postgre update error message on a mac

crashworshipcrashworship Posts: 216

I get this message when I open Studio on my iMac. I've confirmed that my firewall is not blocking this connection.


This verson on postgre was installed by DIM this morning and should be the most recent release.

postgre error copy.jpg
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Post edited by crashworship on


  • I think this is the issue that cana ffect other things, needing to tell gatekeeper to allow it to run.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    I think this is the issue that cana ffect other things, needing to tell gatekeeper to allow it to run.

    This from Apple:

    If you get an alert about a 32-bit app

    You will see one of these alerts when attempting to open a 32-bit app: 

    [app name] needs to be updated.
    The developer of this app needs to update it to work with this version of macOS. Contact the developer for more information.

    [app name] is not optimized for your Mac and needs to be updated.
    This app will not work with future versions of macOS and needs to be updated to improve compatibility. Contact the developer for more information.

    When installing macOS, you may see a list of recently used apps that are 32-bit. You can review this list before deciding to continue installation. You may also see a prohibitory symbol  over the icon of each 32-bit app in the Finder, letting you know that the app will not open.

    For all 32-bit apps, please contact the developer of the app to learn whether an updated version of their software is available or planned.

    That's clearly a 32 bit incompatibility issue and this is the pgAdmin version that was just downloaded and installed by DIM this morning.

  • pgAdmin file info:


    studio issues.jpg
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  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876
    edited September 2021

    Which version of postgres SQL did you download?

    Bu sure you select the correct platform tags in DIM, under download filters, turn off 32-bit


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    Post edited by Totte on
  • Totte said:

    Which version of postgres SQL did you download?

    Bu sure you select the correct platform tags in DIM, under download filters, turn off 32-bit

    32 bit downloads are disabled but the one installed was the 32 bit version regardless

  • this is the process:

    dim preferences.jpg
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    32 bit pgAdmin.jpg
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  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876

    Did you install Postgres SQL CMS (Mac 64-bit)?

    If you intalled the 32-bit over the 64 bit it will be problems.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876

    pgAdmin is nothing you need to worry about, it has to be distributed together with postgreSQL. if you need pgadmin (trust me, you really really really don't), download pgadmin 4.
    pgadmin is only a frontend GUI to the database, check the real stuff instead using lipo


    xxxxx: totte$ lipo -info  /Applications/DAZ\ 3D/PostgreSQL\ CMS/lib/libpq.a

    Architectures in the fat file: /Applications/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/lib/libpq.a are: i386 x86_64 


  • crashworshipcrashworship Posts: 216
    edited September 2021

    Totte said:

    pgAdmin is nothing you need to worry about, it has to be distributed together with postgreSQL. if you need pgadmin (trust me, you really really really don't), download pgadmin 4.
    pgadmin is only a frontend GUI to the database, check the real stuff instead using lipo










    xxxxx: totte$ lipo -info  /Applications/DAZ\ 3D/PostgreSQL\ CMS/lib/libpq.a

    Architectures in the fat file: /Applications/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/lib/libpq.a are: i386 x86_64 

    I appreciate the rsponse but look at the attached images. Everything was done correctly but the wrong file was installed. CMS won't run and it's freezing Daz Central and keeping me from installing content to Studio.

    Post edited by crashworship on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876

    If you check with lipo, you will know if the wrong files were installed. 32 bit pgAdmin3 is installed with postgreSQL - Mac 64bit, so that is not the correct way of saying "wrong files", as pgAdmin  has nothing whatsoever to do with DAZ Studio connecting to postgres or not, the libpq.a has.
    What usually has to do with it are firewalls, or postgres db files not being created due to wrong permissions on folder in the ~/Library/Application Support folder.



  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    In Product Library the 32 Bit and 64 Bit are exactly the same size so there may be a mix up that DAZ needs to fix.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876

    jestmart said:

    In Product Library the 32 Bit and 64 Bit are exactly the same size so there may be a mix up that DAZ needs to fix.

    It's the same distribution, the libraries are multi arch, both 32 and 64 bit, one of the things with Mach-O, you can pack multiple architectures in the same binary.


  • Look, I can't run this %&^*&%^%^%T CMS software. It's all been given firewall permission but I can't get Sudio to recognize PostGRE CMS which HAS BEEN INSTALLED. This happens EVERY %#$$ TIME I TRY TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE! EVERY TIME. Daz Central crashes, probably because it's looking for a CMS IT CAN'T FIND. I have no access to ANY of my content as a result.


    I have full admin access to my iMac. There is NO permissions issue. THERE IS SOMETHING %&^^%%^ wrong with the &(*(^*^*^^ software.

    libpq.a is GRAYED OUT when I try to add a firewall permission. And why do I have to do that anyway IF DAZ STUDIO HAS BEEN GIVEN FULL PERMISSION IN MY FIREWALL SETTINGS?

    I shouldn't have to be doing this. NONE OF IT. There isn't a single other piece of software that I've ever installed in my Mac which has come close to requiring these kinds of extraordinary flips and twists TO MAKE WORK! Nothing even comes close. NOTHING. I install them. They work. Period. Everything except DAZ &(*(*&^^ STUDIO!

    This is INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING AND INFURIATING. I've submitted a tech support ticket but we all know it often takes weeks before they get back to you and sometimes weeks of back and forth in trying to resolve it, IF IT EVER GETS RESOLVED AT ALL! As it stands now, I'm batting about a 30% success rate in dealing with tech support in resolving problems.



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  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876
    edited September 2021

    crashworship said:

    Look, I can't run this %&^*&%^%^%T CMS software. It's all been given firewall permission but I can't get Sudio to recognize PostGRE CMS which HAS BEEN INSTALLED. This happens EVERY %#$$ TIME I TRY TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE! EVERY TIME. Daz Central crashes, probably because it's looking for a CMS IT CAN'T FIND. I have no access to ANY of my content as a result.


    Do you allow the postgreSQL server incoming connections?

    I have full admin access to my iMac. There is NO permissions issue. THERE IS SOMETHING %&^^%%^ wrong with the &(*(^*^*^^ software.

    That statement, sorry to say, just proves how increadible ignorant you are to how os security works on macOS. Having sudo-rights doesn't mean sqaut if your ~/Library/Application Support/ has the wrong access bits set.


    libpq.a is GRAYED OUT when I try to add a firewall permission. And why do I have to do that anyway IF DAZ STUDIO HAS BEEN GIVEN FULL PERMISSION IN MY FIREWALL SETTINGS?

    Where did nI say you sould enable that in the firewall, I mentioned that in combination of lipo for you to see that you do not have to wrong version as the libs are Mach-O universal binaries 32/64 bit.

    I shouldn't have to be doing this. NONE OF IT. There isn't a single other piece of software that I've ever installed in my Mac which has come close to requiring these kinds of extraordinary flips and twists TO MAKE WORK! Nothing even comes close. NOTHING. I install them. They work. Period. Everything except DAZ &(*(*&^^ STUDIO

    Studio is a very complex software, usually it works, if it doesn't, you have something strange in your system. First off, Install via DIM, not DAZ Central if you have the slightest problem.

    This is INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING AND INFURIATING. I've submitted a tech support ticket but we all know it often takes weeks before they get back to you and sometimes weeks of back and forth in trying to resolve it, IF IT EVER GETS RESOLVED AT ALL! As it stands now, I'm batting about a 30% success rate in dealing with tech support in resolving problems.

    The key to get good support is knowing how to describe your problem. It doesn't work, is not a good start. 

    Post edited by Totte on
  • crashworshipcrashworship Posts: 216
    edited September 2021

    I am not ignorant about my privileges. Studio was working, CMS and all, on this computer until I upgraded to Big Sur. I realize that upgrade was a mistake but once done, it was nearly impossible to undo it. There have been no permission changes since then. I'm well aware of how to set permissions for everything. They are the same now as they were before the upgrade.

    And, to be clear, I am not directing my frustration and anger at you. I recognize that you're trying to help. I appreciate that.

    I have been a Studio user for well over a decade, on the Mac OS. I've successfully installed it and made it work on four different Macs and countless OSs. I'm not some noob. I'm not doing anything different now than I have before. There is a problem with the software. Period.

    Post edited by crashworship on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876

    So, to get a timeline of events:

    - You ran macOS 10.x (13/14/15) on the machine, everything worked
    - You installed macOS 11, and things didn't work (we all know DS didn't work)
    - You updated DS to, and it still doesn't work?

    In that case, rethoric why was postgreSQL even effected? See below:

    My best guess is that the privilegies on the folder ~/Library/Application\ Support/DAZ\ 3D/cms/ContentCluster/ has been compromised by the new policies Apple enforced on ~ from macOS 10.15.3-ish, where they set group and world read access to those folders and files within those folders.
    postgreSQL, from a security standpoint refuses to open a database if it is not only accessible by the owner and no one else. Check the logfile ~/Library/Application\ Support/DAZ\ 3D/cms/ContentCluster/​blog.txt for errors regarding security.

    if you use the termial and show the content by doing file list unix way (I cannot type the commands here as that will block the post as attempted hacking, Cloudflare blocks all possible ni commands even in forum texts), so I put it into a pdf-file. important is that the acce4ss bits are drwx------+ that is only access for the owner, no group or world access.





  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    I know, as a notorious hater of Apple I should butt out, but I am not.  You are doing something different, you are using a newer OS.  This is a problem for Windows use too as it seems every time there is an update it is protect the average techno-stooge user from themselves.  This fine for the masses that don't run complex apps but a pain in backside for those who do.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876
    edited September 2021

    jestmart said:

    I know, as a notorious hater of Apple I should butt out, but I am not.  You are doing something different, you are using a newer OS.  This is a problem for Windows use too as it seems every time there is an update it is protect the average techno-stooge user from themselves.  This fine for the masses that don't run complex apps but a pain in backside for those who do.

    Couldn't have said it better!

    Yes, most things Apple and Microsoft do these days is to prevent average Joe Sher from shooting himself in the foot. 

    Post edited by Totte on
  • I had the same Postgre SQL error (running OSX Big Sur 11.6) - tried unistalling and reinstalling many times through DIM, directly, etc. Tried fixing the permissions on the folders as suggested which didn't fix it. It sounds like a permissions issue with the newer OSX versions which hopefully will be fixed at some point. 

    In the meantime I installed DS and all of my assets without issue on Windows on this same Mac. I use Parallels (which costs money), but you could do the same for free using BootCamp. I would suggest this route for any Mac users who encounter this same problem and find DS unusable on Mac but still want to use it or have money tied up in assets like me.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876

    rayhoracek said:

    I had the same Postgre SQL error (running OSX Big Sur 11.6) - tried unistalling and reinstalling many times through DIM, directly, etc. Tried fixing the permissions on the folders as suggested which didn't fix it. It sounds like a permissions issue with the newer OSX versions which hopefully will be fixed at some point. 

    In the meantime I installed DS and all of my assets without issue on Windows on this same Mac. I use Parallels (which costs money), but you could do the same for free using BootCamp. I would suggest this route for any Mac users who encounter this same problem and find DS unusable on Mac but still want to use it or have money tied up in assets like me.

    I don't have the postgres error on my freshly installed M1 Mini, and it was the same with other versionsof macOS too, so has it, some don't.  
    It's difficult to find the issues where it doesn't happen.

  • Hi all, I've recently done a fresh install (failed HD, crash and burn..)on my Mac running Catalina and have spent the last couple of days trying to resolve this POSTgreSQL CMS issue. I've tried many of the suggested fixes but keep coming back to the simple fact that the pgAdmin3 icon in DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/ folder has a "No Entry"type bar across it and when checked says it needs to be updated! I've reinstalled the Postgre package from DIM several times without any joy :-(

  • JazzyJazzy Posts: 21


    I can say this week has been a pain because I have run into the same issue with the with efforts to install on another Mac with OS 12.6.5 (Monterey) - not an M1 machine.  All of the installs were completed via DIM, no luck with getting around the developer's update requirement.  I do see out there where pgAdmin4 is under development, but it looks like it's focused solely on a Windows platform.

    I do have Parallels 18 installed on this machine, and I may have to go that route to work on things within Daz.  It is unfortunate we cannot seem to get definitive response from Daz's technical support in validating operating system success with the latest installs - I searched for the information.  It is frustrating after years of usage and counteless installs on my other Macs here in the house, this is the first time I could not resolve my pgAdmin issue at all... (As a side note, you would have to upgrade your Parallels offering to Pro in order to fully maximize your RAM usage - I hate that subscription based software - because it only allows you 8G of dedication to the VM.)

    The joys of changing operating system purchase newer surface options to only lose more critical options/capabilities!

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876
    edited April 2023

    Jazzy said:


    I can say this week has been a pain because I have run into the same issue with the with efforts to install on another Mac with OS 12.6.5 (Monterey) - not an M1 machine.  All of the installs were completed via DIM, no luck with getting around the developer's update requirement.  I do see out there where pgAdmin4 is under development, but it looks like it's focused solely on a Windows platform.

    I do have Parallels 18 installed on this machine, and I may have to go that route to work on things within Daz.  It is unfortunate we cannot seem to get definitive response from Daz's technical support in validating operating system success with the latest installs - I searched for the information.  It is frustrating after years of usage and counteless installs on my other Macs here in the house, this is the first time I could not resolve my pgAdmin issue at all... (As a side note, you would have to upgrade your Parallels offering to Pro in order to fully maximize your RAM usage - I hate that subscription based software - because it only allows you 8G of dedication to the VM.)

    The joys of changing operating system purchase newer surface options to only lose more critical options/capabilities!

    Why are you even bothering with pgAdmin at all? It's a tool for postgres that is required to ship with any postgres installation but not anything you are supposed to use when using postgres wirth DS.
    If you have issues with postres not installing or not starting correctly (no valid postgres connection in DS), the problem is elsewhere in your system. Look at the settings DS says it has to postgres, have you tried to start the cms using start/stop CMS inside DS?  
    (as a side  note I do run pgAdmin 4 on my macs but that's because I use postgres for many other things, but you do not need pgAdmin for DS)

    Post edited by Totte on
  • JazzyJazzy Posts: 21

    Totte said:

    Jazzy said:


    I can say this week has been a pain because I have run into the same issue with the with efforts to install on another Mac with OS 12.6.5 (Monterey) - not an M1 machine.  All of the installs were completed via DIM, no luck with getting around the developer's update requirement.  I do see out there where pgAdmin4 is under development, but it looks like it's focused solely on a Windows platform.

    I do have Parallels 18 installed on this machine, and I may have to go that route to work on things within Daz.  It is unfortunate we cannot seem to get definitive response from Daz's technical support in validating operating system success with the latest installs - I searched for the information.  It is frustrating after years of usage and counteless installs on my other Macs here in the house, this is the first time I could not resolve my pgAdmin issue at all... (As a side note, you would have to upgrade your Parallels offering to Pro in order to fully maximize your RAM usage - I hate that subscription based software - because it only allows you 8G of dedication to the VM.)

    The joys of changing operating system purchase newer surface options to only lose more critical options/capabilities!

    Why are you even bothering with pgAdmin at all? It's a tool for postgres that is required to ship with any postgres installation but not anything you are supposed to use when using postgres wirth DS.
    If you have issues with postres not installing or not starting correctly (no valid postgres connection in DS), the problem is elsewhere in your system. Look at the settings DS says it has to postgres, have you tried to start the cms using start/stop CMS inside DS?  
    (as a side  note I do run pgAdmin 4 on my macs but that's because I use postgres for many other things, but you do not need pgAdmin for DS)

    Totte - I'm not attempting to do anything with pgAdmin4, I just mentioned that I saw where it was under development while I was doing some extra legwork to figure out why the heck this time around nothing is working this new install of the application on a new machine.  As for the starting/stopping of CMS, that is not an option given the fact DIM only seems to download Daz Studio, along with the PostgreSQL, but CONSISTENTLY fails on the install.  Just for the "fun" of it all, I even attempted an install on W11Pro, which returned the same set of issues.

    So, my question for you is have you grabbed a totally clean machine and attempted a new install directly from downloading the installers from Daz? I've pretty much given up on getting this on the newer machines at this point because I do not have the time to continue investing in troubleshooting this.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876
    edited April 2023

    Jazzy said:

    Totte said:

    Jazzy said:


    I can say this week has been a pain because I have run into the same issue with the with efforts to install on another Mac with OS 12.6.5 (Monterey) - not an M1 machine.  All of the installs were completed via DIM, no luck with getting around the developer's update requirement.  I do see out there where pgAdmin4 is under development, but it looks like it's focused solely on a Windows platform.

    I do have Parallels 18 installed on this machine, and I may have to go that route to work on things within Daz.  It is unfortunate we cannot seem to get definitive response from Daz's technical support in validating operating system success with the latest installs - I searched for the information.  It is frustrating after years of usage and counteless installs on my other Macs here in the house, this is the first time I could not resolve my pgAdmin issue at all... (As a side note, you would have to upgrade your Parallels offering to Pro in order to fully maximize your RAM usage - I hate that subscription based software - because it only allows you 8G of dedication to the VM.)

    The joys of changing operating system purchase newer surface options to only lose more critical options/capabilities!

    Why are you even bothering with pgAdmin at all? It's a tool for postgres that is required to ship with any postgres installation but not anything you are supposed to use when using postgres wirth DS.
    If you have issues with postres not installing or not starting correctly (no valid postgres connection in DS), the problem is elsewhere in your system. Look at the settings DS says it has to postgres, have you tried to start the cms using start/stop CMS inside DS?  
    (as a side  note I do run pgAdmin 4 on my macs but that's because I use postgres for many other things, but you do not need pgAdmin for DS)

    Totte - I'm not attempting to do anything with pgAdmin4, I just mentioned that I saw where it was under development while I was doing some extra legwork to figure out why the heck this time around nothing is working this new install of the application on a new machine.  As for the starting/stopping of CMS, that is not an option given the fact DIM only seems to download Daz Studio, along with the PostgreSQL, but CONSISTENTLY fails on the install.  Just for the "fun" of it all, I even attempted an install on W11Pro, which returned the same set of issues.

    So, my question for you is have you grabbed a totally clean machine and attempted a new install directly from downloading the installers from Daz? I've pretty much given up on getting this on the newer machines at this point because I do not have the time to continue investing in troubleshooting this.

    Yes, did that just recently on macOS 13 on a new MacBookAir M2, no problems, just installed with DIM.
    What you need to do is to allow DIM to get full disk access under System Preferences -> Security and Privacy, which goes for every program that needs it, like installers, DropBox, Security Software etc that you install on macOS 11+ as Apple changed that to prevent unwanted programs to access your drive.

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    Post edited by Totte on
  • nife2468nife2468 Posts: 14

    Was there ever a solution found to this aside from 'don't buy an apple because Daz hates apple?'

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876

    I run Daz Studio on four different  macs with no issues with DIM.


  • nife2468nife2468 Posts: 14

    Totte said:

    I run Daz Studio on four different  macs with no issues with DIM.

    The issue isn't with DIM, it's Daz Studio

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876

    nife2468 said:

    Totte said:

    I run Daz Studio on four different  macs with no issues with DIM.

    The issue isn't with DIM, it's Daz Studio

    Are you refering to the Cannit install with DIM issue or another issue?
    The other issue I know of is with Studio and macOS 14 and random crashes with menues. 

  • ...I'm really wrestling with this too. Sonoma 14.3.1

    Was able to install postgre through DIM, 64-bit. Tried to wipe it and reinstall a few times. Just finished downloading a 40GB library so I'm kinda antsy to get back into it... heh.

    I get the attached message.

    Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 3.43.14 PM.png
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