It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, And I Feel Fine!



  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Jeff, did you go to the clinic? Just checking.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I just sat down Anne. It seems to be a okay day. At least no headache so far. But I do need a cup of coffee.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    BBS, glad you're tired of WoW for now. How about some spot renders of portions of your big project?

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'm with the others BBS. Lets see some renders.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Not that we are putting any pressure on you BBS, just interested is all.

    I am not getting a chance to do any new renders at the mo, have to keep recycling my old ones, which is a bit fishy

    1440 x 900 - 446K
  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    No wonder our 7-yr old wants an aquarium.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,093
    edited December 1969

    pretty! ♡ but are those scales fully covering those nipples!!!! :red:
    you do not want to traumatize some office worker checking out the sushimi when his boss catches him!!!

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Wendy LOVE the KISS video, U So Crazy!!
    I want to know if that coral is made with meta-balls. Yes I'm still playing with Bryce, I'm just not any good. Yet. I'm not able to get one display mode in Win7 but I'm getting okay at doing spot renders to check my work.

    Man it's slow in the forums today. The weekends are always slow but this is very slow.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Absolutely, if you see her in another image with less reflection and caustics.

    600 x 450 - 314K
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,093
    edited July 2012

    yeah, I think some people have lives
    (whatever that is )
    too cold here to do much except browse the net on Andoid in bed.
    I DID try some stuff with MikuMikuDance that I am uploading now to YouTube
    finally got given some links to English tutorials so may learn it yet!
    pretty cool for freeware, you can rig in it's PMDeditor and it has bullet physics!

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,093
    edited December 1969

    that dolfin is nude though! :red:

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    that dolfin is nude though! :red:

    Yeah, tis difficult to put a pair of pants on a dolphin, and he wouldn't wear a dress.
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,093
    edited December 1969

    I cantz spelz, and I did nots do datz on porpoise!

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    LOL, somebody told me in one post that I should make use of the sppell checker.

    My standard answer to that one is " I don't do spells, I don't need a spell checker."

    I borrowed that from Dyret

  • islandgurl31islandgurl31 Posts: 250
    edited December 1969

    Hello everyone :-).....I am a lurker that loves to read the I am trying to get my 18 year old daughter into 3D as she loves art! She loves to draw,write, and touch up some of her pics....she is really good at it too. OC I am gonna miss her something fierce cause she is going off to college :-(. We can talk about anything,laugh together, and watch the same

    She got 2 sholarships and I am so proud of her. She takes jazz, ballet,Musical Theatre,Drama,Tap,etc...classes and loves it :-). Hope it is alright if I post a pic she worked on? I thought it was so cool that I told her I was gonna have her do my textures when I get ready for Thank you and take care :-)

    374 x 508 - 20K
  • KludgeKludge Posts: 354
    edited July 2012

    Hmmm ... a thread about the end of the world. I've lost count of how many I've survived. Comes from being really, really good at jumping between alternate universes.

    Did you ever wonder if some of those end of the world predictions wound up being accurate on some alternate timeline? What an interesting concept.

    Is this one of those delightful can't be off topic because the topic isn't on topic threads that make even those with the tightest grip on sanity lose it within moments?

    And why have a couple of A-10 Warthogs come in here ... and from where? :question:

    Post edited by Kludge on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Yes! Just wait till you meet Harry D. You two will click for sure. Barry will be fun also if RL allows. I'm a drag unless I'm not.

  • KludgeKludge Posts: 354
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Yes! Just wait till you meet Harry D. You two will click for sure.

    I've got joints that click already. They make other sounds too. I'm kind of this walking percussion section.

    Barry will be fun also if RL allows.

    RL tends to be a problem in most civilized parts of the universe. Thankfully this isn't one of them.

    I'm a drag unless I'm not.

    Whoa, you're in drag? You'd fit right in down in Wacky-wacky ... er, Waikiki. :-)

    Guess I should try DS4.5 RC2 using my DS4P serial before they take it way.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'm not that type of drag you nut, but Waikiki does sound kind of fun. I was a major LURK back when you were posting all the time. I'm now a mouthy Son of a Gun. I let it all hang out and just watch myself for the Forums TOS's sake. Good clean FUN is good clean Fun!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,093
    edited December 1969

    Hello everyone :-).....I am a lurker that loves to read the I am trying to get my 18 year old daughter into 3D as she loves art! She loves to draw,write, and touch up some of her pics....she is really good at it too. OC I am gonna miss her something fierce cause she is going off to college :-(. We can talk about anything,laugh together, and watch the same

    She got 2 sholarships and I am so proud of her. She takes jazz, ballet,Musical Theatre,Drama,Tap,etc...classes and loves it :-). Hope it is alright if I post a pic she worked on? I thought it was so cool that I told her I was gonna have her do my textures when I get ready for Thank you and take care :-)

    was that originally a photo of your daughter?
    pretty cool ;-)
  • KludgeKludge Posts: 354
    edited December 1969

    Waikiki is a lot of fun as long as you can get away from the homeless ... although they can be fun too sometimes. (I was one there in Kapiolani Park for a while.) A lot of people are afraid of Waikiki at night for some reason but that's when the street performers are out on Kalakaua Blvd as well as the few prostitutes HPD leaves alone to help tourism. They discovered cleaning up completely was not a good thing so there are a few rather attractive local girls they leave alone except for appearance's sake. At the same time, there are some undercover cops active to keep the trade localized and kind of under control.

    During the day, one of the more amusing pastimes for locals is tourist watching. Many of them simply can't get past the multitude of ways we use Spam or that, at least for a while, Hormel had labels specially printed for the Hawaiian trade. Most also don't understand that Waikiki is not Hawaii but rather is a fantasy land geared toward tourism. And, believe it or not, the food they can't pronounce or doesn't look familiar is really truly onolicious. Even the raw fish. But then, to get the really good poki you have to go away from Waikiki to where the locals are in abundance.

    Which somehow reminds me, I need to get a couple lava-lavas. They're lightweight colorful wraps worn kinda like one would a towel but significantly more comfortable. They're related to the sarong & paleo and are sometimes worn here as a beach wrap over a swimsuit. A Samoan I knew "back when" introduced me to them and I have to admit they are great for the local weather. Even for a haole. :)

    Believe me, I can go on for hours about several subjects. My daughter and Hawaii are but two of them. :)

  • KludgeKludge Posts: 354
    edited December 1969

    Hello everyone :-).....I am a lurker that loves to read the

    Thou art caught at thy lurkitude so lurk no more! Or something.

    Which island? There are so many to choose from.

    I am trying to get my 18 year old daughter into 3D as she loves art! She loves to draw,write, and touch up some of her pics....she is really good at it too. OC I am gonna miss her something fierce cause she is going off to college :-(. We can talk about anything,laugh together, and watch the same

    Oh, how I know that feeling. I mean about the closeness and missing one's daughter. Noelle's 3500 miles away but we're never further apart than our own hearts. And if you get me started on talking about her, I won't shut up. Trust me on this.

    She got 2 sholarships and I am so proud of her. She takes jazz, ballet,Musical Theatre,Drama,Tap,etc...classes and loves it :-). Hope it is alright if I post a pic she worked on? I thought it was so cool that I told her I was gonna have her do my textures when I get ready for Thank you and take care :-)

    This is lovely work. She has much talent in art and, from the looks of that list, intends to continue in stage, specifically dance. Round it out with 3D art and she'll have quite a few bases covered.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I had forgotten just how good your post where. You can carry a person away with your words. I'm so glad you are with us again. I've been homebound so long it's hard to find anything that lights my fire, but a good story told well will do it everytime.

    Opps... darn I got to go. My busybody says I have to log out and hit the hay. If I did not need him I could really get tired of him sometimes.
    Just one more peek at the help threads. See everyone tomorrow.

  • islandgurl31islandgurl31 Posts: 250
    edited December 1969

    @ wendy , yep that is my baby girl :-). In that pic she changed her eye color and gave herself a

    @Kludge, I am originally from Oahu now live in the mainland. I sure miss da beaches and food and Waimea Rock is scary though :-(. Went up it once, got to da top and turned around and climbed back Thank you all and take care.

  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    My goodness, have we drawn out some lurkers? HOORAH HOORAH HOORAH FOR BOOBIES! ERM LURKERS, yes, that's what I meant.

    Spot renders of my large project are difficult at the moment because the models are for the most part untextured and quite ugly because I'm using them to practice in Hex. So far I'm only using simple techniques, but as I've seen from Bryce users sometimes stunning results can come from just gluing and booling some primitives together! So far my results are ok. Texturing them will be when the real challenge starts, but there's no point trying that until the models are finished.

    I would very much like to make interiors for the building models too, but that's a long, long way off yet!

    So far I've got a mushroom, the beginnings of a building in a vague style of the Night Elves from WoW and part of a tree, but in all honesty the tree looks awful. Who'd have thought that the most difficult thing would be something that grows randomly anyway? Amazing. But I'm learning a heck of a lot as I go, and I'm happy with the fact that it's going slowly. I think it's important that I am happy with the speed of it, otherwise I'll just rush some crap out and it won't look how I want it. I don't want to say "This week I'll have x amount of test renders" because we've seen the results of my saying that, and it's not pretty!

  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Posts: 376
    edited July 2012

    Oh boy. I leave you guys alone for a few days and you end up letting all sorts in here. Pfff...I always miss all the fun.

    I'm still alive in case anyone wanted to fake interest in my well being. Haha. I'm having a very bad winter for some reason and I spend most of my days feeling sorry for myself and hating the world. That's what winter does to me and I hate it. On the up side I am getting a lot of sleep this way. Lol.

    I'm also reading a lot of books. For those who have Kindles or similar devices that can read kindle books do yourself a favour and grab a book called Raven's Shadow Book 1 : Blood Song by Anthony Ryan. It's self published and only available in e-book format for now but it's bloody brilliant and cost only $2.99 at Amazon. The only downside to the book is that I'm now extremely annoyed that I have to wait until next year for Book 2 : Tower Lord. This is epic fantasy (220K words in Book 1) and the world it tells about is rather unique and full of religious nuts. On some level it kept reminding me of the crusades.

    I'm also quite annoyed that Reality will only be updated once the final version of 4.5 is released. That sucks because I'm involved with another project that requires me to use 4.5 RC 2. So no Reality for me. It's a good thing I have Octane although it does have some limitations still.

    I see they still haven't managed to fix the sorting. I won't call them a bunch of idiots because even idiots would have figured it out by now. Grrr....

    To Kludge and islandgurl31 welcome to insanity and all that. Do try not to break anything and please don't re-arrange the furniture, I hate it when people do that. Just walk into your house and start re-decorating. I have a sister in law who likes to do that. I could keep her from doing it but my brother does not like the idea of his wife not having any hands. Says he needs her to have hands to cook and tend to his needs. Selfish bastard.

    And lest I upset some sensitive viewers please take all the above with a measure of salt. In fact, you should always have a lot of salt at hand when reading anything I post. Of course it also helps a lot if you bring your brain. That is, if you can remember where you left it last. Which reminds me. If anyone finds a rather large brain lying around that will be mine. Kindly return it to me should you happen upon it.

    I'm off to try out a new game. Endless Space it's called. I hope it will at least keep me entertained until I slunk back to bed when it gets too cold to sit here in front of the PC. I swear, next year I'm migrating when winter comes.


    Post edited by Harry Dresden on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Wow that never worked before. Normally when I just mention Barry and Harry they just stay off-line. I'm sure it was just a nice timing thing, my mojo never works like that. Glad to see you both again.

    I'm sorry IslandG I forgot to say anything to you or about your daughters work and skills. I really like her 2D work, she can make textures for me anytime. I think with her skills she might follow a different path but do well in what ever she choose.

    I had a nice day yesterday after my treatment, today I have the fatigue I expected yesterday. Nothing like getting a full nights sleep and waking up feeling like you have had no rest at all. Drinking coffee and waiting on meds to work, I know part of the fatigue is the arthur dragging me down.

    I have no plans for today, I have nothing Major to do and lots of time to fill up. I wonder what I can get into?

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,930
    edited December 1969

    It's good to see both of them back in the thread. I knew something was missing.

    I helped my wife's step brother move yesterday and my back is really feeling it today. My TENS unit is gonna get a workout today.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    What in the world were you thinking? Helping somebody move heavy objects does not sound like a thing you should be doing Frank.
    I thought I was the crazy do things I'm not supposed to do guy around here.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,930
    edited December 1969

    I can't help myself. I like to feel normal on the occasion or I'll go nuts. I don't have the ability to tell myself I can't do something. Even though I know I'll never be able to do a lot of things I'm still gonna try and pay for it. I've never been good at limitations. I still have the mindset that I can do anything. Everyone around me yells and tries to get me to stop but of course I won't listen "I'll be fine" and sure enough I'm not.

This discussion has been closed.