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Can you post the log file? Will will be able to trace your steps as to what it is you did.
The Daz log file please. Go to help\troubleshooting and view log file. Then save to a .txt file and pm it to me..
OK, I can't recreate the hang, but I did recreate a problem. If I select G2F and zero the Fit Control morphs with the zero script, it doesn't pop up an error, like it does if I try to delete them, but when I try to add them back again, they don't get added to the clothing. I'll PM you the log file.
We looking into that now.
Here is a simpler failure scenario:
Load G2F
Load a Clothing item fit to her
Select G2F
Run Fit Control Script to add morphs
Select the clothing item and verify the morphs are there - it works
Run Fit Control script to delete the unused morphs from clothing item (all since I didn't dial any)
Verify they are gone - it works
Select G2F
Run Fit Control Script to add morphs
Select the clothing item and see that the morphs are NOT there
Edit: I got your PM. Thanks for working on a fix.
Lol ye we were not aware that a supporting script could affect the job of the main one since they have specific functions. :P We are currently kicking the delete morphs script in the stomach and beating it with a stick telling it to behave:)
Ok we found out it isn't a script issue but a Studio problem with regards to remembering Generated morphs. We are fixing the problem now. :cheese: We have apologized to the del script for abusing it and luckily we were forgiven :red:
Ok I think we fixed it.
Here are the new scripts. Before copying over please delete the existing ones (and icon files) located in the people folder. Thanks.
Thanks for spotting this barbult ;-)
The logic for the delete unused and zero scripts are universal. EG the G2F one will work on G1 and vice versa. It is only the main script that is figure specific. So you can link either one from G1 or G2F.
I tried the new scripts and deleted the unused morphs on each item of clothing (on one character). The file size came down from 14 MB to 10 MB whereas the original (without Fit Morphs) was 94 KB. So there is some reduction but not enough for me to worry about doing that with every scene.
I think I'll carry on creating scenes until my "story" is done then delete, say, 7 out of 10 scenes (once I have a decent render, I rarely revisit the scene anyway). I'll keep only those where major scene changes have been introduced. 140 MB of saved scenes is better than half a Gig.
I have a 1TB drive with quite a few movies and TV shows taking up space. Then, of course, my DAZ Studio content is already sitting at 140 GB. I can always shuffle some stuff off to a USB drive though.
The other issue is that the scene load is slow and, on my Mac, the loading prevents me from switching active windows for a while. That doesn't happen with small scene sizes. Not a big problem compared to the advantages of using the script but something to be aware of. Perhaps a compressed scene save might be a thought for further updates?
What speed RPM is your hard-drive?
I have a hybrid drive (250 GB SSD, the rest HDD) - Apple call it a Fusion Drive. As I understand it, programs and often used files are front loaded to the SSD instead of the slower HDD. I don't know how it is all managed by the operating system though.,2817,2412726,00.asp
What hard-drive is the content\scenes being saved to?
Same drive. I can't say whether that is the SSD or HDD portion though - there is no way of knowing that.
I'm wondering about the DAZ Temp folder. I don't like that there is no security with the temp files so, whenever possible, I use an encrypted partition as temp space. The operating system doesn't erase deleted files, it just marks them as unused but leave the content of the file intact until it can be overwritten later. That is insecure and I don't want some PC repair shop recovering embarrassing pictures of naked ladies from any faulty drive. I do the same for financial and personal temp files.
However, encrypted partitions are slower than normal disk space. I don't know whether the morphs have any interaction with temp files (such as the .tdl files created for renders).
Strange that your scene won't drop down to a smaller size. I did a test where I set up a scene, saved it, ran the script to add the morphs, saved the scene and the size obviously jumped because of all those morphs. I then ran the delete and saved again and the size dropped back down to my original size, or or at least close to it. I can try some more scientific tests to make sure...
I left some morphs active. Did you zero then delete?
Another update from my side. The front down and rear down morphs (located underwear\pelvic area under) will be compatible with long pants and skirts as well. Before there was distortions on the legs, but I think I sorted those out. :lol:
I left some morphs active. Did you zero then delete?
I'm at work right now so I'll have to check it tonight.
In my test, I was just making sure that garbage wasn't being left behind after running the delete script. It apparently isn't. Whether you load the exact same scene without the Fit Control Morphs or you apply them and then delete them, the scene file is the same size in my tests, which supports the idea that the scripts are cleaning up what they can.
The size of the scene file is going to be directly affected by how many clothing items are in the scene and how dense the resolution is on each item. For instance, I loaded G2F and the Persian Beauty Outift and applied Fit Control. That made for a 20MB scene file, whereas the scene file is only 86KB if the morphs aren't there. Do the same comparison with G2F Basic Wear and I get 7.5MB scene file with the morphs, 77KB without the morphs.
The problem isn't the morphs, necessarily, the problem is the density of the mesh on the clothing. If clothing has 9,000 vertices the morphs aren't very heavy, if the clothing is 100,000 vertices it is going to be much heavier.
Anyway, have you verified that your scene file is only including the morphs you meant to include?
Having determined for myself that Fit Control works well for dresses and tops, I decided to test it out against Bikinis.
Before Fit Control the center part of the bikini tends to conform itself to the body, sometimes with hilarious results. Also noted is the bottom, depending on the pose, may ride low and/or stick to part of the thigh as seen in the Dreadlocked girl and the Asian chick.
After Fit Control better control is achieved for the most part. Depending on the body shape or pose I was less successful at addressing the following:
1. The Buxom girl's black and white Bikini Top (LF Petit Bikini): the center string (?) is very difficult to remedy; ideally I'd like to get it shorter and more taut but the very center seems to have a kind of "knot", probably the bight before Fit Control was applied.
2. Raising the Asian chick's bottom so it doesn't stick to the thigh works but I can't seem to bring down the opposite side of the bottom which now looks like it's floating. It does depend on the pose though because the Dreadlocked girl had the same issue but raising the bottom, fiddling with the crotch morphs and adjusting the collision settings worked.
I don't know if those observations can be addressed but Fit Control rulz, Zev0 :cheese:
So I just got around to playing with this a little bit and I was wondering, I couldn't find any settings to get rid of the "jeans wedgie"
Can you post a pic example? I need to see the results, and from there see what can be done:)
Here's a screen with all the fit morph's zero'd. I've tried adjusting them all but haven't found any that adjust the "crack" depth :(
Ah crack depth, still trying to get that working right so it works on all clothes in a way.
Ahh, gotcha :) Hopefully you will be able to figure it out at some point. The rest is working pretty good though! Definitely helps things look a bit more realistic :D
Thanks. :) Slaving away adding the rest of the morphs and getting the male version done lol. Also running through the requests in the thread and seeing what can be implemented as well:) So lots of coffee and testing here on my side :lol: