The Wakeful Brain Complaint Thread



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,142
    edited December 1969

    I need a first wind.

    I also need to cook those hot dogs. not sure where Micah is, but he does not help me with cooking any way. He is lazy as a cat. Melody is busy taking a beauty nap so she cannot cook my hot dog. Gabrielle is too small to do anything but be cute.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited July 2012

    a snow cone would be so refreshing.

    did you see the new quaker oatmeal?
    it has hidden dino eggs, you add hot water and dinos appear. it's too hot out for oatmeal today

    ooo yoo have a egg i never saw before - This egg is rocking back and forth in a puddle, creating small waves.


    300 x 414 - 30K
    Post edited by Mistara on
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969
    :D Wishlisted~
    Though there *are* fairly easy ways to make these effects in photoshop, this seems much more convienient and flexible

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Morning. Sunny under a big bright blue sky day giving way to grey clouds right now, we haz godrays in the heavens and if it rains there will surely be rainbows :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Chicken in a box today. And potato wedges in a brown paper bag. Haz big hungry - I'd prolly eat the chicken alive so is good it is dead chicken in a box :)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Morning. Sunny under a big bright blue sky day giving way to grey clouds right now, we haz godrays in the heavens and if it rains there will surely be rainbows :)

    pretty rainbows

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Snippet Drop :)

    Kena plays the barista witch.
    everyone else is a Vicki or a Michael

    Terran Standard Date - Year 215.Day 142
    :: Celeste Terra Planet, Minister Angélus::

    Minister Angélus was busy arranging his Emperor's appointment calends, when the planetary alarms sounded, the clamor scattered his thoughts. The young Elf woman sitting patiently in the visitor's chair of his office, gripped the arms of her seat. Angélus was pleased to notice she wasn't panicking. He tapped on his computer screen, the appointment schedule slid aside for an urgent news flash. The Planetary Shield Vale was about to be activated. All orbital travel was hereby suspended.

    :: Orbit Station Mira Ibrium ::

    Aboard the Orbit Station 'Mira Ibrium', a Barista Witch Spell brewed a mocha latté to order and set it on the side table next to a handsome Human male. She made an effort to catch his eye to flirt with him, but he was engrossed in his PDA. Not one to give up on potential romance so easily, she tried to catch a flirtatious tease with his partner, Jenny; but Jen's focus was intent on a candy bar selection at the vending dispenser. 'Ah well', the petite Witch returned to her Barista counter, hopped up on her stool, and waited patiently for the next customer on duty break.

    The two Humans on duty were dressed in the smart form fitting black uniform of the Realm Guard. Relaxing casual in a lounge of the station, Cody browsed his newsletters subscriptions. His colleague made her decision from the vending dispenser, a cheap selection for her salary grade was too low to afford the finer chocolate snacks. She absently ripped open the wrapper, while gazing out an airlock window. The view of the planet below was spectacular with blue oceans, continental terrains, and wispy white cloud cover.

    Mira Ibrium coasted along its second orbital pass of the day, over the equator. The tower station structure supported a parabolic antenna with the antenna preamp equipment, an amalgamate culmination of modern Magic and technology. The station was the main projector for the planetary defense shields. Its debut was almost two terran standard centuries passed and over the time span the station was now more a symbol of defense. No mortal in the present day expected to see the Planetary Shield Vale raised in their lifetime.

    Cody tossed his PDA on to a cushioned seating sectional, sighing in boredom. He pulled his scrunchee hair tie free and stuck it in his teeth as he used both hands to finger comb out his shoulder length dark hair, avoiding the gaze of the flirtatious Barista Witch. Jenny punched her salary pin code into the dispenser for another snack. When suddenly! The last sound the Guards ever expected to hear whirred. 'WIRR_WIRR_WIRR,' The Planetary Alarms screamed!

    The two Guards shared a shocked gaze lock before a call to action registered in their grey matter. They pelted as one to the corridor leading to the projector controls. A very long corridor. Jenny panted, it had never seemed so long a distance before. Wishing ardently that she’d certified for gravity skates, cause then she would be at the controls by now. The wings of her vivid imagination propelled her ever swifter to the chamber at the end of the long corridor. She put all her energy into keeping up with her partner, arms pumping, as Cody put on an unexpected burst of speed. A fleeting thought flit across her mind that the disciplinary writ they were going to suffer for being errant at their posts would be the least of their worries.
    At last!
    They stormed the controls entrance at a dead run. The habit of drill taking over; Cody tapped the crystals in a sequence to activate the tronics, crystals of myriad colors blinking in response. Jenny aligned the directional coordinates. They held their breaths, ready to gape at the awesome sight of the Shield Vale. Sweat plastered Jenny’s fine blonde hair to her scalp and Cody’s knees quivered.
    Nothing happened.
    The planetary shields FAILED!
    Capital 'F’!

    Terran Standard Date - Year 215.Day 142
    :: Celesterra Planet, Seaside Palace. Minister Angélus ::

    "Who sounded the Planetary Alarms?!" A medley of voices cried. Ministers and Junior Ministers scrambled from their offices, a few of the very elderly Ministers risking their health by being overzealous in their spirited determination to seek out the cause of disruption amidst the tranquil Palace Halls, their robe hems swept the marbled floorings. "This must be an unsanctioned drill, eh?" A Medusan whined, her ophidian hairdo hissed and writhed, darting back into her office.

    "He’s gone, some 'un taken him!" A Minister in shabby mustard colored robes came crying down the hall, tears trembled on his paunchy cheeks; his overweight body reduced him to wheezing helplessly and he had to stop running. His watery blue eyes seeking for help, searched the crowd of faces. "Please, He’s gone!"

    "Isn’t that ole Nuben, the Minister of the Royal Crown Jewels?" One Minister sniggered; the snigger turned to a gasp of concern as ole Nuben collapsed to one knee and cried in pain, unable to catch his fall. The formerly sniggering Minister rushed forward to help along with a few others. "Now there, there ole fellow. Explain all these hysterics?"

    At that moment, speech became drowned out by the arrival of security teams. Black uniformed Guards invaded the normally quiet halls, took up positions at the grand stairways, secured the invitingly open archways, and one Guard to every support column on the bottom level. Guards on gravity-skates skated for the upper levels and floated in the upper drafts, their negatron pulse weapons held point up and ready for a target. Someone blessedly had the presence of mind to cut the siren clamor. The noise from the Guards diminished as they settled at their posts.

    During all this disturbance, Minister Angélus, Ange to his friends, was elbowing a path through the crowd to his old friend Nuben. It was on occasions like these, Minister Ange missed his decades waned telekinetic ability. Making a way through the crowd with a little kinetic elbow grease would have been so much easier, if not down right rude by modern standards. He felt a jostle at his elbow and found the young Elf woman Vylara at his side. "Oh yes!" She’d come today for an interview for he had a job opening for an assistant. At long last, he had been requesting an assistant for over a hundred years, now. It took too damned long for any request to traverse through the inboxes. 'Lucky for me I didn’t die waiting for the approval,' he thought this with high humour. 'If you can’t laugh at yourself, government life is the wrong career.'

    He was still chuckling in a low voice as he reached ole Nuben. The gazes he drew caused him to realize that his chuckling coupled with his disarrayed shoulder length gray hair and hemmed too high robes must make him look unkempt and 'daresay’ frumpy. Ange overheard a snide remark directed at Nuben and himself saying, "between the two of them, each with a foot in the funeral pyre". This criticism of his advanced years made him wish for a trickle of his old telekinetic ability; he would slap that huge tome the speaker was holding right into the speaker’s face. 'Ah well, just as well I can’t.' Minister Ange swallowed a fresh chuckle as he tried to soothe the distraught Minister Nuben.

    "He’s gone Ange, gone," Nuben stood leaning forward to rub his sore knee. Seeing Minister Ange paying attention, he continued, "I laid out his sapphire diadem, the mythril one, you know, with the coral and pearls set along the rim. Tis His favorite!"

    "Yes Nuben, it tis His favourite," Ange heard a 'tch’ in the crowd and he bestowed a scowling rebuke on the person. Attendants nearby could see signs of the forceful personality Angélus must have been in the vital days of his career.

    "It matches the glowing blue aura of his power," Nuben sniffled.

    " Why are you saying He is gone?" Ange said kindly.

    Nuben let go of his knee to grab Minister Ange by the arms. "Don’t ya hear me lad? He missed His appointment for His fitting. He ne’er done that! And the conference today with Dragons, urgent it tis!"

    "Ah yes, the Dragons. They are distraught about something. They will bespeak only with His Highness," Minister Ange already knew of the conference for his Ministerial position was that of Royal Appointments.

    An authoritative voice rang over the crowd. "Make way for the Sovereign Minister. Clear the halls. Return to your offices."

    The effect of this order went quite unnoticeable, it did however; clear a path for Sovereign Minister Allons. In honour of his Sovereign rank, his robes were less mustardy coloured than the rest of the crowd, twas supposed to be gold, but in actuality, a bright yellow; his Sovereign title an honour bestowed for grand deeds done in the past. Only a very plain band of metal graced the Sovereign Minister’s brow for anything fancier required ole Nuben’s cooperation. Nuben was an affable person, however; once you’ve insulted him too greatly, he could bear a grudge forever. Nuben refused Allons the proper differentiation to which the Sovereign Minister felt he was automatically entitled. The rest was history.

    "He speaks the truth, Our Emperor is missing, He’s been taken," a breathless Human woman of questionable mortality rushed up to the small knot of conferring Ministers. She was Minister Hannah of Housekeeping Affaires and a guest accompanied her.

    Minister Ange gaped just like the rawest of the Guards were doing from their security positions. He recognized Ambassador Brynnhilde of the Northern Dragons, in humanoid form. He’d met her only once before, a time before the conquest, not to give the impression the Great Lady was in any way grandmotherly.

    He swept a low old fashioned courtly bow. "Greetings Ambassador, Dame Brynnhilde and on behalf of our Emperor, Regards to Castle Utfordring. Regards to your Dragon King."

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    can't stay awake. no winds reserves left. night nite

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    *whistles* Now this is an incredible Vue render thar.

    600 x 314 - 149K
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited July 2012

    nvm, Hm we can't delete posts anymore?

    Post edited by Rezca on
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    I can't remember if it was wooly or ps1borg or someone else, but someone commented on the Touhou pic I posted being from an anime (I think it was wooly). Well there *is* an anime of the game... Sorta... But from my knowledge they're just short videos to promote the music CD's and not full-length features or episodes.
    I'd flag this for Nudity because of 0:20 ~ 0:22 in the video, but no Nudity tags. It's nothing very serious (Even I was able to watch it, and it's nothing that hasn't been done in Poser and posted on the new forums before.), but things like that are a little hard to judge. Or at least for me they are.
    Anyway. It's basically covering the story of Subterrainian Animism - the 11th game in the series and the most difficult.
    0:25 - I spot Yukari and her familiar Ran, and Ran's familiar Chen (Srsly, how many familiars can have a familiar of their own? That just screams absolute power right there XD)
    0:33 - An Oni whose name escapes me, and the Hell Cat "Orin" (She's got two tails and they're on fire!)
    0:36 - Satori Komeji. She can read minds, so everybody hates her. Especially since she has a habit of finishing people's sentences all the time. However, animals seem to love her because she can talk to them and understand them using her ability.
    0:40 - Koishi Komeji. Satori's younger sister. She closed her third eye so she couldn't read minds and so she wouldn't receive the same hatred her sister gets, but it backfired and now she can read and manipulate the subconscious.
    0:42 - Orin's human form and Utsuho glaring agrily at Kamako
    0:46 - The mountain goddess Kamako, apparently giving Utsushu the ability to control nuclear fusion (Or is it fission?)
    0:49 - Sanae. Descendant of a goddess. Most of her abilities involve reptiles (Especially snakes and the Orochi). She's kind-hearted and a good person despite this, if perhaps a bit eccentric.
    0:50 Suwaku fishing from an ice-hole. She was essentially forced out of power by Kamako, but she doesn't seem to care (anymore). The two live together in the same shrine along with Sanae.
    052: Reimu descending into the underworld (The entire video is about the game Subterrainain Animism)
    0:55 - The members of the "Magic Team", preparing to go underground. From left to right is the "Weekly Witch" Patchouli, the "Ordinary Witch" Marisa Kirisame (Whom you play as and is the only one to actually go underground), a Kappa inventor whose name I forget, and the "Seven-Colored Puppeteer" Alice. At the begining of the game you can choose one of the three to "accompany" Marisa underground. Dialogue, your abilities, and some boss fights will vary depending on who you pick.
    0:56 - The members of the "Border Team". Left to right is the Tengu reporter Aya, the Oni Suika, and the Youkai of Boundaries: Yukari. Like with Marisa, one of these three will assist Reimu in the fight underground.
    0:57 - Orin again.
    1:00 - Utsushu after receiving the power of nuclear fusion
    1:01 - some nameless mid-boss in Stage 1.
    1:02 ~ 1:05 - Awesome fight scene between the Oni in stage 3 and Reimu
    1:07 - I forget who this is. SHe's the Stage 1 boss.
    1:09 - Stage 2 boss. I forget her name too.
    1:11 - Satori attacking.
    1:12 ~ 1:17 - Awesome fight sequence with Marisa and (I dunno who that is).
    1:18 ~ 1:26 - Same as above but Reimu fighting Utsushu
    1:27 - Suwaku again.
    1:31 - Kamaku and Sanae
    1:35 - Marisa and Reimu

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    Everybody must be asleep since no one has posted in a while.
    I found this cute picture of a raptor floating into the sky, and wondering in awe at how high up it goes :3

    550 x 440 - 69K
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    Just need to color it now ~

    700 x 358 - 39K
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Was at a screening, short films by new filmmakers. Earnest. Very earnest. No comedy please, we're filmmakers :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    Just need to color it now ~

    hehe. And shade. Don't forget shading, just pretend there is a strong light somewhere out of frame :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Snippet Drop :)

    Kena plays the barista witch.
    everyone else is a Vicki or a Michael

    Terran Standard Date - Year 215.Day 142
    :: Celeste Terra Planet, Minister Angélus::

    Minister Angélus was busy arranging his Emperor's appointment calends, when the planetary alarms sounded, the clamor scattered his thoughts. The young Elf woman sitting patiently in the visitor's chair of his office, gripped the arms of her seat. Angélus was pleased to notice she wasn't panicking. He tapped on his computer screen, the appointment schedule slid aside for an urgent news flash. The Planetary Shield Vale was about to be activated. All orbital travel was hereby suspended.

    :: Orbit Station Mira Ibrium ::
    ssnip story

    Hey nice :) Such polite dialogue, just saw a few short films that were long on profanity . Moar, wants :)

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Sorry, slithered into bed at 8:30PM and was out like a light! Very sleepy lately, I'm in "heal mode".

    Did play a bit with the Shadow Dragon, it poses well. Just needs some texture lovin'.

    Another long day at work, argh. Trying to avoid the taxi now and get a ride to the bus stop, then hop hop buses home. I can get within 2 blocks, which is just manageable on crutches.

    Leftover turkey burger and bean salad for breakfast - tasty and low carb!

    Argh, back to fighting threading issues...

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    It's a great day for bad brains! :snake:

    Meetings all morning, fighting multithreading interlock issues in Windows. Pricing 23in monitors to make 3D easier. Trying to decide: Win 7 Pro OEM or cheap out and get Win 7 Home Premium? Still need external backup drive, argh. Antibiotics and antifungals are playing havoc with my digestive system, but antibiotics are over on Saturday. Need to shop for spices soon. Tired tired tired from all the antibioitcs/antifunals. Really need to get the new computer built and running, the laptop is way too slow for anything but We surfing, writing, and publishing. Taking a ab home every day is expensive, but so is ending up back in the hospital with foot issues. Overcast, hot, and humid today, yecch. I could sure use a nap but I imagine my snoring would tick off my co-workers. EvilInnocence doesn't take Paypal so no CrossDresser license for M4 until I get a prepaid credit card. Stabbing yourself in the morning is definitely a rough way to wake up. It IS possible to get sick of meat and cheese, but it takes time. I miss potato chips and Cheeze-Its. A Sausage McMuffin with egg is only 30g of carb and didn't push my glucose level over 128! Most McBurgers, even the chicken, are over 50g of carb and some are close to 70g! Paragraph breaks aren't all that necessary. :coolgrin: :vampire:

    Carry on! :smirk:

    Nutz to threadlocks, at least they keep everyone in work :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Sorry, slithered into bed at 8:30PM and was out like a light! Very sleepy lately, I'm in "heal mode".

    Did play a bit with the Shadow Dragon, it poses well. Just needs some texture lovin'.

    Another long day at work, argh. Trying to avoid the taxi now and get a ride to the bus stop, then hop hop buses home. I can get within 2 blocks, which is just manageable on crutches.

    Leftover turkey burger and bean salad for breakfast - tasty and low carb!

    Argh, back to fighting threading issues...

    *empathises* I get a couple of weeks off at the end of this month, really needing it.

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Ugh. Tomorrow it happens. Agh. I hope I can get sleep tonight. I tend to go utterly sleepless whenever a visit to my mom's place looms ahead, and night before it I just can't sleep at all.

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    Forum is doing it again >_>
    Says I'm logged in -> Refresh page, still logged in -> Post Reply, still logged in -> Click okay and submit post -> PLEASE LOG IN!!! (And it directs me to the "evil login page" that refuses to accept my username as being in the database)
    *sigh* anyway.
    So there is still much to be done, but it's gotten to the point where I can safely upload what I do have completed.
    To be done:
    -The darker patterns on the blue raptor
    -Details on the whelp's wings
    -Shading (Obviously)
    -Possible background
    -*Might* remove lines entirely and go for just shading. I've never done that before.

    700 x 358 - 62K
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Snippet Drop :)

    Kena plays the barista witch.
    everyone else is a Vicki or a Michael

    Terran Standard Date - Year 215.Day 142
    :: Celeste Terra Planet, Minister Angélus::

    Minister Angélus was busy arranging his Emperor's appointment calends, when the planetary alarms sounded, the clamor scattered his thoughts. The young Elf woman sitting patiently in the visitor's chair of his office, gripped the arms of her seat. Angélus was pleased to notice she wasn't panicking. He tapped on his computer screen, the appointment schedule slid aside for an urgent news flash. The Planetary Shield Vale was about to be activated. All orbital travel was hereby suspended.

    :: Orbit Station Mira Ibrium ::
    ssnip story

    Hey nice :) Such polite dialogue, just saw a few short films that were long on profanity . Moar, wants :)


    Tis a brand new day. caliente, eeks more 90Fs. a/c-eee.
    gonna start the day with Café au lait, whee lil bit of coconut layer cake
    a mud mask and bath au bubbles
    caminando perro
    Labyrinth and Bowie's tight gray pants, tee hee

    Jareth would be considered bishounin?
    'dance magic dance'

    left over ravioli and garlic bread
    then edit, write, render until my eyelids crash
    wanna somehow kitbash Bar Italia into a space station lounge :-S

    whats everybody haz plans for today?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    Forum is doing it again >_>
    Says I'm logged in -> Refresh page, still logged in -> Post Reply, still logged in -> Click okay and submit post -> PLEASE LOG IN!!! (And it directs me to the "evil login page" that refuses to accept my username as being in the database)
    *sigh* anyway.
    So there is still much to be done, but it's gotten to the point where I can safely upload what I do have completed.
    To be done:
    -The darker patterns on the blue raptor
    -Details on the whelp's wings
    -Shading (Obviously)
    -Possible background
    -*Might* remove lines entirely and go for just shading. I've never done that before.

    i sees a cheese balloon :)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Sorry, slithered into bed at 8:30PM and was out like a light! Very sleepy lately, I'm in "heal mode".

    Did play a bit with the Shadow Dragon, it poses well. Just needs some texture lovin'.

    Another long day at work, argh. Trying to avoid the taxi now and get a ride to the bus stop, then hop hop buses home. I can get within 2 blocks, which is just manageable on crutches.

    Leftover turkey burger and bean salad for breakfast - tasty and low carb!

    Argh, back to fighting threading issues...

    wuh oh thread, call out the dragon weyrs :)

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    Mm I really shoulda kept the TIFF file for this. Mainly because I'd like to have remembered the settings I used in the Curves adjustment layer. Oh well.
    To the left is the original, to the right is two minutes of postwork. I think it's kind of purdy.

    600 x 218 - 73K
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Sorry, slithered into bed at 8:30PM and was out like a light! Very sleepy lately, I'm in "heal mode".

    Did play a bit with the Shadow Dragon, it poses well. Just needs some texture lovin'.

    Another long day at work, argh. Trying to avoid the taxi now and get a ride to the bus stop, then hop hop buses home. I can get within 2 blocks, which is just manageable on crutches.

    Leftover turkey burger and bean salad for breakfast - tasty and low carb!

    Argh, back to fighting threading issues...

    *empathises* I get a couple of weeks off at the end of this month, really needing it.

    Yeah, seems like you've been crazy busy! I hope you can kick back and relax a bit! :coolsmile:

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Distinctly minty

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    Sorry, slithered into bed at 8:30PM and was out like a light! Very sleepy lately, I'm in "heal mode".

    Did play a bit with the Shadow Dragon, it poses well. Just needs some texture lovin'.

    Another long day at work, argh. Trying to avoid the taxi now and get a ride to the bus stop, then hop hop buses home. I can get within 2 blocks, which is just manageable on crutches.

    Leftover turkey burger and bean salad for breakfast - tasty and low carb!

    Argh, back to fighting threading issues...

    wuh oh thread, call out the dragon weyrs :)

    Not THAT kind of Thread! :ahhh:

    Post edited by Woolyloach on
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Todaze plans!

    - Work, work, work, work
    - Get ride to bus stop
    - Grocery shop
    - Take bus to near home
    - Walk 2 blocks on crutch
    - put up groceries
    - Get comfy
    - Get online, fire up
    - Chat and chill
    - Early to bed

    Welcome to my life, at least until the antibiotics and antifungals are complete. Snzzzzzzzzzz.... suckers are wearing me out.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited July 2012

    it's thundering outside and my ups backup has clicked twice already.

    pleez a/c fairies, doan let the a/c go down.

    y'know it's too hott when the dog turns back from his walk before yoo do.

    i should fill up a few jugs of water just in case.

    Thor is playing crokay with his hammer and sounds like he is being a sore loser.

    squeee berry dragons :lol:

    Post edited by Mistara on
This discussion has been closed.