Make Human and Daz Studio

I found a software called make Human.  Can I use it to make a human to put into Daz Studio?    Does the figure have to remain open source?



  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Pretty sure you can use it (I have used it for years off and on and even imported a few into DS as .OBJs.), but good luck getting the figure into DS with any kind of rigging intact.


    as for the open source part, that is between you and makehuman, but last time I checked the quality of far from what you have with DAZ figures, so I doubt there is any DS commercial value.

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 2015

    Makehuman models carry the same restrictions as Blender, there are none. You're free to do whatever you want with them. Free, commercial, whatever.

    From their front page: "Content created with MakeHuman is licensed under the CC0 license, giving artists unprecedented freedom for using their MakeHuman creations in any way they can imagine."

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • Make Human models are good for one thing. You can use them for Low Rez characters. Just style them the way you need them and add clothes and hair and inport to Daz studio. Then copy over the bones from Genesis or V4 or M4 and you can use your vast library of poses to move these characters around. Oh another thing you should do is use Decimator to lower the polycount on this character so you can fill your scenes without things crawling to a halt.

  • MakeHuman is a pretty handy program. I have used it to create the rough base shapes for figures which I then use to sculpt the finished figure in CD Coat.

    As for just using MakeHuman figures in Daz Studio, that's going to be tricky. You will not be able to import the rigging with the figure because Daz uses a proprietary export/import format for both FBX and Collada which means rigging information is not transferred. So it pretty much means if something is rigged in Daz you'll not be able to use it in something else and if something is rigged in something else you will not be able to use it in Daz. Why after all these years Daz isn't actually using the open source standards for these file formats instead of it's own proprietary format that only transfers the geometry, nobody knows but it's been pissing off a lot of Daz users who also use other programs like MakeHuman and Marvelous Designer.

    The other problem you'll have is the current version of MakeHuman is A-frame only. The pose section of the software isn't working yet so you can't pose it in a T-pose nor export it an a custom pose. As soon as they get the T-pose and the Photo Realistic mesh running in the release version of the software I plan to make a Triax Weighted version of the default base mesh and put it up on Share CG so you can at least make figures and then load them as a morph and have them work in Daz. For some reason they've been dragging their asses on getting any of that stuff working. Last spring they said "2 months away" and it's been the same when you ask them since. Those of us who used the Alpha 7 release ended up getting completely screwed when they decided to drop the A7 mesh for no good reason so now all the figures made with it are no longer compatible. This is why I'm not going to put in any work supporting the nightly build betas because they might just decide "nah, screw it, not gonna support it" like they did with the A7 mesh and then all that hard work ends up going down the drain.

    But even if you don't know how to rig your own figure the MakeHuman software is pretty useful if you need to make Human-like props. Need a bunch of disembodied limbs strewn about a scene? Want a throne made out of human arms? Just start hacking away at a MakeHuman figure in the modeler of your choice.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
      For some reason they've been dragging their asses on getting any of that stuff working. Last spring they said "2 months away" and it's been the same when you ask them since. Those of us who used the Alpha 7 release ended up getting completely screwed when they decided to drop the A7 mesh for no good reason so now all the figures made with it are no longer compatible. This is why I'm not going to put in any work supporting the nightly build betas because they might just decide "nah, screw it, not gonna support it" like they did with the A7 mesh and then all that hard work ends up going down the drain.

    kinda hard to get mad over free, open source software. I am still amazed at how far they have come since I first tried it. I am also amazed that it is still free and open source considering what it can do.

  • I was still pretty cheesed that the A7 mesh got turfed for really no good reason, especially after so many people put so much work into supporting it and it would have been so easy to include it as a Proxy mesh.

  • But being open source if you still have a copy of that build you can still share it, there is that

  • Yeah I still keep my A7 and use it for some stuff and 1.0.2 for other stuff. The base meshes I use to make my scultps tend to be a franken mesh with parts of A7 and parts of 1.0.2. and then when I'm done the detail sculpting I just retopo it in 3D coat.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Okee dokee. After using the MakeHuman figure to make my Rig A Tony rigging proxy I've decided to actually make a proper rig of the MakeHuman figure for my next project. I'm going to rig the Generic Female mesh with teeth, eyebrows, eyelashes, and tongue geometry added. Generic Female mesh has an improved geometry over the MakeHuman default mesh and it's now included in v1.1 so it's accessible to people who don't use the nightly build now. When I get the MakeHuman figure rig finished I'll share it on my ShareCG account so that all Daz Studio users will be able to use MakeHuman to its fullest. Should be done in a few days hopefully.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,840

    'As for just using MakeHuman figures in Daz Studio, that's going to be tricky. You will not be able to import the rigging with the figure because Daz uses a proprietary export/import format for both FBX and Collada which means rigging information is not transferred. So it pretty much means if something is rigged in Daz you'll not be able to use it in something else and if something is rigged in something else you will not be able to use it in Daz. Why after all these years Daz isn't actually using the open source standards for these file formats instead of it's own proprietary format that only transfers the geometry, nobody knows "

    Hi' this is not a correct assesment of the export features of DAZ studio
    A simple google search yields many tutorials on exporting Daz figures to FBX for use in other programs:


  • ModernWizardModernWizard Posts: 851

    Okee dokee. After using the MakeHuman figure to make my Rig A Tony rigging proxy I've decided to actually make a proper rig of the MakeHuman figure for my next project. I'm going to rig the Generic Female mesh with teeth, eyebrows, eyelashes, and tongue geometry added. Generic Female mesh has an improved geometry over the MakeHuman default mesh and it's now included in v1.1 so it's accessible to people who don't use the nightly build now. When I get the MakeHuman figure rig finished I'll share it on my ShareCG account so that all Daz Studio users will be able to use MakeHuman to its fullest. Should be done in a few days hopefully.

    Hi Ghastly. Is your project designed to make the MakeHuman mesh poseable in DS? Would one still have to do the morphing and shaping in MH?


  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Okee dokee. After using the MakeHuman figure to make my Rig A Tony rigging proxy I've decided to actually make a proper rig of the MakeHuman figure for my next project. I'm going to rig the Generic Female mesh with teeth, eyebrows, eyelashes, and tongue geometry added. Generic Female mesh has an improved geometry over the MakeHuman default mesh and it's now included in v1.1 so it's accessible to people who don't use the nightly build now. When I get the MakeHuman figure rig finished I'll share it on my ShareCG account so that all Daz Studio users will be able to use MakeHuman to its fullest. Should be done in a few days hopefully.

    Hi Ghastly. Is your project designed to make the MakeHuman mesh poseable in DS? Would one still have to do the morphing and shaping in MH?


    Yes, it'll make the figure posable in DS and you'll be able to create morphs in MH.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Okee dokee. After using the MakeHuman figure to make my Rig A Tony rigging proxy I've decided to actually make a proper rig of the MakeHuman figure for my next project. I'm going to rig the Generic Female mesh with teeth, eyebrows, eyelashes, and tongue geometry added. Generic Female mesh has an improved geometry over the MakeHuman default mesh and it's now included in v1.1 so it's accessible to people who don't use the nightly build now. When I get the MakeHuman figure rig finished I'll share it on my ShareCG account so that all Daz Studio users will be able to use MakeHuman to its fullest. Should be done in a few days hopefully.

    Hi Ghastly. Is your project designed to make the MakeHuman mesh poseable in DS? Would one still have to do the morphing and shaping in MH?


    Yes, it'll make the figure posable in DS and you'll be able to create morphs in MH.

    And you should be able to then export the morphs from MH as obj and use MorphLoader to add them in Studio.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Well I know now why Daz uses the T-Pose. It is freaking brutal to try and get the weight maps right on the shoulders of an A-Pose. Those arms don't want to move any higher than they already are.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Well I know now why Daz uses the T-Pose. It is freaking brutal to try and get the weight maps right on the shoulders of an A-Pose. Those arms don't want to move any higher than they already are.

    Yes, weight mapping is one easier job in a  T-pose...but some clothing is easier to model/drape in an A pose (there are other things that are easier in one or the other pose).

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    A-Pose looks fine but as soon as you lift the arm higher than the default pose everything goes to hell.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531


    There. The base figure is rigged. It's exported from MakeHuman as "Generic Female" topology, with Teeth Base, Eyebrow001, Eyelashes01, and Tongue.


  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 390
    edited September 2023

    Hi everyone! I see more than 7 years have passed since your last posts; I wonder if difficulties you described in your posts between MakeHuman and Daz have been fixed, now. I would like to create my charaters in MakeHuman and import them to Daz, so I wonder if it's still also complicated as it looked in 2016, or if it's simpler, now. I created a character who is almost exactly how I would like in MakeHuman, so I would prefer avoid to have to entirely recreate him in Daz...

    Could you tell me how I could import my character from MakeHuman to Daz, please? If I do it, what would be the resolution in Daz? Are MakeHuman figures still a low resolution, once imported to Daz?

    Thank you in advance for your answer!

    Post edited by yuyu.atem on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    yuyu.atem said:

    Hi everyone! I see more than 7 years have passed since your last posts; I wonder if difficulties you described in your posts between MakeHuman and Daz have been fixed, now. I would like to create my charaters in MakeHuman and import them to Daz, so I wonder if it's still also complicated as it looked in 2016, or if it's simpler, now. I created a character who is almost exactly how I would like in MakeHuman, so I would prefer avoid to have to entirely recreate him in Daz...

    Could you tell me how I could import my character from MakeHuman to Daz, please? If I do it, what would be the resolution in Daz? Are MakeHuman figures still a low resolution, once imported to Daz?

    Thank you in advance for your answer!

    Nope. DAZ seems to only care about exporting their products for use in other apps instead of DS unfortunately

  • Oh, it's too bad ! So, do you think that to try to import a character from MakeHuman to Daz can nevertheless be useful, or do you recommand to import it into another program like Blender? I would wanted to use Daz features like hair, clothes or poses, with my Makehuman character, but I don't know if it's possible without to import him into Daz, neither even if it's relevant to do it... Maybe is there a better way to anime and "equip" my character?

    Thank you in advance for your advice!

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    yuyu.atem said:

    Oh, it's too bad ! So, do you think that to try to import a character from MakeHuman to Daz can nevertheless be useful, or do you recommand to import it into another program like Blender? I would wanted to use Daz features like hair, clothes or poses, with my Makehuman character, but I don't know if it's possible without to import him into Daz, neither even if it's relevant to do it... Maybe is there a better way to anime and "equip" my character?

    Thank you in advance for your advice!

    Depends on your use in DS. If just for static figures for backgrounds, it can ge very useful, but for a main character, it will never compare to an actual DAZ genesis figure. You would be better off trying to recreate your character with one of the DAZ genesis figures since you want to use the poses, clothes and hairs.

  • Daz offers free downloads of the base human characters for each generation. and offers other free content.   Using makehuman in DS makes little sense. 

  • Thank you very much for your answers! In fact, I discovered MakeHuman long before Daz, that's why my characters are in MakeHuman. I am a beginner in Daz but for now, I don't understand how I can entirely recreate my MakeHuman character in Daz. I mean, for the face, MakeHuman offers several different shapes (rond, oval, rectangle, triangle, etc...). I didn't see anything like that in Daz. So, I thought I had first to find a figure having the shape I wanted for the face, that seems not very easy... Is there a way to control the shape of the face like it is controlled in MakeHuman?

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    yuyu.atem said:

    Thank you very much for your answers! In fact, I discovered MakeHuman long before Daz, that's why my characters are in MakeHuman. I am a beginner in Daz but for now, I don't understand how I can entirely recreate my MakeHuman character in Daz. I mean, for the face, MakeHuman offers several different shapes (rond, oval, rectangle, triangle, etc...). I didn't see anything like that in Daz. So, I thought I had first to find a figure having the shape I wanted for the face, that seems not very easy... Is there a way to control the shape of the face like it is controlled in MakeHuman?

    Figures are good for getting variety for textures, but if one wants to change the appearance of a figure, one gets better options with morphpacks.

    I haven't tried it, but one can shink wrap a genesis figure to ones own (unsupported by DS) figure in Blender, or use Wrap 3D 

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124

    yuyu.atem said:

    Thank you very much for your answers! In fact, I discovered MakeHuman long before Daz, that's why my characters are in MakeHuman. I am a beginner in Daz but for now, I don't understand how I can entirely recreate my MakeHuman character in Daz. I mean, for the face, MakeHuman offers several different shapes (rond, oval, rectangle, triangle, etc...). I didn't see anything like that in Daz. So, I thought I had first to find a figure having the shape I wanted for the face, that seems not very easy... Is there a way to control the shape of the face like it is controlled in MakeHuman?

    Yes, of course. In addition to the official head morphs, there're quite a few good morph packages in the store that you may play with as a beginner. For instance, if you start from G8 -> 200 Plus for G8F, HSTW's head morph resource kits - (there're Kits 1 - 3)

    It's not a way of simply using 'round, oval, square' face shapes or something, these packages enable you to shape partial face morph (e.g. nearly 50+ morphs to shape figure's jaw,  70+ morphs to shape figure's cheeks, etc. etc.). So in general, it's much better than MH.

    And yes, there're definitely a couple of ways for converting your MH figures to Daz Genesis figures (shape & textures) but that'll cost you money to buy the software and cost you more time to learn the techniques... So, better dive in Daz first to acquire basic knowledge and skills for making your 1st character with DS rather than aiming at some ad-hoc 'objectives' at this stage...


  • yuyu.atem said:

    Thank you very much for your answers! In fact, I discovered MakeHuman long before Daz, that's why my characters are in MakeHuman. I am a beginner in Daz but for now, I don't understand how I can entirely recreate my MakeHuman character in Daz. I mean, for the face, MakeHuman offers several different shapes (rond, oval, rectangle, triangle, etc...). I didn't see anything like that in Daz. So, I thought I had first to find a figure having the shape I wanted for the face, that seems not very easy... Is there a way to control the shape of the face like it is controlled in MakeHuman?

    for Genesis 3 & 8 you can use Powerpose to shape the face

    then export a base resolution mesh (without eyelash geometry for 8 )

    to use in morphloader

  • yuyu.atem said:

    Thank you very much for your answers! In fact, I discovered MakeHuman long before Daz, that's why my characters are in MakeHuman. I am a beginner in Daz but for now, I don't understand how I can entirely recreate my MakeHuman character in Daz. I mean, for the face, MakeHuman offers several different shapes (rond, oval, rectangle, triangle, etc...). I didn't see anything like that in Daz. So, I thought I had first to find a figure having the shape I wanted for the face, that seems not very easy... Is there a way to control the shape of the face like it is controlled in MakeHuman?

     This is the perfect time to let go of make human and try daz3d characters.  There is a sale right now,  many products are over 80% off. 

    Download the genesis 8 essentials pack which is free with dazstudio. 

    Then buy the head morph and body morph packages. 

    The head morph has all those head and faces shapes you listed.  The body morphs pack has all the body types.  You may have to buy a skin texture later,  and maybe some hair and clothes later. 


    Genesis 8 Female Body Morphs | Daz 3D

    Genesis 8 Male Body Morphs | Daz 3D

    Genesis 8 Female Head Morphs | Daz 3D

  • Thank you very much! I will look at it. I have also other questions:

    - On my main character, I used the MakeHuman Yaoi Chin target asset, that is pretty important for the face of my character. Is there an equivalent in Daz? Or maybe, is it possible to convert it into a Daz asset?

    - I didn't understand well what are these assets I found on this topic and an MakeHuman topic :
    With these asset, isn't there the same morphs in Daz as in MakeHuman? Isn't it possible to use them to recreate presisely my character without to have to spend a long time to do "tests" in Daz until I find the good morph values to recreate my character?

    Thank you in advance for your answer!

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,124
    edited September 2023

    yuyu.atem said:

    Thank you very much! I will look at it. I have also other questions:

    - On my main character, I used the MakeHuman Yaoi Chin target asset, that is pretty important for the face of my character. Is there an equivalent in Daz? Or maybe, is it possible to convert it into a Daz asset?

    - I didn't understand well what are these assets I found on this topic and an MakeHuman topic :
    With these asset, isn't there the same morphs in Daz as in MakeHuman? Isn't it possible to use them to recreate presisely my character without to have to spend a long time to do "tests" in Daz until I find the good morph values to recreate my character?

    Thank you in advance for your answer!

    Those links are based on Genesis 1 which was release in 2012. If you'd like to follow those workflows to convert a MH to Genesis 1, you may then convert Genesis 1 to Genesis 8 with Daz tools.

    BTW, if you can hardly do without MH, go for using Blender might be another straight-forward option by using MPFB 2.0 - In that way, nearly all Daz assets could be exported to Blender, so you can make a whole new world there with your MH figures, Daz assets and Blender itself...

    Besides, there're add-ons as well for MH rigging (MHX), so you can easily rig your figure for posing / animation, etc.


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • Thank you very much for your answer! laugh Well, since I am a biginner with Daz, I don't realize what is the most difficult to do... It's just I past a quite long time before to obtain the face I wanted in MakeHuman (the time to learn to use the software, I guess), so now I obtained the face I wanted, I am hesitating to completly give it up and restart to zero with Daz... But I reconize Daz seems very more powerful than MakeHuman !

    If I import my MakeHuman character into Blender, is it possible to use Daz or Poser wing assets with it? The wings are one of the first reasons for which I would need Daz, because its would be very difficult too create wings for MakeHuman, or create entirely new wings in Blender...wink

    I wonder also what will be the difference of resolution between these different possibilities (a MakeHuman character imported into Blender or impoted into Daz, a MakeHuman character converted into Genesis 1 then converted into Genesis 8, or a Genesis 8 character like FirsBastion was talking about).

    Thank you in advance for you answer!

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