Denoise renders and save a LOT of time! (Nvidia not Reqd)

The new Daz Studio Beta integrates the Nvidia denoiser, that really speeds up renders times by calculating out the noise (that's my simple explanation of it) The downside is that you need a Nvidia card, and a card/driver combination that works. So some will be lucky, but (or you update your driver, and screw the whole things up, like I did...)
Get to the point, right? OK, here it is!
- Intel has a new denoiser library: (looks like this was mentioned by @Apuat in passing a while ago, but got little notice)
- A college student* in the UK wrote a Command-line front end about 2 weeks ago: (he also wrote one for the Nvidia cards to direct access what is in the DS Beta)
- Below is the before/after results (click for bigger) that took about 5 seconds to denoise on my laptop!
*Credit to Declan Russel for the Command Line utility, and @petipet for the Solaris Cabin model
- Grab the Zip file from the link in #2 above, and extract it to a folder
- Open a command prompt (cmd) and navigate to the folder where the denoiser.exe is, and follow the instructions
- For example, the command line example to do the above was: Denoiser.exe -i "C:\Users\username\Desktop\Denoiser\camera2.jpg" -o "C:\Users\username\Desktop\Denoiser\camera2a.jpg"
- To integrate it as a right-click menu in Windows, see this comment:
Post edited by 3dOutlaw on
very cool! Now everyone can join in :)
Definitely an interesting way of looking at it. I'd been denoising renders in Adobe Lightroom since before IRAY, all the way back to LuxRender.
It should be noted that, you will want to render the image long enough to where when denoised, it retains it's details and doesn't look completely flat.
Can you do that with any pictures, or does it have to be renders (I imagine they may have a particular noise pattern)?
I just picked a render (JPG) that had grain in it, as a test. I assume it works for any picture with noise.
I ran the same image with the NVidia Denoiser:
...and to be honest, I had to work to see the differences. They were there, but very, very minor in the final result. The Nvidia one did take longer, about 45 seconds, on my PC, but I am running an older GPU.
I just tried the commandline one by Declan Russel. The image was rendered for 4 hours, 28000+ samples and still with a bit of noise and it did an amazing job.
Just a side note, I tested this on a series of 6 renders which all from the same scene. Only the sixth one had the Nvidia denoiser run on it while it was rendering in DS, the first 5 did not. The command line denoiser does not have any effect on the 6th image.
You could also create a batch file to make it a little easier to use.
Just create a new text document, paste the command line stuff in there, and change the file extension from ".txt" to ".bat".
Then just double click the batch file. :)
the command line one does not seem to do anything on any image I have post processed. Seems to only work on the image from DS. Might be due to the embeded info from the photo editor I use.
From what I read in the main page this seems to be better used with multiple image buffers, that's beauty + albedo + normal .. I guess using it on a jpg image will not do any better than photoshop or gimp.
Does Iray have an albedo canvas??
I am clueless when it comes to scripts
just copy examples and cross my fingers
this gives warnings for all my images and just does the first one
This is definitely effective. I did this render while ago, took over 90+ minutes to get the skin clean. Here's a comparison between the original 90+ min render and a 10 min. render denoised:
ETA: this is the NVidia denoiser 2.2 that is being tested here!
And here's the orignal 90+ min render denoised:
ETA: this is the NVidia denoiser 2.2 that is being tested here!
if someone could suggest why the bat file not working for me I would really appreciate it
I'm working on a Windows DragNDrop app.
@Wendy_Carrara Does the same for me denoise the first one only!
No clue why either
I am sure someone will find out before I get to it!
Wendy, this worked for me, I put the bat in the location of the files, and double-clicked it. Only small changes below:
That would be awesome!
It still does one image only and stop there. I have win7 if that matters.
yes only one for me too sadly
Win7 as well
Interesting, I didn't think BAT's worked different across OS, but maybe so. I am running Win10. It did redo the first one twice, I noticed. The green were there, I dropped the bat there and double-clicked it, and got the purple
Seems the problem is only on Win 7
The process doesn't seem to close after processing the file.
I've created a shell command for Windows explorer so that I can multiselect files and denoise them. I still have to close all windows
Open a notepad and paste following lines. I've extracted the archive in C:\neural\denoiser , so the path must be changed according to yours. Save as a .reg file then double click it to make my modification in registry
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="cmd /c \"C:\\neural\\Denoiser\\DENOISER.exe -i \"%1\" -o \"%1.denoised.jpg\"\""
With that you can select one or many files in Windows explorer, then right click and choose "Denoise" to denoise them in one go. When all denoise are finished you can right click the CMD window in the taskbar then select "Close all windows" in order to close them all
might be the filenames too maybe hates all the same name different numbers
and yes maybe Win7 an issue
Yes I am getting the same error as Wendy . and I am on windows 7 as well . maybe lateron I'll fire up my laptop and try it on there its a win 10 pro.and see if it works on w10 or if its my bad codings
messing with the registry scares me a tad
I might muster up courage later
Wow...I guess @Taoz can stop on the drag and drop, that is much easier! Thanks! Running off to try it...
@Takeo.Kensei, can I limit that reg to certain files types, like PNG and JPG? I tried changing "*" to ".png", but it is not showing on the right-click menu?