The Wakeful Brain Complaint Thread



  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    it's thundering outside and my ups backup has clicked twice already.

    pleez a/c fairies, doan let the a/c go down.

    y'know it's too hott when the dog turns back from his walk before yoo do.

    i should fill up a few jugs of water just in case.

    Thor is playing crokay with his hammer and sounds like he is being a sore loser.

    squeee berry dragons :lol:

    Yeah, I almost bought those as I have the Faerie Dragon (a character in The Vicky Chronicles), cute versions would be handy somewhere. I might still get 'em! You can never have too much cute! :coolsmile:

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    wishlisted the berry dragons, crossing fingers for a PA sale this year. can't imagine how they would do it the way site is now.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    wishlisted the berry dragons, crossing fingers for a PA sale this year. can't imagine how they would do it the way site is now.

    I have the Berry Dragons and Moorland Dragon in my wishlist. Maybe I should get 'em both and call it a day!

    I have almost every dragon Daz makes, got 'em on sale at various times. I have so many dragons I'm draggin'! :bug:

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited July 2012

    it's still rumbling thunder, no rain started yet.

    yayy found the phonetic lyrics

    but i can't find an mp3 of the song on amazon.

    they are soo adorable, repost of the link:

    mosura winning against godzilla

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Morning. Cold this morning. There is a glowy grey dawn giving way to a hazy blue sky outside my window :)

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    I got the Berry Dragon years ago because it was cheap and they were cute.
    I can't really stand the design of the "Moorland" dragon and is so far the only DAZ dragon or dragon-type I have yet to buy or even consider buying. It's just... I don't know.
    I haven't installed the Sky-wyrm yet, even though I've downloaded it. I'm still bummed out over how useless the other Swidhelm dragon was and am a bit worried that his wyrm will be similarly useless. I don't know if contacting him about it will do any good, since all - or most - of his dragonwings seem to be poser cloth and I don't think he'd have any reason to make a normal version of the same wing (Which, again, leaves me with just the odd feather wings that don't fit a scaly.)
    Also.... These are berry dragons too? They love sugar and strawberries!

    600 x 411 - 186K
  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Complaint: went to bed 11 pm, fell asleep around 11:30 pm, woke up 3 am. Can't sleep more. About to hit road at 7:30 am. This sucks on so many levels, and yet is what happens to me every time...

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    this little poem sounds corny, but i often cling to it in stressful times.

    The Serenity Prayer

    God, grant me the serenity
    To accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    and wisdom to know the difference.

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Yes. That's why I just chowed down some breakfast and a huge energy drink. Sucks, but eh.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    A couple of cheese sandwiches and ten minutes for lunch, really busy today :)

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    I had delishoosh Finnish deli-style ham in my sammiches, plus peppadews. God I love peppadews.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Non-complaint: Went to see Brave this afternoon at Tinseltown. Really enjoyed it.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    I jumped into the Stephanie Plum series at about #14. In my mind her Granny Mazur is an elderly, fragile, lady of about 90 or so. Then I went back and started reading with #1. Night before last Stephanie was helping her Granny into the funeral for a viewing and was so very solicitous of her when was sweet. Then she mentioned that her Granny is 72. Damn and double damn!! I'm 70 and not old and feeble yet. Really makes me feel bad.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    oh my eyes, tired.

    Snippet continuation drop :)

    "He speaks the truth, Our Emperor is taken," a breathless Human woman of questionable mortality rushed up to the small knot of conferring Ministers. She appeared to be in her mid thirties, but she'd been looking that way for over two hundred years. She was Minister Hannah of Housekeeping Affaires and a guest accompanied her.

    Minister Ange gaped just like the rawest of the Guards were doing from their security positions. He recognized Ambassador Brynnhilde of the Northern Dragons, in humanoid form. He’d met her only once before, a time before the conquest, not to give the impression the Great Lady was in any way grandmotherly.

    He swept an old fashioned courtly bow. "Greetings Ambassador, and on behalf of our Emperor, Regards to Castle Utfordring. Regards to your Dragon King."

    He politely kept his gaze on her face. Brynnhilde's fair statuesque body stood unselfconsciously nude, but for some jewelry set with precious stones on her ankles and wrists, a belt of silver strands encircled her waist in loose abandon. Her full breasts accentuated the curve to her hips and balanced her long legs. Bright gold tresses draped down her arms and passed her hips, a shade to invoke envy from a hydrogen star, her tresses crowned by a diadem of precious stones. Her irises were the cobalt blue of the Dragons with a pupil of molten silver. Her wings folded tightly to her back, Minister Ange could not see their membranes to describe their color. He knew they would be lit with whirling glyph designs as unique to every Dragon as fingerprints were to Humans. To sum it all up, Ambassador Brynnhilde was a 'show stopper’ to the beholding eyes of Human, Elf, and a good many other kissing cousin species.

    She inclined her head slightly. "Angélus?" Her drawling husky voice lilted on a questioning note.

    "You remember me by name, Great Lady?" Minister Ange said incredulously. "But I was young and dare I say, mayhap, handsome back then?" He smiled to show he could be as self-deprecating as the next man.

    "I have come to bespeak to your Dragon King, we must have words for a grievous harm has been done upon us."

    "Ahem," Sovereign Minister Allons interjected by clearing his throat, drawing up his slim figure to his most commanding dramatic impression with one shoulder pushed forward. His pate gleamed under the skylights, half circled by a fringe of gray hair. "The Dragon King you speak of is our Emperor, am I correct?"

    She nodded, the weight of her golden tresses shifted, covering her breasts. "Among Dragons, your Emperor is titled Dragon King, to the Merfolk he is known amongst them as Demon Lord."

    A murmur started in the crowded hall, P-R kept the Demon Lord bit on the Q-T.

    Allons waved his arm to signal for hush. "It has come to light a mystery has shrouded our Emperor today. It is unconscionable he would miss a conference with the great Dragons."

    "He is taken, I tell you," Hannah’s dark eyes flashed with stormy anger. "I went into the Eternity Chamber to announce Ambassador Brynnhilde’s arrival," she said this with a quick curtsy to the Ambassador. "I saw something strange. I saw Emperor Methusem like a shadow disappearing into the center of the chamber, vanishing into a mist."

    Ambassador Brynnhilde closed her eyes at this announcement, a frown line appeared on her forehead. Appearing to fall into telepathic trance.

    "Great Lady, does your great knowledge extend to understand the meaning of this mist?" Minister Ange asked urgently.

    "I know what it means," Sovereign Minister Allons spoke with little patience at being ignored in favor of the Dragon. "He’s crossed into the corridors. What makes you think he was taken by force?" He put the question directly to Minister Hannah.

    Hannah grabbed a handful of her full skirt in a move to hide her irritation before she answered in a calm voice. "He left without a by your leave to anyone, He is always diligent in his responsibilities."

    "That is no token of foul deeds. He could have left to follow after an emergency. Nevertheless! We must find him. We will start a planet wide search. On the chance this whole affair is a diversion of some enemy, we will allow only Senior Guard rank and above to participate in the search. All others are to remain at their usual posts." He took charge in a manner heartening to the growingly fearful.

    Brynnhilde opened her eyes and said, "there has been unusual traffic in the Corridors of late. If t'was One of the truly powerful treading those passage ways, its dread passing would have defied even our Dragon senses."

    "Are you able to tell us in which general direction this traffic was heading?" Sovereign Minister Allons asked with false humility.

    "The subterranean passages, a portion of it sprawls below North Celesterra City, I recommend you start your search there. I will join and search Dragon Lands." The Ambassador took her leave without further ado. She passed beneath a pillar of sunlight streaming from an upper level skylight; the sunlight revealed silver skin tones like brushed silver glitter.

    Sovereign Minister Allons turned to his attendants, "call a meeting of Field Team Commanders. Let us organize this quickly. And send a preliminary team to the cave bluffs, have them set up a base of operations there."

    "Minister," Minister Ange called as Allons moved away, "Sovereign Minister!"

    The Sovereign Minister spared a moment, "I don’t have time to spare for you right now Angélus."

    "What would you have me do to help?" Ange used his most persuasive voice, well aware there was little mutual respect between them.

    Allons rocked back on his heels, studying a moment. To be fair, Allons tried in his way to be kindly as he said, "You are Minister of Royal Appointments, you should rearrange those appointments, or surely chaos will ensue, more chaos than there is already."

    Ange stood rooted to the spot as most everyone went about their business. Government would manage to keep the galactic realm running smoothly, while the Emperor was away; that is, unless a catastrophe happened. The security teams on duty stayed at their positions and after a few moments he had Hannah and Vylara for company. "Well," he said wistfully, "Ole Nuben will need us to steady his nerves." He turned, turned again, 'til he had Hannah doing it too when he turned a third time.

    She quickly surmised, "Nuben, where is he?" Hannah clasped her hands tightly together.

    "You live at this Palace Dear Hannah," Minister Ange said in a wavering voice. All this worry was exhausting, it dawning clearly for the first time that something awful may have happened to his beloved Emperor. "Are there secret passages to the Subterraneum from within this Palace? Surely Nuben must be headed for such a passage?"

    One of the Guards spoke up, "ho, Minister Ange!"

    "Oh, Dana, is it not?" Ange addressed a tall blonde Guard of hybrid-human parentage floating near the skylights on gravity-skates.

    The guard did a little meaningless dance with his feet and his elevation came down a few levels. "Ole Nuben went towards the Antiquities Wing. Do you think he’s putting himself in danger? We could assign a detail to look after him," Dana offered.

    Minister Ange shared a worried look with Hannah, reading similar thoughts to his own in her eyes. He understood Nuben’s sentiment for he loved Emperor Methusem just as dearly, like a son. They'd been there at the conquest two centuries ago, when the Emperor had seized the throne. In dire circumstances at the time, it had been a fortunate day for them. Ange knew ole Nuben would die in the Subterraneum, searching, until Methusem was found. Methusem was immortal and had a chance of coming out of this mystery unscathed, Nuben wasn’t and wouldn’t.

    "Yes Dana, thank you," Ange absently scratched his ear. Two Human women, known to Ange by reputation, were skating tight to the upper windows. Dana motioned at them to join the search party. The Minister had a fanciful idea of an adventure with his security detail, a verily fun loving pair. "If there is an entrance to the Subterraneum down in the Antiquities Wing, it couldn’t hurt to search a little ways."

    "I’m coming, too," Hannah brooked no argument.
    "And me," Vylara spoke up for the first time.
    "What? No Vylara, tis unwarranted risk for a civilian."

    "Minister," the young Elf woman spoke with steadfast determination in her sweet dulcet voice. "You saved my ancestress at great personal risk to yourself. It's a debt my family has never been able to repay."

    "I’m afraid my memory has waned with the rest of me, but I don’t see what that has to do with 'the price of chocolate'," he frowned in an effort to remember rescuing an Elf.

    "I’m going with you; nothing short of force will stop me. I must remind you that I am graced with Breath Magic."

    "Dear me! Really now!" Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his dear friend Hannah had taken quite readily to the determined Elf maid. "Let us go then." He could not deny such determination. Surely no harm could come of allowing her to accompany them.

    After the little party walked beyond hearing, Dana remarked to those nearest him! "Thereon bound upon a rescue mission to save our Emperor from something too powerful for the Dragons’ perception; Minister Caretaker of the Royal Crown Jewels, the Minister of Royal Appointments, and the Minister of Housekeeping Affaires."

    "You have to admire their brave hearts!" A Guard named Traci replied with great affection for the three Ministers under discussion.

    Terran Standard Date - Year 215.Day 143
    :: In the Subterraneum. Minister Angélus::

    The small entourage of would be Emperor rescuers tread their way through the Palace hallways in search of the Antiquities Wing. Minister Hannah led the way, she paused at a four way junction, unsure of which way to turn. Their guards were complaining that the Palace didn't seem this labyrinthine from the outside.

    Distracted by the chatter, Hannah huffed in irritation, her bosom rose with her deep inhalation of breath, tightening, momentarily, the fit of her gown's bodice. The hem of her old fashioned embroidered skirts, swept near to the floor. A strip of lace held back Hannah's cloud of brunette hair. "You only see the top six floors of the Palace from outside. We're built into a bluff, remember? You have no idea how deep the Palace goes."

    "Sorry Minister," Lisza mumbled, flashing a quick grin at her partner Terriane, disabusing any notion of sincerity in her apology.

    Ange imagined Lisza must run rings around her grandparents with her irreverence to authority. The two uniformed women were both strikingly pretty with dark hair. They wore red lip color and eye make-up, eyeliner drew emphasis to their mischievous expressions. They did not look like sisters, yet, were so alike in attitude they could have been. Their form fitted black uniforms accentuated their hip, negatron hand cannons were belt fastened to their thigh. They looked to be in their late twenties.

    Vylara seemed to be a decade younger in age, yet carried herself in a way as to give an impression of dependable maturity. She was dressed in a conservative job interview outfit, long green tinted tunic layered over a calf length light green skirt. Hannah was saying something in a soft voice to Vylara, smiling kindly at the Elf maid and was rewarded by a shy smile. Minister Ange took note of this exchange, heartily pleased. He decided Vylara would be perfect for the job as his assistant. He would offer her the position as soon as the current situation was sorted.

    While their small group hesitated on directions to the Antiquities Wing, one of their fellow Ministers came rushing up. The approaching woman was elderly with close cropped gray hair. From under the hem of her robes, Ange caught a glimpse of jogging shoes. "Ministers!" She skidded to a halt in front of Ange and Hannah.

    He overheard Lisza mumbling, 'good traction'. "Minister, how good of you to join us," Ange greeted.

    "I've come to tell you," Minister Lee took a deep breath, "the Princess has gone into the Subterraneum with ole Nuben."

    "The Princess?!" Ange exclaimed. This was startling news. But of course; the Princesses must be worried sick for the Emperor. Lisza was drawing out her PDA to relay this bit of news to the Guards' communications broadband.

    "Are you going into the Subterraneum?" Lee didn't wait for them to answer. She beckoned the group to follow her, "before the Princesses left to follow their purpose, they used their Magic to activate the Portways in the Palace."

    "Portways in the Palace?" Ange had never heard of such a thing.

    "Shortcuts!" Lee became a little impatient, when the group didn't follow her fast enough for her sense of hurry. She beckoned once more, made a sharp turn and walked into a wall. And promptly vanished.

    Ange dipped his eyebrows into a deep V. The wall was plain, or rather, as ornate as any other run of the mill wall in the Palace.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited July 2012

    Thursday. One more day until Friday, then it's the weekend!

    I'll probably sleep most of it, feh. But I take my last antibiotic Sunday, hooray! Then antifungals until Tuesday.

    Doc appointment Monday, a new primary care physician.. didn't use to have one, but with diabetes I need a long-term care physician. Blech. More money down the drain!!!

    Nie and quiet today, eating a sausage muffin with egg and cheese (30g carb, a whole meals worth) and a nice black coffee! I hope I wake up, I slept like a brick lst night and I'm sluggish. Snzzzzzzzzz...

    No new renders. :down: Feeling very.. non-creative. Maybe this weekend!

    *edit* heh, PAYDAY! Bought Win 7 Pro 64-bit for my new PC, once it arrives I can do the build, yaay!!! Finally a kick-butt quad-core i5 for 3D and music! :coolcheese:

    Everyone have a great day! :coolsmile:

    Post edited by Woolyloach on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,142
    edited December 1969

    my life is falling apart. I thought things were getting better but they are not.

    I won a movie ticket last night at work but left the coupon there.

    i did not sleep well. One of my case workers came today around 8:30 am, which was an hour ago. That did not go well.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    thaz a lot of cores :)

    my unpaid vacation is more than half over. the Fahrenheits is dropping to the 70s tomorrow, :shock: good day for a trip to the laundry mat.

    157 days to christmas.

    it's nice to be home for a week, but it's gonna be dullsville skipping a weeks pay. and that lovely new acis M4 outfit, :wub: has thigh boots. my miki3 needs thigh boots, poor gal has nuthing to wear.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited July 2012

    Good Mornin Miss Wolf.

    i don't wanna go back to work next week. wahhh i like being home with my dog. he's old, it scares me.

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,142
    edited December 1969

    Good Mornin Miss Wolf.

    i don't wanna go back to work next week. wahhh i like being home with my dog. he's old, it scares me.

    Good morning

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    It is not going well for me, at all. :down: It is even worse for my mom. :down: :down: Her delusions are on level where involuntary commitment becomes an option. :down: :down: :down:

    I'm going to vegetate until I can do retail therapy (or at least look at new pictures) in Platinum Club and wait for my render to finish. It has been at it for 13+ hours by now.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    watched Labyrinth yesterday, saw what you meant about his gray pants, Skiri.

    he seems a mite smallish, but smallish doesn't matter when you're David Bowie. :lol:

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, he was very happy in his pants and the camera man worked hard to get it captured in its fierce proudness.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    thaz a lot of cores :)

    my unpaid vacation is more than half over. the Fahrenheits is dropping to the 70s tomorrow, :shock: good day for a trip to the laundry mat.

    157 days to christmas.

    it's nice to be home for a week, but it's gonna be dullsville skipping a weeks pay. and that lovely new acis M4 outfit, :wub: has thigh boots. my miki3 needs thigh boots, poor gal has nuthing to wear.

    Skipping a paycheck is a pain in the butt, I didn't get paid last week and 1/2 this paycheck went to cover it. Meh. No toys this week or next week (next week is rent week).

    Your weather sounds nice - definitely laundromat weather. :coolsmile:

    I need more M4 clothes, sigh. Mainly medieval-type fantasy stuff. Maybe next month.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Skiriki said:
    It is not going well for me, at all. :down: It is even worse for my mom. :down: :down: Her delusions are on level where involuntary commitment becomes an option. :down: :down: :down:

    I'm going to vegetate until I can do retail therapy (or at least look at new pictures) in Platinum Club and wait for my render to finish. It has been at it for 13+ hours by now.

    Oh geez, I'm sorry t hear that. It must be very difficult to deal with. :down: :down: I hope things improve, somehow, for you.

    13+ hour render - ouch! For a STILL? Dang! :ahhh:

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975
    edited December 1969

    Oh geez, I'm sorry t hear that. It must be very difficult to deal with. :down: :down: I hope things improve, somehow, for you.

    Yeah. I'm thinking about crawling to bed and not coming out till something happens.

    13+ hour render - ouch! For a STILL? Dang! :ahhh:

    At this point, 15 hours 43 min, 90% done. It has two raytraced lights, more lights, uber area surface lights, transparent areas, sub-surface scatterings... MORE ubersurfaces... yeah, and oh, 4000x4000 in size. All eight cores are at 100%.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    @ Woolyloach: Going to my primary is like going to triage. Charge and refer.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    8 CORES!

    suffering a serious case of core envy :)

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Skiriki said:
    It is not going well for me, at all. :down: It is even worse for my mom. :down: :down: Her delusions are on level where involuntary commitment becomes an option. :down: :down: :down:

    I'm going to vegetate until I can do retail therapy (or at least look at new pictures) in Platinum Club and wait for my render to finish. It has been at it for 13+ hours by now.

    I feel for you and your mom. Sometimes commitment is the only answer. It took all 3 of us living with my dad to keep up with him. Still, it was very hard on all of us.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Skiriki said:
    Yeah, he was very happy in his pants and the camera man worked hard to get it captured in its fierce proudness.

    the camera person must have had a fetish for D.B.

    the labyrinth creatures were all muppet types, but the fairy was a live model.

    George Lucas was involved in Labyrinth and Willow.

    Dust of broken hearts :lol: Val Kilmer looks good in a purple dress, tee hee

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    yikes, it's thursday and i've only done 3 chapters. panic button

This discussion has been closed.