AOBB's Sweetheart (and v2)head morph for G8.1F inspired by Marilyn Monroe. No materials or textures.
Hi guys,
I really tried to make a good likeness of Marilyn Monroe but couldn't get her right. Still, I thought I would give you this head morph - Sweetheart - that came out of my efforts. As it is based on a real person, even if just loosely, then noncommercial use only. Here she is:
Assets used in the promo images:
Portia 2 hair for Genesis and G2
Ingrid hair for G8F
Beautiful Brows II for G8F and G8.1F (Brow1)
Victoria 7 for G3F face texture 05 modified (lips removed, whitish eyeshadow added, eyeliner lines extented, white waterline added)
Rain HD for G8.1F PBR skin material
MSO Mina for G8F lip material
Natural Eyes II for G8.1F and G8.1 M
dForce Heidi Outfit for G8F and G8.1F
Lashes Utilities for G2,3 and 8
Please enjoy and if you make a render with this head morph, please post it in this thread! I love to see your work!
Today, while looking at the images above I realized how this head morph could be further improved. I thought before that I gave it all I've got but I was wrong! So here is the improved likeness of Marilyn Monroe - Sweetheart v2:
Enjoy even more!

I have posted Sweetheart rendered in a classic pinup pose here:
Have fun!
It looks incredible... downloading now!!! Thank you!
You're welcome, perlk!
That looks really great AOBB! Well done on the resemblance and all the attention to detail in your renders, getting her hair and makeup and posing just so. Lovely work!
Two DAZ thumbs up!
She looks really good.
Close, and still very nice!
OMG! Thank you all so much! I'm so happy you like her.. Thank you also for your support!
Awesome! Thanks :)
@DigiDotz - you are welcome!
Mark, this is awesome! Wonderful job! Thank you so much for sharing. It's a real treat to see those images!

great render
Mark_OREZ_4815 Fabulous render!!
Looking forward to seeing the finished product, Mark!

I really like the colors in this render, Mark. Not sure about the hair (especially Mitchum's which looks too much like a wig) I also preferred Mitchum's expression better in the previous renders. I am not trying to put down your work, I hope you understand, but just help you make it better by giving you honest feedback. I think you have something good going on there, so I'm giving you a bit of a push in (what I believe) is the right direction... Happy rendering!
I agree. The "improved..." b&w render earlier was a better likeness for both.
for Monroe, platinum blonde is not white and her skin tone in the movies looked much lighter.
for Mitchem, his skin texture always looked more rugged then what it looks here (even with the emphasis here on eye bags & such), but for that you are out of luck unless you can manually edit the distinguishing textures into the existing ones that makes him unique. Women are much less of a problem in the regard at least.
Yeah, I figured unless you want to become expert and make products you don't want to edit textures to that detail. Your render is still a very good likeness though.
Wow, that is quite an interesting discussion you are both having! Nonesuch00 is great at catching all the pesky artwork "glitches". Very helpful!
I would maybe just add that the Ingrid hair is looking too long and too flimsy. Maybe if you added a second Ingrid hair on top of this one and just rescaled it ever-so-slightly, so there would be more hair on "Marilyn's" head then it would look better. In the original photo with Marilyn and Mitchum, Marilyn's shoulders are slightly on an angle, not so straight as in your image, Mark. Applying that to your image would make it feel more natural and interesting as a composition. The devil is usually hidden in the details... Looking forward to seeing your finished render! 
I believe the second and third renders look best. More vintage. Of course the matter of Tough Guy's expression still persists but I understand - this is WIP. I've noticed that my eye is more drawn to the last image - I guess I like that "look" most after all.
The sepia followed by the 3rd
Don't be too hard on yourself, Mark. This is supposed to be fun!
Please relax and let it become what it wants to become - the image, I mean. Our creations take on a life of its own when we work on them. Enjoy watching that!