[Released] ROG Red Crow Inn [Commercial]



  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,717

    UPDATE: So after looking at the numbers today, things look a bit more as expected. I think I had the poor luck of looking at a sales page that had some of the lower sale numbers but today with more to look at, most of them look appropriate. By the end of the first day, sales more or less were realistic compared to the Bedroom. I don't understand all the type of discounts people can get here, so that scared me for a moment there but it doesn't seem to have hurt the overall results.

    I'll keep an eye on the numbers but so far so good, thanks for all the concern, panic averted!

    @thd777 - Very nice render and story: Messy eater looking at girl thinking she's looking back at him, but she's clearly looking at the mess of breacrumbs she'll have to clean later. Shady guy in the back is just waiting for the right moment to murder them both and rob the Inn.

    @DustRider - It's much appreciated. Roguey especially worked her butt off on it and had I not stopped her (several times) she would have kept modeling props. Whatever props you see in the Inn, I think she modeled at least 3 of each. She's a very hard worker who's had it always rough in life, so she's really enjoying this.

    @Stonemason - Thanks a lot!

    @AllenArt - I was actually dissapointed that the dirt on the floor wasnt more visible in renders. Similar happened with the bedroom. Third time has to be the charm hopefully.

    Glad to here it's looking better than you thought!! Tell Roguey that her efforts are greatly appreciated (as are yours), I love all the props! That's actually how I approached it when showing my wife the set, showing the props first (going backwards through the promos). Because often in images you don't get all the stuff you see. She was so impressed that she just said "get it, it's amazing" (went over my budget for the month).

    I'm really hoping you do more great sets like this, and Kadis. Your quality and attention to detail is outstanding! Thanks so much for all your hard work.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,077

    I totally agree with @DustRider . All of the Strangfate/Roguey products are absolutely outstanding. They will always have my support FWIW.

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,717

    I posted this in the Iray render thread, but thought I'd put it here too.

    This set is amazing, and it's just about as close to a "Make Art" button that I've seen. Below is a "straight out of the box" render. I just loaded the scene preset, selected a camera, and hit render and 2 min. 49 sec. later I got this (I did adjust levels in Gimp a bit just to make it brighter)! Whats even better, is it includes multiple resolutions to help manage your GPU memory!

  • Beautiful product!

    I've discovered a problem with a number of the prop objects.  The CI Chair prop, for example, does not render properly in High Resolution when using 3Delight. It does render properly when in Base resolutrion.

    I've attached a screen-shot showing the problem.  I also discovered, that if I change the SubDivision Algorithm to "Loop" instead of "Catmark", for each of the problematic objects, they render correctly in High Resolution under 3Delight.

    1640 x 962 - 332K
  • LintonLinton Posts: 542

    Purchased it two days ago, just hven't had the chance to post. Downloading it now, and cannot wait to use this.

    There is so much variety in the Inn, and I can see a million ways to use it in my art for my stories.

    I buy your stuff the moment it launches (with the exception of the brutal weapons, as I make my own), and it is the attention to details and great amount of love for your projects that makes them worth it. I am sorry the sales seemed a bit low to begin with, and glad they started picking up. 

    As a fantasy artist and author, having such a versatile set is a boon. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    You mentioned having male armour?! Keeping an eye out for that too!

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 777
    edited January 2020

    Glad you're all enjoying it :)

    There will be more of everything for sure.


    @Colin - That's a Daz bug I reported back in 2016 when I first started doing stuff. I don't use 3Delight anymore so I'm guilty of not testing our stuff for it, but I really figured they'd fix it... I had provided them with a scene and models as they asked to replicate it.

    The issue is that in 3Delight, open edges with weight (for edge creasing) cause the creased polygons to not be rendered in SubD. I don't think many vendors use SubD or especially edge creasing so running into the bug is probably rare.

    I actually didn't know that Loop SubD worked. I can tell from your render that it doesn't smooth edges the same as Catmark, it probably interprets the edge crease values differently than Catmark does, making them stronger.

    It's not too hard to work around the bug when you plan for it so we'll do that in future. Adapting existing props right now would mean going back to 3D and make sure the creasing can be removed on those edges without affecting the model and reimporting the object back into Daz. 

    I'll see if there's some way to update the Daz object without having to redo all the Daz stuff (moving and setting morph properties, materials etc). Not sure only updating base geometry would do atm.

    EDIT: Checked in Daz... It looks like rasing the SubD level by 1 in Daz when using the Loop algo, will render about the same as Catmark at 1 level lower in 3Delight. Almost everything in the Inn that uses SubD should be at SubD lvl 2, going up to 3 for renders with loop should make the smoothing look properly.

    Raising SubD level will consume more memory and probably take a bit longer to render of course :/

    Post edited by StrangeFate on
  • I love the Inn...just bought it...

    Haven't playe with it too much but immediately noticed something...in the My Daz Libray/Environments/Roguey content, the blue "Tips" provided for lights, materials, etc. all only connect me to the same Roguey page online...I see the files in the Windows folders but minimized, of course, when opened...and so too small to expand and read...

    I tried to relink the icons to the directories, but couldn't...they are DSB files?...so, I'm now re-downloading the two files to manually load the product...I had used Daz Install Manager, as always...I'll try manually reinstalling to enable the "tips"...

    Nice work with the Inn...

  • Well, the Manual install didn't improve my "Tips" problem...something I'm doing wrong..?

    Windows 10 Pro system...no previous problems with Daz Studio...and the Inn works great...it's just the link for the Tips when they are opened...always heads to your sles page online...

    Any ideas..?

    Product is terrific, by the way...

  • @innes53_4e67625942 - Hmm let's see. Double clicking the TIP icons should just take you to Roguey's store page.
    Hovering your mouse over them should show you a bigger image containing text, like in the image below:


  • @innes53_4e67625942 - Hmm let's see. Double clicking the TIP icons should just take you to Roguey's store page.
    Hovering your mouse over them should show you a bigger image containing text, like in the image below:


    That does appear after hovering...but so small that it's illegible...sounds like a personal problem, I suppose...some parameter set in my program..?

    Anyway, I can't read the pop-up...other Daz library products still have viewable popups...so, I'm perplexed with it...

    If you have a suggestion, I'd be grateful...


  • Pretty freaking EPIC!  I love it!!!  I hit that buy button without a second thought. Such an engaging and top quality product. 

  • Here's what I see with the tips...small, illegible...if it's something particular to only me, then just forget it...I'll just have to do some research...thanks for any help on it, though...

    821 x 431 - 97K
  • Thanks empty :)

    @innes53_4e67625942 - I suspect that perhaps QA took him upon themselves to scale the tips down. Can you find them with windows explorer and Right click them and under properties > details see the size they have ? Should be 600x600, but if QA scaled them down they'll be probably 256x256


  • NathNath Posts: 2,771

    Thanks empty :)

    @innes53_4e67625942 - I suspect that perhaps QA took him upon themselves to scale the tips down. Can you find them with windows explorer and Right click them and under properties > details see the size they have ? Should be 600x600, but if QA scaled them down they'll be probably 256x256


    I checked and the tips are 256x256 for me.

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 777
    edited January 2020

    @Nath @innes53_4e67625942 - Okay thanks for checking. 

    I'm gonna do 3 things I think...

    1. On monday or so I'll submit a small update for the product with some fixes. With that I'll add Support icons to those folders that will send people to this thread. I've seen other products do that and it seems like a good idea.

    2. I'll add the information or the PNGs to the main post of this thread so the information will always be there.

    3. I'll also put the original PNGs in a ZIP so people can replace the current 256x256 infos with legible ones if they want.

    Post edited by StrangeFate on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,974
    Daz Connect will generally not allow a user to replace installed files. Changed files may even get overwritten by Daz Connect again later, if a user copies files there. I would suggest that you try to convince QA to properly update the product and restore your original files, if possible.
  • barbult said:
    Daz Connect will generally not allow a user to replace installed files. Changed files may even get overwritten by Daz Connect again later, if a user copies files there. I would suggest that you try to convince QA to properly update the product and restore your original files, if possible.

    Actually, as far as I can tell, it will, it doesn't monitor individual files (which would be a performance drag) to check for updates. I've replaced broken read me launchers with one made from Rob's sample script, and even repalced all the files with those from a direct download when they have not been decrypting correctly.

    In this case it might be worth taking that read me launcher script (witn proper attribution) and having it launch a PDF or even a large version of the tip file: http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/general_ui/display_document_dynamic/start

  • Hi Strangefate,

    Thanks so much for the detailed and concise explanation for the SubDivision Algorithm issue.

    You're a magnificent artist!

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,974
    barbult said:
    Daz Connect will generally not allow a user to replace installed files. Changed files may even get overwritten by Daz Connect again later, if a user copies files there. I would suggest that you try to convince QA to properly update the product and restore your original files, if possible.

    Actually, as far as I can tell, it will, it doesn't monitor individual files (which would be a performance drag) to check for updates. I've replaced broken read me launchers with one made from Rob's sample script, and even repalced all the files with those from a direct download when they have not been decrypting correctly.

    In this case it might be worth taking that read me launcher script (witn proper attribution) and having it launch a PDF or even a large version of the tip file: http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/general_ui/display_document_dynamic/start

    Good, I'll try it again some time. It wasn't successful last time I tried, but that was a long long time ago. Maybe my files were overwritten by a product update installed by Daz Connect. It would be great to be able to fix errors in files.
  • NathNath Posts: 2,771
    edited January 2020

    "As I was saying..."

    "Oh, shut up and drink!"

    inn b.jpg
    920 x 563 - 164K
    Post edited by Nath on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    @Nath @innes53_4e67625942 - Okay thanks for checking. 

    I'm gonna do 3 things I think...

    1. On monday or so I'll submit a small update for the product with some fixes. With that I'll add Support icons to those folders that will send people to this thread. I've seen other products do that and it seems like a good idea.

    2. I'll add the information or the PNGs to the main post of this thread so the information will always be there.

    3. I'll also put the original PNGs in a ZIP so people can replace the current 256x256 infos with legible ones if they want.

    Yeh, the 256 max is a little stingy of Daz. :)

  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,378

    This is a wonderful set and worth every penny.  It's going to take months to properly explore. 

    The Red Crow Inn has one of the lowest crime rates in the entire realm, despite being in very rough neighbourhood.  If you’ve ever wondered why, the explanation is quite simple: Archmage Serena, head posterior-kicker with the sisterhood of the Future Mages, is an occasional visitor. She really likes the freshly squeezed orange juice, apparently. 



    Red Crow Inn.jpg
    3000 x 1688 - 618K
  • @Nath @innes53_4e67625942 - Okay thanks for checking. 

    I'm gonna do 3 things I think...

    1. On monday or so I'll submit a small update for the product with some fixes. With that I'll add Support icons to those folders that will send people to this thread. I've seen other products do that and it seems like a good idea.

    2. I'll add the information or the PNGs to the main post of this thread so the information will always be there.

    3. I'll also put the original PNGs in a ZIP so people can replace the current 256x256 infos with legible ones if they want.


    @Nath @innes53_4e67625942 - Okay thanks for checking. 

    I'm gonna do 3 things I think...

    1. On monday or so I'll submit a small update for the product with some fixes. With that I'll add Support icons to those folders that will send people to this thread. I've seen other products do that and it seems like a good idea.

    2. I'll add the information or the PNGs to the main post of this thread so the information will always be there.

    3. I'll also put the original PNGs in a ZIP so people can replace the current 256x256 infos with legible ones if they want.

    Thanks very much...

    This is a superb product...your attention to detail is astonishing...

    An amazing creation...the best I've ever seen here...twice the price would have neen fair...

    I recommend this to everyone...

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624
    edited January 2020

    Finally got a chance to play!  Love it!



    1600 x 900 - 2M
    Post edited by Daventaki on
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,378
    Daventaki said:

    Finally got a chance to play!  Love it!



    Exceptional. This image perfectly sums up everything that is great about this product. 



  • efron_24efron_24 Posts: 474

    It's Fantastic... but a bit DUSTY up there.. !!!

    Yeah.. Gwen can see it... (at 3m15 she can see a Lotje)

    1232 x 693 - 245K
  • efron_24efron_24 Posts: 474

    Gwen found a Giant Man to Arm Wrestle a bit ... with...

    great place to play these games...

    1232 x 693 - 424K
  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 777
    edited January 2020

    Nice renders everyone :)   ...it does look a alot better with that green skybox outside.

    @efron_24 - The amount of dust should give you an idea of how long everything took to do!

    @innes53_4e67625942 and EVERYONE - Updated the first post of this thread with all the information that was in the PNGs and also added the PNGs for download.

    @Richard Haseltine - That seems like a pretty good idea with that script, thanks!

    I'm starting to like the idea of having the info icons linking to the product's thread and post the information here in future products, that way I can update the information if needed without having to update the product, too, but being having the information locally always sounds better for posterity... so maybe I'll go with both options, we'll see.



    Post edited by StrangeFate on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,060
    edited January 2020

    I had a look and saw how much I had to do and just nupped out of Octane Render DS devil

    I will render iray backgrounds I think and just use the props for animations,

    what I do a lot anyway even in iray yes

    yes I decided to forgo my groceries and bought it

    I did buy a baked cheese cake though and ate it all over 4 days

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited January 2020

    Being on a fixed income, I'm always looking for the best prices I can get, usually buying a set like this when it's older than 60 days and on sale. However, thanks to the promo the day the ROG Red Crow Inn was released, coupled with the 30% off not-new, not-DO coupon, I was able to buy it today at "only" 30% off, (good for you and Roguey,) and then get a fantastic deal on a number of older animals I've been wanting to buy for a long time.

    I believe that's called a win-win!

    I'm really looking forward to using this set. You and Roguey do such amazing, detailed work.

    (And I'm happy to put in a vote for male armor, too.)

    Post edited by L'Adair on
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