг у окна он оказался,
Буквально в шаге от меня...
Бездумно и заворожённо
ждала сюжета я виток,
Но завершиться сон не смог —
Его прервал негромкой трелью
привычный утренний звонок.
Spent too much time posing...or trying now on to lighting and stuff.
Vyusur, found the English translation of your dream poem to be both spooky and sad. Nice render, sums up much of the poem.
Thats plain creepy !!!! What song/poem is the inspiration ? Every breath you take ?
Yes. Every Breath You Take by The Police
Bunyip, thank you for the comment! At least, my poem has a happy end.
trying to figure out hoe to improve it. Added some crap to the ackground