Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 9



  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited August 2015
    Jamahoney said:

    Art...the floating chapel was just a MYSTery occurrence...heh he wink

    NICE! yes

    vivien1 said:

    Fencepost - I am amaze at the realistic look of the grass. How much do you charge an hour for private lessons LOL

    Thank you very much, but trust me, the steps I take to get there, you wouldn't get your money's worth! LOL It's mostly manual instancing. surprise 

    Oh My Goodness, such awesome renders to look at!!! I get to pull out the 3D glasses and even get a new tutorial to experiment with. Yay!  Thanks, Horo, for your panorama explanation and David for the tute!

    Speaking of instancing (UGH!!!!) - Welcome to Bryce's Instancing Isle.  A lush, tropical land where instead of receiving the expected R&R, you're given a much "better" package: C&C (that's crashes and cursing!)  Manual instancing is not much more stable than using the instancing lab. angry  Oh, well.  Gotta have my Bryce!  A terrain from David and Horo's Hi Res Terrains - Set 2 & plants from Nobiax ( - FYI he has some nudity on his site.)  


    1511 x 850 - 1M
    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited August 2015

    vivien - thank you. Wings3D is manageable with David's videos. Great abstract.

    David - thank you. Your silly ideas keep us from doing serious work. As vivien sais, the permutations are endless and urges us to experiment endlessly. I love abstracts and hate them at the same time because of that.

    Mermaid - thank you. Funny abstract.

    Art - beautiful place. You're very patient with instancing (C&C competent and cunning).

    I also gave David's tute a try.


    800 x 800 - 216K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    @Horo: What a pity, I don't have those goggles. The silver one looks good too.

    @vivien1: Wonderful result!

    @David Brinnen: Also nice, specifically the colours.

    @mermaid010: Nice work. Looks like a Miro.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited August 2015

    Hansmar - thank you.

    Another abstract, more geometric.


    800 x 800 - 206K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited August 2015

    Very nice, Horo, and thank you for the comments!

    Here's version of Instancing Isle, but this one with clouds, using David's recipe.

    1511 x 850 - 1M
    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389

    Art - both your renders are beautiful.

    Horo - thanks,both your renders are awesome especially the second abstract.

    Hansmar - Thanks

    I also had loads of fun trying David's tutorial. I have uploaded a few more to my Pinterest account.

    The second one uses the GWL lens

    500 x 500 - 45K
    1500 x 850 - 80K
  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited August 2015

    Thanks, mermaid.

    All your renders, including those on pinterest, are beautiful.

    As an aside, has anyone heard from GussNemo (Jamie) lately?  Been missing him on the forum.  Tried to send him an email, but it was bounced.


    ETA: A simple, but cool looking render.  Took a mordor terrain and ran the mosaic tool (Alt+Posterizer) on it in the TE.  Would work well for Minecraft type of stuff.

    1500 x 750 - 736K
    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 870
    edited August 2015

    I am struggling with render time. My scene uses the premium effects with TA 144 and a dome light. Render time without clouds was about 3 1/2 hours, which is not bad at all. But with clouds estimated render time is 27 hours. That's why I rendered the clouds separatly with 16 rpi (I find, you can hardly any noise) and merged both pictures in my graphic program. The problem now is, you can see jagged lines (e.g. at the men's body). Sometimes it would be nice, to set up TA rpi for each object.



    800 x 800 - 774K
    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited August 2015

    @Electro-elvis: Are you using an HDRI to help light the scene and, if so, have you excluded the clouds in the IBL tab?  I think the TA mode might be adding a lot of time to the scene as well. Is it possible to add additional light sources to the scene, disabling TA, and still getting the render to look the way you want it?

    ETA: I know you mentioned you're using a dome light, I just wanted to clarify if you're using an HDRI as well.

    ETA2: If you still want to use TA rendering, in the dome light settings, make sure you select TA optimized and also see if excluding the cloud slab works for you.

    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    @Fencepost52: Very nice looking Instancing Isle. Nice clouds too. And the mosaic terrain is gorgeous.

    @Electro-Elvis: Nice looking beach scene. I agree with ART: exclude the sky (cloud) slab from TA. Even without TA such a volumetric slab takes quite some render time, but with TA is is monstrous.

    @Horo: that is another nice abstract.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited August 2015

    I made a terrain with a height map that I took from It is a part of a fjord in Norway. I think I might want to modify the texture. The ship is a free cruise ship from I did change the rather plastic textures a bit (some of them).

    in the fjord.jpg
    1434 x 695 - 777K
    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376
    @ Art : your island renders are awesome! Those are some really good landscapes works and yes, Horo is right, you're very patient with I.L!
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539

    Art - the clouds look great. Neat idea with the alt-posterize option.

    Mermaid - nice abstracts. The first looks a bit like flying over a planetary surface and the second is really special.

    Electro-Elvis - when you rendered the scene without the clouds and the clouds only, did you also render an object mask? If your graphics program can manage masks, you shouldn't get jagged edges.

    Hansmar - thank you. Nice fjord landscape.

  • @Fencepost52: No, I am not using HDRI, just the Bryce sun, TA and a Dome Light to brighten up the shadows of my characters. I would love to have in TA an option like the one in IBL for excluding something. Maybe in the next Bryce version? (Pardon I am going to be serious just now). I did a test render without TA and the dome light only. It came out quite well, but I think with TA it looks a bit better. Thanks for the hint to select TA optimazation in the dome light settings. Makes TA renders a lot faster. BTW your instancing island is gorgeous. And yes IL can be a pain. And BTW The chappel has landed! :-D

    @Hansmar: Thank you. That's a nice website you mentionned. I think I will play with it, as soon as I find the time *sigh"

    @Horo: I made an object mask and I own Photoshop, but I'am afraid this software is much smarter than me. Your abstracts are looking good and have fine coulors.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539

    Electro-Elvis - aye, I don't use Photoshop for adding two renders with the mask. I haven't figured it out yet how to do it. I just use HDRShop. It's simple and straight forward and it works fine with BMP.


  • Thanks everyone for your comments about the instancing.  That makes my day.  Since I don't use the instancing lab, I have to figure out ways to improve the technique and save time because it can be tedious.  However, I think I've made good progress on how to do it fairly quickly and with good results.

    @Hansmar: Nice cruise scene through the fjord!  Would love to do that sometime.  Maybe in my retirement.  Oh, wait, I have fields to plow! smiley

    @Electro-elvis: Glad you got it the way you want it to look.  I think it looks nice.  If you would like, send me the renders/mask and I'll combine them for you. It'll take less than 5 minutes.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389

    Art- Thanks for your comment. I agree a very cool render you have there with the Mordor terrain. Regarding Jamie (GussNemo), he did make a brief appearance a while ago.

    Electro-Elvis – nice render Maybe this tutorial will help you.  

    Hansmar – nice scene I like the sky.

    Horo – Thanks  

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    @Electro-Elvis: All the honour for first mentioning the website goes to Orbital (other thread). But it is indeed great to play with.

    @Horo: Thanks.

    @Fencepost52: Thanks. You have to stop ploughing sometime; can't do that every day, or you will wear out very quickly. So party at a terrain for some R&R!

    @mermaid010: Thanks. The sky is one of the standard sunset skies.

  • @Electro-elvis: Glad you got it the way you want it to look.  I think it looks nice.  If you would like, send me the renders/mask and I'll combine them for you. It'll take less than 5 minutes.

    @Fencepost52: Thanks a lot for your kind offer to combine the both pictures for me. But I have done it now the "hard" way ;-) When I read your mail, my render with premium options with 144 rpp already run for a while. I have posted the result in the galleries

    @Mermaid010: Thanks for the link. I'm afraid David is using Paint Shop Pro 8 and I am using Photoshop 6 (Yeah, it is an old version, but I have bought it and this stuff is sooo expensive, I did not afford another one.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited August 2015

    Still fiddling around with water, but this time, trying to get the sea to look like, well, the sea here (but not as brown).

    @Electro-Elvis, PSP8 - £5 for a full liscened version.  Not too expensive.

    850 x 850 - 274K
    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    @David Brinnen: Very strong scene. Close to the camera, the sea does not look so realistic to me, with all those circles tha can be seen. But from one third up it is a really great, dramatic see and a wonderful sky too.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    Hansmar said:

    @David Brinnen: Very strong scene. Close to the camera, the sea does not look so realistic to me, with all those circles tha can be seen. But from one third up it is a really great, dramatic see and a wonderful sky too.

    Thanks for the feedback.  Yes, the circles, I will try to track down what is going on here.  I find water very tricky stuff.  So I expect any attept to get it right will require many itterations.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539

    David - I'm not living by the sea so I'm not actually an expert. For me, the water looks solid and I think the waves are a bit round. Clouds look impeccable.

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859

    such a good model for rendering smiley

    1514 x 845 - 245K
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited August 2015
    Horo said:

    David - I'm not living by the sea so I'm not actually an expert. For me, the water looks solid and I think the waves are a bit round. Clouds look impeccable.

    Thanks, well actually, I consider you the expert in this area, your water materials are the ones I tent to use instead of my own.  It is a bit solid and the waves are somewhat round.  So I've given it another go.  This is going to take a long time.  There are many variables and issues.  This remix took far too long to render.

    Tim, great model, great render!

    850 x 850 - 273K
    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited August 2015

    Definitely better. Rough sea has many floating particles that make the water more opaque. The disadvantage of transparent water is the rendertime penalty. Just an idea: have you experimented with a parallel light shining up through through the water?


    Post edited by Horo on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389


    @Mermaid010: Thanks for the link. I'm afraid David is using Paint Shop Pro 8 and I am using Photoshop 6 (Yeah, it is an old version, but I have bought it and this stuff is sooo expensive, I did not afford another one.

    Electro - Elvis Welcome to the club, I also have a very old version of Photoshop. The tools David uses in the video are also found in Photoshop, we just need to find them.

    David- nice experiments with the sea.

    Tim - nice render


  • vivienvivien Posts: 184
    edited August 2015

    Art- I really admire your patience for manual instancing. You make it look so easy. Beautiful  island by the way. The one with the clouds in particular.

    As for your mordor terrain, this is exactly what I wanted to achieve for one of my renders but had no idea how to do it. I'll try, I know now who to ask if I need any help.

    Horo - Thank you. Great results on David's fractal tutorial, Love the tones and structure on both.

    Mermaid - Beautiful looking renders. I also had a look at your pinterest account... there is some beauties there.... Out of interest,  How do you import to Bryce your Apo fractals?

    Electro-Elvis - Nice render.

    Hansmar -  Nice scene of the fjord.

    David - The angry sea experiment is taking shape.. the second one is much better than the first.

    I had another play yesterday with David fractal tutorial  

    I wanted to see how much difference would moving the angles of the planes and changing the texture of the 3rd would make. And this is the result.

    fractal 3.jpg
    1000 x 616 - 77K
    fractal 4.jpg
    1000 x 616 - 147K
    Post edited by vivien on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539

    Those look great, vivien. The first looks almost like a hallway with stairs left and right. The second with the chainis just cool.


  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    vivien1 said:

    Mermaid - Beautiful looking renders. I also had a look at your pinterest account... there is some beauties there.... Out of interest,  How do you import to Bryce your Apo fractals?



    Vivien - Thanks. I use the fractal as a height map on a terrain or lattice and then apply the image in the mat lab. Sometimes I will enhance the colors in photoshop before applying it as a material.

    Your abstracts using David's tutorials are awesome.

This discussion has been closed.