The Sky is Falling Complaint Thread



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948

    ...yeah the fan ran most of night pulling nice cool air in. Apparently on low speed it still is compliant to the thermostat even though that isn't set to a specific temperature as it had stopped sometime early this morning.  When I switched it back to high, it worked fine again

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458
    edited June 23

    I did an Aquarian once.  "Give me a head with hair.  Long beautiful hair, shining, gleaming, streaming waxen, flaxen hair. Shoulder length or longer".angel

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited June 23

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Complaint:  When one door opens another closes (or something like that).  Now that you've revived your fan, it's caused my A/C to poop out(quantum entanglement?).  

    ...yeah, technology can be like that.  When I was living in New Orelans, one of my flatmates left for home for part of the summer.  A day afterwards the truntable on his stereo stopped working.  The day before he returned, it started working again. 

    Non-complaint:  My symphony buddy called and offered a ride to breakfast next Tuesday.  Wheee..., another day out of the cage.  I've been putting off walking to the local grocery because of the heat & humidity.  So, with a car and a driver I'll get him to take me to a proper city grocery for heavy bulk items like potatoes, onions, milk, hamburg, ham, juices. etc.  Things I can't get delivered.  "Oh happy day", my feet/knees/hips/heart are thankful.yes

    Ah anohter mini adventure.  I tend to enjoiy them as well, but only when they are ones I plan for and don't happen unexpectedly (which tned to be more like "mini ordeals" as those are not enjoyable).

    Well, the fan ran throughout the evening pulling nice cool air in. Before turning in I set it to low speed and when I woke up this morning it had stopped.  Apparently, on the low setting , it still is compliant to the thermostat even though that wasn't set for a specific temperature.  Most likely the lowest setting (65°) is a "default" as it dropped into the mid 50s before sunrise.  When I switched it back to high, it worked fine again.

    Non Complaint:  Much nicer today with a high the low 70s instead of the 88° we had yesterday. Supposed to not be in the 70s to low 80s tough the rest of the month.  Fine by me as in mid July into early August we get our usual heat wave here.  Just hoe it isn't one of those heat domes like we had in 2021 where we were in triple digits for three days with all time record highs of 108°, followed the next day by 112° and teh next by 116°.   

    Anybody tells me to move to Phoenix because for of my arthritis and i'll respond with an emphatic "NO!"  Three days oif that was enough.

    line break.jpg
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    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,181

    LeatherGryphon said:

    DanaTA said:

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Complaint:  When one door opens another closes (or something like that).  Now that you've revived your fan, it's caused my A/C to poop out(quantum entanglement?).   [snip] ...

    If you do decide to update your A/C, look into the Midea U-Shaped unit.  It is so quiet, and the way it installs, you can open the window if needed/desired without worries! 

     I looked at those once, but was unsure if they'd work in my window.​  The only window I have is only abut 6 inches above my bedroom floor.  It's on the 2nd floor, just above the front porch.  The porch roof is also about 6 inches below the window sill.  How does the "U" shaped unit attach to the window or sill?indecision

    It's all above the sill, resting on it.   Bracket outside may be an issue, not sure.

    Don't know why the photo is sideways.


    4000 x 2250 - 2M
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited June 23

    Complaint... I have to change the dressing on my thumb and I'm so not into that at the moment... it bled through the gauze and leaked plasma too... (white blood cells plasma, not ionic plasma, that only happens when I'm really mad and mostly it shoots out of my eyes in a concentrated energy beam)... I hate this part because everything is always going to be one solid chunk of fused scabby gauze nonsense that's going to have to be snipped away bit by bit one handed and if I mess up it's going to start leaking red stuff again...

    Secondary complaint... Smashed my elbow again and it's really pissed off that I keep doing that and now it won't let me rest it on stuff... 

    Thirdary complaint... The tool bar in the comment box is blank... none of the tools are labeled... 

    Fourthary complaint... are "thirdary" and "fourthary" actually words? Or is this just spellcheck giving up entirely?

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,181

    McGyver said:

    Complaint... I have to change the dressing on my thumb and I'm so not into that at the moment... it bled through the gauze and leaked plasma too... (white blood cells plasma, not ionic plasma, that only happens when I'm really mad and mostly it shoots out of my eyes in a concentrated energy beam)... I hate this part because everything is always going to be one solid chunk of fused scabby gauze nonsense that's going to have to be snipped away bit by bit one handed and if I mess up it's going to start leaking red stuff again...

    Secondary complaint... Smashed my elbow again and it's really pissed off that I keep doing that and now it won't let me rest it on stuff... 

    Thirdary complaint... The tool bar in the comment box is blank... none of the tools are labeled... 

    Fourthary complaint... are "thirdary" and "fourthary" actually words? Or is this just spellcheck giving up entirely?

    Seems like spell check just gave up!  laugh 

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    DanaTA said:

    Seems like spell check just gave up!  laugh 

    Seems about right...  

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    So I cut away all the gauze and bandage up to the nasty part that all solid red stuff and to get that to release from my actual thumb, I'm soaking it in bowl of warm water... a soup bowl actually... so is it weird that I'm curious is that broth would go good with ramen?... eh... forget I said that. 

    10 minutes later... not much progress... but I'm thinking those really thin translucent noodles instead of ramen... a little lemon grass and Thai basil... 

    I've been told I smell like steak when I get burned and I agree... I definitely don't taste like chicken... that's why I'm thinking the thin noodles... they go better with cow or pork...

    10 minutes later... ok... a little progress... I can see  the thread from the stitches now... My thumb is not happy about the soaking thing...

    5 minutes later... $@#%¥§?!€£@!!

    5 minutes later... Realizing this is a lot of discomfort for basically learning no lesson whatsoever.

    2 minutes later... still soaking... I think the stinging is the water softening the hard stuff... basically penetrating the scab... also I just drank from one of those snap-top water bottles for the first time... I usually unscrew them because I don't like drinking like a hamster... but they are actually kinda convenient if you can only use one hand... 

    4 minutes later... down to the last layer... the antibacterial pad... it's a cool material... it's a special kind of very thin and very flexible gauze they use to cover holes or gaps in skin... the doctor mentioned a few other uses too, but I forgot... I made him snort because of my assorted commentary... I try to be a fun patient... 

    I don't know how many more minutes later... it's cleared the stitches and all that's left is part where there was nothing to stitch together... I'm getting antsy... also... I have pee... like I could go hours without peeing but the moment I do something my bladder is like "hey... you forgetting someone?.... It's me!".... 

    Nobody actually cares how many minutes later... Ok, this is getting borenoying... this is taking too long, what the hell am I made out of that I don't readily dissolve in water when I need too...?

    Too many minutes later... it's off! that looks gruesome... 


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    Just did a platy count.  I counted 3 platies.  I bought 3 platies so that is good.  Wonder if I will have fish fry any time soon?


    I attached a picture of a platy fish fry.


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  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    I think it is bed time.  So time to put phone to sleep, turn the lights off and go to sleep.

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,738

    Aunt's car thermometer reached 104 degrees fahrenheit (40.5 Celsius?). Anyway, mine reached 105 degrees. I am the winner.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,181

    NylonGirl said:

    Aunt's car thermometer reached 104 degrees fahrenheit (40.5 Celsius?). Anyway, mine reached 105 degrees. I am the winner.

    105?  Define winning. 

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,905

    Unreal Engine is really driving me spare. I'm pretty good at figuring things out on my own, but it genuinely feels like the dev team was given the instruction that nothing should ever be straightforward or work like you expect it to. Things that are either readily apparent or easily deduced in other programs take a shocking amount of time to figure out. And before you ask, of COURSE I'm not going to look up tutorials, because I have a mental illness that forces me to make everything unnecessarily difficult for myself.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,531

    Non-complaint: We have a wildlife garden with lots of birds.

    Complaint: Said birds won't shut up & give me a moment's peace in which to think.



  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458

    richardandtracy said:

    Non-complaint: We have a wildlife garden with lots of birds.

    Complaint: Said birds won't shut up & give me a moment's peace in which to think.



    Be thankful they're not peacocks. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,485

    LeatherGryphon said:

    richardandtracy said:

    Non-complaint: We have a wildlife garden with lots of birds.

    Complaint: Said birds won't shut up & give me a moment's peace in which to think.



    Be thankful they're not peacocks. 

    or screech owls, or (non-avian) vixens in heat.

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,738
    DanaTA said:

    NylonGirl said:

    Aunt's car thermometer reached 104 degrees fahrenheit (40.5 Celsius?). Anyway, mine reached 105 degrees. I am the winner.

    105?  Define winning. 

    For me, winning is a state of mind in which you didn't die. I know that made sense.

  • KinichKinich Posts: 870

    Richard Haseltine said:

    LeatherGryphon said:

    richardandtracy said:

    Non-complaint: We have a wildlife garden with lots of birds.

    Complaint: Said birds won't shut up & give me a moment's peace in which to think.



    Be thankful they're not peacocks. 

    or screech owls, or (non-avian) vixens in heat.

    We have been subjected to both foxes and peacocks in recent weeks, foxes getting it on a couple of weeks back woke us up in the early hours and peacocks are regular visitors in the road outside our house, whilst many English villages have warning signs about ducks, ours have ones warning of crossing peacocks, I assume crossing peacocks are a sub-species more hazardous to passing traffic than the common or garden variety peacocks. Apparently they taste like chicken and are popular snacks for tigers, not that we get many of those roaming loose in the English countryside, black panthers though are ten-a-penny in the UK according to many popular news sites and tabloid papers, which may account for why the wild wallabies of Britain have been declining in recent years, not sure what they taste like.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,531

    Black Panthers.. Yes. We've spotted one in our garden and on three other separate occasions in the last 20 years locally. Not a regular visitor that we're aware of. The one in our garden was fixed on our Maine Coon cat, until it saw me in the kitchen through the window & ran off. The first time we saw it was across our narrow, steep valley and it was hiding from the guy opposite who was walking his Welsh Collie. They got to about 30 yards of the Panther & didn't see it (though the dog went to a very close 'heel' which it didn't normally do, but having a different angle meant my wife & I could see it. The body length when the panther sloped off was 50% longer than the Collie but about the same at the shoulder. This is North Kent.



  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458
    edited June 25

    No return of the mutant robin here, yet.  Saw a bunny eating neighbor's lawn though.  If you've never seen a neighbor's lawn eating a bunny, it's bloody.surprise

    Non-complaint:  Mischief managed;  Breakfast out with my symphony buddy.  Mmmm... food not prepared by me.  Such a treat.yes  Also, made it to a proper grocery store and got a heavy load of groceries; potatoes, onions, cooking oil, bread, eggs, & other bulky items.  I couldn't find my favorite cereal (Wheaties) and had two isles of people helping me look.  I gave up, but a few isles later one couple passed me again and said they found the Wheaties.  So, I doubled back and found them too, hidden amongst the sugar coated, glycemic overload cereals.  A couple years ago I was looking for Wheaties and asked a store helper.  He said, "Oh, that's old people cereal, we probably don't carry it."frown  Not sure if I should have been angry for being dismissed as "old", or flattered that he didn't recognize me as "old".indecision

    Memory Lane:  Back at the end of the last century while still living in Washington DC, I was once mis-recognized in a bookstore as a famous TV wrestler from the late '90s (Bill Goldberg).  My ego grew two sizes that day.laugh  I should have said "Why yes, yes I am Goldberg, do you want my signature on something?"  I know I looked intimidating back then, but the moment I open my mouth I give myself away.indecision



    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • KinichKinich Posts: 870

    richardandtracy said:

    Black Panthers.. Yes. We've spotted one in our garden and on three other separate occasions in the last 20 years locally. Not a regular visitor that we're aware of. The one in our garden was fixed on our Maine Coon cat, until it saw me in the kitchen through the window & ran off. The first time we saw it was across our narrow, steep valley and it was hiding from the guy opposite who was walking his Welsh Collie. They got to about 30 yards of the Panther & didn't see it (though the dog went to a very close 'heel' which it didn't normally do, but having a different angle meant my wife & I could see it. The body length when the panther sloped off was 50% longer than the Collie but about the same at the shoulder. This is North Kent.



    Not personally seen a black panther in the wild whilst travelling around the UK or here where we live in the ever more concrete covered rural Essex, but we do have our fair share of cougars in the county.

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,738

    Kinich said:

    We have been subjected to both foxes and peacocks in recent weeks, foxes getting it on a couple of weeks back woke us up in the early hours and peacocks are regular visitors in the road outside our house, whilst many English villages have warning signs about ducks, ours have ones warning of crossing peacocks, I assume crossing peacocks are a sub-species more hazardous to passing traffic than the common or garden variety peacocks. Apparently they taste like chicken and are popular snacks for tigers, not that we get many of those roaming loose in the English countryside, black panthers though are ten-a-penny in the UK according to many popular news sites and tabloid papers, which may account for why the wild wallabies of Britain have been declining in recent years, not sure what they taste like.

    Perhaps the crossing peacocks are the reason the red squirrels drive so slowly.

  • Our first 100-degree day this year and it's only June. Going to be a fun summer. Currently betting on 70 days at 90 degrees F or above. Record is 75.

    Will have to get the AC units out this weekend and hope that they still work.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,921
    edited June 26

    Kinich said:

    richardandtracy said:

    Black Panthers.. Yes. We've spotted one in our garden and on three other separate occasions in the last 20 years locally. Not a regular visitor that we're aware of. The one in our garden was fixed on our Maine Coon cat, until it saw me in the kitchen through the window & ran off. The first time we saw it was across our narrow, steep valley and it was hiding from the guy opposite who was walking his Welsh Collie. They got to about 30 yards of the Panther & didn't see it (though the dog went to a very close 'heel' which it didn't normally do, but having a different angle meant my wife & I could see it. The body length when the panther sloped off was 50% longer than the Collie but about the same at the shoulder. This is North Kent.



    Not personally seen a black panther in the wild whilst travelling around the UK or here where we live in the ever more concrete covered rural Essex, but we do have our fair share of cougars in the county.

    We've had a few reports of black panther sitings here in Ohio but no real evidence has been found that suggest that there are any. On the other hand we do have a pretty decent sized population of bobcats and some being all black, so the panther sitings could be a confusion with the bobcats. Granted there is a pretty decent sized size difference between the two but most people have a poor perception on size at distances. We have a protected wildlife area about 5 miles from where I currently live that does have a large population of bobcats and other animals that you rarely find throughout the state like black bears. However black bears are getting to be more common from them migrating from Pennsylvania and West Verginia into the state.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,531

    In the town of Colchester in Essex there is a zoo that's somewhat notorious for accidentally giving zoo animals their freedom. In 2012 there was another full scale emergency about an escaped male lion that had been seen in the town. It had happened frequently enough that helicopters, police vans, the lot, were scrambled before even contacting the zoo. Nothing was found, and the zoo (when finally contacted) said all lions were accounted for. It's thought a ginger Maine Coon with a Lion Cut for summer had been spotted. Here's the article from the UK national Newspaper 'The Daily Mail':  And a Maine Coon's not even as big as a Savannah cat.



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    Looked through my photos for a black panther.

    I also took a screenshot of my lock screen.  It is my friend Oscar.

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  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,015

    Sfariah D said:

    Looked through my photos for a black panther.

    I also took a screenshot of my lock screen.  It is my friend Oscar.

    The first picture looks just like my Piki (=pitch/bitumen). He disappeared some 25 years ago.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited June 26

    General complaint: Step By Step How To Instructions that go like this: (example: custom water slide decals)

    1- So wanna do the thing... Great!

    (ad for miracle elixir make from pigeon feathers)

    2- It's fun and you can make lots of designs!

    (ad for gutter repair)

    3- Use a graphics program like photoshop or illustrator to make your graphics 

    (ad for a reptile dysfunction pills)

    4- print the graphics on decal paper.

    (Ad for "free" money the government "owes" you)

    5- cut out the decals.

    (ad for software that will clean your computer- DOWNLOAD NOW!)

    6- apply the decals to your project.

    (ad for "free" solar panels you doctor doesn't want you to know about)

    7- wasn't that fun!  

    Literally that... like no details, no sources for materials or techniques or anything useful... just useless nonsense bookended by clickbait.

    It's like "How to climb a mountain safely"...

    1- Go outside

    2- Find a mountain.

    3- Climb up it.

    4- Don't fall off.

    5- Climb back down.

    6- Go home and have hot chocolate.

    7- Wasn't that fun! 

    There should be a minimum fine of 300 days community service for writing crap like that... and that includes idiots on Reddit who actually post links to articles like that when someone asks a question... they are time wasting land mines that you come across when reading what seems to be a serious thread. Most likely posted by some smug buttnugget who didn't even read the article, just googled it because they think they are the only ones who can use a search engine... meanwhile you can see the OP is asking for a legitimate reference, like a source someone may have previously found useful, not "I'm too lazy to read through 4000 clickbait articles and watch 40 hours of useless YouTube videos"... legit asking "can you suggest a good information source?".

    The internet is getting worse and worse and thanks to employing "AI" to make suggestions it's getting dumber and dumber.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    I think it is hot outside.  I want a shower but I fear I would go into shock if I take a shower right after coming inside.

    1170 x 2532 - 3M
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,015
    edited June 26

    Sfariah D said:

    I think it is hot outside.  I want a shower but I fear I would go into shock if I take a shower right after coming inside.

    No worries... In Sauna we take a shower after having sat inside for 10-15 minutes at 140-210F. That is... If it's not winter and we don't have a hole in the ice to dive into.

    Post edited by PerttiA on
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