Finally found enough time to complete my Sweatheart & Tough Guy render. I used 4 more of your morphs too AOBB as I thought this scene was perfect excuse to do that. Thanks again for those!
I also want to thank perlk for the lovely diamond earrings, necklace, and choker. As in the movie, that ice gives the scene and the song that extra emphasis it needs.
And, this is the first non-test render I did with the EVGA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB that AgitatedRiot gave me. It's so appreciated. It's so fast and lets me try other SW that requires an RTX card! Thanks AgitatedRiot!
I think the scene came out decent, but some gotchas:
a) I tried to use Render Studio 2.0 Volumetrics on this scene but the DAZ Studio Public Beta / nVidia iRay SDK updates seem to have changed the way that Render Studio 2.0 Volumetrics product works. I'm not certain on that but I will render the product's example scenes & a couple of scenes I did earlier later in September to see if that's really true or if I just messed up. I hope that's it's just me messing up.
b) This scene was complex enough that I had to exchange some male hair products for simpler ones in the scene. And on a 12GB video RAM card! Gulp! Wasn't expecting that!
c) I would of retextured the Valentine's Hearts to be monotone red, nearly the same color as the floor & background shade of red with no ribbon.
d) I would of seached more to find skin textures more like AOBB indended for the non-Tough Guy male morphs she made.
e) I would have spend 2 or 3 days, maybe 8 hours all told, posing the characters directly from a film still and that includes their facial expressions. Although I'm likely to have searched and taken expressions from multiple stills that are interesting because the males are pretty bland faced throughout that song. I would use PowerPoser & the FaceRig products to assist me.
That's it, sorry for the delays posting the render but I've been busy elsewhere.
@nonesuch00 - this is AWESOME! From what you wrote, I get how much effort went into this render but I didn't have to read your description to immediately comprehend the scale of the job. Great posing and general attention to detail! The colors are spot on (maybe Marilyn's dress could be more "hot pink"), perlk's sparklies are just perfect and I am thrilled that you took on such a big scene with "my" characters! I must say that Tough Guy looks exceptionally great. Marilyn's expression is priceless and the gentlemen look appropriately eager to please with those heart-shaped, Valentine boxes. Wonderful work, nonesuch00. I hope you'll put it up in the gallery! Big thanks for posting your render in this thread.
The sky is the limit for rendering with Boost (well, you are rendering with the cloud, pun intended), If you choose the right GPU from their assortment (they tell you how to do this) then your scene will render really fast and you will pay just a couple of bucks for this. The only drawback to this system is that the upload time of your scene into the cloud is long - it can be even an hour or more. Still, I encourage you to use this service. I used it on a couple of renders (including my Bogie and Bacall one) and it is a life saver.
The sky is the limit for rendering with Boost (well, you are rendering with the cloud, pun intended), If you choose the right GPU from their assortment (they tell you how to do this) then your scene will render really fast and you will pay just a couple of bucks for this. The only drawback to this system is that the upload time of your scene into the cloud is long - it can be even an hour or more. Still, I encourage you to use this service. I used it on a couple of renders (including my Bogie and Bacall one) and it is a life saver.
Just something for your consideration...
Thanks for the tip. This is the type of movie scene I tend to want to do and I'm surprised that a video card with 12GB is already not enough for some of the hair and accessory combination choices I wanted to make. I guess saving for this next generation RTX 4090 24GB is in my future. Not immediate future though, that's just so much money.
I have to agree with Tough Guy being spot on. Sweatheart is close but not quite. I got her expression closer than I though I could without drilling down into the FACS addon or the PowerPose utility. The others, as you said, not nearly as much, and that's because I devoted much less time to posing them and choosing their materials.
Her dress in the still I saw was either a bit deeper pink than this render or a very deep hot pink. I need to buy the movie so I can see which is right. I think hot pink is the original and pink is the film negative being aged and then restored, but I am not sure.
As it is I bought 2 original April2SH hair products I wanted for the longest time just to try & get a better Marilynn and I almost bought an another original hair (Camilla Hair for G8F) that I felt was even closer. The males I didn't buy any new hair, although I could of stood too on a couple of them.
I was impressed by DAZ 3D product selection that I was able to make a render so similar to the movie just from DAZ COTS products, excepting the diamonds and face morphs you & perlk gave us.
@nonesuch00 - this is AWESOME! From what you wrote, I get how much effort went into this render but I didn't have to read your description to immediately comprehend the scale of the job. Great posing and general attention to detail! The colors are spot on (maybe Marilyn's dress could be more "hot pink"), perlk's sparklies are just perfect and I am thrilled that you took on such a big scene with "my" characters! I must say that Tough Guy looks exceptionally great. Marilyn's expression is priceless and the gentlemen look appropriately eager to please with those heart-shaped, Valentine boxes. Wonderful work, nonesuch00. I hope you'll put it up in the gallery! Big thanks for posting your render in this thread.
I forgot to say, it is in the gallery. I posted there 1st. The post here is actually just an HTML table cell with a link to my gallery page if you click on the render.
I'm afraid I did see that scene before, and it's more gorgeous then I remember, but I'm clueless as to the book or movie or TV show. I've always had a short attention span which makes remember details of movies and books and even half hour shows excercises in futility for me. I even read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy cover to cover but hardly remember any of it (except that it was well enough written to get me to read it cover to cover to begin with, over a snow-in and being laid up with 2 serverely sprained ankles over a 1 month 25 December - 25 January. We had no school that entire month because of snow! It was like living on another planet! I loved the Ents in Lord of the Rings! Still do! That was so exciting reading that.
I'm sorry you had such health problems, @nonesuch00! Well, at least you had a month away from school and the delicious experience of reading the entire LOTR trilogy! To tell the truth I have the exact same problem - I don't remember what I have read 5 minutes ago and I can reread a book realizing only much later that I have already read it once before. I don't remember very well the smaller events of my life. I always say I would make a lousy witness in court. I do remember though movies - even the ones I haven't seen but were just told about.
Stanislaw Lem's "Return From The Stars" isn't Lem's best book but that first scene with Hal Bregg (the said astronaut) at the Terminal is so powerful, visually stunning and it pushes you into that strange world with such force that the impetus carries you through the book - even the parts that nowadays would be considered morally questionable (rightly so). Yet in terms of world-building this book is the equivalent of "Blade Runner" The world is completely different though. It is hard to believe that this book was written in the 1960's. It is so ahead of its time that even today the book's Earth of the future is still futuristic and doesn't come across as cumbersome or downright silly. I love this book with all its awkward and slow moments.
I'm sorry you had such health problems, @nonesuch00! Well, at least you had a month away from school and the delicious experience of reading the entire LOTR trilogy! To tell the truth I have the exact same problem - I don't remember what I have read 5 minutes ago and I can reread a book realizing only much later that I have already read it once before. I don't remember very well the smaller events of my life. I always say I would make a lousy witness in court. I do remember though movies - even the ones I haven't seen but were just told about.
Stanislaw Lem's "Return From The Stars" isn't Lem's best book but that first scene with Hal Bregg (the said astronaut) at the Terminal is so powerful, visually stunning and it pushes you into that strange world with such force that the impetus carries you through the book - even the parts that nowadays would be considered morally questionable (rightly so). Yet in terms of world-building this book is the equivalent of "Blade Runner" The world is completely different though. It is hard to believe that this book was written in the 1960's. It is so ahead of its time that even today the book's Earth of the future is still futuristic and doesn't come across as cumbersome or downright silly. I love this book with all its awkward and slow moments.
Thanks for the clarification as I had thought that perhaps your astronaut was based on an actor that played in a movie version of the book you cited, but I couldn't find one. I don't know Polish so I couldn't search for Polish movies.
No, there is no movie based on this book. Interestingly though, this book came into being in the form of a screenplay first and only later, when it was clear that no one would be able at the time to turn it into a movie, Lem wrote the book we have now.
I'd love to see this book turned into a movie but it would have to be significantly changed. As a rule, in a screenplay the protagonist is the force that gives the plot momentum but in this book, Hal is too reactive not proactive. It works quite well in a book but it would be a kiss of death for a movie.
Finally found enough time to complete my Sweatheart & Tough Guy render. I used 4 more of your morphs too AOBB as I thought this scene was perfect excuse to do that. Thanks again for those!
I also want to thank perlk for the lovely diamond earrings, necklace, and choker. As in the movie, that ice gives the scene and the song that extra emphasis it needs.
And, this is the first non-test render I did with the EVGA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB that AgitatedRiot gave me. It's so appreciated. It's so fast and lets me try other SW that requires an RTX card! Thanks AgitatedRiot!
I think the scene came out decent, but some gotchas:
a) I tried to use Render Studio 2.0 Volumetrics on this scene but the DAZ Studio Public Beta / nVidia iRay SDK updates seem to have changed the way that Render Studio 2.0 Volumetrics product works. I'm not certain on that but I will render the product's example scenes & a couple of scenes I did earlier later in September to see if that's really true or if I just messed up. I hope that's it's just me messing up.
b) This scene was complex enough that I had to exchange some male hair products for simpler ones in the scene. And on a 12GB video RAM card! Gulp! Wasn't expecting that!
c) I would of retextured the Valentine's Hearts to be monotone red, nearly the same color as the floor & background shade of red with no ribbon.
d) I would of seached more to find skin textures more like AOBB indended for the non-Tough Guy male morphs she made.
e) I would have spend 2 or 3 days, maybe 8 hours all told, posing the characters directly from a film still and that includes their facial expressions. Although I'm likely to have searched and taken expressions from multiple stills that are interesting because the males are pretty bland faced throughout that song. I would use PowerPoser & the FaceRig products to assist me.
That's it, sorry for the delays posting the render but I've been busy elsewhere.
Just came here to say, this is amazing work. I love it so much! I wish I had time to watch the movie now :-)
No, there is no movie based on this book. Interestingly though, this book came into being in the form of a screenplay first and only later, when it was clear that no one would be able at the time to turn it into a movie, Lem wrote the book we have now.
I'd love to see this book turned into a movie but it would have to be significantly changed. As a rule, in a screenplay the protagonist is the force that gives the plot momentum but in this book, Hal is too reactive not proactive. It works quite well in a book but it would be a kiss of death for a movie.
Oh, I see! Very interesting. I'm going to add this book to my Amazon cart/wishlist.
Finally found enough time to complete my Sweatheart & Tough Guy render. I used 4 more of your morphs too AOBB as I thought this scene was perfect excuse to do that. Thanks again for those!
I also want to thank perlk for the lovely diamond earrings, necklace, and choker. As in the movie, that ice gives the scene and the song that extra emphasis it needs.
And, this is the first non-test render I did with the EVGA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB that AgitatedRiot gave me. It's so appreciated. It's so fast and lets me try other SW that requires an RTX card! Thanks AgitatedRiot!
I think the scene came out decent, but some gotchas:
a) I tried to use Render Studio 2.0 Volumetrics on this scene but the DAZ Studio Public Beta / nVidia iRay SDK updates seem to have changed the way that Render Studio 2.0 Volumetrics product works. I'm not certain on that but I will render the product's example scenes & a couple of scenes I did earlier later in September to see if that's really true or if I just messed up. I hope that's it's just me messing up.
b) This scene was complex enough that I had to exchange some male hair products for simpler ones in the scene. And on a 12GB video RAM card! Gulp! Wasn't expecting that!
c) I would of retextured the Valentine's Hearts to be monotone red, nearly the same color as the floor & background shade of red with no ribbon.
d) I would of seached more to find skin textures more like AOBB indended for the non-Tough Guy male morphs she made.
e) I would have spend 2 or 3 days, maybe 8 hours all told, posing the characters directly from a film still and that includes their facial expressions. Although I'm likely to have searched and taken expressions from multiple stills that are interesting because the males are pretty bland faced throughout that song. I would use PowerPoser & the FaceRig products to assist me.
That's it, sorry for the delays posting the render but I've been busy elsewhere.
Just came here to say, this is amazing work. I love it so much! I wish I had time to watch the movie now :-)
I want to watch the movie too & went to buy it at Amazon after not finding it free to stream on my Amazon Fire TV & associated streamin apps installed on it but have held off as it's pricey! Odd, as a kid, movies like this one showed up on television all the time but I wasn't interested in watching such movies then.
@nonesuch00 - If you plan on reading "Return from the stars" then I would also recommend that you give "The Invincible" (which is closest to old, hardcore sci-fi) and "The Star diaries" a shot. "The Invincible" just begs to be turned into a James Cameron movie. I bet it would be one of his best, if he did it. "The Star Diaries" are insanely funny in an often absurd way. I think you will enjoy these books.
@nonesuch00 - If you plan on reading "Return from the stars" then I would also recommend that you give "The Invincible" (which is closest to old, hardcore sci-fi) and "The Star diaries" a shot. "The Invincible" just begs to be turned into a James Cameron movie. I bet it would be one of his best, if he did it. "The Star Diaries" are insanely funny in an often absurd way. I think you will enjoy these books.
AOBB: Ayer hice algunos cambios con los que no estoy contento.
Seguiré tus consejos tanto como sea posible (¡porque son excelentes!)
Arreglando el cabello, recuperando el ángulo en los hombros, y sí, el diablo está en los detalles. Hacer que parezca natural requiere algo de trabajo y conocimiento (y pruebas ...)
Y sí, nonesuch00 es muy valioso para ayudar a descubrir los fallos y fallas en la imagen. Solo necesita aceptar el concepto de mejorar las cosas con la ayuda / opinión de personas que solo quieren ayudar. ¡Gracias a nonesuch00!
Finalmente estoy convencido de que Tough Guy necesita verse duro, así que traeré de vuelta la expresión mucho más seria. Cada vez que intento hacer una copia de seguridad para poder revertir y traer de vuelta "cosas buenas".
Dar un vistazo a la imagen es un proceso divertido. Dependiendo de lo que hagas, da un resultado muy diferente. A veces mejor de lo esperado, a veces no.
Creo que la próxima imagen tomará unos días, estaré cerca para charlar.
nonesuch00: el sepia es definitivamente bueno. No estoy muy contento con los resultados en la cara de Tough Guy, necesito mejorarlo y refinarlo ...
Thank you both. Yes the top image is my favourite too and so good to see her smiling.
Now, onto your other creations, and my other works
Welcome back, @Mark_OREZ ! I hope you had a good time.
That is a very cool find, Mark. I gave it a like!

Interesting but I prefer the cyberpunk Marilyn...
Finally found enough time to complete my Sweatheart & Tough Guy render. I used 4 more of your morphs too AOBB as I thought this scene was perfect excuse to do that. Thanks again for those!
I also want to thank perlk for the lovely diamond earrings, necklace, and choker. As in the movie, that ice gives the scene and the song that extra emphasis it needs.
And, this is the first non-test render I did with the EVGA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB that AgitatedRiot gave me. It's so appreciated. It's so fast and lets me try other SW that requires an RTX card! Thanks AgitatedRiot!
I think the scene came out decent, but some gotchas:
a) I tried to use Render Studio 2.0 Volumetrics on this scene but the DAZ Studio Public Beta / nVidia iRay SDK updates seem to have changed the way that Render Studio 2.0 Volumetrics product works. I'm not certain on that but I will render the product's example scenes & a couple of scenes I did earlier later in September to see if that's really true or if I just messed up. I hope that's it's just me messing up.
b) This scene was complex enough that I had to exchange some male hair products for simpler ones in the scene. And on a 12GB video RAM card! Gulp! Wasn't expecting that!
c) I would of retextured the Valentine's Hearts to be monotone red, nearly the same color as the floor & background shade of red with no ribbon.
d) I would of seached more to find skin textures more like AOBB indended for the non-Tough Guy male morphs she made.
e) I would have spend 2 or 3 days, maybe 8 hours all told, posing the characters directly from a film still and that includes their facial expressions. Although I'm likely to have searched and taken expressions from multiple stills that are interesting because the males are pretty bland faced throughout that song. I would use PowerPoser & the FaceRig products to assist me.
That's it, sorry for the delays posting the render but I've been busy elsewhere.
@nonesuch00 - this is AWESOME! From what you wrote, I get how much effort went into this render but I didn't have to read your description to immediately comprehend the scale of the job. Great posing and general attention to detail!
The colors are spot on (maybe Marilyn's dress could be more "hot pink"), perlk's sparklies are just perfect and I am thrilled that you took on such a big scene with "my" characters! I must say that Tough Guy looks exceptionally great. Marilyn's expression is priceless and the gentlemen look appropriately eager to please with those heart-shaped, Valentine boxes. Wonderful work, nonesuch00. I hope you'll put it up in the gallery! Big thanks for posting your render in this thread. 
@nonesuch00. If you want to render big scenes with all the bells and whistles, then I would suggest this:
The sky is the limit for rendering with Boost (well, you are rendering with the cloud, pun intended), If you choose the right GPU from their assortment (they tell you how to do this) then your scene will render really fast and you will pay just a couple of bucks for this. The only drawback to this system is that the upload time of your scene into the cloud is long - it can be even an hour or more. Still, I encourage you to use this service. I used it on a couple of renders (including my Bogie and Bacall one) and it is a life saver.
Just something for your consideration...
Thanks for the tip. This is the type of movie scene I tend to want to do and I'm surprised that a video card with 12GB is already not enough for some of the hair and accessory combination choices I wanted to make. I guess saving for this next generation RTX 4090 24GB is in my future. Not immediate future though, that's just so much money.
I have to agree with Tough Guy being spot on. Sweatheart is close but not quite. I got her expression closer than I though I could without drilling down into the FACS addon or the PowerPose utility. The others, as you said, not nearly as much, and that's because I devoted much less time to posing them and choosing their materials.
Her dress in the still I saw was either a bit deeper pink than this render or a very deep hot pink. I need to buy the movie so I can see which is right. I think hot pink is the original and pink is the film negative being aged and then restored, but I am not sure.
As it is I bought 2 original April2SH hair products I wanted for the longest time just to try & get a better Marilynn and I almost bought an another original hair (Camilla Hair for G8F) that I felt was even closer. The males I didn't buy any new hair, although I could of stood too on a couple of them.
I was impressed by DAZ 3D product selection that I was able to make a render so similar to the movie just from DAZ COTS products, excepting the diamonds and face morphs you & perlk gave us.
I forgot to say, it is in the gallery. I posted there 1st. The post here is actually just an HTML table cell with a link to my gallery page if you click on the render.
Hi @nonesuch00 -
Thanks for all the additional info! I gave you a "like" in the gallery of course! Two things that need clarification:
The title of the movie from which the "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" song and dance number come from is "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes".
You weren't sure which Astronaut I had in mind - well, here is the explanation:
If you read the description you will know.
@nonesuch00 - I happen to have the Camille hair for G8F, so I did a quick render of Sweetheart v2 with it. Here are the results:
I'm afraid I did see that scene before, and it's more gorgeous then I remember, but I'm clueless as to the book or movie or TV show. I've always had a short attention span which makes remember details of movies and books and even half hour shows excercises in futility for me. I even read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy cover to cover but hardly remember any of it (except that it was well enough written to get me to read it cover to cover to begin with, over a snow-in and being laid up with 2 serverely sprained ankles over a 1 month 25 December - 25 January. We had no school that entire month because of snow! It was like living on another planet! I loved the Ents in Lord of the Rings! Still do! That was so exciting reading that.
I'm sorry you had such health problems, @nonesuch00! Well, at least you had a month away from school and the delicious experience of reading the entire LOTR trilogy!
To tell the truth I have the exact same problem - I don't remember what I have read 5 minutes ago and I can reread a book realizing only much later that I have already read it once before. I don't remember very well the smaller events of my life. I always say I would make a lousy witness in court. I do remember though movies - even the ones I haven't seen but were just told about.
Stanislaw Lem's "Return From The Stars" isn't Lem's best book but that first scene with Hal Bregg (the said astronaut) at the Terminal is so powerful, visually stunning and it pushes you into that strange world with such force that the impetus carries you through the book - even the parts that nowadays would be considered morally questionable (rightly so). Yet in terms of world-building this book is the equivalent of "Blade Runner" The world is completely different though. It is hard to believe that this book was written in the 1960's. It is so ahead of its time that even today the book's Earth of the future is still futuristic and doesn't come across as cumbersome or downright silly. I love this book with all its awkward and slow moments.
Thanks for the clarification as I had thought that perhaps your astronaut was based on an actor that played in a movie version of the book you cited, but I couldn't find one. I don't know Polish so I couldn't search for Polish movies.
No, there is no movie based on this book. Interestingly though, this book came into being in the form of a screenplay first and only later, when it was clear that no one would be able at the time to turn it into a movie, Lem wrote the book we have now.
I'd love to see this book turned into a movie but it would have to be significantly changed. As a rule, in a screenplay the protagonist is the force that gives the plot momentum but in this book, Hal is too reactive not proactive. It works quite well in a book but it would be a kiss of death for a movie.
Just came here to say, this is amazing work. I love it so much! I wish I had time to watch the movie now :-)
Oh, I see! Very interesting. I'm going to add this book to my Amazon cart/wishlist.
I want to watch the movie too & went to buy it at Amazon after not finding it free to stream on my Amazon Fire TV & associated streamin apps installed on it but have held off as it's pricey! Odd, as a kid, movies like this one showed up on television all the time but I wasn't interested in watching such movies then.
@nonesuch00 - If you plan on reading "Return from the stars" then I would also recommend that you give "The Invincible" (which is closest to old, hardcore sci-fi) and "The Star diaries" a shot. "The Invincible" just begs to be turned into a James Cameron movie. I bet it would be one of his best, if he did it. "The Star Diaries" are insanely funny in an often absurd way. I think you will enjoy these books.
Really good, now need 2 morph for the Kennedy brothers.
Sorry, Crios. No politicians.

OK, I will look them up on Amazon.