Dain 9



  • sidsid Posts: 464

    Here is the Dain comparison. Dain 8 came with his own chest hair. In the second pic I've added some generic body air to Dain 9 just for fun. (Dain 9 is the platinum blonde on the left)

    Dain 8 was a big boy!

    All Dain 9 versions have a vein and no-vein opeion. Dain 9 Youth is the only alt version that has seperate materials in smart content.

    Emaciated version from the pro bundle. I wish the alt versions weren't time limited.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,064

    sid said:

    I wish the alt versions weren't time limited.

    Daz wants our money NOW! Thanks, as usual, for the renders, sid. The G9 males are experiencing shrinkage like many recent products and members. 

  • sidsid Posts: 464

    And because I'm procrastonating a lot with cleaning the apartment, here's some playrenders with the outfits.

    Some of the Demon Servant outfit and the bike.

    Couldn't get a great sim on 'Combat Ready Outfit' and I'm not sure why the waistcoat is popping through the jacket for 'infantry Outfit', but the boots are great. Possibly operator error. (The second guy is Thalius, I'm a bit in love).

  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,368

    vwrangler said:

    I tried dialing out the Dain 9 Body slider but leaving the Dain 9 Emaciated body slider active. On the one hand, looked much more convincingly emaciated. On the other hand, grew breasts. So clearly, he's functioning as designed. It's just a somewhat odd design.

    Right, G9 has breasts by default. Without a male character shape to reduce them somewhat, you'd need to go into the settings for the chest to reduce their size. But there will still be visible evidence on the bare chest that they were there. 

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