postgre update error message on a mac



  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,876

    [exhales deeply] said:

    ...I'm really wrestling with this too. Sonoma 14.3.1

    Was able to install postgre through DIM, 64-bit. Tried to wipe it and reinstall a few times. Just finished downloading a 40GB library so I'm kinda antsy to get back into it... heh.

    I get the attached message.

     There are a couple of things that can cause this.
    - One of the "less known" issues are if your DAZConnect library is missing, then you will get a postgres connection error.
    - If you look at your DS Preferences Pane for CMS, does it point to the correct place, where the actual cms folder is?
    - If you navigate with Finder to ~/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/cms/ContentCluster , does it contain something at all?
    - In ~/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/cms/ContentCluster there is a file dblog.txt, does it contain errors about "wrong privilegies on files?". This is due to Apple changed default privilegies on files inside ~/Library but postgres refuses to open a database file that someone else has write rights to, as it is a potential security breach if someone tempers with the database file so it reads something that can cause an internal issue and be used as an arbitrary execution exploit.

    / Totte

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