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Hi Mendoman
1. Load required figure.
2. Open Puppeteer Pane/Tab via Window/Panes. Window is located on the main option menu bar.
3. Go to Poses directory of figure and load puppeteer interface located under Breast Control Puppeteer.
4. In puppeteer interface, change mode from edit to preview and start usage.
5. Depending on your puppeteer window size, you can also center icons by right clicking then selecting center fit.
Thank you very much, it worked like a charm :)
well Zevo and Richard have answered but here is some pics I found I had to load script gen2/3 first from utilities first to access it in puppeteeer
It seems i have problem loading the morphs, I only have 7 morphs loaded.
I've tried to load new scene, with new G3F, still only 7 options loaded.
Also, the weirdest thing is, I have G2F morphs, lot of them, on my G3F Actor>Actor
There is no way the G2 morphs can load on G3. They are colour coded. You would have seen purple shape icons. There must be something messed up with how the files were copied to your content folder because nobody else has had this happening. Can you send me screenshots of your data folder of the product?
Yup, it might be one of those day, when i had too many vodka and follow some shaddy tutorial somewhere.
It's called G2F morph infusion it seems. I've deleted all those morphs and now Breast Control works properly.
Sorry to trouble you. I'll send you the link to that shaddy product, lol, in case you still interested.
Lol no worries. Glad all is sorted:)
Not to rush you Zev0, but what's next? You talked about growing up, and another I seem to remember; ok I am rushing you!
This seems to be working great, excellent as usual. :)
Thanks:) Fit Control G3 is next on the cards. Aiming for release next month.
I'm looking forward to the Growing Up too! I got the Glute and Breast Control but haven't installed it yet. Thanks for the great products that help us make our figures more realistic! (which is why I want Growing Up!!!)
Guys there will be an update on Breast Control. I named my Nipple Size morph the same as Daz Nipple Size so now it's dialing up both. It will be renamed to Nipple Scale to avoid conflicts. Thanks.
Thanks for the info, it hasn't been an issue yet, so either didn't notice or not pay attention when I did.
There's always something that slips through. :)
Zev0, I have been collecting your comprehensive morph products up through Gen2 (not upgrading to Gen3 for a while). With most morph packages, they are easily understandable how to use, however, when I got to the glute control, I am baffled by how to really use the morphs. I played around with them, but not sure under what pose conditions most of them are to make the changes in the shape look more realistic. As I see, they are located in the pose control section, some appear to be corrective, but under under what conditions do they correct? I was wondering if you had some sort of help file, pointer tips or place I could refer to that explains some of the less intuative morphs.
Well, they aren't really corrective morphs, except for the bending morphs. Those are used when the legs are bent 90 degrees or so eg sitting or bent over position to assist the appearance in that regard. The Glute Control morphs basically give you rotational and movement options per glute that you can adjust to suite your pose. EG if left leg is bent upwards and you do not like the way the glute looks on that leg, you can adjust it.
Zev0, can you elaborate on how !Bend Fix, !Bend Helper, and Bend H Smoother are to be used? Is it when the legs are rotated in a certain position? !Bend Helper is the most confusing to me as it oddly pushes the center between the cheeks out. I assume you created each morph to deal with identified scenerios, I'm hoping to not miss out on when to use them.
Basically the Bend morph is designed to push the groin area out to balance the glute height. When bent, the groin area sits very deep and the glutes appear long and makes sitting look un-natural. The bend helper is used to assist when other shapes such as heavy morph is applied. You can play around with it till you get the results you like. Not all shapes require it, but it comes in handy for shapes that do show these symptoms when the legs are bent. Hope this makes sense.
Yes, thank you. That helps me!
Well, the shapeshift I have bought for G3F is not bad but could have been better. Some of the shapes have influence on bodyparts they shouldn`t have. Belly shape fat for example, since when has the belly influence on the upper thighs? Waist shapes, well they shouldn`t have influence on the hip bone but they have. Some examples.
Waist shape 2 for example is just the hip bone, the name says it all HIP BONE not WAIST BONE
but over all it is a good tool
On the geometry there is a fine line between what is the hip and what is the waist, and if more polygons are shifted in the waist area, it will be clasified as a waist morph.
You have to have some form of influence or blending. If you just shift the belly and isolate it from parts of the thigh or other surrounding geometry you will get mesh tearing and distortion which will also project onto clothing. So all the polygons in surrounding areas have to be relaxed and blended in. If you do not do this, there is no ways you can blend in multiple morphs because it will break the mesh when stacked and possibly distort clothing fitted to the figure as well. You have to treat the geometry as skin. If you pull it, areas around it will move as well.
Have created AVA new today with just two DS Character Bodymorphs and shapeshift + another shaping tool for G3F without any DS shapes (except for the nipples) and this new AVA looks great in my opinion, better than with DS morphs I have used before. So thank you Zev0 for the shapeshift, even there are some shape morphs I would have created a bit different (if I would know how to do this LoL)
You're welcome, and thanks for the feedback.
I'm so excited to hear the prospect of wrinkles dependent on expressions for an upcoming Aging Morphs expansion. I will be interested in this for sure!
I am waiting for the glute control and if it is not to late I would make a suggestion. If you move the legs inwards (side move) the thigh/crotch region looks a bit "strange" if you look from behind. Means there is a relatively hard edge between the thigh and the hip / crotch region, Is it possible to get a smoothing morph for the inner upper thigh?
Can you show me an untextured render example and highlight the exact area?
well, I hope you can see what I mean or you are able to reproduce the move (right thigh moved invards). This region should have a smoother angle I think. Well my english is not so good that I can explain exactly what I mean.