[Released] ROG Red Crow Inn [Commercial]



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,060

    I was surprised how quickly these panoramas rendered with iray


    the originals are tiff so should work as environment dome textures for animations

    I like how you have lower rez textures as an option too

  • Submitted an update for trhe product, fixing the chair's Metallicity value in all affected files, some small UV issues with the Weapon rack and changing the iNFO icons so they send you to this thread when double clicking them.


  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    @Strangefate well I am hard to impress these days with store products but man am I impressed with this set. Attention to detail is so my bag and to top it off the materials are A1. Substance Suit comes to mind. This for me is whole new level and something Daz3D needs to embrace.

  • Thanks very much...the images show perfectly now and I can read everything just fine...

    Thanks for the great support...


  • @innes53_4e67625942 - Thanks for buying it :)

    @WendyLuvsCatz - The textures applied by default are medium, if you apply the high quality texture preset you'll get double the the resolution, but I wouldn't go there with less than an 8GB card.

    @Szark - Believe it or not, whenever I wasn't sure about something, I asked myself, what would Szark expect us to do ? :)
    Jokes aside, there's still plenty to nitpick but I'm hoping it has a good price-quality balance while also making it worth the time spent for us. There were times when the amount of time invested seemed a bit of a gamble, not knowing much yet about the store and community size etc.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    LOL Not sure how to take that anyhoo.

    Oh there has to be a balance of input to price ratio hence my comments are even more apt.

    Well if I ever get back to rendering for myself I will have to see how it does in Blender.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    This is epic and absolutely gorgeous. Wonderful work, Strangefate & Roguey! It was an instabuy for me. 

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,201

    i certainly hope your initial sales weren't too disappointing, Strangefate.   but i think you and Roguey are likely to see really strong backlist sales from this, over time.

    that's the thing about putting a lot of time and care and skill into a project.  the immediate payoff may not be much, when you think about all the time you've invested.  but over time, excellent work has a way of continuing to expand its audience, and earn.  

    there's a really interesting thread on here somewhere about 'how much do daz PAs really earn?'.  and at least one of the more experienced and succesful PAs noted that having a strong backlist was key to pulling in enough bank to live on. 


    that said, i think it might be useful for you and Roguey to consider creating some less...immersive? environments with the same level of love and craft that y'all have been bringing to you more expansive environments.  small or intimate scene settings.

    in keeping with the fantasy/medieval flavor y'all seeme to be into, something like an outdoor campfire scene in a little circle of woods or meadow.  or a balcony overlooking whatever.  a prison cell.  and so on.   the level of detail y'all bring to the large sets invites intimate close-up shots anyway.   so why not go for a 'simple' set that's basically made for cool vignettes? 


    that's just my two cents' worth.  i hope it came across well.  i mean well. 





  • @Llynara - Thanks a lot! :)

    @Szark - Was meant in the best way possible :)

    @Jardine - I don't have that much to compare it to and I'm still hesitant to estimate from the information I have, how it will do in the next 12 months, but after the inital scare back there, things have been going pretty well I think.

    I agree with everything you say. I've had enough time while we making the Inn (and with the initial sales scare) to think about balance because having so much riding on the popularity of 1 product is a bit risky, or scary at the very least.

    Vignettes are a great idea that I hadn't given much thought until now. The problem might be that my video games background doesn't consider anything finished unless you can look around 360 degrees and it all looks good and there's no holes. It's a mentality that shouldn't really apply to how Daz works so hopefully with time I can rewire myself a little.




  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    Well in that case I am flattered.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,750
    edited February 2020

    I grabbed it right away, just incase roguey and strangefate came to their senses and started charging what this set is really worth. There's 50 camera angles included in there as well, to get a peek at all the nooks and crannies. Top notch. I'll be adding characters but this place soon, but looks just like artwork on its own.


    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • hfilbhfilb Posts: 63


    Vignettes are a great idea that I hadn't given much thought until now. The problem might be that my video games background doesn't consider anything finished unless you can look around 360 degrees and it all looks good and there's no holes. It's a mentality that shouldn't really apply to how Daz works so hopefully with time I can rewire myself a little.

    Smaller scenes may be a bit more profitable in the long run, but I greatly appreciate having an environment that works with multiple angles and I think it's what elevates you guys to the tier shared by Stonemason and Faveral. So much of CG looks fake because of unbeveled corners and clean/simple environments, but this defies that. Slowly you are creating an archive of props and textures that can populate future scenes you create.

    Perhaps another idea is to do something like Faveral did with his MICK products: make a kitbashing set and release 'example' scenes to show the power of your products. That way your older products can continually find new life. Whatever you do, I can't wait to see what's next. This style is magnificent. 

  • I console myself to rendering backgrounds as my computer simply not up to the specs for adding characters but that as set this big renders at all is indeed impressive.

    I like all the bits and pieces and will use them to populate other sets like MICK made varients and even to mix with the older sets by others

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 777
    edited February 2020

    @hfilb - Bevels make the world a rounder place :)
    We were working on a modular set with most of the props already finished, but it didn't seem interesting enough so we shelved it and did the Inn instead. I'm sure we'll get back to it eventually. 
    The plan was to have modular architecture that would work well with any of our other products and then do prop sets that could convert the created modular rooms into completely different spaces.

    @FirstBastion @WendyLuvsCatz - I would read the information I added to the first post of this thread, there might be something you can still do to fit it into your card. Changing Iray’s Instancing Optimization to memory alone will save about 1GB VRAM in the Inn. There's a button for that in the render settings folder of the product. Barbult tested the soul out of the Inn until it was working fine in 6GB cards.
    Then there's always the lower res texture presets with more agressive Iray texture compression settings if all else fails, but the instancing optimization setting will free up more ram than anything else.

    I've found adding characters can get tricky without deleting unseen areas, but the problem was always resolved by lowering the clothing's texture resolution. There seems to be decent amount of products using half empty textures and 4k maps for a pair of socks with no details on them, so scaling textures down to 1k hasn't made a visual difference in those products.

    Post edited by StrangeFate on
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    humm love bevels, they make me happy. :)

  • In view of all the previous comments what is there left to say? It is awesome, so I put the bedroom on my wish list immediately. It is an amazing environment which is going to take me months to explore. Thanks. Now all I have to do is get toegther enough characters to populate it. laugh

    1600 x 900 - 161K
  • a ps to the previous post. Black Crow?

  • Belay that. Just worked it out. Duh????

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,831

    I'm not a big fan of the vignette sets as you frequently end up being constrained to a narrow range of viewpoints. Your 360 renders show the beauty of this set - you can use a spherical camera and see all of its outstanding detail and atmosphere. 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,060
    edited February 2020


    @FirstBastion @WendyLuvsCatz - I would read the information I added to the first post of this thread, there might be something you can still do to fit it into your card. Changing Iray’s Instancing Optimization to memory alone will save about 1GB VRAM in the Inn. There's a button for that in the render settings folder of the product. Barbult tested the soul out of the Inn until it was working fine in 6GB cards.
    Then there's always the lower res texture presets with more agressive Iray texture compression settings if all else fails, but the instancing optimization setting will free up more ram than anything else.

    I've found adding characters can get tricky without deleting unseen areas, but the problem was always resolved by lowering the clothing's texture resolution. There seems to be decent amount of products using half empty textures and 4k maps for a pair of socks with no details on them, so scaling textures down to 1k hasn't made a visual difference in those products.

    the problem is not your set heart

    the problem is only I wanted to populate it

    again it will come down to post production by looks

    I have this same issue with an empty scene and more than one dressed haired genesis 1,2,3 & 8 characters crying

    the fact your set renders fine on its own says heaps about how my computer handles the later DAZ figures

    I can fit 24 dressed haired V3,M3's and use the same RAM as 3 dressed haired Genesis and render both in 3Delight

    iray my VRAM limits me to 1 or 2

    iClone I can toss n piles of characters but of course it's a game engine quality render

    looks like Skyrim

    I also only use diffuse and opacity maps  there



    (note video thumbnail is a an iray render)

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • and meanwhile in Twinmotion...



  • @FirstBastion @WendyLuvsCatz - I would read the information I added to the first post of this thread, there might be something you can still do to fit it into your card. Changing Iray’s Instancing Optimization to memory alone will save about 1GB VRAM in the Inn. There's a button for that in the render settings folder of the product. Barbult tested the soul out of the Inn until it was working fine in 6GB cards.
    Then there's always the lower res texture presets with more agressive Iray texture compression settings if all else fails, but the instancing optimization setting will free up more ram than anything else.


    For the record, the limitations are with my dated system specs, not this outstanding interior set. I don't mind waiting for the render to complete, because all those extra resources you've added produce fantastic renders. 

  • a 360 in iclone

    after rendering I can see all the instances that ended up missing or in odd places,

    Decimator on the walls and the FBX export may have contributed to that as well as Totte's script missing some or me maybe not checking one

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,060
    edited February 2020


    I long ago accepted most DAZ studio users want  extra highpoly stuff and HD morphs on top cheeky

    I did howerver use Decimator on all the walls at 10% with no discernable loss of detail for my FBX export to iClone yes


    I would recommend it to anyone wanting to use game engine style render engines 




    that is not my issue rendering crowds in DAZ studio BTW

    I get exactly the the same issue I was discussing loading more than one Genesis 1,2,3&8 figure dressed haired nothing else in the scene

    iClone however and Unreal Engine 4 handle FBX exports beautifully 

    it's something DAZ studio itself does with the rigging and morphs using resources 

    the more you own the worse it is

    Carrara Alberto made us a morph stripper facility as dufs are in effect imported and saved independently of the data folder and the file size difference is huge!

    this is why you can load many more V4,M4 without adding morphs using Powerloader

    and more again V3, M3 etc

    FBX only bakes the currently used morph and is very stripped down

    static meshes do not suffer this data morph resource horror

    I can load stuff in DAZ studio will hundreds of  millions of polys and render it fast such as exported Fractals from Mandelbulber 3D

    big maps howerver do cause issues and Rougey and Strangefate beautifully took care of that with low rez options

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 777
    edited February 2020

    Regarding system requirements:

    - The stonewalls are displaced meshes that have been optimized (although as Wendy points out, more could be optimized there for sure).

    - Everything else (or 99% of all props) are in SubD, not polygons or sculpted. You determine what polygon count the props have with Daz's SubD setting (default is 2 on most props, can lower it to 1 if it helps).
    That value also sets the polygon count when you export assets.
    If you were to turn off SubD on the whole Inn and threw it into Unity or so, it would probably run fine on an iPhone (displaced walls being the only problem probably).

    - Most modern games push 3-5 Million triangles per frame so the Inn shouldn't cause any issues polygon wise. I have bought Daz characters with displacements that had 7-8 Million triangles by default.

    If you look at the memory being used by the Inn during render time, you'll find that meshes only take up a fraction of VRAM compared to textures, and the textures are probably some of the most optimized and well packed you'll find around. Polygons are always very cheap compared to textures performance and memory wise.

    Daz's viewport isn't the most speedy with polygons, but picking a shading style without wireframe does usually wonders for viewport performance if that's the problem you're having. I only have an NVidia 1070 myself and will always optimize more where needed if things fail to run properly on that card.

    - Either way, I understand your expectations (I think ?) but I hope you can understand mine too. If I wanted to do Video game style assets or sets, I'd be selling them on the Unity or Unreal store, or on Artstation, Gumroad etc etc, but not here.

    I'm here because nobody is trying to maintain 60 FPS on static renders. It's a rendering community with room for anything across the board, from very simple sets that would run on your phone, to high end stuff you could use on cinematics. I don't intend to do cinematic quality because that really wouldn't pay off and I wouldn't have the patience for a whole set, but something between realtime and cinematic is prefectly feasible and works well within Daz, taking advantage of what Iray can do.

    - Obviously, there's gonna be people for who my stuff won't work out, same as there will be people for who simpler sets won't do it, you'll never be able to please everybody, and that has to be okay.


    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • hfilbhfilb Posts: 63

    OK, I have to say this is probably one of the best and most detailed environments on the Daz Store. I knew this set was great months ago, but just now I see how much effort went into the tiniest of details. Even the cups have morphs for deformations and liquid height! WOW

    734 x 395 - 37K
  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 777

    @hfilb - We probably did go a bit overboard with some things, but morphs especailly are pretty easy to do, so they're always tempting :)

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,037

    Please, never apologise for 'overboard', those little things are what sell the sets now and in the future.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,085

    Ditto! The detail on this is off the chart. We can always dial it down a bit if we need to. Keep up the good work!

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,414

    I noticed even the floor decals and cobwebs for the Medieval Bedroom had a bend morph on them.

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