Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 6



  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    Guss: I was thinking about the bathroom tiles....LOL

    Ok this is a good laugh another product of mine ready for the market Jay.... these are my first 2 attempts at this... look at my hair product.....I bought it awhile back and couldn't get it to work but the artist helped me with the new download.....Its going to take more talent than I have 4 sure......some thinks are just over my head....I must try this on Albert

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  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969

    thanks all for appreciating my renders, and even though I may not reply specifically, I appreciate everyone else's advice and renders aswell. another thing to keep in mind is that most of my renders, are also modeled from scratch.

    Didnt know you modeled them all as well. Fantastic modeling work indeed!!


    these are the settings I used. scattering has its place, but I find it either detrimental or having no effect on most renders. I'll re-render it with scattering enabled and do a side by side comparison.

    I'll have to check and see if I am not incorrect in my previous statement that unless specified that Focused Scattering is the default. It may be that Scattering Correction is the default state, in which case you've already been doing the right thing.

    Aha. Yes, I did miss-speak. If no option is selected Scattering Correction is enabled by default. I have found a thread from the forum archives where these options were tested and documented quite exhaustively by myself, Horo and David B as well as several others. Here is a link to the thread.

    FYI: To view the images in the Forum Archive you will need to install the appropriate greasemonkey plug-in for your browser.

    The thread itself:
    True Ambience in Bryce 7.1 Pro / Next Step

    You will probably find the thread very interesting, its all hashed out pretty well.

    I actually think that if bryce were a vehicle, it could be a forklift. slow (i'm looking at you cpu render times!), decent lifting capabilities, generally easy to operate, but clunky at times ;)

    Fantastic comparison! Made me laugh.

  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 2013

    well here's the difference with it on and off.

    the first image is with scattering enabled, the second is the original with it disabled. I'm not seeing any difference. if it's enabled even when it's not enabled, then what would enabling/disabling it matter anyways?

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  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969

    well here's the difference with it on and off.

    the first image is with scattering enabled, the second is the original with it disabled. I'm not seeing any difference. if it's enabled even when it's not enabled, then what would enabling/disabling it matter anyways?

    Yes, it is enabled by default. In the previous post I acknowledged that I had misspoken. If nothing is selected, then Scattering Correction is the default. However, if by some chance both options are selected, it will automatically choose Focused Scattering. My memory on the issue was slightly foggy. My apologies again for the confusion. This render does indeed appear to use proper scattering as I don't see harsh color bounces.

    You are very much on the right track, don't mind me!!!

    It might be funny to see what it looks like with focused scattering. Likely much brighter but with cartoony inter-reflections.

    Thanks for talking with me.

  • GoshtacGoshtac Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi again folks; So Nice to see a few of the old crew here. As to the comment made on my mini-sub lighting, I agree there were some issues with it as the light came out too focused under water no matter what I tried to do with my lighting settings. In fact, I had to do some touchup after rendering with my PSP program to get some drop off of the light.

    Since this is show us your renders, I have another recent Bryce project I did to post here. I am not totally thrilled with the results such as the cave at the shoreline, but I hate to admit, I have been away from 3D art so long that a lot of lessons learned over the years have gone by the way side and I need to get back into my groove and refresh my memory a bit on the software.. Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks if he forgot he learned them in the past... ;-)

    Image I have here is "The Island Fortress of Capt. Nemo"

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  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 2013

    @Hansmar: Thanks for the comments. I really can't claim the rust, it came from one of Horo's and David's packages.

    @Rashad: Thank you for your kind words. What you actually see is the result of watching one of David's or Horo's videos and trying to remember what they said. The rest is pure accident. If/when I'm able to reproduce something on a constant basis, then I'll feel as though I have gained the technical expertise you speak of.

    @Trish: Well, bathroom tiles wouldn't be effected by hot silver as other materials would be. But the underlayment might. Shouldn't that cat be scheduled for a hair cut? Can't recall seeing a cat of that type with hair that long in those places.

    @user.operator: I do notice a slight difference between your last two images. The ground material in the first image is slightly noisier than in the second image. And your discussion with Rashad got me wondering about one of the gem objects I did.

    @Bruce: Capitan Nemo's stronghold isn't looking to bad for the first attempt. Water looks nice, as does the smoke from the volcano.

    The gem image below was first rendered using regular render settings, an over site on my part because TA was supposed to be used originally. The first image of this I posted was rendered using Platform1_1280 HDRI, Intensity set to 80 and 0 HDRI effect. Render settings were Regular and MDR set to 6.

    It wasn't until the discussion between Rashad and user.operator that I decided to use TA and boost light as I should have used initially. And set HDRI effect to 200. Much to my dismay, this render was worse than the first, but improved when MDR was set to 4. The resulting light on the gem makes it look bluer than in the first image, but I think the results on the ground material improved some.

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  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 1969

    @guss no I just didn't finish the last bit of the render. the upper half is finished and identical.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited December 2013

    @Trish - the mane of the lion reminds me of my shaving brush. :lol:

    @GussNemo - looking nice.

    @user.operator - forklift shows great modeling skills. Bryce is not particularly slower than other render engines. Users of other 3D software also complain their renderer being terribly slow. There are shortcuts and tricks to avoid lengthy renders. The closer you want to get to reality, the less shortcuts you/the renderer can take and the longer the render gets. Quality needs time.

    @Bruce - Nemo scene looks nice.

    @GussNemo - nice colour on the shape. I like the faceted look.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    todays free thing is .......

    Horo: A kitty shaving brush...not sure the kitty would like that...LOL

    Guss: A really bad hair day.....LOL

    Don't forget about our contest....... we need ENTRIES...ENTRIES.......not naming anyone Rashad...Bruce...goofygmom3....

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  • useroperatoruseroperator Posts: 247
    edited December 1969

    no I did not model the forklift. I said most things you see I have modeled.....but I won't take credit where it isn't due lol. That's not to say I don't have the skill the model the forklift, but sometimes it's just quicker to use pre-made content, especially for something as generic and common as a forklift.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 2013

    Hansmar...yes, rat/mouse works okay on Windows 7.0 (it's in .3ds format and is grouped in two sections).

    Hope I haven't given the impresssion that this is a model I created, but rather one done by someone called 'Dimansion' - see link here (btw, it says it's a rat, but I would think you'd get away with it looking like a mouse, too - no offence to all rats out there - you know who you are ;)). There appears to be another rat/mouse included in that site, too - click on "rat" below the image in that site.


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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Talking of free things, this just appeared over in the freepository

  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    Very cool ......Thank you Chohole!!!!!
    This Christmas is turning out to be a real good one this year...except I miss seeing snow...How will Santa ever get to my house.....

    Post edited by Trish on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Very cool ......Thank you Chohole!!!!!
    This Christmas is turning out to be a real good one this year...except I miss seeing snow...How will Santa ever get to my house.....

    You remind me off my kids, (quite a few years back when they were still young). We had just moved into a brand new house, built for Central heating, so NO chimney. Oh dear, panic stations, how was Santa going to get in with the presents.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 2013

    hansmar said:

    @Mermaid: Shirt description here: There is a big sphere, that covers everything (almost), made of some crystal material. But relatively close to the ground it is cut off by an even larger cube. The result is that there is only a ring close to the floor, but curving inward.
    Within the sphere I placed an upside-down pyramid (glassy material). Largely within that pyramid there is another cube (glasslike, again). furthermore a small sphere, which is completely black. Then I also added a few stones and a posed snake. The stones are crystalline again, but the snake is a light greenish metal.
    The whole scene is lighted by the 'lemon cantaloupe' sky (IBL). The plane is a brass-like metal, without reflection, but with ambience, picking up some of the sky.
    Various geometric effects are caused by partial reflection and partial transmission of sphere (ring), pyramid and cube. You see stones and snake partly reflected.
    I decided to break through the symetric view by adding a light shaft created by putting a cylinder through the sphere onto the floor and giving it a green volumetric cloud material. I shone a green spotlight through the shaft. This created the strong starting beam in the top left. Personally, that last part is what I am very happy with. But also, the various interactions between the geometric forms in reflections leads to some nice forms.
    Anyway, making abstracts in Bryce is all about being creative with forms, transparencies and reflections and playing with colours, viewpoints, materials, etc. Just try and have fun!

    Abstracts are fun to do and it’s amazing the effects one can get in Bryce too. I loved the layered effect of your render and it’s something that is normally done in a paint program like Photoshop, and wondered how you got the effect. Thank you very much for the info.

    Bruce – love both your renders but the underwater one is my fav

    Trish – the manes are looking nice

    user.operator – nice forklift the “Bryce” looks cool

    Chohole and Trish – thanks for the links to the freebies.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Horo: Thanks. I was very pleased how that gem object turned out, since I don't use Hex on a regular basis it was a sort of relearning project. And user.operator's instructions really helped.

    @Trish: Yeah, ok, I'll accept bad hair day.

    @user.operator: Ah, okay, an unfinished render.

    @Pam: Thank you for that link, presents are always welcomed.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said:
    @Horo: Thanks. I was very pleased how that gem object turned out, since I don't use Hex on a regular basis it was a sort of relearning project. And user.operator's instructions really helped.

    I have Hex 2.5 too but haven't had the courage to use it yet. It looks as awkward to use like DS and Carrara.

    Here are now the results of my labours I mentioned above. The first is rendered with the Obscure Light method developed by David. This TA render uses Boost Light and since there is only a small opening, there is not much light coming into the room and there remains a lot of noise even at 256 rpp. Boost light also pushes the saturation of the colours up and changes them.

    The second render is conventionally lit by 3 radials and a cube fill light with 250 lights. The HDRI (The Loading Dock made/faked from several Bryce renders, see the 3 part video Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3) is only used as backdrop but can be seen through the windows.

    The third render is the combined one. I added the lighter parts of the second render at 33% to the first render and applied an inverse gamma. There is still some noise but it is not overly offending in this desolate place.

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  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 1969

    Horo...gotta be the first one for me - with Obscure crisp, and yet so 'Riven-like' (passed the test)...want to explore more. The other two are great also, but, for this eye anyway, the first takes prominence.


  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    Horo: Awesome work!!! Trish

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Horo: That's a neat looking place. After looking at all three I'd have to go with the second image. I like that the lighting makes the central equipment look more natural.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Jamahoney, Trish, GussNemo. Your differing preferences echo my own dilemma. It was very hard for me to decide on a combination if the two.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Been out of the office for a few days, off gallivanting "up North". Not really caught up yet. Doubtless you've all been very busy in my absence. So help me out here guys if you will...

    I'm trying to put some promo images together for Horo and mines Hypertexture product and I can't decide if the font and colour choices I've made here are inspired or dreadful. So before I go too far down this path, please feel free to stop me and point me in a different direction!


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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    todays free thing is.......

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  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 2013

    David: I think your Promo looks really good ...maybe the wording could stand out a little more ..the blue behind the words kinda blends in with the images......Trish

    Post edited by Trish on
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    David: I think your Promo looks really good ...maybe the wording could stand out a little more ..the blue behind the words kinda blends in with the images......Trish

    Thanks for the feedback, I will try some colour variations then...

    Don't worry too much about the words around the box - only the white text has to be really legible - the other is just there for fancyness.

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited December 1969

    @David - the blue clashes, the second series is less "offensive" to the (my) eyes. The red works fine and the following two have a colour that matches the image.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    @David - the blue clashes, the second series is less "offensive" to the (my) eyes. The red works fine and the following two have a colour that matches the image.
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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    My 0.02p is that I am not certain on the font that you are using. When I looked quickly I read Horo's name as Hara.

    ok I didn't have glasses on, but that could be because I don't have any glasses,

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited December 1969

    @David - I like the colours. Like Pam, I'm not very enthusiastic about the font. A far-out special font is excellent, it describes a far-out product. But it is difficult to read and thus doesn't catch the eye. Not that I have a better idea ... If Dave came in, he could probably help.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    @David - I like the colours. Like Pam, I'm not very enthusiastic about the font. A far-out special font is excellent, it describes a far-out product. But it is difficult to read and thus doesn't catch the eye. Not that I have a better idea ... If Dave came in, he could probably help.

    OK, no problem, I will experiment with another font.

This discussion has been closed.