Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 9



  • vivienvivien Posts: 184
    edited August 2015

    Horo and Mermaid - My glasses look a little bit smaller than my avatar, but my smile is pretty much spot on. Thanks

    I thought I make more use of my fractals.

    800 x 800 - 40K
    Post edited by vivien on
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited August 2015

    Thank you for the feedback and the kind remarks.  Here's an incremental version now incorporating a high resolution terrain from Horo and a HDRI sky, also from Horo.

    Glad to hear you've got your glasses now Vivien!  And producing some interesting renders.

    850 x 850 - 324K
    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited August 2015

    Been away for a few days and it seems awfully quiet around here.  Hope everyone's doing well.

    @Vivien: Sorry about your glasses, but so happy you've got a big new pair and big smile! LOL  Very nice bridge scene and I like the fractal/abstract.

    @Jay:  Love the shark anaglyph!  I like your experiment with the mirrors and the model.

    @David:  Your water experiments are coming along very nicely.

    @mermaid:  Very nice work on all your renders. Love the underwater scene and the abstract with metaballs.

    @Horo: Nice experiments with the rain, snow, and fog.  The last fog looks realistic.

    I'm kinda running low on the creative/inspired side right now and have been doing a number of anaglyphs of old stuff and one landscape.  Here's a few:

    Road to Dodecahede_ALS_Crossover.jpg
    1500 x 750 - 1M
    Road to Dodecahede_ALS.jpg
    800 x 800 - 790K
    Island Life 2.jpg
    1600 x 800 - 1M
    1080 x 810 - 1M
    1400 x 700 - 1M
    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,105


    That is spectacular. The only comment is on the sharp point on the wave at bottom left and again at the rocks in the distance, detracts from the illusion of water.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited August 2015

    Mermaid - thank you.

    Vivien - cool abstract.

    David - water looks really great.

    Art - the balls look nice, the ana ball doesn't work well for me. The spirals (StructureSynth?) ana works excellent. The river bank with the hut and all that vegetation is awesome.

    I was busy today making my website a secure site (https). Nevertheless, I distracted myself a bit with Bryce. The blue one is an Alien Artefact by MatCreator and it has the ErmClouds08_SD_SC inside it. The object is transparent and has specularity, anisotropy and a bit of reflection. The HDRI is the only light source.


    The second one is also exclusively lit by the ErmClouds10_SD_SC HDRI. The object was made in StructureSynth and got a copper material from our first 50 Metals Set.


    534 x 800 - 77K
    800 x 510 - 58K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited August 2015

    Thanks, Vivien...much appreciated wink

    Yeah, Art, 3D anaglyphs are so many don't like/get them (based on criticisms in the past). I'm not sure if it was intentional, but the second image looks inverted (that is, the 3D anaglyph is 'sunken in' rather than 'produded out') - not a problem, if that is what you wanted to achieve.

    Gorgeous, Horo, your first work reminds me of one of those 'World Cup' sculptures (btw, I generally don't follow sport, soccer, etc.,...but only when my country/my country's individual is involved).


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited August 2015

    Vivien- interesting abstract fractal. Did you use another program to generate the fractal or was it done in Bryce? I love fractals and abstracts.

    David- the sea is looking good except the left and right foreground waves, they look somewhat solid.

    Art – thanks. Your renders are also very nicely done. Love the Island, it’s awesome. Very nice anaglyphs, the 1st anaglyph did not work for me, till I read Jay’s comment and moved away from the computer and saw what he meant by “sunken”

    Horo- both your renders are awesome.

    Posting 2 renders I did a while ago, the 1st uses Horo’s Gasclouds_A1 (view thru the GWL) and the 2nd the Filigree Hdris.

    600 x 600 - 30K
    scene12 floatingdroplets.jpg
    600 x 600 - 64K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

    Love the first one, could almost be used in some astronomy TV program concerning, say, exoplanets (now very popular in the astro media).


  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited August 2015

    Great renders Art, though like Horo I found the second anaglyph much more effective.  The shoreline with the hut on stilts and the palms put me very much in mind of those amazing scenes of vegitation made by Rashad.

    Horo, The Alien thing looks suitably alien, almost like glass... The Second image looks like it just needs rotating slightly to turn it into some words.  Like a 3D ident for a TV channel that needs viewing from just the right angle.  Again, nice work.

    Mermaid, good to see your continued enthusiasm for the lenses!  I like the first render in particular.

    Here I've tweaked with the sea image again, changing the island to another by Horo and the sky, also by Horo and modifying the sea slightly.


    850 x 850 - 323K
    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited August 2015

    Jay - thank you. No sports enthusiast myself, not even for my country.

    Mermaid - thank you.

    David - great rough sea. It looks believable to me.

    Here's another fog render.


    800 x 560 - 107K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • vivienvivien Posts: 184
    edited August 2015

    David - Thank you. Great render with Horo's terrains, I prefer the first terrain, The water, although not inviting at all, looks very believable.

    Art - Thanks. I'll comment on your anaglyphs when I get my 3d glasses. Now, the island looks fantastic, I like the depth in it.

    Horo - Thank you. Really beautiful structures, the ErmClouds  lighting gives them such an effective glow. Also your fog render is very nice I like the fact that half of the mountain has fog and the other full sun.

    Mermaid - Thanks. That is one of my oldest fractals. Made with Tierrazon which  is the first program I ever used. Very nice your gascloud render, particularly the first one.

    I'm practicing camera angles, I'm not very confident on height perspective. I wanted to make Santorini viewed from high on the mountain, but this is as high as I could go before I messed it up.

    santorini new.jpg
    1000 x 600 - 35K
    Post edited by vivien on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    Wow. Great renders by several people. I admire the perseverance of David who keeps improving the same scene over and over. And several other great works too. 

    After having been away for a while, I hope to contribute something again soon.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

    David...uugghh...sea-sick...stop...uugghh, pleasecheeky

    Vivien, stayed at a villa like this in Greece once, but the view was just hills all around. Gorgeous, though.


  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389

    Horo- nice render especially the foggy and the sunny areas

    Vivien – Thanks. Love the setup, beautiful render.

    Two stills using Horo’s Hdris. The 1st uses a Wings 3D object and the second a Structure Synth object.


    500 x 500 - 22K
    600 x 600 - 37K
  • vivienvivien Posts: 184

    Jay - Thank you, it certainly is a very nice place to visit

    Mermaid - I like the 2 structures, especially the second one. I wouldn't mind owning one in glass. How did you make it.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539

    vivien - thank you. Ah, camera angles - not always easy to get it right, but it's an important compositional tool. Your scene looks great.

    mermaid - nice examples. I find the spirals an object difficult to put in scene, yours here looks better than anything I managed to came up with when using this spirals object. Also the Wings ball is nicely presented.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited September 2015

    Sorry for those suffering from sea-sickness for pressing on with this theme, I want to keep improving.  Here I've optimised the render time.  Changed the island material, tweaked the atmopherics and the water reflectiveness.  Thank you for all your kind remarks.

    850 x 850 - 383K
    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389

    Vivien – Thanks. The second object is Structure Synth object- it’s a freeware. I don’t know how to use the program, I just export the examples that come with the program and render them in Bryce.

    Horo- Thanks. I know what you mean; I just got lucky after many trials and errors. Now I want to try another render using the gemstone set.

    David – the sea is looking great but I prefer the earlier one with a bit of cloud around the mountain.

  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited September 2015

    Thanks for the comments on the anaglyphs and island scene, everyone!  Very much appreciated. 

    Jamahoney said:

    Yeah, Art, 3D anaglyphs are so many don't like/get them (based on criticisms in the past). I'm not sure if it was intentional, but the second image looks inverted (that is, the 3D anaglyph is 'sunken in' rather than 'produded out') - not a problem, if that is what you wanted to achieve.

    I agree, Jay, 3D anaglyphs (and 3D anything for that matter, including hidden object stereograms) are extremely addictive for me.  I could never get the second image to invert (my eyes/brain are wired differently because I can always make a 3D anaglyph view correctly), but since everyone said it didn't work, I went back and opened the file to see what I did wrong.  Think I found the problem.  I use David/Horo's True 3D rendering lenses and one of the quirks of Bryce is you have to click on the camera dot twice to get the lens system to align correctly.  I suspect I didn't do this because all my tracking options were set correctly, but as soon as I clicked the camera twice, BOOM, the image rendered differently.  I'm glad everyone let me know it didn't work because, like I said, I could view it properly and wouldn't have had a clue.  I've posted a new version below (hopefully it works) as well as a couple of others.

    Horo, No I haven't tried Structure Synth yet (it's on my list).  This is from my triskelion tutorial described here:  (I so need to make a video of this) *adds to "things to do" list*    Love both of your renders.  MatCreator sure has some unusual objects, but they look great when rendered.  The fog is looking very nice.  Methinks you're onto something here.

    Mermaid, nice abstracts and objects. The Structure Synth is my favorite.

    Vivien, the Santorini render is great. The only thing that looks off for me is the scaling of the chairs in the distance.  Look a bit small compared to the ones closer to the camera.  But I still think it looks nice.

    David, the way you're pushing the water is awesome.  Like, mermaid, I like the hazy one better. 

    The shoreline with the hut on stilts and the palms put me very much in mind of those amazing scenes of vegitation made by Rashad.

    Holy cow! What an awesome compliment! Thanks David.yes


    Road to Dodecahede_ALS.jpg
    800 x 800 - 797K
    Mountain Cube 2_ALS.jpg
    800 x 800 - 687K
    The Hills are Alive8_ALS.jpg
    500 x 850 - 461K
    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited September 2015

    David - looks great.

    Art - just noticed your anaglyphs when I uploaded my comment. Very nice results.

    I've been experimenting with the Plateau terrain, only 2 stacked and materials from the first Hi-Res terrain set. No atmospherics (Haze/Fog), I used a fog cube and also put in a rain cube. Sky is ErmClouds10_SD and gives most of the light (quality 64), the Bryce sun provides a more strong key light. Renders in 16 minutes in this size.


    800 x 560 - 112K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • Fencepost52Fencepost52 Posts: 509
    edited September 2015

    Thanks, Horo. Your render looks pretty nice. Stacking the terrains gives the vegetation some nice texture.  I don't know if it's the jpg compression, but the rain above the mountains looks more splotchy, but looks better in front of the mountains.

    Here's a quick one from me. Titled: "Triskelion Taffy"  Don't lick your screen! LOL

    534 x 800 - 238K
    Post edited by Fencepost52 on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

    Press on, David...seas-sickness tablets on hand yes

    Much better, Art... I think my problem is that I'm too close to the monitor (about two feet), as when viewing your 'glyps a little further back (three feet), they work better, well, for me anyway.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    Sorry for those suffering from sea-sickness for pressing on with this theme, I want to keep improving.  Here I've optimised the render time.  Changed the island material, tweaked the atmopherics and the water reflectiveness.  Thank you for all your kind remarks.

    Very nice waves there!

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited September 2015

    Art - thank you. The rain is tricky, here, the camera FOV comes in the way. It's easier with a smaller FOV and have the whole scene in the rain. Your Triskelion Taffy looks great and is nicely presented.

    The Rock terrain, stacked with materials from our first HR Terrains set and ErmClouds08_SD for ambient light and sky. A fog cube to create the atmosphere, giving more haze above than below. Normal Bryce haze is thickest below.

    The Rock

    800 x 533 - 111K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited September 2015

    @mermaid010: Nice object renders. Good use of HDRIs.

    @David Brinnen: No sea sickness here yet! Wonderful dramatic sky in your last one. The sea looks very good too.

    @Horo: Great terrains. But why is the second one so 

    @Fencepost52: Ah, a Triskelion. How I like that!

    Here is a quicky abstract. Just six spheres and a fill light and HDR/IBL (and sun, I think. But I have modified the scene already, so am not sure).

    I call it: coloured blobs.


    coloured blobs.jpg
    1434 x 695 - 939K
    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited September 2015

    What happened now? I added the large view in a new comment? Was not my intention. But, let it be!

    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • vivienvivien Posts: 184

    David - The sea is looking better than before, I have to agree with Mermaid though , I prefer a little bit of cloud around the island.

    Art - Thanks for the comment, and looking back at it you are correct. As for your Triskelion Taffy. Very hard to resist not licking the screen. I like it!!!!

    Horo - Gorgeous terrains. I like the green of the plateau

    Hansmar - Yeahhh. Lolly shop. Very nice.  

  • vivienvivien Posts: 184

    Well that was fun. I just finished my first attempt at wing 3d thanks to one of David's tutorials. Criticisms and suggestions are most welcome

    rusted wing.jpg
    800 x 800 - 127K
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389

    Art - Thanks, the new Anaglyphs are so cool, and the "Triskelion Taffy" delicious.

    Horo - Lovely terrains renders, especially the "Rock_06"

    Hansmar - Thanks - love the "coloured blobs" abstract

    Vivien - Nice Wings 3D object and nicely presented

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited September 2015

    Hansmar - thank you, but I don't understand your question, seems a word is missing. Great colourful abstract.

    vivien - thank you. The shape looks great. The rusty material is not nice as such, but certainly fitting. The brick floor looks good near but not so in the distance. Instead of using an infinite plane, try to use a 2D-Face or a flat cube. You can also add a wall in the distance so that the pattern doesn't get obvious in the distance.

    mermaid - thank you.

    Post edited by Horo on
This discussion has been closed.