files missing, but they are showing in DAZ

in New Users
Got futalicious from renderosity. I thought my install was correct, but something is wrong. Says Im missing files, but they seem to be there.
Any clue why its telling me they are missing?
Thank you!

1205 x 272 - 74K
In your screen shot, is the People folder immediately under the content directory (My Library, or whatever it was you used) or is there an extra folder between the Content Directory and the People folder?
That vendor name sounds very familiar to me because I also bought some of their naughty products, not this one though. The main question here is how you installed the whole thing, Meipe has a habit of also providing support *.dsx files but it's been my experience that you're better off just placing the contents in the right location yourself.
So since we're in New Users I'd like to take it one step further:
That should basically do it.
Hope this can help!
literally crying now-Daz is the most archaic program Ive seen....
in my infinite wisdom, I thought somewhere along the line I deleted a folder, or did something I shouldnt have...Decided to start fresh.
Deleted Daz, reistalled, and downloaded all the files I had from the Daz store...And now I have nothing in my daz folders-no people folder, no runtime, no nothing...
Would use Dim to to get this stuff uploaded but cant figure that out either

thats it in my daz folder
You are not logging in to Daz Studio, are you?
Attached Instructions for manual installation, which may also explain the mystery behind Daz Studio Content Directories
I was logged in-starting from scratch all over again-just dont understan how all the folders were gone with a fresh install...will go thru your screenshot once I get Daz downloaded again.....My kingdom for someone to develope an easier way to install content...This just bites-not little love nips-but giant monster rip your heart out bites :( Thank you for the reply-hope it helps!
If you are using DIM, DazCentral or manual installation to install your content, never ever log in to Daz Studio
The files won't have disappeared, but if the content directory settings are wrong you won't see them. If you deleted the Appdata fiolder for daz you may have removed the settings for DIM/Daz Central (and the database used by everything except the ... Formats containers in the Content Library) but left the settings insside DS alone. Whata re your instalaltion paths, and what are your Daz Studio contnt diectories (Edit>Preferencs>Content tab>Content Directory Manager)?
I did a fresh install of DAZ Studio, so nothing should be missing. And the files were located in documents, but with the new install they are in the C drive. So thats solved(thank god- and thank you PerttiA for your screen shot...thats how I found them....
So, currently- I had bought Dicktator, and got that succesfully loaded and working. Then got futalicious, tried to upload-thats when everything fell apart. Missing files in both now...going to delete, and sign out of Daz. Hoping thats the issue.
But thank you guys for the help...Stinks spending hours trying to figure it out :( So totally appreciate the help!!!!!!!
If some content works and other content doesn't the it is the content or the instalaltion. You never did answer my question about what folders you could see in the content Library>Daz Studio Formats as you drilled down to the preset for loading.
this is the best screen shot of files from my original Daz download -you are referring to the files in daz studio I hope...
Yes, what are thwe fiolders above that - Daz Studio Formats>[Content folder name]>People>Genesis 8 Female>Anatomy or is there an extra folder, Daz Studio Formats>[Content folder name]>[some folder]People>Genesis 8 Female>Anatomy?
Ive deleted both Dicktator/Futa... But the anatomy file is still there-empty but there.
If you ever installed a previous version of this product, you have to first uninstall / delete them all (data folder and all user facing folders...) before intalling the latest version. No issue on my side...
Which may show your problem - you have a People folder inside the People folder. Thata lone, while confusing, wouldn't break anything but a similar doubling up on the data (or Runtime) folders would cause missing file errors.
On my 3rd fresh install of Daz, and redownloaded the file from renderosity...and still showing a missing file-this is the current situation, and havent tried loading futalicious. I have emailed the creator, hopefully I will hear back from him soon.
Nested。。。 wrong installation. And how could you download it from rendo... it's from RE.
You also have a Content folder under the main content directory - if that has a data or runtime folder in it, possibly from these products, then the fiels will not be fouind as the relative path will not include the content folder. Any Data and Runtiem folder must merge with the one in the root Content Direcotry, My Daz 3D Library here by the look of it.
Uninstaling and reinstalling will do nothing to help with missing content files, and if you are over thorough in clearing up may actually break things more. Uninstalling/reisntalling applications is very rarely the solution to issues.
Clear DSON cache by the way...
Thank you all for the answer-learned with each of them....LOL To clean every thing up, I did a fresh install of windows 10-was great freed up tons memory-and then I installed DAZ, and got the SSL error, and nothing would down. Found the answer and fixed that by download the SSL from godaddy(guessing windows is trying to force people to 11) Anyway, got it fixed by the end of the day, and all the main files installed. Going to try dicktator again-before I hit enter, and get on the merrygoround of Daz pain and torture, could some confirm that this is correct?
In principle*, the location may be correct, but if that is what you are going to extract there, it's going wrong - Read the instructions for manual installation, which I attached before.
*In principle, because one should not install the content library to ones C-drive, at least not in C:\Users\Public\Documents\ (It may get highjacked by OneDrive)
This is how daz installed itself-there is nothing in the documents file-brand new windows, brand new Daz install-this is how daz installed.
Do I move that file to the Document file?
What I was trying to say was, Do not extract the whole file as it is, but you need to go inside the zip-file, inside the folder named "Content" and extract only what you find inside the "Content" folder
The "Content" folder in your case is an alias for "My Daz 3D Library". It is called "Content" because the base folder of the content library can have what ever name, even when it was created by (older) Daz installation process.
Whatever you find inside the "Content" folder, needs to go to "My Daz 3D Library" the same way it is in "Content" - If you find a "Content" folder under "My Daz 3D Library", the installation has not been done correctly.
so go into the zip file get the people, data and runtime folders and move to "my library" ? And do I zip the file, or just open it? Im sorry to be a pain-but Ive tried all weekend-hours trying to do this right-and just dont want to screw it up...again. Ive shed enough tears now...And thank you-sincerely, thank you!
Yes, "People", "Data" and "Runtime" to "My Daz 3D Library" and that's it.
I dont understand the question "Do I zip the file, or just open it"
Meant to say unzip...or just open the file
I'm not familiar with the program you are using to extract a zip file, if you can just drag and drop the folders to "My Daz 3D Library" or if you need to extract them.
I am able to just click on the zip file and open it...Not extracting them...going to give it a try-Pray for me, and again, I am so greatful for the help
I think I love you!!!!! Got Dicktator, now going to try the futalicios...