CARRARA CHALLENGE #64: Old egypt..... WIP



  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Khoe said:

    Many interestet objekt you can found at:
    Searchword: Egypt or Desert.

    Thanks for the link.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    And there is a rough sphinx in the Carrara default OBJ browser under the category 'mesh models.'

    sphinx in mesh models of obj folder.jpg
    2503 x 1345 - 401K
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,580

    Diomede said:

    Bunyip02 - I love your sphinx-like guy!  Great job.

    reminds me of this video


  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,288
    edited October 2022

    Diomede said:

    ed3D said:

    and  There is No Pyrimnd Primatives in  Carrara ( like there is in Bryce )  thanx

    Have some pyramids.

    The attached ZIP file has

    - a pyramid in Carrara vertex object format that is UVMapped and easily editable.

    - a pyramid in Carrara primitive format

    ~  alrite then  Will look at  these  _   But of course Does'nt  mean wo'nt Use Patented  Pyrimnts  Shapes  -

    and  how to add  - a pyramid in Carrara primitive format    _   To  Carrara   ??   +  Thanx 

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,288

    Diomede said:

    And there is a rough sphinx in the Carrara default OBJ browser under the category 'mesh models.'

    and  will look at this  also   =  +  Thanx  

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,580
    edited October 2022

    a simple pyramid isn't too hard to make, I would just drag the middle point of a diagonally tessellated square up to the height I wanted myself, depends how fancy you want to get with passages, shafts and stuff, could probably extrude a path from a human sized square to make extensive ones going down the depths of the earth to hidden rooms of treasures for the afterlife,

    then use physics to set off traps to crush grave robbers

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • KhoeKhoe Posts: 313

    here some Images from my egypt hollyday 2012 for inspiration.

    1600 x 900 - 754K
    1600 x 900 - 669K
    1600 x 900 - 634K
    1600 x 900 - 801K
    1600 x 900 - 544K
    600 x 900 - 217K
    900 x 900 - 396K
    675 x 900 - 342K
    675 x 900 - 406K
    1600 x 900 - 776K
    1600 x 900 - 636K
    1600 x 900 - 579K
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807

    Diomede said:

    Bunyip02 - I love your sphinx-like guy!  Great job.

    Thanks !!!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807

    Diomede said:

    And there is a rough sphinx in the Carrara default OBJ browser under the category 'mesh models.'

    Thats the one I based my live version on !!!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    Diomede said:

    Bunyip02 - I love your sphinx-like guy!  Great job.

    reminds me of this video

    Interesting !!!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807

    ed3D said:

    Diomede said:

    And there is a rough sphinx in the Carrara default OBJ browser under the category 'mesh models.'

    and  will look at this  also   =  +  Thanx  

    Sounds like you are plotting a nice scene there ed3D !!!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807

    Khoe said:

    here some Images from my egypt hollyday 2012 for inspiration.

    Nice pics !!!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807
    edited October 2022

    Anubis WIP - 1

    CC64 Anubis WIP-1.png
    2595 x 1030 - 434K
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807
    edited October 2022

    Anubis WIP - 2 and Render



    CC64 Anubis WIP-1b.png
    2283 x 1033 - 1M
    CC64 Anubis 1.png
    1600 x 1200 - 4M
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Well done, Bunyip - ready to go through the Stargate, or maybe just came through from the other side!

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited October 2022

    Updated G2F Egypt Dress Freebie - Rigged Conforming Figure

    See attached zip file.

    I used the transfer utility in Daz Studio to rig the dress OBJ that I posted earlier in the thread.  Genesis 2 Female.  See the ZIP file attached.  It is in Daz Studio format, so copy to a content folder.  Shaders are Iray, sorry.  But it is just a diffuse map which you will probably replace anyway.  Note that I did this on my laptop so I am just hoping that the data file folder has everything one needs.  First time adding a Studio content folder on this device.  I still recommend using VWD for Carrara renders, but not necessary.  Conform to your G2F.  Pose.  Use your VWD.  I recommend selecting the collar mat zone and 'nailing' to the collision object. Let me know if there are any problems.  If there is, I suspect it will be the data files.

    Enjoy for any renders/animations of any use, but don't redistribute the assets.

    Dio Egypt Theme Dress for
    Egypt Theme Dress Screenshot.jpg
    1984 x 1333 - 329K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited October 2022

    WIP for a landscape of the Nile Delta.

    For obvious reasons, much reference to ancient Egypt is focused on the Nile Valley, the Giza Plateau, and the deserts to the east and west.  I thought I would dedicate one of my entries to one of the great wetlands of the ancient world, the Nile Delta.  Not sure what direction I will be taking this.  Might cut the number of trees signifcantly and add ducks and similar birds, with some people on rafts.  Might instead continue the focus on the landscape and concentrate on fog, depth of field, etc.  Lots of time to think about it.


    render delta landscpe wip.png
    1600 x 960 - 2M
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807

    Diomede said:

    Well done, Bunyip - ready to go through the Stargate, or maybe just came through from the other side!

    Thanks Diomede !!!

    Could be that Anubis is standing guard to the Afterlife world ....

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807

    Diomede said:

    Updated G2F Egypt Dress Freebie - Rigged Conforming Figure

    See attached zip file.

    I used the transfer utility in Daz Studio to rig the dress OBJ that I posted earlier in the thread.  Genesis 2 Female.  See the ZIP file attached.  It is in Daz Studio format, so copy to a content folder.  Shaders are Iray, sorry.  But it is just a diffuse map which you will probably replace anyway.  Note that I did this on my laptop so I am just hoping that the data file folder has everything one needs.  First time adding a Studio content folder on this device.  I still recommend using VWD for Carrara renders, but not necessary.  Conform to your G2F.  Pose.  Use your VWD.  I recommend selecting the collar mat zone and 'nailing' to the collision object. Let me know if there are any problems.  If there is, I suspect it will be the data files.

    Enjoy for any renders/animations of any use, but don't redistribute the assets.

    Woohoo another freebie !!!

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807

    Diomede said:

    WIP for a landscape of the Nile Delta.

    For obvious reasons, much reference to ancient Egypt is focused on the Nile Valley, the Giza Plateau, and the deserts to the east and west.  I thought I would dedicate one of my entries to one of the great wetlands of the ancient world, the Nile Delta.  Not sure what direction I will be taking this.  Might cut the number of trees signifcantly and add ducks and similar birds, with some people on rafts.  Might instead continue the focus on the landscape and concentrate on fog, depth of field, etc.  Lots of time to think about it.

    Looking great Diomede !!!

  • rosselianirosseliani Posts: 374
    edited October 2022

    Diomede said:

    Updated G2F Egypt Dress Freebie - Rigged Conforming Figure

    See attached zip file.

    I used the transfer utility in Daz Studio to rig the dress OBJ that I posted earlier in the thread.  Genesis 2 Female.  See the ZIP file attached.  It is in Daz Studio format, so copy to a content folder.  Shaders are Iray, sorry.  But it is just a diffuse map which you will probably replace anyway.  Note that I did this on my laptop so I am just hoping that the data file folder has everything one needs.  First time adding a Studio content folder on this device.  I still recommend using VWD for Carrara renders, but not necessary.  Conform to your G2F.  Pose.  Use your VWD.  I recommend selecting the collar mat zone and 'nailing' to the collision object. Let me know if there are any problems.  If there is, I suspect it will be the data files.

    Enjoy for any renders/animations of any use, but don't redistribute the assets.

    Thank you for the Egyptian dress, there's only a little problem, your .duf file can't find the Texture. But I had no problem to fix it.

    egypt theme.png
    545 x 310 - 9K
    Post edited by rosseliani on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    I am attaching a ZIP with the dress texture.

    I checked the original ZIP file and the texture is in the runtime textures folder, so there must be a problem in the data file references.  When it asks for the texture map, point it to the attached jpg file.  Let me know if there are other problems.

    G2F Dress Diffuse
  • Sorry, I told you about a .duf file. It is the .dsf file wich contains the wrong path. You have to edit it (uncompressed) with notepad or any text editor, then save it again with the .dsf extension. It's an easy fix when you know how to do it.



  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807
    edited October 2022

    Pleading with the Gods WIP



    CC64 Pleading with the Gods WIP 1b.png
    2278 x 1033 - 620K
    CC64 Pleading with the Gods WIP 1.png
    2293 x 1033 - 596K
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807
    edited October 2022

    The Gods start to gather ... WIP-2

    CC64 Pleading with the Gods WIP 2.png
    2735 x 1038 - 893K
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,807
    edited October 2022

    Pleading his case WIP-3

    CC64 Pleading with the Gods WIP 3.png
    2557 x 1038 - 1M
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Bunyip - Great job pulling together the Egyptian god pantheon.  I hope he is successful pleading his case.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited October 2022

    Still experimenting with a variety of landscape designs for the delta.  Here is another WIP.  Lots of replicators.  Still not quite what I am looking for.

    A New Try Wider River.png
    1000 x 600 - 889K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • KhoeKhoe Posts: 313

    Diomede said:

    Still experimenting with a variety of landscape designs for the delta.  Here is another WIP.  Lots of replicators.  Still not quite what I am looking for.

    it is nice :)  


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,099
    Diomede said:

    Still experimenting with a variety of landscape designs for the delta.  Here is another WIP.  Lots of replicators.  Still not quite what I am looking for.

    Beu t rende rd Ted, be back soon and comment on rveryones work. Sorry lousy connection here...sitting in a hospital visit f our a few days. Cant see the images pn my crappy phone
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