[Released] ManFriday's Mesh Grabber [Commercial]



    edited April 2020

    I was wondering, is there a rotate in circle option? I was using it on hair that was sticking up in the air, and all I wanted to do was take the strands and position them down close to the body and found whatever I tried with the meshgrabber, it wouldn't allow me to do this- all I could do was move the hair up or upwards. In the end I just rendered the image in a way where it didn't show the hair sticking up in the air. I read through the guide and didn't find anything, unless I am super blind as a bat-Which is possible :) - but remember reading it is in your store, however I don't see anything there as an add-on.  Any ideas? Or will this come as part of an update?

    Otherwise, brilliant tool.

    Post edited by CELESRA on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    lycanine said:

    I was wondering, is there a rotate in circle option? I was using it on hair that was sticking up in the air, and all I wanted to do was take the strands and position them down close to the body and found whatever I tried with the meshgrabber, it wouldn't allow me to do this- all I could do was move the hair up or upwards. In the end I just rendered the image in a way where it didn't show the hair sticking up in the air. I read through the guide and didn't find anything, unless I am super blind as a bat-Which is possible :) - but remember reading it is in your store, however I don't see anything there as an add-on.  Any ideas? Or will this come as part of an update?

    Otherwise, brilliant tool.

    @lycanine, ManFriday announced a couple of weeks ago that the Rotation addon is complete and just waiting on Daz to release it. It's coming, but only Daz knows when.


  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,418
    edited April 2020

    What about something that converts a prop/figure into high Sub-D mesh (by exporting with subd and importing as static obj) - so that mesh grabber can be used with higher mesh resolution?

    Post edited by lilweep on
  • mcorrmcorr Posts: 1,084

    Are we getting a mac version??


    Thanks L'Adair.

    I didn't know about the announcement. I only recently (as in this last 4 days) used the mesh grabber for the first time. If a rotation tool gets added, it will make me very happy! :)

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited April 2020

    Heyho all/ManFriday,

    I just got here an Problem, I converted this houseshoe into a Prop (removed the rigging and deleted the other shoe), so I can let the char taking it off and grab.

    Now I wanted to push it a bit to simulate the handgrabbing of the shoe.

    But, as you see in the first Attachment, I select a point at the foot hoe, but Meshgrabber does move where the Arrows appear, at the toes O_o...

    I am confused, why does this happen?

    You can see it also on the second pic.

    Edit: I could fix it by changing the Mesh Resoulution from base to High in SubD. (still SubD1)

    Base does cause the error:

    Maybe a bug that could get fixed? Its not the first time, that moving a mesh at a point does move it at a other point.

    Update: I can change it back to base, after editing, without problems, so High Res for edits, base for render/work.

    2020-04-21 20_47_43-DAZ Studio 4.12 Pro - Renovate the attic8-2.duf.jpg
    848 x 774 - 33K
    2020-04-21 20_47_55-DAZ Studio 4.12 Pro - Renovate the attic8-2.duf.jpg
    875 x 778 - 36K
    2020-04-21 20_51_41-DAZ Studio 4.12 Pro - Renovate the attic8-2.duf.jpg
    473 x 450 - 17K
    Post edited by Loony on
  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,069
    Imago said:

    Dumb question about the Morph Spawn option, it will work on non-zeroed meshes?
    I mean, if I use the grabber on a piece of clothing or a geograft on a char sitting far away from the world center, the morph will be created or I have to unparent the clothing/geograft and zero it to have effect?

    It seems my post got unseen... cheeky So I'll repost it!

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    Imago said:
    Imago said:

    Dumb question about the Morph Spawn option, it will work on non-zeroed meshes?
    I mean, if I use the grabber on a piece of clothing or a geograft on a char sitting far away from the world center, the morph will be created or I have to unparent the clothing/geograft and zero it to have effect?

    It seems my post got unseen... cheeky So I'll repost it!

    I wish I could answer you but.. what is "Morph spawn"? I never saw that word/thing in the Meshgrabber product.

    And I dont work always in World centre, so if you dont have mesh grabber now and thats the question, you can edit the mesh anywhere and... thats it.

    Its like the Translation tool, you just move the stuff around.



  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,069
    MrDarck said:
    Imago said:
    Imago said:

    Dumb question about the Morph Spawn option, it will work on non-zeroed meshes?
    I mean, if I use the grabber on a piece of clothing or a geograft on a char sitting far away from the world center, the morph will be created or I have to unparent the clothing/geograft and zero it to have effect?

    It seems my post got unseen... cheeky So I'll repost it!

    I wish I could answer you but.. what is "Morph spawn"? I never saw that word/thing in the Meshgrabber product.

    And I dont work always in World centre, so if you dont have mesh grabber now and thats the question, you can edit the mesh anywhere and... thats it.

    Its like the Translation tool, you just move the stuff around.



    It's a future feature he's planning to add to Mesh Grabber, the plugin doesn't have that yet. smiley
    It's one of the things MF is working on listed in the end of the Mesh Grabber manual.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Oh okay, what is that? can you explain it me?

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    MrDarck said:

    Oh okay, what is that? can you explain it me?

    To "Spawn" a morph means Daz Studio will create a morph dial for you from the changes you've made to the mesh, (it will look just like all the morphs you already use, in the Parameters tab.) It's pretty much a one-button operation, after you've completed making your changes. As opposed to the many steps you take to create morphs "manually". Here is my mini-tut on creating morphs with dForce simulations. As you can see at a glance, there are many steps to create a morph. There are also many opportunities to mess it up. With a Spawn Morph button, (as dForms has,) the necessary steps are performed in the background, and there's zero chance to mess it up.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Ohhhh, that would be Awesome! if it isnt so complex, I love Sliders^^ and hate that I have to redo some meshgrabber always again and again :D

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583

    What's the minimum version of DS to use this?  I still use

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    What's the minimum version of DS to use this?  I still use

    Why do People use the old versions?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    MrDarck said:

    What's the minimum version of DS to use this?  I still use

    Why do People use the old versions?

    For a variety of reasons.   I still use Bryce 5 and Bryce 6 sometimes,  even though I have Bryce 7 on my computer.   I also use an older version of Poser rather tthan the newer ones,  as it is far simpler to use quickly and does what I need.   I expect DS users are much the same.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,406
    MrDarck said:

    What's the minimum version of DS to use this?  I still use

    Why do People use the old versions?

    It depends on people. For some people it's because that old version works better on their system, for example if their graphic card is not supported anymore by newer versions of Iray.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    tbh... I would not use daz3d if I dont have a Strong PC^^... but I am a quality/graphic whore so... I would never use 3DL (and no not playing Minecraft or Secondlife).

    I had already struggle playing Borderlands :D but, its so funny! :P

    (I love dark humor!)


  • mcorrmcorr Posts: 1,084

    How are we doing with getting a MAC version of this out? Are we working on it? Do we need a mac developer/expert to port the Windowz version over to MAC? Anybody willing to do that? What is being done, or what is in the offing, to get this thing running on both platforms

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560

    What's the minimum version of DS to use this?  I still use

    I don't have a Daz Studio version that old so I cannot confirm that Mesh Grabber will run there. I just don't know. Sorry!

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    mcorr said:

    How are we doing with getting a MAC version of this out? Are we working on it? Do we need a mac developer/expert to port the Windowz version over to MAC? Anybody willing to do that? What is being done, or what is in the offing, to get this thing running on both platforms

    The Mac versions are on the list of things I want to do, but it's a long list by now. I can't give a specific timeline, nor would another developer be useful. Sorry!

  • ManFriday said:

    What's the minimum version of DS to use this?  I still use

    I don't have a Daz Studio version that old so I cannot confirm that Mesh Grabber will run there. I just don't know. Sorry!

    The SDK includes DS

  • SBibbSBibb Posts: 597

    I just wanted to jump in here and say I'm really, really happy with mesh grabber (and I'm also very much looking forward to when that rotation add-on becomes available).

    I just found that I could use mesh grabber (and the helpful "grow selection" when right clicking the selected mesh) to select individual birds from DZFire's "The Flock Gulls and Crows" and move them, thus helping them to avoid clipping. That was not a use I had anticipated. But yay! :-D

    I still occassionally have a problem accidentally deselecting everything, but it's been so much easier to work with than the dFormer. :-)

    Thanks for making this!

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Hey ManFriday.

    This is my standard build:

    I really dont like the fallof ball, its just disturbing me during the work and 100% gain is too fast.

    So I have to change it always, I also made a good result with linear.


    Is it possible, that you add a Button for "save as Preference" or something?

  • lukon100lukon100 Posts: 792

    Got an equivalent to Blender’s “connected” option in it’s proportional editing feature?

    This option is where the grab would only move any vertex meeting two conditions:

    1. The vertex is within the falloff radius.


    2. Within the falloff radius there exists a path of edges connecting the vertex to the grab-selected geometry.

  • Mesh grabber (MG) is an essential tool.  I use it nearly every time I am editing a figure or a scene. But I have run into a problem. I thought that I could select a polygon (face, facet) with geometry editor (GE) then switch to MG and that same polygon would be selected. But it is not. 

    I am trying to correct for bend distortions on the G8F model. In particular when the model self-intersects I would like to use MG to push the intersecting surfaces apart from each other. But I am unable to select a polygon on the hidden surface. I've tried using the GE to hide the polygons on the occluding region. Nevertheless, MG still selects a polygon in the hidden region rather than the now exposed intersecting region. After hiding the region with GE I can select a polygon on the exposed intersecting region. But when I return to MG, that selection is gone.

    What am I doing wrong here?

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited May 2020

    I had never there problems, when I select stuff with the geo editor, then does the MG it also select. I have it both on hotkeys (CTRl+E and CTRL+M GeoEditor+Meshgrabber).

    Maybe you can make a clip to show the problem?

    I didnt saw ManFriday in the last time, I hope he is okay, maybe working hard on new Stuff, I hope he didnt got some problems (fugg Corona..).

    So don't expect in the next time a answer from himself :)

    Post edited by Loony on
  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    lukon100 said:

    Got an equivalent to Blender’s “connected” option in it’s proportional editing feature?

    This option is where the grab would only move any vertex meeting two conditions:

    1. The vertex is within the falloff radius.


    2. Within the falloff radius there exists a path of edges connecting the vertex to the grab-selected geometry.

    That's a good idea for a future update!

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    Loony said:

    Hey ManFriday.

    This is my standard build:

    I really dont like the fallof ball, its just disturbing me during the work and 100% gain is too fast.

    So I have to change it always, I also made a good result with linear.


    Is it possible, that you add a Button for "save as Preference" or something?

    I have noted that down as well. Thank you!

  • ManFridayManFriday Posts: 560
    Loony said:

    I had never there problems, when I select stuff with the geo editor, then does the MG it also select. I have it both on hotkeys (CTRl+E and CTRL+M GeoEditor+Meshgrabber).

    Maybe you can make a clip to show the problem?

    I didnt saw ManFriday in the last time, I hope he is okay, maybe working hard on new Stuff, I hope he didnt got some problems (fugg Corona..).

    So don't expect in the next time a answer from himself :)

    No need to worry, I'm fine personally, just not as productive as I'd like to be. But hopefully that will improve again soon! Hope everyone else is OK!

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    Thank you for your products ManFriday! I use them a lot.

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