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The worse that can happen is either you give a wrong path and it won't work, or you won't even have the denoise command in explorer. That's pretty much harmless even if you do somthing wrong. If you are really scared, you can extract the denoiser in the same path as me an just copy paste the lines I put
@everyone who is trying the explorer command, be aware that it will open one process per file simultaneously. Processing too much file at the same time may hang your computer. Process carefully. I guess the limit depends on your CPU. I don't know yet if Windows imposes a limit
I may create another command to process a whole directory one file after the other if someone asks for it
yeah I took a deep breath and ran it and rebooted and not in my right click options either
Yea, I love the idea of the right-click menu. I prefer to limit its scope. I tried this for both .png and pngfile, and restarted explorer.exe (?) thinking it was the shell, but don't see it.
@Takeo.Kensei Thank you very much
Works fine for me.
But the name of the new file is strange. 19_Bridget 8.png becomes 19_Bridget 8.png.denoised.png (I changed your jpg to png, maybe I was wrong!))
@Wendy_Carrara and 3dOutlaw I don't know why you wouldn't have the command. The only thing I can think of would be that you didn't accept registry modification or something prevented them ? You may not have the right to do such modification, so you may have to make sure you're admin
It is also possible to restrict the thing to some format but that's a bit more complicated
@xmasrose (aka tulipe) Yes, I add .denoised.jpg to the whole filename instead of using a prefix. It's easier to compare with an image browser since the beginning of the name is the same and I jjust have to order files by name
Denoisers are generally "tuned" to a particular domain (digital camera sensor, physics based renderer, digital x-ray, etc) so you'd have to change some parameters to get a good denoise of something other than a render.
I have it working now with a bit of help from a friend on skype with my path which was indeed the issue
and thankyou Takeo, this is handy even though I wouldn't do an image series and litter my desktop with cmd windows to close
Glad you got it working. :)
afaik it should be doable via LPE but it seems it doesn't work properly.
Thanks, I will figure it out eventually :)
Strike that, never figured it out. My associations and filetypes are a mess. None of the online tut's or utilities worked. So, I changed the name to "Denoise PNG", changed it to cmd /k so I could see it process (for errors), and needed another set of quotes to handle spaces in my path to the denoiser.exe.
Works! Thanks!
This works great with the denoiser, thanks!
I said de-noise the render. Noise! N O I S E!
Well here's the current DragNDrop version, if anyone is interested. Requires NET 4 (and an NVidia card if you want to use the NVidia denoiser):
Thank you very much for that, it works perfectly!!!
Its did not work for me unfortunately I kept getting this error. I'm properly missing net4
You're welcome, and thanks for the feedback!
Hm, sure you selected the correct folder for the Denoiser.exe?
yes I even went under settings to make sure i had the correct path ..
I reinstalled the denoiser to another folder instead of the temp folder and reinstalled the dnd to the new folder as well thats seem to fix it
though I was still getting errors when I excuted the denoiser. other wise your drop and drag works great as long as everything is located tgether .
Edit: Thank you it does work great
I don't think you're missing NET 4 as Windows usually asks if you want to install it if an app needs it. Though I don't recall if also Windows 7 does that, if you use that OS you may have to install it manually.
But here's a NET 3.5 version, try if that works for you:
OK, that's the NET 4 version? I don't get those warnings though so it looks like something is working differently in Win 7. Do the command line windows close automatically when done (they should)?
Here's how they look for me:
I think the problem is that you're using a different version of the Denoiser (1.0) than me (2.2). I got the 2.2 version from the link in the first post in this thread, but I think that 3dOutlaw has changed the link later so it points to 1.0 as I can't find a link to the page with 2.2. anymore. Will try to sort this out...
I do have a older system with windows 7 pro and i have hyper-threading cranked, so I suspecting its has maybe something to do with the hyper-threading
but it works in windows 7 great inspite of the errors during execution . the denoiser removes all the noise from several images i tried, so I do think the errors maybe how windows 7 reads the denoiser.
so I can put up with errors if its still removing the noise from the images The errors are just telling me that the infinity thread settings are failing to be recognized, .BTW great work on the Drop & drag app that was brilliant .
Thank you very much
Are you sure that 2.2 is the IntelOIDenoiser and not the NVidia AI Denoiser. The latter is at 2.2.
There are 2 and nvidia. The latest intel is 1.0, the latest nvidia script is 2.2. I linked to the Intel, as I was having nVidia problems, and see the title of the thread :)
They are here:
Intel -
Nvidia -
2.2 does not work at all for me so I'll stick with 1.1
Holy moly, just tried this out, and this is awesome!! Thanks.
THAT'S why it wasn't doing anything. LOL
Ah, that explains it. :) I was only aware of the NVidia version when I started on the project, and didn't notice the other one. So the whole thing became a bit confusing, especially because version 1.0 seemed to be newer than 2.2 . Well I'Il see if I can make it work for both, apparently it already works partially for the Intel version also.
ETA: total confusion I can see, I thought I was working with the Intel version (hence the file name) while it actually was the NVidia version. So the current version is actually made for the NVidia version, it anyone should be in doubt...