[Released] RSSY Character And Material Conversion Bundle Genesis 8 to Genesis 9 [Commercial]



  • XiousDsXiousDs Posts: 317

    rorronline said:

    somthing else i am noticing with the converted characters from the batch script. is on a few of the characters for the head morphs they seem to in a couple of cases includes the shoulders and neck area as well. Some head morphs also include the body as well when it should only be the head. Kiina for gen 8  and CC Elandor are examples.

    Any ideas why this occurs?

    Based on fully reading the last 10 pages, my guess is that those characters don't use the proper naming convention for the head and body morphs, so that the tool is having to "guess" where the head and body morphs are separated based on a predefined range of where they should likely be separated.  To partially check that you could go to the gen 8 morphs in question.  Go to shaping tab, morph, click parameters, and look at the contents of the "Name" field.  The names should start with FHM or FBM.  FHM is for head and FBM is for body.  It does not matter what is in the Label Field.  It was said that you might be able to fix the conversion results by fixing the contents of the "Name" field on the messed up morphs to match the proper naming convention.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,301

    Okay, I love the way the converter creates the new Gen 9 clone of the Gen 8 figure.

    I had a problem with Roy's texture would not load onto the Body suit. I got a character error.

    But i just loaded Roy and copied his surface material and pasted it to the body suit and fixed.

    So, I feel like every conceivable issue I have had has been addressed, except for two.

    The top eyelash which has not been a huge deal because Gen 9 has great eyelashes and textures.

    The only lingering problem is eye size. 

    It seems there should be a script to fit the eye into the sockets of a morphed figure.

    But it is not a big problem doing it manually.

    The issue is I need to resize the eye 25 to 50% above the 100% to get it to fit and this leaves me with a large eye image map.

      How do I make the image smaller other than going into photoshop and doing that manually. 

    If Photoshop is the only answer, then I would request a script to auto fit the eyes and a script to give us a slider for eye map size.

    And offset and tiling does not work.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    Keiron said:

    Hi RiverSoftArt

    I was looking at Ally as this Actor and a few more that have issues with the RSSI lashes

    I found 2 dials that let you move the eyelashes up and down, the bottom eyelash looks OK, but the top one doesn't fit the eye may be needs a rotate and or size dial

    Sickleyield tried but things can move ever so slightly in conversion and the morph misses hat

    I added the Genesis 9 eyelash and that looks fine

    Then I noticed the left eye was smaller that the right, I couldn't see a problem in the eye Scale dials, I set her left up by 25% to correct it

    Hmmm, I wonder if Ally has a slightly assymetrical face?  You may have to try using the eye dialog and moving one of the eyes.

    Just Loaded Ally gen 8, you could be right about slightly assymetrical face her left eye looks very slightly down, I can't see any assymetrical dials, no idea why that affects her eye size?

    mind you it could also be the actor is not standing completley straight? lol reset the main window

    just added a plane and looked close, both eyes look the same

    Hmmm.  You are right.  When I first looked at your pic, I was thinking the eyes were the same size but the left eye was in the wrong place.  But looking at it again, I can definitely see it is a scale change.  That is weird and I have no idea why. surprise

    the g9 has different size eyes

    I'm removing any head and body HD morphs, all but 1 Nail morphs, to get good results, so far a lot of the eye problems go when setting these to 0


  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    necroscension said:

    rorronline said:

    somthing else i am noticing with the converted characters from the batch script. is on a few of the characters for the head morphs they seem to in a couple of cases includes the shoulders and neck area as well. Some head morphs also include the body as well when it should only be the head. Kiina for gen 8  and CC Elandor are examples.

    Any ideas why this occurs?

    I can answer this one, this is what my last comments were about. The head/body morph names don't follow the Daz standard of starting with FBM/FHM, so the script doesn't handle them as such. This is also mentioned other times in this thread. You can rename the morphs to start with FBM or FHM (the name, not the label!) but you'd want to delete those afterward and not overwrite the original morphs. Since these are usually named with "Head" or "Body" in the name, I asked if the check for FBM/FHM could check for "head" or "body" in the name if FBM/FHM is not found.

    Otherwise, the script works great as long as the head/body morph names start with FBM/FHM and the character doesn't include the HD morph as part of the preset. Characters that also rely on other shaping morphs may not transfer those morphs well because the full G8M head/body shape may get included in these morphs. It is possible to fix some character presets that include the HD morph - the HD morphs can be dialed out on the transferred character (it won't be HD anyway) and the preset resaved. You can also resave the G8 character preset as a non HD preset by dialling out the HD morph, save it as a new character preset (don't overwrite the old one!) and then transfer the new preset.

    Thanks for helping @necroscension!  The update for looking for head/body should be out this week.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    XiousDs said:

    RiverSoftArt said:

    rorronline said:

    ok so been waiting for these since gen 9 release. And finally. However there is some issues.

    The Batch Converters work but only marginally. There is a large amount of characters both male and female that after convertion look like they got ran over by a mac truck a few times. I understand that maybe some of the stylized characters could have this issue but most of them that end up this way are 'normal' characters. Real people type of characters. A bit disappointing.

    From the manual:

    The Converted Character’s Body is wrinkled.  Because of the way that morphs must be converted, a morph that on Genesis 8 appears to only touch a small part of the head can affect the whole body on Genesis 9. You need to show Currently Used parameters to show all morphs on the converted character.  Then, one by one, dial in the morphs to find the offending morph(s).  Once you find them, delete the morphs from your HD (click the Gear icon, Parameter Settings, and look at File Path for the asset to figure out where the morph is and what it is called).  You should also resave the character with the offending morph(s) dialed out (set to 0).


    THe Custom character convcerters worker once each. Meaning One male converted fine, and one female converted fine. Since then i get Daz throwing a scripr error. pertentent log file parts are below. Any ideas?
    I have tried everything including uninstalling and reinstalling. Nothing helps.

    2023-06-04 11:30:37.077 [INFO] :: Loading script: D:/Daz Library/Scripts/RiverSoft Art/Character Converter/Convert Custom Character G8M to G9.dse
    2023-06-04 11:30:37.955 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSConstants.dsa
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.033 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSAdvCharacterConversionConstants.dsa
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.051 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSG8G9CharacterConversionConstants.dsa
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.067 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSBuildPanels.dsa
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.080 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSHelperFunctions.dse
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.110 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2019HelperFunctions.dse
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.144 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2020HelperFunctions.dse
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.156 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2021HelperFunctionsConstants.dsa
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.186 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2021HelperFunctions.dse
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.227 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2022HelperFunctions.dse
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.235 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RS2023HelperFunctions.dse
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.309 [DEBUG] :: FOUND:
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.310 [DEBUG] :: FOUND: D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSG8G9CharacterConversionFunctions.dse
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.346 [WARNING] :: Script Error: Line 4231
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.346 [WARNING] :: TypeError: Result of expression 'this.sWhatsThis' [undefined] is not an object.
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.346 [WARNING] :: Stack Trace:
        <anonymous>()@D:/Daz Library/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSG8G9CharacterConversionFunctions.dse:4231
    2023-06-04 11:30:38.348 [INFO] :: Error in script execution: D:/Daz Library/Scripts/RiverSoft Art/Character Converter/Convert Custom Character G8M to G9.dse

    Shoot!  That is a bug I introduced in the update.  I will fix it asap.

    I am also getting this error when I try using the custom character converter. I look forward to trying the fixed version.  I read through all 10 pages hoping someone had an answer to my issues before I bothered yal knowing you are likely super busy.

    I have the full bundle as I was hoping this tool will let me merge my beasty morphs to gen 9.  I saw that the product photos showed one of the werewolf morphs with Victoria so I was excited hoping that I could get okish results with half my library of non pure humoid shape characters.  So far my experience has not been great, but the custom character converter is 100% broken currently, so I can't actually test that part.  You have the fix on its way so I look forward to testing it once I can.

    With that said, in the software I see the character converter and the custom character converters for the gen 8 and 9s, but I have some confusion from the instructions manual. 

    In the manual on page 4 it says "Shape files cannot be converted with the Character Converter script. Please use the Convert Custom Character script to convert morphs that are defined in Shape files."

    So I looked for the section in the instructions that is for "Convert Custom Character" which matches what I see in the Daz interface, but it does not exist.  Instead what exists is the "Convert Scene Character" section which starts on page 8.  The index for the manual has the same name. 
    (1) Is the "Convert Scene Character" section the same thing as the "Convert Custom Character" section? 

    Yes, they are the same.

    If it is the same thing, then in that section it says "It does not create a character preset or a scene subset preset (needed if it Material Suit is used). 
    (2) Does this mean it won't create a character material suit then?

    The Custom Character script does add the material suit.

    (3) Some folks have mentioned getting better results following SY instructions on doing manual conversions of gen 8 to 9.  Would yal be able to point me to where that is so I can test between the results of the tool and the manual conversions?


    I don't know where that is.  I didn't know she had done so. 

    (4) It is mentioned that some morphs won't work around large eyes unless you use the eye shape fixer.  Since I could not test my custom characters, I tried running the tool against story book frog, and the head got very messed up with the eye sockets and mouth very distorted.  It also massively distorted the feet something completely unuseable.  Do you have any reccomendations where I might be able to get some OKish results?  If there is some distortion, I could fix that possibly in blender, but storybook frogs feet look like pancakes meaning they would need to almost be resculpted from scratch... lol 


    I would look to see what morph is distorting the feet.  If every other morph is dialed out and it is only its body morph messing up the feet, then I don't see how to get good results for Storybook Frog.  When you are doing a converion with the eye dialog, make very sure to delete the "wrong" converted eye morphs as well as the body morphs before trying again.  Applying the eye dialog again when there is already a bad eye morph just makes things worse.

    I am trying to see if this tool will have use to me as I want to jump onto the gen 9 bandwagon, but if I can't bring in a decent chunk of my Oso, Joe Quick, Josh Crocket, and Raw Art morphs, with okish enough results where I can clean them up in blender, then I might just end up sticking to Gen 8/8.1 like what a lot of folks seem to be doing. 

    I need to be able to do half blood races for my world, so I wanted to be able to merge non-human races with the new characters like Victoria 9, Joan 9, etc. instead of just sticking to the Gen 8.1s.  You are doing good work so I hope you don't take this too negatively as I know there is a lot of that right now with a tool having to do such a hard/complex task within the limitations of DAZ Studio.

    As along as each Oso/Quick/etc look is from one body morph, I would think the results can be good.  However, CC does not convert JCMs so if the character requires a lot of them to fix problems when posing, it might not be worth it.


  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    XiousDs said:

    rorronline said:

    somthing else i am noticing with the converted characters from the batch script. is on a few of the characters for the head morphs they seem to in a couple of cases includes the shoulders and neck area as well. Some head morphs also include the body as well when it should only be the head. Kiina for gen 8  and CC Elandor are examples.

    Any ideas why this occurs?

    Based on fully reading the last 10 pages, my guess is that those characters don't use the proper naming convention for the head and body morphs, so that the tool is having to "guess" where the head and body morphs are separated based on a predefined range of where they should likely be separated.  To partially check that you could go to the gen 8 morphs in question.  Go to shaping tab, morph, click parameters, and look at the contents of the "Name" field.  The names should start with FHM or FBM.  FHM is for head and FBM is for body.  It does not matter what is in the Label Field.  It was said that you might be able to fix the conversion results by fixing the contents of the "Name" field on the messed up morphs to match the proper naming convention.

    Thanks for helping @XiousDs!  The fix for looking for head/body is in Daz's hands.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    RexRed said:

    Okay, I love the way the converter creates the new Gen 9 clone of the Gen 8 figure.

    I had a problem with Roy's texture would not load onto the Body suit. I got a character error.

    But i just loaded Roy and copied his surface material and pasted it to the body suit and fixed.

    So, I feel like every conceivable issue I have had has been addressed, except for two.

    The top eyelash which has not been a huge deal because Gen 9 has great eyelashes and textures.

    The only lingering problem is eye size. 

    It seems there should be a script to fit the eye into the sockets of a morphed figure.

    But it is not a big problem doing it manually.

    The issue is I need to resize the eye 25 to 50% above the 100% to get it to fit and this leaves me with a large eye image map.

      How do I make the image smaller other than going into photoshop and doing that manually. 

    If Photoshop is the only answer, then I would request a script to auto fit the eyes and a script to give us a slider for eye map size.

    And offset and tiling does not work.

    I am not sure I understand.  The eye dialog scales and moves the eyes if you need it.  (This is one of the things that make converting to G9 a PITA.  The eyes have a separate morph, named the same, to make them fit within the G9 head)  This should not affect the surface at all.

  • KeironKeiron Posts: 413
    edited June 2023

    Thought id try a few male figure

    no luck at all

    fwsa Ryker no textures

    Denton no textures

    Bjarke no textures

    Ashwyn is a horse no textures no back legs

    Supreme Intelegence HD no textures

    Ork HD no textures

    there seems to be no rssy way of applying textures

    have the rssy eye, rssy eyelash and rssy mouth only ?

    looks like you can apply gen 9 textures to it though

    Post edited by Keiron on
  • XiousDsXiousDs Posts: 317

    Just as a note.  When I try to convert StorybookFrog, I also end up with the baboon eyes showing up as a converted morph.  One of the other folks mentioned a character showing that it used Baboon eyes morph, so I thought it would be relavent to let you know that I also see that occurring.

  • XiousDsXiousDs Posts: 317

    I am not certain what I am missing here.  In the manual it shows the Eye Placement dialog screen up when the converted character shape is up.  But when I run it on Storybookfrog, it is trying to have me adjust the eye placements and size before the StorybookFrog shows up.  Not certain how to properly position the eyes when the shape is not loaded yet.  So not certain if I am doing something wrong.

    NOTE: I tried attaching and pasting an image to this to show exactly what I am talking about, but Daz forums site does not want to let me do that right now.

  • edited June 2023

    I got everything shaped properly and fixed a weird eye issue on the left eye being small, but none of the shoes for G9 seem to fit with the G8 suit on. Has anyone had this happen? What do I need to do to get them to fit on the converted figure?

    Post edited by americananimatorsnetwork on
  • XiousDsXiousDs Posts: 317

    This is the "Currently Used" morphs after deleting all previously created gen 9 morphs for Storybook Frog, and running the gen 8 to 9 character script again.  The first time I tried using the tool the conversion had the Baboon eyes as part of the morph.  This time it still exists, BUT the story book frog also now gets a navel morph that it was not getting before. ROFL  The feet were still highly distorted after I dialed down to 0 all other morphs except "Storybook Frog".  The toe next to the big toe of Storybook Frog is supposed to be the longest.  After morphing it is still the longest but it is also VERY pointy with all of the other toes distorted and stretched at the angles and coming to point meeting the long pointy toe.

    I also ran the eye tool, but kept the default settings just clicking OK without making any changes.  The eyes were closish to the right place which would need to be fixed by actually dialing in the appropriate adjustment during the tool; however, I noticed that the character's left eye is considerably smaller then the character's right eye.  The left eye could be manually scaled, but I don't know why it did this and wanted to confirm seeing a similar occurance as one of the other folks who posted about different size eyes after converting.

    NOTE: Won't let me attach or post an image again. The morphs that initially showed as currently used were as stated below:
    BaboonG8M-IrisSize: 100%
    SBFrog Frog Eyes: 100%
    Mouth Realism: 100%
    Storybook Frog Character Preset: 100%
    Storybook Frog: 100%
    Navel HD: 100%

    Navel HD does not seem to distort the figure at all.
    Baboon iris and frog eyes both change the size of the head.
    BaboonG8M-IrisSize is really weird because I have the model, however, when looking at currently used morphs on default Storybook Frog, it does not show up.  So I don't understand why it is getting referenced and pulled into the morph.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    Keiron said:

    Thought id try a few male figure

    no luck at all

    fwsa Ryker no textures

    Denton no textures

    Bjarke no textures

    Ashwyn is a horse no textures no back legs

    Supreme Intelegence HD no textures

    Ork HD no textures

    there seems to be no rssy way of applying textures

    have the rssy eye, rssy eyelash and rssy mouth only ?

    looks like you can apply gen 9 textures to it though

    I think we need to try converting one male character and post the log.   I will see what keeps it from applying textures.  Thanks.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    XiousDs said:

    I am not certain what I am missing here.  In the manual it shows the Eye Placement dialog screen up when the converted character shape is up.  But when I run it on Storybookfrog, it is trying to have me adjust the eye placements and size before the StorybookFrog shows up.  Not certain how to properly position the eyes when the shape is not loaded yet.  So not certain if I am doing something wrong.

    NOTE: I tried attaching and pasting an image to this to show exactly what I am talking about, but Daz forums site does not want to let me do that right now.

    Ok, I got Storybook Frog and tried it.  I see what you mean by the feet.  I think JoeQuick made this morph too extreme to transfer correctly.

    As far as the eye placement.  There is only one WHOLE body morph for Storybook Frog.  The Eye dialog is coming up for a different morph (phmFrogEyes2b).  The script only turns on the morph that it wants to place the eye for, which is NOT the Storybook Frog so it will not work.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    XiousDs said:

    Just as a note.  When I try to convert StorybookFrog, I also end up with the baboon eyes showing up as a converted morph.  One of the other folks mentioned a character showing that it used Baboon eyes morph, so I thought it would be relavent to let you know that I also see that occurring.

    I got tired of this stupid morph giving me support nightmares so the next update will screen baboon eyes iris out.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    americananimatorsnetwork said:

    I got everything shaped properly and fixed a weird eye issue on the left eye being small, but none of the shoes for G9 seem to fit with the G8 suit on. Has anyone had this happen? What do I need to do to get them to fit on the converted figure?

    I am not seeing this issue.  You load the shoes on the figure, not the suit, correct?  Which shoes cause problems?  Can you post an image?

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    Submitted an update of the update (for CC) this morning: smiley

    • Modified GetMorphType function to check an array of prefixes for matching the head or body morph names (now supports morph names that start with FHM *or* Head to identify the morph as a head)
    • Added SEARCH_PREFIX_ONLY to data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSG8G9CharacterConversionConstants.dsa which controls the search for head/body prefixes in morph names.  If true, only see if morph name STARTS WITH the prefix.  If false, search entire name.  By default, it is false so GetMorphType will find head morphs like "Chen HD Male.dsf" as a head morph.
    • Fixed bug thrown by DoCharacterDialog because of copy/paste error (this.sWhatsThis) in v1.0.1
    • Added BaboonG8M-IrisSize to MORPH_FILTERS so that this eye morph is ignored

    I noticed a bug that crept in on the G8M material suits.  The name for the G8 (not G8.1) Male Body suit is "RSSY Genesis 8 Male Suit.duf"  The script is looking for "RSSY Genesis 8 Male Body Suit.duf" as that is the convention for "RSSY Genesis 8 Female Body Suit", "RSSY Genesis 8.1 Female Body Suit", and ""RSSY Genesis 8.1 Male Body Suit".  We will submit a patch, in the meantime you should rename the body suit so that the CC script can find it.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337

    Thanks a lot for the update - much appreciated. Will wait for it to appear in DIM.


  • XiousDsXiousDs Posts: 317

    RiverSoftArt said:

    XiousDs said:

    Just as a note.  When I try to convert StorybookFrog, I also end up with the baboon eyes showing up as a converted morph.  One of the other folks mentioned a character showing that it used Baboon eyes morph, so I thought it would be relavent to let you know that I also see that occurring.

    I got tired of this stupid morph giving me support nightmares so the next update will screen baboon eyes iris out.

    Just want to say you are doing a great job.  I am sure this is very frustrating, but I am sure all of us greatly appreciate.  Thank you.

  • KeironKeiron Posts: 413


    Cleared out Daz Studio log file

    Then converted denton log file attached


    ds denton log file.txt
  • EboshijaanaEboshijaana Posts: 489

    RiverSoftArt said:

    XiousDs said:

    Just as a note.  When I try to convert StorybookFrog, I also end up with the baboon eyes showing up as a converted morph.  One of the other folks mentioned a character showing that it used Baboon eyes morph, so I thought it would be relavent to let you know that I also see that occurring.

    I got tired of this stupid morph giving me support nightmares so the next update will screen baboon eyes iris out.

    I admit I don't know much about PA interaction etiquette, but it shouldn't be your job to handle the mistakes of another PA.

    Regardless, since this is relevant; Anyone who has Chimera from Joe Quick should check their G8-1 is not accidentally triggering a Chimera mouth morph when G81male's mouth is opened wide.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,301
    edited June 2023

    RiverSoftArt said:

    RexRed said:

    Okay, I love the way the converter creates the new Gen 9 clone of the Gen 8 figure.

    I had a problem with Roy's texture would not load onto the Body suit. I got a character error.

    But i just loaded Roy and copied his surface material and pasted it to the body suit and fixed.

    So, I feel like every conceivable issue I have had has been addressed, except for two.

    The top eyelash which has not been a huge deal because Gen 9 has great eyelashes and textures.

    The only lingering problem is eye size. 

    It seems there should be a script to fit the eye into the sockets of a morphed figure.

    But it is not a big problem doing it manually.

    The issue is I need to resize the eye 25 to 50% above the 100% to get it to fit and this leaves me with a large eye image map.

      How do I make the image smaller other than going into photoshop and doing that manually. 

    If Photoshop is the only answer, then I would request a script to auto fit the eyes and a script to give us a slider for eye map size.

    And offset and tiling does not work.

    I am not sure I understand.  The eye dialog scales and moves the eyes if you need it.  (This is one of the things that make converting to G9 a PITA.  The eyes have a separate morph, named the same, to make them fit within the G9 head)  This should not affect the surface at all.

    For every figure that I have converted (except for Michael 8.1) the eyes are considerably smaller than the eye socket.

    I have to manually resize the eyeballs and move them outward from the nose.

    When they get resized, it makes the eye texture on the eyeballs get bigger also.

    The eyes come in at 100% size (generally) and I have to resize them anywhere from 125% to even 140% so there are no spaces on each side between the eye and the socket.

    When I resize the eyeballs The texture on the eyeballs gets larger as well.

    The texture is then too big to look realistic in most cases. 

    I cannot find eye morphs for the eyes either. 

    Post edited by RexRed on
  • XiousDsXiousDs Posts: 317
    edited June 2023

    RexRed said:

    RiverSoftArt said:

    RexRed said:

    Okay, I love the way the converter creates the new Gen 9 clone of the Gen 8 figure.

    I had a problem with Roy's texture would not load onto the Body suit. I got a character error.

    But i just loaded Roy and copied his surface material and pasted it to the body suit and fixed.

    So, I feel like every conceivable issue I have had has been addressed, except for two.

    The top eyelash which has not been a huge deal because Gen 9 has great eyelashes and textures.

    The only lingering problem is eye size. 

    It seems there should be a script to fit the eye into the sockets of a morphed figure.

    But it is not a big problem doing it manually.

    The issue is I need to resize the eye 25 to 50% above the 100% to get it to fit and this leaves me with a large eye image map.

      How do I make the image smaller other than going into photoshop and doing that manually. 

    If Photoshop is the only answer, then I would request a script to auto fit the eyes and a script to give us a slider for eye map size.

    And offset and tiling does not work.

    I am not sure I understand.  The eye dialog scales and moves the eyes if you need it.  (This is one of the things that make converting to G9 a PITA.  The eyes have a separate morph, named the same, to make them fit within the G9 head)  This should not affect the surface at all.

    I have no eye dialogue checkbox that I can see.

    For every figure that I have converted (except for Michael 8.1) the eyes are considerably smaller than the eye socket.

    I have to manually resize the eyeballs and move them outward from the nose.

    When they get resized at it makes the eye texture on the eyes get bigger also.

    The eyes come in at 100% size and I have to resize them anywhere from 125% to even 140% so there are no spaces on each side between the eye and the socket.

    When I resize the eyeballs The texture on the eyeballs gets larger as well.

    The texture is then too big to look realistic in most cases. 

    I cannot find how to invoke the eye dialogue.

    I cannot find eye morphs for the eyes either. 

    Did you look over the Character Converter G9 User Manual?  On page 4, the 4th bullet is "Eye Dialog".

    On the Character Converter tool, you have a tab section called Convert.  It is the first tab.  On that tab, you have a Character Files section.  That is the section which shows which files you are trying to convert.  In that section there are 4 columns.  The first is "Type", the second is "Filename", and the third is "Eye Dialog".  To enable the Eye Dialog section of conversion you must double click on the cell empty space intersecting between character row in question and the "Eye Dialog" column.  It does not show up like a check box.  It is just an empty space.  When you double click it, an "X" will appear in the empty space of the "Eye Dialog" column showing you the option is enabled.  When you double click it again, the "X" will be removed disabling the option and leaving the space empty again.

    Post edited by XiousDs on
  • XiousDsXiousDs Posts: 317
    edited June 2023

    A weird thing with the Baboon for G8M.  I loaded it into an empty scene, went to parameters, and clicked on all.  The BaboonG8M-IrisSize shows up at 100%.  When you reduce it to 0% it increases the size of the Iris on the character, so the morph shrinks the Iris when applied.  On G8M Baboon it is applied at 100% by default.  So I expected when I went to "Currently Used" it would show up as one of the currently used morphs, but it does not show up.

    Baboon 8 shows ups at 100%.
    In addition, eyelashes Curl, Eyelashes Length Lower, Eyelashes Length Upper, torsoNewCurves4, BeardCurves, maneBack, and ManeFrontCurves all show up at 100% on the Baboon, in currently used, but the Iris morph does not show up at all, even though it is being used.  I don't understand that.  I thought if a morphs was applied in any form, then it should show up in currently used.  Not certain if this is has something to do with why this morph seems to be causing problems with Gen 9 conversions.

    I am going to test removing baboon for now to see if that has any positive affect on running the converter.

    Update: I uninstalled Baboon, and deleted the eye and character morphs so that when I tried to find the morphs they did not show up.  I could not find any file for them also where they had been located on my harddrive.  I ran a test conversion again, and the storybook frog still showed up with Baboon iris.  I looked again and could not find any files for it.  I decided to try restarting DAZ.  After doing so, but after I redeleted the newly created morphs, it proceeded to create the base morph but without creating the Baboon Iris morph.  Baboon did not create any major distortion that I can tell other than slight head size change.  However, I wanted others who might read this that they likely need to restart daz after whacking an offending morph or somehow it still may be stuck in memory for the script, Daz Studio, or something like that.

    Post edited by XiousDs on
  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,301

    XiousDs said:

    RexRed said:

    RiverSoftArt said:

    RexRed said:

    Okay, I love the way the converter creates the new Gen 9 clone of the Gen 8 figure.

    I had a problem with Roy's texture would not load onto the Body suit. I got a character error.

    But i just loaded Roy and copied his surface material and pasted it to the body suit and fixed.

    So, I feel like every conceivable issue I have had has been addressed, except for two.

    The top eyelash which has not been a huge deal because Gen 9 has great eyelashes and textures.

    The only lingering problem is eye size. 

    It seems there should be a script to fit the eye into the sockets of a morphed figure.

    But it is not a big problem doing it manually.

    The issue is I need to resize the eye 25 to 50% above the 100% to get it to fit and this leaves me with a large eye image map.

      How do I make the image smaller other than going into photoshop and doing that manually. 

    If Photoshop is the only answer, then I would request a script to auto fit the eyes and a script to give us a slider for eye map size.

    And offset and tiling does not work.

    I am not sure I understand.  The eye dialog scales and moves the eyes if you need it.  (This is one of the things that make converting to G9 a PITA.  The eyes have a separate morph, named the same, to make them fit within the G9 head)  This should not affect the surface at all.

    I have no eye dialogue checkbox that I can see.

    For every figure that I have converted (except for Michael 8.1) the eyes are considerably smaller than the eye socket.

    I have to manually resize the eyeballs and move them outward from the nose.

    When they get resized at it makes the eye texture on the eyes get bigger also.

    The eyes come in at 100% size and I have to resize them anywhere from 125% to even 140% so there are no spaces on each side between the eye and the socket.

    When I resize the eyeballs The texture on the eyeballs gets larger as well.

    The texture is then too big to look realistic in most cases. 

    I cannot find how to invoke the eye dialogue.

    I cannot find eye morphs for the eyes either. 

    Did you look over the Character Converter G9 User Manual?  On page 4, the 4th bullet is "Eye Dialog".

    On the Character Converter tool, you have a tab section called Convert.  It is the first tab.  On that tab, you have a Character Files section.  That is the section which shows which files you are trying to convert.  In that section there are 4 columns.  The first is "Type", the second is "Filename", and the third is "Eye Dialog".  To enable the Eye Dialog section of conversion you must double click on the cell empty space intersecting between character row in question and the "Eye Dialog" column.  It does not show up like a check box.  It is just an empty space.  When you double click it, an "X" will appear in the empty space of the "Eye Dialog" column showing you the option is enabled.  When you double click it again, the "X" will be removed disabling the option and leaving the space empty again.

     That was very helpful XiousDs while I have been trying to fix this, I found that out about the adding the x to add the eye dialogue box while perusing the manual again.

    I am trying that to see if the eye textures are sized correctly now. The eye dialogue box is great!

    Thank you very much for your help, that was very kind. yes

  • XiousDsXiousDs Posts: 317
    edited June 2023

    RexRed said:

    XiousDs said:

    RexRed said:

    RiverSoftArt said:

    RexRed said:

    Okay, I love the way the converter creates the new Gen 9 clone of the Gen 8 figure.

    I had a problem with Roy's texture would not load onto the Body suit. I got a character error.

    But i just loaded Roy and copied his surface material and pasted it to the body suit and fixed.

    So, I feel like every conceivable issue I have had has been addressed, except for two.

    The top eyelash which has not been a huge deal because Gen 9 has great eyelashes and textures.

    The only lingering problem is eye size. 

    It seems there should be a script to fit the eye into the sockets of a morphed figure.

    But it is not a big problem doing it manually.

    The issue is I need to resize the eye 25 to 50% above the 100% to get it to fit and this leaves me with a large eye image map.

      How do I make the image smaller other than going into photoshop and doing that manually. 

    If Photoshop is the only answer, then I would request a script to auto fit the eyes and a script to give us a slider for eye map size.

    And offset and tiling does not work.

    I am not sure I understand.  The eye dialog scales and moves the eyes if you need it.  (This is one of the things that make converting to G9 a PITA.  The eyes have a separate morph, named the same, to make them fit within the G9 head)  This should not affect the surface at all.

    I have no eye dialogue checkbox that I can see.

    For every figure that I have converted (except for Michael 8.1) the eyes are considerably smaller than the eye socket.

    I have to manually resize the eyeballs and move them outward from the nose.

    When they get resized at it makes the eye texture on the eyes get bigger also.

    The eyes come in at 100% size and I have to resize them anywhere from 125% to even 140% so there are no spaces on each side between the eye and the socket.

    When I resize the eyeballs The texture on the eyeballs gets larger as well.

    The texture is then too big to look realistic in most cases. 

    I cannot find how to invoke the eye dialogue.

    I cannot find eye morphs for the eyes either. 

    Did you look over the Character Converter G9 User Manual?  On page 4, the 4th bullet is "Eye Dialog".

    On the Character Converter tool, you have a tab section called Convert.  It is the first tab.  On that tab, you have a Character Files section.  That is the section which shows which files you are trying to convert.  In that section there are 4 columns.  The first is "Type", the second is "Filename", and the third is "Eye Dialog".  To enable the Eye Dialog section of conversion you must double click on the cell empty space intersecting between character row in question and the "Eye Dialog" column.  It does not show up like a check box.  It is just an empty space.  When you double click it, an "X" will appear in the empty space of the "Eye Dialog" column showing you the option is enabled.  When you double click it again, the "X" will be removed disabling the option and leaving the space empty again.

     That was very helpful XiousDs while I have been trying to fix this, I found that out about the adding the x to add the eye dialogue box while perusing the manual again.

    I am trying that to see if the eye textures are sized correctly now. The eye dialogue box is great!

    Thank you very much for your help, that was very kind. yes

    No problem.  I figure while I am trying to resolve my own issues, if in some way, I can help others who have issues in the same thread, than that might slightly reduce the burden on RS and SY, then it ends up as a possible WIN/WIN for everyone.  Have a great day. :)

    Post edited by XiousDs on
  • Possible issue...

    I'm noticing, at least with the males, that if the character preset does not name the model in the Scene tab (figure is named the default ["Genesis 8 Male" or "Genesis 8.1 Male"] instead of the character name,[such as "Roy for G8M"]), the resulting controller made is named either "Unknown Genesis 8 Male" or "Male 8_1". The model that loads however will have the converted model's name. The issue becomes that if another character is converted that wasn't named in the scene tab, the new controller overwrites the previous controller so that all converted models using that controller load as the last converted character for that model (G8M or G8.1M).

    At some point the character is being "re-named" for the Scene tab. Can this name update the default name used for building the controller?

  • XiousDsXiousDs Posts: 317

    Another little bit of info.  I find that mesh grabber seems to work fine on gen 9, but after running a conversion on one character to another character, mesh grabber is all messed up when using it on the newly converted character.  Example, selecting G8M Storybook Frog can be selected fine with mesh grabber.  Gen 9 figure can have surfaces selected fine as well.  After attempting to run a conversion on story book frog, the surface acts super weird so that if you try selecting an edge or vertice on the right leg, it might select a section on the left leg.  If you try selecting a spot on the head, it might select a spot on his lower stomache. 

    Story book frog has a weird bone structure in the feet?  Can weird rigging/bone placement potentially negatively affect how the mesh gets pulled about on the feed? 

    As complexity test on Storybook Frog for the conversion tool, I tried first running decimator to reduce it to 50%.  This still resulted in a pretty good shape, but appeared to reduce some of the complexity in the toes shape especially around the nails.  I then saved the character as a preset to my custom folder.  I then ran the tool against the exported/decimated 50% decimated figure.  Most everything was good except still massive spikey pancake feet.  So reducing the vertice count of the model does not seem to work for the feet.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,301

    I can't get the search to work in the character converter or the clothing converter.

    I type in the word "boots" or "viking" and sometimes it takes me to v's I would think it would search the file names and narrow down the options listed with that word in the file name.

    I have nearly 10,000 Daz assets. and not being able to search for a keyword and refine the items listed is very difficult.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    Artini said:

    Thanks a lot for the update - much appreciated. Will wait for it to appear in DIM.

    You're welcome!  Thanks for the support.

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