Make Human and Daz Studio



  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,128
    edited September 2023

    yuyu.atem said:

    Thank you very much for your answer! laugh Well, since I am a biginner with Daz, I don't realize what is the most difficult to do... It's just I past a quite long time before to obtain the face I wanted in MakeHuman (the time to learn to use the software, I guess), so now I obtained the face I wanted, I am hesitating to completly give it up and restart to zero with Daz... But I reconize Daz seems very more powerful than MakeHuman !

    If I import my MakeHuman character into Blender, is it possible to use Daz or Poser wing assets with it? The wings are one of the first reasons for which I would need Daz, because its would be very difficult too create wings for MakeHuman, or create entirely new wings in Blender...wink

    Certainly. There's an official Daz to Blender bridge, and another addon - Diffeomorphic Daz Importer. Both of them can export Daz assets to Blender for being used by your MH figure.

    I wonder also what will be the difference of resolution between these different possibilities (a MakeHuman character imported into Blender or impoted into Daz, a MakeHuman character converted into Genesis 1 then converted into Genesis 8, or a Genesis 8 character like FirsBastion was talking about).

    If you consider to use MPFB 2.0, the answers could be found in the release notes on MH webpages. As per my exp. in Blender, the resolution of MH will be preserved in Blender. As for the one converted to Daz, honestly I dunno as I've never done it before. If your MH figure has very high resolution with details,  I'm afraid you'll lose them no matter how you convert them...

    Thank you in advance for you answer!

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852
    edited September 2023

    If you post a picture of your character's face,  perhaps people here can make suggestions for you on how to achieve the look you want in Daz Studio.  There are a lot of very helpful and capable people on the site willing to give you some advice. 

    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,324

    For an idea of what you can create with Genesis 9 and morphs, there is a forum thread Head Games that is up to 11 pages now. Folks discuss what they used and give ideas and share their renders. 

  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 390
    edited September 2023

    FirstBastion said:

    If you post a picture of your character's face,  perhaps people here can make suggestions for you on how to achieve the look you want in Daz Studio.  There are a lot of very helpful and capable people on the site willing to give you some advice. 

    Thank you very much for your help! Well, it's not completly perfect yet, but I am very close to what I want:

    I used the MakeHuman Hair 06 asset because it was the closest shape to what I wanted, but I think about to use the Blerder hair tool add-on to make something more realistic. I think also I will modify the eye shape, and I need to improve the mouth because I have a problem with the teeth... Beside that, it's very close to what I want.

    I precise he's a male, not a femele! But he has a quite androgynous apparence. He is 16 years old and 1.80m if legth. I don't know if there is a way to control precisely the legth and age in Daz...

    Thank you in advance for your help, anyway!

    Post edited by yuyu.atem on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852
    edited September 2023

    If you are planning to retain that non photo realistic anime look,  then a character base like this,  Yuzura gives you a good start,  and the head morphs pack mentioned above would be used to fine tune the details. 

    Yuzuru 8 | Daz 3D


    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • Thank you very much, it looks interesting!laugh

    In fact, I'm not sure if I want an anime look or not, I didn't really do it on purpose, but by dint of shiping the face, trying to obtain what I imagined, I obtained that, and it was very close to what I wanted. I don't realize what it would be like with a more photorealistic style, neither if it would be possible to keep this shape with a more photorealistic style... Do you thonk it would be possible?

    Anyway, for the hair, I would like somting more realistic. Since the MakeHuman Hair 06 has a shape close to what I want, is it possible to use the Blender Hair tool add-on ( to create a more realistic materail and then, import it as an assset for Daz? Or else, do you know a more realsitic Daz hair that would correspond to this shape? I wonder also if it's possible to convert the eyebrows and eyelashes I used in MakeHuman into Daz asset, because, I would like to keep them on my character...

    Thank you in advance for your advice!

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404

    The face you posted does not look that distintive to me, so you should be able to get something fairly similar using one of the DAZ Genesis figures, and some morph packs. I agree with FirstBastion that Yuzuru is a good start for a base, though I think these two characters based off Yuzuru are maybe a bit closer.

    As for the hair, these two might be close to the one you have. They are certainly more realistic. A lot of hairs contain morphs so you can change then to get closer to what you want.

  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 390
    edited September 2023

    Thank you very much! laugh Indeed, it looks great!

    You didn't answer about the blender hair tool add-on, can't it be used to create hair for Daz?

    Oh, and I have another question: I would be interested by the Seraphim Wings ( because I need wings ant it is sale, but I see it is for Genesis 3; do you think it also possible to use it for Genesis 8?

    Thank you in advance for your answer!

    Post edited by yuyu.atem on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627
    edited September 2023

    don't fit (or fit to none if it tries)

    under the stripe/hamburger menu in the corner of the scene outliner with the wings selected

    choose edit scene identification 

    scroll through the options under compatibility base (far right 3 dots) and choose genesis 8 the gender of the figure 

    accept and fit

    516 x 438 - 41K
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 390
    edited September 2023

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    don't fit (or fit to none if it tries)

    under the stripe/hamburger menu in the corner of the scene outliner with the wings selected

    choose edit scene identification 

    scroll through the options under compatibility base (far right 3 dots) and choose genesis 8 the gender of the figure 

    accept and fit

    Thank you very much for your answer ! so, you don't recommand me to buy it if I want use Genesis 8, do you?


    I have two other questions:
    - I saw the height of Yuzuru 8 ( is 172.3 cm; is there a way to bring it up to 180 cm?
    - Is there also an equivalent to Yuzuru 8 for Genesis 8 female?

    Thank you in advance!

    Post edited by yuyu.atem on
  • yuyu.atem said:

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    don't fit (or fit to none if it tries)

    under the stripe/hamburger menu in the corner of the scene outliner with the wings selected

    choose edit scene identification 

    scroll through the options under compatibility base (far right 3 dots) and choose genesis 8 the gender of the figure 

    accept and fit

    Thank you very much for your answer ! so, you don't recommand me to buy it if I want use Genesis 8, do you?


    I have two other questions:
    - I saw the height of Yuzuru 8 ( is 172.3 cm; is there a way to bring it up to 180 cm?
    - Is there also an equivalent to Yuzuru 8 for Genesis 8 female?

    Thank you in advance!

    well if you do what I suggested it should work

    I don't actually own it

    this is how I fit stuff between G3 & 8  that doesn't involve arms or legs

    stuff that does involves more steps 

    you can scale figures all, torso length legs, arms etc

  • WendyLuvsCatz said:

    well if you do what I suggested it should work

    I don't actually own it

    this is how I fit stuff between G3 & 8  that doesn't involve arms or legs

    stuff that does involves more steps 

    you can scale figures all, torso length legs, arms etc

    Ah ok, I didn't understand! In this case, I will try, thank you very much!laugh 

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404
    edited September 2023

    yuyu.atem said:

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    don't fit (or fit to none if it tries)

    under the stripe/hamburger menu in the corner of the scene outliner with the wings selected

    choose edit scene identification 

    scroll through the options under compatibility base (far right 3 dots) and choose genesis 8 the gender of the figure 

    accept and fit

    Thank you very much for your answer ! so, you don't recommand me to buy it if I want use Genesis 8, do you?


    I have two other questions:
    - I saw the height of Yuzuru 8 ( is 172.3 cm; is there a way to bring it up to 180 cm?
    - Is there also an equivalent to Yuzuru 8 for Genesis 8 female?

    Thank you in advance!

    Adjusting height in Daz Studio is easy if you have this morph pack: (or the female equivalent).

    An equivalent for Yuzuru for G8F is hard to say. I am no expert on the anime/stylized figures so you have to judge for yourself which figure goes with which. Aiko 8 ( may be a good place to start looking.

    I would recommend using Genesis 8 (or Genesis 9 if you want something very new), as 8 has a huge amount of assets available for it.

    I know it might start to look expensive to buy everything recommended to you, but most of what has been mentioned are Daz Originals and can be bought at a huge discount at times. You just have to be patient and grab stuff when they are cheap.


    Post edited by Havos on
  • One female option might be Kanade. 


    Kanade 8 Pro Bundle | Daz 3D

  • Thank you very much!laugh

  • This PA Crododile Lui  has many possible options for characters thatcould be appropriate.   Crocodile Liu | Daz 3D

  • Thank you very much!

  • FirstBastion said:

    yuyu.atem said:

    Thank you very much for your answers! In fact, I discovered MakeHuman long before Daz, that's why my characters are in MakeHuman. I am a beginner in Daz but for now, I don't understand how I can entirely recreate my MakeHuman character in Daz. I mean, for the face, MakeHuman offers several different shapes (rond, oval, rectangle, triangle, etc...). I didn't see anything like that in Daz. So, I thought I had first to find a figure having the shape I wanted for the face, that seems not very easy... Is there a way to control the shape of the face like it is controlled in MakeHuman?

     This is the perfect time to let go of make human and try daz3d characters.  There is a sale right now,  many products are over 80% off. 

    Download the genesis 8 essentials pack which is free with dazstudio. 

    Then buy the head morph and body morph packages. 

    The head morph has all those head and faces shapes you listed.  The body morphs pack has all the body types.  You may have to buy a skin texture later,  and maybe some hair and clothes later. 


    Genesis 8 Female Body Morphs | Daz 3D

    Genesis 8 Male Body Morphs | Daz 3D

    Genesis 8 Female Head Morphs | Daz 3D

    Hi, I have a question about the  Genesis 8 Female Head Morphs | Daz 3D; I would lile a triagle shape head, but I don't see any morph for this shape in the list of the morphs. I see "Face Heart, Face Round and Face Square", so I wonder how to create a "face tringle" by combining these morphs.

    Could you give me an advice, please?

    Thank you in advance!

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    yuyu.atem said:


    Hi, I have a question about the  Genesis 8 Female Head Morphs | Daz 3D; I would lile a triagle shape head, but I don't see any morph for this shape in the list of the morphs. I see "Face Heart, Face Round and Face Square", so I wonder how to create a "face tringle" by combining these morphs.

    Could you give me an advice, please?

    Thank you in advance!

    I think the face heart would work since the chin is pointed... then adjust the cheeks in a bit separately???  If you fiddle with the facial features I'm sure you could get close.  Half the fun of morphs is fiddling :)  lol.  Good luck.

  • Llola Lane said:

    I think the face heart would work since the chin is pointed... then adjust the cheeks in a bit separately???  If you fiddle with the facial features I'm sure you could get close.  Half the fun of morphs is fiddling :)  lol.  Good luck.

    Thank you very much! I will try. 

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,449

    yuyu.atem said:

    Llola Lane said:

    I think the face heart would work since the chin is pointed... then adjust the cheeks in a bit separately???  If you fiddle with the facial features I'm sure you could get close.  Half the fun of morphs is fiddling :)  lol.  Good luck.

    Thank you very much! I will try. 

    YAY... please post when you get something close :)  

  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 390
    edited September 2023

    Thank you very much!

    Post edited by yuyu.atem on
  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 390
    edited September 2023

    Hi! Before triying to entierely recreate my character from zero, I tried to use the face transfer plugin from the image of my MH character, so as to use it later an help, and this is what I obtain:

    It's pretty close to the MH version, but it seems a bit too square, so I fit the face quare morpsh to the minimal value; I obtained that:

    To compare with the MH version (but it's probably not the same scale):

    I also tried to compare the two versions with the MH hair imported into Daz:

    I anlso try to modify the Jaw Corner Width but I am not sure if it improves the character or not...

    For now, here are the morphs I used:

    Before to use the face transfered character as an help to create my final character, I would like to obtain something as close as possible to the MH character, so I still have manythings to modify, but I would need an advice. Indeed, the MH character seems sweeter and kinder than the face transfered Daz character, I don't know how to recreate the effect in Daz... Do you think it comes from the face shape itself, or because I didn't modify the "details" like the brows and the noze? From your experience, what do you suggest to recreate this sweetness and kindness on the facte transfered character?

    Thank you in advance for your advices!

    Post edited by yuyu.atem on
  • yuyu.atemyuyu.atem Posts: 390
    edited October 2023

    Hello, I have two new questions about MakeHuman and Daz studio:

    - Is it possible to convert a MH skin into a G8 skin?

    Is there aDS morph  equivalent to the MH scale depth head morph? (The first one in the following image)

    In DS, I saw several morph to control the depth of a part of the head or face only, but I didn't find a morph that controls the entire head + face depth like the scale depth does in MH...

    Thank you in advance for your answer!

    Post edited by yuyu.atem on
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