Dain 9

I will say, I did not expect to see Dain again this generation.https://www.daz3d.com/dain-9-hd-pro-bundle
He does appear to have lost his chest hair this time through. And the Kingdom Come body art is ... unexpected. Quite.
Dain 9 does look rather surprisingly similar to Dain 8 ... although, according to the Measure Metrics data, he seems to have lost a full eight inches in height somewhere along the way.
And his alternate versions actually do seem to bring something alternative to the table -- I don't know how easy or difficult it would be to make those versions with existing morphs, but they're definitely different.
Pro bundle pricing isn't horrifying. Isn't cheap, but isn't bad for as much stuff is in it.
Post edited by vwrangler on
He's short. With a large chest. Basically, a cube.
... the most realistic characters ...
A somewhat ordinary, not overly intelligent-looking face - like Dain 8. And that exaggerated trapezius muscle again! It distorts the proportions quite terribly, but is perhaps popular in the bodybuilding scene.
On the other hand, Daz learned quickly and this time also gave the age morphs to a male core character. And they look really good! That should actually be honoured - if you didn't have to buy the Pro Bundle for it. With all the military stuff (again!
) it is unfortunately uninteresting for me.
Already in my cart.
The alt shapes look fun. Hope you guys can post some renders while I'm on holiday!
I had projects a month ago that used vintage military uniforms like each of those. Always the way, right? Will put together a test cart, but unfortunately I no longer have the token help. The bundle is likely to be outside of my remaining budget, but I do still have my October PC coupon. Bundle is a maybe. If not, will get at least one of the uniforms separately.
The neck/traps area is so badly proportioned that he just doesn't even look human. And the shoulders are a mess, again. Seriously, I don't care how good the faces are... I can't imagine buying G9 figures when they look this weird in the bodies. I bought a lot of G9 at the outset and I look at every new one that gets released but the bodies are just such a mess, I can't do it. And Dain is not an improvement.
It is interesting how none of the three military uniforms released today actually state what era of history they are from, but are instead given neutral names and descriptions. This is despite the fact one looks inspired from WWII uniforms and another from the Napoleonic era. Of course that does mean if you seach for Napoleanic or WWII neither of these items will come up (unless DAZ have added some hidden meta data on the web pages).
I suspect this is done so that we will not get the usual complaints that they are not historically accurate for one reason or another, but it seems a shame they can not describe them as they are.
Who knows what's going on in the product artwork. The traps don't look like that.
I like Dain okay, and his alternate shapes are great. But I'm not interested in enough of the pro bundle content to buy it. The only insta-buy for me was the 18th century military uniform. I grabbed that and it's textures.
What happened to the nipples on the pro bundle fit alternate shape?
The third shape ?
It's a Young Adult shape and the previous ones had no nipples too but were for feminine characters: the absence of nipples on the skin texture was hidden by a bra.
Damn, I don't have much use for the bundle, but the alt shapes, especially the creepy guy one are great.
The store seems to be in a groove with the type of male characters it's been releasing lately.
I may get the pro simply because the cost is better for the few items I want, im undecided. I'm not hugely a fan of the under pec lines in genesis 9 that Dain has, or the limp looking dforce combat uniform. But the hairs look okay. Im still trying to decide.
I know several people who actually have very developed traps, more extreme than this. One of them doesn't work out at all. That's just how he's built. I also have overdeveloped traps that make my shoulders look as if they're dropped, so to me this doesn't really look out of proportion. It's not uncommon in people whose jobs involve heavy lifting, especially overhead lifting. I see it a lot in furniture movers, for example. What I don't understand is why so many of the new characters have those "droopy" eyes. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with droopy eyes. My mother-in-law had them and all her children and grandchildren have her eyes. It's a common enough trait. But it seems like most new DAZ characters have this thing with the lower outer eye.
I like the uniforms, they do look believable for someone like me (not a history or military expert) and the motorcycle is almost there. But the mechanical engineer/car hobbyist in me doesn't quite buy it. It does have features and design elements that could have been used in the 40's, but the creator has not understood how the front suspension works, why are the springs there? Where are the exhaust pipes and what are the two canisters in front of the cylinders and on the left side of the rear cylinder? What are the small pedals for, surely not for pedaling? The rims are missing the deeper section in the middle, how does one change the tires?.
Not surprised at all that Dain 9 is a return product and as a better likeness this time.
While I wasn't super enthusiastic, I got the Dain Pro Bundle down to $26.47 by putting alt textures and using 8 tokens, so, sure, why not.
Dain 9 HD Pro Bundle
$179.99 $26.47
With a cart total of $40.73
I call it 'Library Building".
The character doesn't look as young as the Young Teen Max character who has them. I was concerned that maybe the moprh was putting them in an incorrect location.
Insta bought the pro bundle. Got it for the morphs. Dain is one of my favorite guys. I look forward to Brute and Holt 9. Especially if they have the other morphs like Dain does
The bundle does temporarily include an alternate shape called "Emaciated" for the first 30 days, but that will be vaulted on Nov. 17, so... Yeah. Strange way to market the character.
The inclusion of the additional licenses has been a significant factor in my purchases of several recent bundles, too. The added value was an honest and attractive way to make purchasing on release more appealing. Much better than artificially scarce alternate shapes.
Maybe the new world overlords told Daz to start the predictive programming now.
It's a PA product, not an 'numbered' character: all YA alternatives shapes I have don't have nipples on their YA skins textures (strangerly enough, Josie 9 does have them, so it's maybe a recent rule).
An example with Mira 9 YA skin textures on Michael 9:
So I did end up getting the pro bundle. I used the Actor/Character presets to check out the different shapes. And ... has anyone noticed that the "emaciated" version isn't so much emaciated as kind of ... insanely ripped? Like, this guy has not had a carb in his long and evil life (that face was meant to be an evil wizard), but he has never EVER been what anyone would call undernourished.
He does have scrawny legs. I'll give him that. His arms are kind of ... normal, really, for your average not-emaciated guy (if lacking a bit of muscle bulk compaired to main Dain). The rest of him ... guy works out. A LOT.
I tried dialing out the Dain 9 Body slider but leaving the Dain 9 Emaciated body slider active. On the one hand, looked much more convincingly emaciated. On the other hand, grew breasts. So clearly, he's functioning as designed. It's just a somewhat odd design.
I don't mind the sculpt but with that discriptor I would be expecting something a bit more like this, for sure!
But I don't think Daz does ribs.
Here are the four shapes together. I have some Dain 8 vs 9 comparisions rendering while I clean my arpartment for a rental inspection, will post soon.