[Released] ManFriday's Mesh Grabber [Commercial]



  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    MrDarck said:
    ManFriday said:

    Status update:

    1) I think I fixed the "origin" problem (gizmo appearing in the middle of nowhere if the currently selected node has an origin defined as visible in the Daz joint editor).

    2) I can confirm the problems with vertex selection. The problem only exists with parts of figures that are not in the default pose. So it works perfectly on a plane primitive, as RGCincy reported, and it seems to work on a figure in the default pose. For parts that are not in the default pose, the mesh grabber always selects the first of the three or four vertices that make up the polygon. While it is possible to select any vertex that way, it's not really easy. :-) I haven't figured out why this is happening yet, but I'm not expecting this to be difficult.

    3) I added a help button and a help context menu item.

    I'll submit an update to Daz with these three things once I have fixed (2). Stay tuned!

    How does people know theyre conent get updates and... how do you update cntent? i never updated my content in the last 3 months.

    I submit the update to Daz, and if it survives their testing, you will see it in DIM a few days later, and you just install it.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited January 2020
    ManFriday said:
    MrDarck said:
    ManFriday said:

    Status update:

    1) I think I fixed the "origin" problem (gizmo appearing in the middle of nowhere if the currently selected node has an origin defined as visible in the Daz joint editor).

    2) I can confirm the problems with vertex selection. The problem only exists with parts of figures that are not in the default pose. So it works perfectly on a plane primitive, as RGCincy reported, and it seems to work on a figure in the default pose. For parts that are not in the default pose, the mesh grabber always selects the first of the three or four vertices that make up the polygon. While it is possible to select any vertex that way, it's not really easy. :-) I haven't figured out why this is happening yet, but I'm not expecting this to be difficult.

    3) I added a help button and a help context menu item.

    I'll submit an update to Daz with these three things once I have fixed (2). Stay tuned!

    How does people know theyre conent get updates and... how do you update cntent? i never updated my content in the last 3 months.

    I submit the update to Daz, and if it survives their testing, you will see it in DIM a few days later, and you just install it.

    Oh... I never use the DIM :D

    I install all via Zip in My Library.

    I just ordered a new PC so i can then move all easy over there :)

    Post edited by Loony on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited January 2020
    MrDarck said:

    Found it, its the "draw Fallof radius" :) instead of draw I wouls more look for a "show" :)

    Btw.... is there some kind of... rotation?

    See attachment, when I wanna pull that forward and not just push, is there some trick?


    Like I (unanswered) asked here, is there a way to bend an object? atm I see only Push modifiers. Like the tool have only the same arrows you have for Moving an object up/down, but not the rotating things.

    I would love if I can add a smooth curve to something.

    Like this from a Plane, Is there a way and I just dont see it? (example image from websearch)

    Post edited by Loony on
  • MarcCCTxMarcCCTx Posts: 912
    edited January 2020

    Just grabbed Mesh Grabber, impressive tool, thank you. I didn't notice it when it came out of I would have grabbed it sooner.


    The ability to put pressure on things, great.


    Have to go to work, but here's a clothed version.

    Arm pressure.jpg
    618 x 800 - 231K
    Arm pressure 2.jpg
    618 x 800 - 273K
    Post edited by MarcCCTx on
  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    MrDarck said:
    MrDarck said:

    Found it, its the "draw Fallof radius" :) instead of draw I wouls more look for a "show" :)

    Btw.... is there some kind of... rotation?

    See attachment, when I wanna pull that forward and not just push, is there some trick?


    Like I (unanswered) asked here, is there a way to bend an object? atm I see only Push modifiers. Like the tool have only the same arrows you have for Moving an object up/down, but not the rotating things.

    I would love if I can add a smooth curve to something.

    Like this from a Plane, Is there a way and I just dont see it? (example image from websearch)

    I'm afraid at this time the mesh grabber can only do translations. Rotations are planned for a future add-on. 

  • MarcCCTxMarcCCTx Posts: 912
    ManFriday said:
    MrDarck said:
    MrDarck said:
    I'm afraid at this time the mesh grabber can only do translations. Rotations are planned for a future add-on.

    Could we also get scales, getting all three of the Blender Basics GSR would be great

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    ManFriday said:
    MrDarck said:
    MrDarck said:

    Found it, its the "draw Fallof radius" :) instead of draw I wouls more look for a "show" :)

    Btw.... is there some kind of... rotation?

    See attachment, when I wanna pull that forward and not just push, is there some trick?


    Like I (unanswered) asked here, is there a way to bend an object? atm I see only Push modifiers. Like the tool have only the same arrows you have for Moving an object up/down, but not the rotating things.

    I would love if I can add a smooth curve to something.

    Like this from a Plane, Is there a way and I just dont see it? (example image from websearch)

    I'm afraid at this time the mesh grabber can only do translations. Rotations are planned for a future add-on. 

    I'm glad youre working on it :D I did fear the answer "not possible" :)

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633
    edited January 2020

    Concerning the updates @mrdarck , you could run the install manager, it tells you which updates are ready to update. Even when you installed through other means, it should still tell you which products are changed / updated.

    Post edited by Paintbox on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Imago said:

    I think I found the issue: Visual angle.

    While trying to select my edges, I tried rotating a bit the point of view and suddenly I managed to select the right one but in the same time some of the ones that were selectable until that moment, aren't selectable any more.
    It would be nice if the Geometry Editor could "transmit" all the selection modes to the Mesh Grabber tool.

    @Imago, This is also a limitation with the Geometry Editor. I have no insider information about the Mesh Grabber, but it makes sense that the script would use existing code from the Geometry Editor tool to select polygons and vertices, so it doesn't surprise me this is an issue. I've found selecting the Geometry Editor Tool and then hiding surfaces via the Tool Settings pane, (finding the "eye" icon of the surface and clicking on it to disable visibility,) can be a valuable tool when selecting geometry. I suspect it would be helpful with this tool, as well.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    Paintbox said:

    Concerning the updates @mrdarck , you could run the install manager, it tells you which updates are ready to update. Even when you installed through other means, it should still tell you which products are changed / updated.

    Oh well.... I guess I will do that then on my NewPC. in ~20-30days.



  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,069
    L'Adair said:
    Imago said:

    I think I found the issue: Visual angle.

    While trying to select my edges, I tried rotating a bit the point of view and suddenly I managed to select the right one but in the same time some of the ones that were selectable until that moment, aren't selectable any more.
    It would be nice if the Geometry Editor could "transmit" all the selection modes to the Mesh Grabber tool.

    @Imago, This is also a limitation with the Geometry Editor. I have no insider information about the Mesh Grabber, but it makes sense that the script would use existing code from the Geometry Editor tool to select polygons and vertices, so it doesn't surprise me this is an issue. I've found selecting the Geometry Editor Tool and then hiding surfaces via the Tool Settings pane, (finding the "eye" icon of the surface and clicking on it to disable visibility,) can be a valuable tool when selecting geometry. I suspect it would be helpful with this tool, as well.

    Actually when I can't select an edge in Mesh Grabber I can do it in the Geometry Editor without moving the view angle. Definitely there's some difference in the coding.
    I'll try that trick hiding the surfaces, maybe it can be the right solution. Perhaps ManFriday can implement an "autohide" when the edge and vertex selection are activated.

  • DripDrip Posts: 1,186

    Well, with this tool, the only use I see left for deformers, is scaling and rotating. But for moving a few polygons (the more common modification, because of pokethroughs), Mesh Grabber is way more convenient in use.

  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,048
    edited January 2020

    Just wanted to say thank you for this product!  Been using the heck out of this tool for the last several hours making very minor facial adjustments.  It remains to be seen how the export to .obj then create new morph thing will go with my current project, but yeah...



    Post edited by tj_1ca9500b on
  • Just bought this. Very useful. It is great in many ways. Very close to excellent, in fact.

    Problems I have with it: (1) sometimes I am unable to select an edge. It selects ones nearby but not the one I want. (2) Sometimes the gizmo appears far away from the features I have selected. Makes it difficult to use with precision when that happens. (3) Even when the gizmo is close to the selected region, it does not locate itself at the center of the action, but at vertex nearby. For example if I select one edge, it does not apear between the vertices that bound the edge. Same for faces or selections of multiple features.

    Two things I want to be able to do but can't: (1) Modify the left suface of the left leg or arm and then transfer that mod exactly to the right surface of the right leg or arm. (2) Apply the same mods to new G8 figures without having to redo them by hand. Both may may be possible but I don't know how to do them.  Any suggestions?

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Copy modifiers would indeed be a nice featrue, but I assume that would be very complex....

    The problem with the gizmo going far away is knowed and ManFriday is working on it.

    To your first problem, I had that with a spiderman outfit... but there it was mainly the problem, that the item had a complete broken geometry... so maybe the item you used was just broken/bad scripted.

    But I know it can be tricky to get always the correct points, which we wanna modify.

  • Just bought this. Very useful. It is great in many ways. Very close to excellent, in fact.

    Problems I have with it: (1) sometimes I am unable to select an edge. It selects ones nearby but not the one I want. (2) Sometimes the gizmo appears far away from the features I have selected. Makes it difficult to use with precision when that happens. (3) Even when the gizmo is close to the selected region, it does not locate itself at the center of the action, but at vertex nearby. For example if I select one edge, it does not apear between the vertices that bound the edge. Same for faces or selections of multiple features.

    1 + 3) I'm still working on a fix for vertex and edge selection, and it turns out to be a bit more time consuming than I thought. But I'm on it, and it will be fixed soon.

    2) Is already fixed here and will be included in that updated.

    Two things I want to be able to do but can't: (1) Modify the left suface of the left leg or arm and then transfer that mod exactly to the right surface of the right leg or arm. (2) Apply the same mods to new G8 figures without having to redo them by hand. Both may may be possible but I don't know how to do them.  Any suggestions?

    I am planning future add-ons for symmetry features but I can't say yet how that will look like exactly. Regarding 2), I think what you want is to create a morph from the deltas in the mesh grabber by exporting it to OBJ and reimporting it with Morph Loader Pro. Then you can save that morph asset to make it available in all G8F or G8M figures, for example. I learned it with this great tutorial by Sickleyield: but the steps required here are simpler because you don't need Blender -- you just export the OBJ and reimport it with Morph Loader Pro. Maybe someone has a more specific tutorial handy for that?

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited February 2020
    ManFriday said:
    I am planning future add-ons for symmetry features but I can't say yet how that will look like exactly. Regarding 2), I think what you want is to create a morph from the deltas in the mesh grabber by exporting it to OBJ and reimporting it with Morph Loader Pro. Then you can save that morph asset to make it available in all G8F or G8M figures, for example. I learned it with this great tutorial by Sickleyield:
    but the steps required here are simpler because you don't need Blender -- you just export the OBJ and reimport it with Morph Loader Pro. Maybe someone has a more specific tutorial handy for that?

    I put together a step-by-step from information I got from Richard Haseltine. It is specifically for creating morphs from dForce simulations, but it should be easy enough to follow along and create a morph from mesh modified with the Mesh Grabber. That mini-tutorial is here.

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • Hello everybody, I've found and fixed the the second (vertex selection) bug too. So, before I submit the fixes to Daz, if any brave souls would like to test the fixes, I would much appreciate that! So here it is:

    Mesh Grabber 1.1.0 public beta

    Please check this link: https://mega.nz/#F!nmZw3Cbb!5K938GQ3CWlD_T5b01OBxg

    The folder contains only one DLL file with a fix, which you can copy to your \Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins directory (or wherever your Daz Studio is installed). The directory should have an existing DLL file of the same name.

    Important notes:

    1. Please make a copy of the old DLL before copying the new one over it.
    2. You will probably need Windows administrator permissions to replace the DLL.
    3. The new DLL is time-bombed and will stop working four weeks from today to make sure I don't get bug reports for it two years from now. The Tool Settings dialog will have a heading with the version number and a "TEST" marker. When the DLL stops working, please copy back your backup, or reinstall the product via DIM.
    4. This is beta code. It hasn't gone through Daz testing.
    5. The DLL is for 64-bit Windows only.

    This has the followig fixes:

    • Fix for the gizmo appearing at a large offset if the selected scene node had an internal offset defined (as visible in the Daz joint editor).
    • Fix edge and vertex selection always selecting the same edge/vertex within a poly if the geometry had any modifiers active. (It worked fine on plane primitives and a stock figure in the T-pose but stopped working as soon as the pose was changed or morphs were active.)

    • Added a “Help” button to the Tool Settings pane and a “Help” item to the context menu which should open the PDF manual.

    • Made Tool Settings dialog a bit more compact.

    • Preparations for a “Rotations” add-on (not functional yet). Please ignore. :)

    If this works well for you all, I'll push a product update to Daz ASAP. Thank you so much for testing!

  • L'Adair said:
    ManFriday said:

    I put together a step-by-step from information I got from Richard Haseltine. It is specifically for creating morphs from dForce simulations, but it should be easy enough to follow along and create a morph from mesh modified with the Mesh Grabber. That mini-tutorial is here.

    That is fantastic, L'Adair. Thank you !

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    ManFriday said:

    Hello everybody, I've found and fixed the the second (vertex selection) bug too. So, before I submit the fixes to Daz, if any brave souls would like to test the fixes, I would much appreciate that! So here it is:

    Mesh Grabber 1.1.0 public beta


    This has the followig fixes:

    • Fix for the gizmo appearing at a large offset if the selected scene node had an internal offset defined (as visible in the Daz joint editor).
    • Fix edge and vertex selection always selecting the same edge/vertex within a poly if the geometry had any modifiers active. (It worked fine on plane primitives and a stock figure in the T-pose but stopped working as soon as the pose was changed or morphs were active.)

    • Added a “Help” button to the Tool Settings pane and a “Help” item to the context menu which should open the PDF manual.

    • Made Tool Settings dialog a bit more compact.

    • Preparations for a “Rotations” add-on (not functional yet). Please ignore. :)

    If this works well for you all, I'll push a product update to Daz ASAP. Thank you so much for testing!

    Thanks I will test it, I have right now a scene, where the gizmo doesnt appear, lets see if that fix will help, but I have also a older one, with my pillow (I guess I showed that 1-2 pages ago) which I can load to test.

    And sad, that the rotation is not included, wish I could test that too :D

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,069
    ManFriday said:
    • Preparations for a “Rotations” add-on (not functional yet). Please ignore. :)

     This sounds REALLY interesting! laugh

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    So, I tested it, on the Prop (a Hairbrush) it worked.

    On The Skin (Victoria 4.2, really not a good skin...) it doesnt work correct. Same on the skirt used on her.

    And... didnt you say it have some TEST printed at the tools? I also dont see any new tools infos... I replaced my old .dll and daz3d was indeed complete new started.

    So did you maybe upload a wrong one? Or... I am to stupid? :D

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  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    edited February 2020
    MrDarck said:

    So, I tested it, on the Prop (a Hairbrush) it worked.

    On The Skin (Victoria 4.2, really not a good skin...) it doesnt work correct. Same on the skirt used on her.

    And... didnt you say it have some TEST printed at the tools? I also dont see any new tools infos... I replaced my old .dll and daz3d was indeed complete new started.

    So did you maybe upload a wrong one? Or... I am to stupid? :D

    You are still running the old version. The new one looks like in the attachment.

    I just verified, the download from the link has the correct DLL. Did you copy it to the correct directory? Are you running multiple versions of Daz (beta and stable) and replaced the DLL in the wrong one? "Help" -> "About installed plugin" could also give you a hint, the Mesh Grabber should be seen under "ManFriday's Meh Grabber".

    462 x 516 - 32K
    Post edited by ManFriday on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited February 2020

    weird, I did replaced the old, but let the Backup still in the folder, maybe... he grabs the backup dll?...

    Removing the backup.dll did help, NOW its the one, so don't let the old file in the same folder :)

    And, you made it, The skirt,Shirt, Skin (SSS :D ) does now get the gizmo ball on the clicked area :)

    I test now also the pillow.

    The pillow also works now, and give me that rotate thing :D


    The Help Button tooltip, say it open a PDF but... nothing does open, is that a bug or intended?


    Post edited by Loony on
  • DripDrip Posts: 1,186
    ManFriday said:

    This has the followig fixes:

    • Preparations for a “Rotations” add-on (not functional yet). Please ignore. :)

    Awesome! If you can sometime squeeze in a scaling add-on as well, then we won't need to use the d-former interface like.. ever again! :D

  • MrDarck said:

    weird, I did replaced the old, but let the Backup still in the folder, maybe... he grabs the backup dll?...

    Removing the backup.dll did help, NOW its the one, so don't let the old file in the same folder :)

    Yes, Daz Studio picks up any file in the plugins folder with a .DLL extension, so that looks like the cause of the problem.

    MrDarck said:

    And, you made it, The skirt,Shirt, Skin (SSS :D ) does now get the gizmo ball on the clicked area :)

    I test now also the pillow.

    The pillow also works now, and give me that rotate thing :D

    That's great! Thank you for testing!

    I have a little bit of trigonometry to do before the rotate thing is ready though.

    MrDarck said:

    The Help Button tooltip, say it open a PDF but... nothing does open, is that a bug or intended?


    Hm that works here. It will try to open the file /docs/Plugins/Mesh Grabber/Mesh Grabber Manual.pdf under your Daz Studio installation directory. Does that file exist? It should have been installed when you initially installed the Mesh Grabber via DIM.

  • Drip said:
    ManFriday said:

    This has the followig fixes:

    • Preparations for a “Rotations” add-on (not functional yet). Please ignore. :)

    Awesome! If you can sometime squeeze in a scaling add-on as well, then we won't need to use the d-former interface like.. ever again! :D

    Yes, it's on the list. One at a time. :-)

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited February 2020
    ManFriday said:
    The Help Button tooltip, say it open a PDF but... nothing does open, is that a bug or intended?
    MrDarck said:


    Hm that works here. It will try to open the file /docs/Plugins/Mesh Grabber/Mesh Grabber Manual.pdf under your Daz Studio installation directory. Does that file exist? It should have been installed when you initially installed the Mesh Grabber via DIM.

    Hmm, I don't have that there :(

    and I don't used the DIM. I install all manual.

    2020-02-07 15_15_06.jpg
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    Post edited by Loony on
  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,831

    Tried it out and works fine. I used a scene where the mesh grabber gizmo was far removed from the selection point with the original dll but now it's right on it. The slider to adjust gizmo size works fine as does the pdf opening. Looks good ot me.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,014

    V 1.1.0 Public Beta: The Mesh Grabber tool icon highlight is still not going away when a different tool in the toolbar is selected.

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