It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, And I Feel Fine!



  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    This thread blows my mind. First it's dead, then a trickle of post, then everytime I crash it gets a flood of post. I'm way behind and in the middle of a project right now. I'll catch up another day.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It's another day, but not a good one. I just go home from the "We can ruin a perfectly good day in hours" clinic. I have the it was a rough on me treatment body crap today, and it hit very fast. Feet are trying to expload, head is going thumpy thump and my guts are going roll, grumble, roll some more.

    Hot Dang! I love dialysis.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Go to bed and sleep it off, Jeff. Hope it passes quickly.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    AtticAnne said:
    Go to bed and sleep it off, Jeff. Hope it passes quickly.
    I would already be there my dear if I could sleep when I'm cramping. I'll try later after my cramps go away. I need fluids for that, so I'm drinking coffee and sipping sprite. They will ease up when I get the proper balance back in me.
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,930
    edited December 1969

    Hope you feel better soon. I've come down with the flu so am a bit grumpy with my back hurting on top of it. I've got promo's to finish so I can't take it easy until they are all done and the pack is uploaded to DAZ

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Frank and Jeff, hope y'all are doing better today.

    Where is BBS? Lost again? Jacob is doing drive-bys. Wendy is out cruising in her new car. Harry is still Harry. Chohole is still putting out fires.

    Me, I'm slowly working my way through the projects I've started. Today I'll be in my farmer mode. Gotta chop wood and mow the hay field.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,930
    edited December 1969

    Still not feeling to hot. I'm running a 101.3F temp and still have a couple more promo's to do. After which I'm getting off the computer for the day.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'm a little better but not much. I was feeling okay last night for awhile and then I crashed hard. I've been in bed untill now. Now is noon in my world. I need meds.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Oh my, not one post in almost a full day. That's a shame in my book. It seems we are not the BBSFFC we once were.

    I will stick around hoping for Barry to get over his gaming fever and others just to unload something once in awhile.

    I had a WEIRD day at the clinic, All was going well for the first two hours then suddenly one after the other all the machines started to give off thier warning beeps. It stated slow with just one machine then another then two more then it got loud as it seemed like all the machines joined into the fray. The noise was pretty bad, you could hear it very clearly through the head-phones we get to listen to our TV sets with. All the machines had red warning lights flashing on thier displays each flash just out of synce with the other machines close to it. The tech's checked two or three of the first units that started beeping and then one of them, her name is Tammy, ran to the backroom. She cussed a word I never heard her say in three plus years. Robin, the other tech, rushed back there with her. We were all looking at each other wondering what the heck was going on when Tammy came out and got on the phone as Robin started washing back Mr. Hood, the closest patient to the backroom. Washing back is when they use saline to force your blood out of the filter and lines back into your body. Tammy told somebody over the phone to get thier butt, she was not that nice but I'm not going to post the real phrase she used, to us as fast a they could because our water plant had went down. Then she started washing back Mrs. Willams who was right next to her. They got us all washed back and un-hooked from the machines in record time and left us with our needles in our arms while they turned all the alarms off. It was really something to see. I sat in my chair asking what was going on because this was a new one to me. Tammy said it was okay as long a Jack, the repair man, she called him something I didn't catch, go us back up in a halh hour. He must have flew because he got to the clinic very soon after that. We found out very quickly that the water plant was down for at least two to three hours, a pump had burned up or something. We all got to go home with just half a treatment and a warning to watch our fluids untill Saturday. It was really very exciting and a bit on the scary side.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Oh my, that doesn't sound really like fun. I guess a change is as good as a rest, but I would think you could have done without a change like that.

    Our Frank has been forbidden the forums today by his other half. Sent to bed early I think because he was working with a temp, so she put her foot down.

    Winding up stages of the new users contest as well. They do have till close of play tomorrow, so I guess we will manage, and as the Contest thread itslef is clean, just entries in there, it will make it so much easier for the judges.

    ANywya you take it careful Jeff.

    THis thread is missing our BBS is what is missing. He did used to keep the thread moving. Plus of course the fact that it doesn't pop up every now and then doesn't help. Need to find that magic switch that will allow last reply to bump a thread to the top.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    If you can, tell Frank's SO to force him to do as he is told. I may be a Posty Postinton but even I know when to go to bed and rest. We see him only AFTER he gets better or I'll chew him a new one.

    I'm good Pam. I still have some kidney function so I rarily have more than two liters of fluid on me when I go, and I weighed out at 1.5 liters lighter today. It's my friends I'm worried about, most of them have NO function and could put on dangerous amounts if they are not careful.

    I miss Barry, and Harry and Jacob. They all seem to be in the wind more often than not.

    EDIT: I almost forgot the contest was close to ending. It was fun, looking forward to the new one.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited June 2012

    Sorry guys, the last three days have been a bit of a blur! My youngest stepdaughter has been in hospital with suspected appendicitis. That's what the doc called it, anyway. I called it suspected imaginary pain!

    The hospital found nothing, but because she said she was still in pain she was kept in! Grrrrr and all that!

    So basically I've been bored out of my face, and since my phone doesn't seem to like this new forum I've kept away from it. Hopefully normal services can be resumed now!

    {edit} - You know, it just dawned on me that these days this IS normal service. I'm pretty crap at the moment aren't I? I'm also on a bit of a self hate kick at the moment, just feel like I can't do anything right, so I've been keeping away from all things social because of that too!

    Post edited by BlumBlumShub on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ouch!! Sorry to hear life took a left turn on you Barry. I can understand and relate, my life is down the tubes more often than not now days.
    My only pleasure right now is posting in the forums. I do not have the get up and DO to do much more than read and one finger peek on my keyboard. I have not played a game or rendered a thing in days now.

    It is good to hear from you. I hope things get better and you get more social. I should take a page from you and maybe get less social when I'm down. I hide from real life on the net, so in my way this is anti-social for me.

    Be good.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Frank, gargle with Listerine. That did the trick with my bronchitis that hung on for over a year.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    That was a terrible experience to go through, Jeff. I would have absolutely panicked. Glad you're better and yakking it up.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Pam, I'm happy to see you have some time to spend with us. As usual, I missed the contest. I always have good intentions of entering, but you know what they say about the road to hell. Maybe next time.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Barry!!!!! You're okay. I abhor hanging around hospitals. Also nursing homes, since too many of my relatives are locked up in them. Every time I go to visit I come home sick.

    My DD tells me I have agoraphobia. She forced me to go to the store last Sunday, just me and the 7-yr old. I came home crying and in full panic mode. I don't want to go out and mix and mingle. I want people to leave me alone and let me live in my computer with my friends.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,093
    edited December 1969

    I think I upset Chohole suggesting Brycers are not normal :red:
    (as if Carraraites are???)

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I think I upset Chohole suggesting Brycers are not normal :red:
    (as if Carraraites are???)
    What? None of us are normal the way I see it. We all live our lives in 3D land and internet worlds. Piss on Real Life, is what I say. It is never what I want when I want, 3D is what I make it as I make it. RL suxx!! I need control!
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2012

    Brycers are the most normal people on these forums. Unless we are Mods we keep ourselves nicely tucked up in our own little world of the Bryce forum, and rarely stray into the big wide and scary world that is The Commons. We may have discussions amongst ourselves that sometimes get quite ...ummm ....lively, yes that's a good word, lively, but we mostly get along pretty well and help each other.

    OK maybe that is not normal, but it's normal for Brycers. :coolsmirk: Oh I do hate these smilies, I want to use some of the cool ones I have saved. Even the :roll: is a bit naff.

    I have seen that Carrarists are much the same, but the discussions can get a bit more lively sometimes.

    It is just so surprising to find someone get lost and wander into the Bryce forum by mistake, and of course not understand quite what was going on, as he doesn't "know" the posters.You have wandered into a few threads in the Bryce forum, so I am sure you know just what I mean Wendy. Can you just imagine what would happen if our "tame" problem child had decided to get involved. :bug:

    Barry, it's great to see you, we all miss you, whether you are in an up or a down mood. You sre the main reason we have an OT thread at all in this forum, so you mustn't neglect us or the thread. Sorry to hear about your problems with stepdaughter, some kids do go through imaginary illnesses at times, can be sign of feeling they need more attention.

    192 x 164 - 17K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Now it seems my stepson is going to the school that he officially left two weeks ago, and harrassing one of the girls there.

    For Christmas, I'd like an ordinary life please! anyone?

    chohole said:
    Brycers are the most normal people on these forums. Unless we are Mods we keep ourselves nicely tucked up in our own little world of the Bryce forum, and rarely stray into the big wide and scary world that is The Commons. We may have discussions amongst ourselves that sometimes get quite ...ummm ....lively, yes that's a good word, lively, but we mostly get along pretty well and help each other.

    OK maybe that is not normal, but it's normal for Brycers. :coolsmirk: Oh I do hate these smilies, I want to use some of the cool ones I have saved. Even the :roll: is a bit naff.

    I have seen that Carrarists are much the same, but the discussions can get a bit more lively sometimes.

    It is just so surprising to find someone get lost and wander into the Bryce forum by mistake, and of course not understand quite what was going on, as he doesn't "know" the posters.You have wandered into a few threads in the Bryce forum, so I am sure you know just what I mean Wendy. Can you just imagine what would happen if our "tame" problem child had decided to get involved. :bug:

    Barry, it's great to see you, we all miss you, whether you are in an up or a down mood. You sre the main reason we have an OT thread at all in this forum, so you mustn't neglect us or the thread. Sorry to hear about your problems with stepdaughter, some kids do go through imaginary illnesses at times, can be sign of feeling they need more attention.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Now it seems my stepson is going to the school that he officially left two weeks ago, and harrassing one of the girls there.

    For Christmas, I'd like an ordinary life please! anyone?

    You just can not catch a break can you? Man!

    By Christmas... well at least you gave us some time to work on it. Hmm... where did I put that Cosmic Cube? (Joke from another thread Barry.)
  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    I don't know what a cosmic cube is, but it sounds cool and I want one!

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2012

    Memebers get cosmic cubes, mods and admins get cosmic ESP powers with their 3rd green box. We have just tried it out, and got a fix done to the store without even asking them. Not sure how many times we can get it to work though. Can't use it to communicate with the Hamsters though, they are ignoring us and still working slowly on occasion.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hmm.. Long post ahead.

    When our post count hits 1001 we become Power Members. The Admin's like Frank and Pam got there because of the work they do to keep the forums in line/safe/friendly for Daz. When Frank got his third box he told us that he got the Power Cosmic and a million dollars in monopoly money in it. His powers were great, sort of, he said. His mention of the Power Cosmic sent me off on a Marvel Comic's trip. They have many comic books and story lines that used the Power Cosmic in them. The one that popped into my head was Galactus and his heralds. That became Dazactus and it's hearlds (Admins) in my bent little mind. By the time I got my third box/Power Member thing we had four Power members/Admins so I said all I got in my box was a Glowing Cube called a Cosmic Cude. Also another Marvel Comics thing, the Red Skull used it in the Captian America movie by the way.

    Yes it's Stupid and silly but I am the creator of the Stupid Thread. So it fits me very well. Just Google Galactus and Cosmic Cube. It might make some sense after that. %-P

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2012

    grrrr rant time. Not often Chohole has a rant. over 800,000 members over 600 on line even now, and sometimes as many as 2000 or more, and seems that Mods and admins are only here to move it here, move it there, do the hokey cokey and turn around.

    Ah well it takes all sorts they say.

    Rant over, back to the normally scheduled program. Now where were we.

    Ah yes, we were hearing all about Dazactus and cosmic cubes.

    173 x 291 - 55K
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  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Tell me you at least wacked user So-and-So one good time with your big stick.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2012

    No I have him on virtual ignore, as mods are not allowed to really ignore people.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    OH! That one... Nevermind.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Lol. BTW I have to admit I didn't really build Dazactus in real 3d. :red: When I get time to play again, he looks as though he is doable though.

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