Some Genesis 3 Basics Freebies anyone ?



  • Thanks mrmorph. Nice work, much appreciated.

  • Thanks you two smiley

  • edited October 2015

    The only thing I can add to the constructive comments so far is bump mapping. Add a little textured look to the fabric; not all fabrics are soft or smooth. Some have ridges, columns, ribs, embroidery, etc. Try having a fill layer with some kind of a textured pattern, and either screen it/overlay it, or set the layer's opacity down low (like 15-20 percent) so that the patterns show through clearly, but you still get a bit of that textured cloth appearance to the material. Then you can make your bump maps from there. (A favorite of mine to start with is a basic white fill then add noise to the entire layer... sometimes this can add a bit of a nice touch to the overall "feel" of a fabric when rendered. And sometimes I junk it entirely and go on to a different kind of 'textured' feel... just experiment until you find something that looks good.)

    That said - I think the patterns you chose are very pretty. Even with the scale size differences between them. I think you're off to a good start. The more you do, the better you'll get at it. I was not producing textures even half this quality when I first started making freebies/content. Just keep on doing it, and you'll keep improving. I think you're off to a great start here, and I personally love these fabrics, and would have happily paid for them. :)

    So - thank you for offering them out as gifts. Much appreciated.

    Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

     (A favorite of mine to start with is a basic white fill then add noise to the entire layer... sometimes this can add a bit of a nice touch to the overall "feel" of a fabric when rendered. And sometimes I junk it entirely and go on to a different kind of 'textured' feel... just experiment until you find something that looks good.)

    And if you use a slight motion blur on the noise it makes a nice subtle satin pattern.

  • Hi Seliah and Fisty,

    Thanks for the tips. These do have bump maps I made of a small weave. It's probably not noticeable in the examples, if you're using them then you could try turning them up a notch.

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