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  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985
    edited January 2021

    I hope that I'm not boring people but I have two more that I made while procrasting starting a new landscape...or playing Tomb Raider.  They both use some pro materials.  The pinkish one took over 5 hours to anti-alias on regular render setting.  I know that the first one is not a beauty but I like it anyway. 

    1200 x 800 - 354K
    1200 x 800 - 1023K
    Post edited by NGartplay on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304
    edited January 2021

    Hansmar - thank you.

    NGartplay - two cool examples, they seem to be have the same base but different materials.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,192

    NGartplay - two lovely examples, the different materials make a nice a difference.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar : thank you.

    NGartplay : two beautful examples, beautiful colours.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,221

    NGartplay - a nice pair of renders, I like the subtle forms at top-right of the first and the second is just lovely. (I'm a sucker for those magenta/cyan colour schemes)

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985

    Thank you everyone for the comments.  They are appreciated.

    MelanieL, it was hard to render a pastel image but once it started I thought that it was actually pretty :)  You know I'm drawn to the darker ones but I need to get out of my comfort zone.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,804
    edited January 2021

    NGartplay: indeed very nice examples. Well-done.

    Like NGartplay, I have a preference for darker ones. I started afresh with an architectural texture at increased frequency for the sphere, a special metal for the torus, two reflecting planes at +-45 degrees, three lights, including one with a negative diffuse. The FOV of the camera is 120 º.

    1200 x 800 - 1M
    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985
    edited January 2021

    Wow Hansmar, that is so complex.  Amazing materials. I like how it seems to bend and go around the corner...larger than it is.


    Post edited by NGartplay on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985
    edited January 2021


    I made this a while ago and just found it.  It will be my last image on this thread. The material is one of the simple architectual mats.

    1200 x 800 - 255K
    Post edited by NGartplay on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304

    Hansmar - fantastic!

    NGartplay - very nicely done.


  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar : like Horo said : fantastic.

    NGartplay : beautiful result.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,192
    edited January 2021

    Hansmar - wow superb render

    NGartplay - very nice results.

    Many times I said these are the last ones but I go on....abstracts are too addictive and fun

    Here are two more and more on my Pinterest page. For the 1st one I used the GWL at world center, the 2nd is at the set camera position.




    800 x 800 - 479K
    800 x 800 - 464K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304

    mermaid - two beautifully coloured examples.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985

    mermaid, beauuutiful!!  Love the vibrant colors.  the design has a 60ish look to it.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,804
    edited January 2021

    NGartplay, Horo, adbc, mermaid010: Thanks

    Mermaid010: Lovely examples. I really like the 'swirl' in the first one.

    I could not stop mysel and made another one. I put the camera higher and decided to use Field of View with the torus in focus. The sphere has a fantastic metal texture. The torus too, but a more simple texture.

    1200 x 800 - 600K
    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985

    Hansmar, this is a very unusual image.  Very cool but also has an organic look to it...bacterium, maybe?  I've never seen anything like it.  Creative.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid : Awesome abstracts, beautiful colours.

    Hansmar : original look, I like the soft colours.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304

    Hansmar - looks great, good idea to use DOF.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,192

    Thanks Horo, NGartplay, Hansmar and Adbc

    Hansmar -  another awesome abstract, I like colors of texture material.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,221

    Hansmar - that's super, I love it.

    NGartplay - sorry to hear that's your last, but it's a good one!

    mermaid - good ones, the colours are beautiful.

    Hansmar - nice one, the organic look of the background and those colours are subtle but lovely.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,192
    edited February 2021

    Another one from me a Monochrome with gel lights. I used one of the previous abstracts as the gel.


    800 x 800 - 500K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304

    mermaid - good idea, the result looks very nice.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited February 2021

    mermaid : very good idea, awesome image.

    A new one, the HDRI (free) gives the snake skin effect, the sphere and torus have each a glass material.

    800 x 533 - 130K
    Post edited by adbc on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304

    adbc - another cool abstract, great colours and shapes.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,192

    Thanks Horo and Adbc

    Adbc - wow that came out superb

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,221

    mermaid - another nice-looking one. (Note to self: must look into gel lights)

    adbc - I love the look of that one, it has a lot of details from apparently simple ingredients. 

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 2,985

    Mermaid010, the gel lights give just enough color, very intriguing image.

    adbc, I'm reminded of butterfly wings.  Very pretty.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo, mermaid, MelanieL, NGartplay : thank you.

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited February 2021

    really super abstracts by everyone!

    360  panoramic with large FOV

    blank abstract 23.png
    1200 x 800 - 2M
    Post edited by spuddy on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,304

    spuddy - that looks great.

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