AtmoCam for Iray [Commercial]



  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited December 2016

    Hi Alex. There is no video but I'm willing to work with you to see whats happening or not happening. We need to start with a controlled scene:

    1. Seach your content library for Sci-Fi Warrior Bundle and load the Sci-Fi Warrior Scene. This is free Starter Content so you should have it.
    2. Load the AtmoCam
    3. Switch to the Iray render engine
    4. Copy the SciFi Warrior Camera and paste the AtmoCam Camera to it. Now do a test render looking through either camera using the AuxViewport
    5. After a few minutes you should see something like the attached image. let me know what happens.


    Screen Shot 2016-12-28 at 5.30.19 PM.png
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    Screen Shot 2016-12-28 at 5.30.35 PM.png
    615 x 521 - 126K
    Post edited by Marshian on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    I found this thread while looking for a way to use the AtmoCam, here is what I made of it

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited January 2017

    It looks great! The way you have arranged The Columns really helps to show depth, repeating the same object back in space. I made sure to do this in many of my promos. Thanks for posting.

    edit: Its funny to me that I pretty much go right for the technical aspect of a render first. There is a glimmer of the original intention for a brief moment...And then later on I pick up the feeling behind it. So to follow up—this is a strong image by itself, the idea. Hope and despair is what I get. Or sleeping and awake. The wings and dark skin look really nice.

    Post edited by Marshian on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    Thanks a lot! yes they work great as "atmo stabilizer" similar concept works great for DOF as well. But I specially liked that vikingship, reminded me of one I had seen as a kid which was in some sort of klimate champer to not decompose.

  • ConnaticConnatic Posts: 282

    I will be using Atmo-cam much more now that I have a gtx1080!

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  • KlaudMKlaudM Posts: 76
    edited March 2018

    Hi guys, is there a way to use spotlights with this cam? I really love it but I have a problem, as you can see below with the atmocam enabled (second image) I see the spotlight shape...

    675 x 803 - 711K
    675 x 803 - 731K
    Post edited by KlaudM on
  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    You can use a spotlight if it has no geometry assigned. Otherwise you'll need to move it out of camera view. Let me know if you have more questions
  • E.BruE.Bru Posts: 181

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    Thanks for posting your work E.Bru.
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