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...hmm #12 paying for Green Bay for the next century or two. When one retires just pull the next one out of the vat. Too bad they couldn't do the same with a few of the former stars like Reggie White, Edgar Bennet, Sterling Sharpe, Dorsey Levens LeRoy Butler, and others who really helped make that team great. They'd have to build a new wing on the stadium just for the Lombardi trophy case.
This thunderstorm is scaring me. Don't worry I'm in my room not outside. Oh wait I'm next to a window. Should I be afraid?
..keep an ear to the radio for tornado watches/warnings. This is a particularly bad weather system..
What happened to DAZ SKU 66666 !?!
SKU 66665 and 66667 are there but 66666 is MIA!!!
I accidentally happened to get a very nice featured phone a year or so ago. I use TracFone because I don't make a lot of calls so it works out cheap for me ($7/month) for actual phone & text service, but for Internet away from my home WiFi router I have to pay a little for a few gigabytes of data service now and then. I don't do a lot of data downloading away from home.
The phone I have has front and back cameras, produces excellent images from both, runs the Android10 OS, recognizes speech, shows movies, has headphone jack, also has bluetooth, permits "casting" to other devices. My phone? it's a Motorola "g" Optimo (XT1952DL). I think it was about $130 when I bought it through TracFone, but a couple days ago I saw that it is still available there now for $99.
Unfortunately I discovered that the battery is not customer replaceable as I had originally thought but I have no significant signs of it needing replacement yet. I don't over charge it and try to stop shortly after it reaches 90% and I don't let it get below 20%. This is the first proper "Smart Phone" that I've had to worry about how to transfer data to its future replacement when needed, but I let it do it's backup to the cloud automatically so perhaps it won't be difficult when the time comes.
I stumbled across a YouTube that raved about the "Moto g" and when I started comparing features, discovered that it's way ahead of Samsung phones that cost the same, and way less expensive than Samsung phones with the same features. I've been very happy with it.
But then again, I'm not a phone connoisseur. My phone is meat & potatoes, not haute cuisine. The only issue is that its screen is only 5 and half inches long. But that's not an issue for me because it fits very nicely in the front pockets of my jeans.
Everybody is focused on all the supply chain shortages due to the pandemic, but everybody seem to be ignoring the most critical shortage of them all. I am referring of course to the terrifying lawn gnome shortage:
...many years ago I was with college friends who met for a sci-fi role play game .one evening. I had set the kettle on the stove to boil some water for coffee. After a couple minutes maybe, one of hte people sitting in the kitchen and brought up the old saying of "a watched kettle never boils" to which I replied "unless you have 'pyro psionics'". At that moment I stared intently at the teakettle for a few seconds and suddenly it started whistling and emitting a plume of steam. Wish I had a camera then to capture his expression.
It was actually a situation of perfect timing as I knew it was about to reach the boiling point by the sound it was making when he said the line.
...stil has time on his contract but he did do a guest host spot on Jeaprody recently. As Stephen A on ESPN mentioned the other day, he probably could make just as good a living (or better) doing that and not have to worrry about being flattened by some 350# linebacker.
One time many decades ago when I was in my college years, I was at the local in-town (i.e. off campus) watering hole with some friends & their friends. One was particularly enraptured with fortune telling, astrology, mind reading, crystal healing and other such wishful thinking pseudo science. (No, he wasn't a tech college buddy, just a local.) He took all that stuff way too seriously (he was actually friends with a famous psychic of the time who had her astrological predictions for each coming year published in national magazines and newspapers, she had a beach house in South Melbourne, Beach, Florida, Can't remember her name, but Jeanne Dixon comes to mind but I don't think it was her, the woman I remember was a lot heavier and her name was strange.) Regardless, I digress...
While I was at the bar ordering a drink before setting at the table with my friends I happened to overhear two unknown women talking and one of them mentioned her name and where she was from. I returned to the table and we were having a good time. A little while later someone at the table had noticed a good looking girl across the room and asked if anybody knew her. We all said no. But I looked at her for a moment and realized she had been at the bar when I was and I recalled the overheard conversation. So I looked at her carefully for a moment then blurted out "I believe her name is Sandra and she's from Orlando." said slowly as if the information was coming piecemeal. My friend asked me how I knew that and I just casually and with perfect honesty said with a little hand wave gesture "that information came to me through the air". His jaw dropped and I had become a god in his eyes from that moment on.
Reminds me of the time a couple of us in the college had the city of Melbourne, FL looking for UFOs after we had created some frosted plastic hot air dirigibles fueled with jellied alcohol (Sterno) in a trough slung under the dirigable and let them float over the city at night. Unfortunately they floated over the airport and the situation got more serious so we stopped lauching dirigibles.
Moral of story: Wizard's First Rule: People are stupid. They will believe what they want to believe or what they are afraid might be true.
No but I have a hard time trying to ignore your avatar...
Yeah, I keep thinking there's a carving knife just out of sight.
a la "Chuckie" or "Barbarella"
However, despite being a dude, I recognize that it's just a lovely innocent dolly, and probably doesn't even talk or drink or pee.
Well Kara was turned into something just like a vampire. When her cousin offered her his blood, she accidentally killed him by draining him completely by her lack of self control. Even though she is undead, she somehow got pregnant by her landlord. It seems she did something to get discounted rates for her and her three housemates. They rent a house not an apartment.
so Kara the doll is innocent but not Kara the character. Oh the doll is a custom doll with pink hair and blue eyes.
...Sunday 04-25 2021.
Your so-called "today" is my yesterday...
But, your yesterday wasn't insignificant...
On that day in 404 BC, King Pausanias of Sparta and Admiral Lysander began the blockade of Athens which would eventually bring about the end of the Peloponnesian war... To this day we still use the old saying "Blockaded like the Port of Piraeus by Lysander" whenever we can't find enough wheat to make a loaf of bread or we run out of Pita bread.
In 799, Pope Leo III fled Rome after being attacked by relatives of his predecessor, who tried to poke out his eyes and rip out his tongue, disfigured and mistreated by the citizens of Rome, Leo decided that they probably didn't like him that much and he should head over to the Franks (inventors of the Frankfurter), Leo would later crown Charlemagne (aka "Charlie The Really Fantastic") emperor of Rome and "Coolest of all Romans".
In 1607, A Dutch fleet comprised of 26 ships and one inflatable banana floaty, commanded by the not yet dead Artic explorer and Admiral Jacob Van Heemskerck, fought the Spanish fleet comprised of 21 ships and eight novelty cartoon animal floaties at Gibraltar in what would later come to be known as “The Battle of Gibraltar” and then for a brief time “The Battle of the Bay of Gibraltar, but not really entirely in the bay, but mostly within it for the important parts” until historians realized that was stupid and defaulted to the original name.
The Dutch fleet defeated the Spaniards, sinking most of their ships and all but two of their floaties (a flamingo and a unicorn named Señora de la Piña)... To this day we still use the old saying "Like Señora de la Piña at Gibraltar" in regards to a narrow escape.
In 1901 New York became the first state to require license plates on cars, although at the time there were few cars and registrants were required to provide their own license plates...
Actually... lots of interesting stuff happened throughout history on that day... Louis IX of France was born in 1214... Edward II of England was born in 1284... in 1908 journalist Edward R. Murrow was born... in 1940, Al Pacino was born... same for Renée Zellweger, but in 1969...
In 775 AD, both Armenian princes, Smbat VII Bagratuni and Mushegh VI Mamikonia were killed during the Battle of Bagrevand... In 1295 Sancho IV of Castile died from a wild dachshund bite (some historians say it was turburculosis)... 1928 Russian general Pyotr Wrangel died suddenly from accidentally having a butler who's brother was a Soviet assassin...
April 25 is also Arbor Day in Germany... Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand (but not in Old Zealand which mysteriously disappeared from all records in 1902)... It's also the feasts of (Pope?) Anianus of Alexandria and Saints Philo and Agathopodes, noted for their return of the relics of Ignatius to Antioch as well as the feast of Saint Bruno of Hoboken whom I just made up... which is important if you are religious or looking for a reason to feast...
It's also "Military Foundation Day" in North Korea if you are into military parades by the Korean People's Army and the Worker-Pheasants Red Guard... Though I'm not sure how good pheasants are at doing military parades... but maybe it's cute... too bad I missed it...
In the Faroe Islands (an autonomous territory within the kingdom of Denmark), which are actually an Archipelago, which is a chain of islands, (not to be confused with Arch-O-Pelicans which is a novelty architectural feature made of goofy looking sea birds), the 25th of April is mildly celebrated as Flag Day, the day the Faroese decided that a white rectangle with a blue outlined red cross was a sufficient level of graphic representation flag wise... personally, their national coat of arms which is a goat with its tongue sticking out is way cooler, but nobody ever asked me...
And lastly April 25 is World Malaria Day, which I'm presuming is a day you are encouraged to go out and contract malaria, otherwise it should probably be called World Malaria Awareness Day, because the other way it makes it sound like a fun celebration...
Anyway... that's all... I hope you enjoyed your April 25.
Remember... history is fun and informative (unless it's written about by me) and as long as you are not caught on the wrong end of it, it can be a great source of fat free knowledge which can help you learn from the past and avoid making the same mistakes humans keep making over and over and over and over and over and over...
One other thing was significant about yesterday. It was eight months to Christmas.
But only because various Roman emperors fiddled with the length of several months.
also isn't no in German nine?
Because, again, the Romans added two months (July and August) in honor of Julius and Augustus Caesar.