The Sky is Falling Complaint Thread



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    I had an 'oh wait?  I'm naked?  Where's clothes dream?'  It turned into "Oh wait! I can fly! But you can't!'

    I also dreamt I was still living with my parents in a bizarre house.  My bed was in a cupboard under my parents' bed. It was in the 1990's and my mother was over a hundred years old as she was born in the 1800's according to her.


    I woke up a little before 6 am.  I was glad I was still in my pjs and on my bed instead of in a cupboard under my bed.



    yesterday I got DAZ+ quarterly membership.  I used my DAZ+ coupon.  Then I saw I had another coupon from buying the membership. I think I bought a bed set or something to use that up.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,921

    NylonGirl said:

    AgitatedRiot said:

    Complaint: Having someone over for dinner, I planned the meal; she then changed the meal and brought her food. She has no food problems or allergies and was the first person in my life ever to do this.


    Where I come from, this is the rudest move you can make. I want to feed them, not them feed me.


    So I now lie in the dog house cause I mentioned to my wife how I felt about someone rude and bringing their food to my dinner; I invited them to.

    I would say, if you invite someone to your home for dinner and they bring their own dinner, that is an insult. Unless they're allergic to corn. Then they can't eat anything in the United States. But this person isn't allergic to corn. It's just an insult. 

    Not neccessary. My son is engaged to a girl from India and when we have family dinners with her parent they bring Indian food because they are vegitariens and only eat the food of their culture. We don't find it offensive at all. I tend to make some Indian dishes that they would like to make them feel welcomed into our family and they share their food with us.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    I forgot what I purchased yesterday.  Did I get that Genesis 9 character or did I not?

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458
    edited July 7

    Non-complaint:   "Riven" remake.  This is so much fun.  Even though I knew Riven 25 years ago, this remake has enough changes to make it challenging again.  So far, I've been able to avoid looking up clues.  However, I have been following one guy on YouTube (CAUTION: Spoilers) who has been doing a great job of playing the game naively.  Apparently he's just a little ahead of me with his posts, and I have to be careful to stop watching when it looks like he'll be wandering into new territory that I haven't been to yet.  But by watching him play the early parts of the game I can be like a passenger in a car, and just watch out the window while he drives.  I get to see things off to the side that give me ideas, or I see things that I'd been curious about but hadn't gotten back to myself.  Sometimes that saves me a 10 minute trip back to a spot just to determine that it wasn't worth investigating.  Right now I'm pretty much caught up to his posts and in some respects I've already solved a couple puzzles that he hasn't.  I've gotten all the transportation modes & bridges opened and can wander freely now, but gettin' from here to there often still takes a lot of time.  I know I have at least two more major puzzles before I can defeat Gehn and rescue Catherine.  But I've reached that part of the game where I need to watch my back and not trip a fatal ending.  And the scenery is more wonderful than it was a quarter century ago.  Now when you stand on a cliff and look out over the ocean and listen to the wind & waves & other natural sounds, it's so relaxing.  I used to do that decades ago and now it's even better.  And I've noticed that when in the caves there is an ambient background spooky sound, just barely audible like people whispering or water dripping, or that nearly imperceptible noise in your head just before you fall asleep*.  Great production.heart

    *Note:  The brain is a marvelous pattern recognizer machine.  When ambient low-level noise, is the only thing the brain is aware of, it gets zoomed in on by the brain frantically trying to make sense of it.  It can be body noises like blood rushing through the blood vessels in your ear, or stomach sounds, or creaks in your old wooden house, or wind in the willows, but your brain turns it into distant conversation, or in my case often presents itself as barely perceptible music, or radio advertisements.  Weird!  I hope other people have this affliction and I'm not just loony.indecision

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    I think it is the first Sunday of July?

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458
    edited July 8

    Sfariah D said:

    I think it is the first Sunday of July?

    Why yes, yes, it is.  It is the first Sunday of July, this year.smiley  And this Tuesday will be the second tuesday of the month, Windows update day!  Wheee...smiley

    Windows update day is a big deal for me.  I get to spend all day updating all my still updateable computers.   But this time it should go smoothly because I finally solved the problem of the failing "#...4441" update.  And now all my updates should happen without incident.  I'm crossing my fingers.indecision

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited July 7

    ...the sky may be falling here on the forums and elsewhere, but the temperatures where I am are going the other way.  Forecast for today us 101°, tomorrow 103°, and Tuesday 104° before "cooling down" into the mid 90s on Wednesday

    Fans on full exhaust setting with the ceiling fan on high, all blinds are shut #so far a bit warm but not overly so.  The good thing is my apartment is on the east side of the building so it doesn't get direct sun at the worst part of the day.

    Already 100” with the warmest part of the day still to come about two and a half hours from now .  Time to shut the computer down  soon and head off to a place with AC for a while.   

    Ah, OS updates.

    One nice thing about still being on Windows 7 (behind a very hefty firewall) no updates to deal with.  However It was a lot simpler back then as I could review each individual security/feature update for bugs before installing them.  20 - 30 minutes once a month was not much of a bother given the fact I've had very few if any "bad experiences" (the worst being an occasional BSOD due to a bad Nvidia driver update now & then that had errors or bugs).

    Totally dread dealing with Win11 updates and will certainly bypass (if I can) the "feature" ones.

    Of what I've seen of Google's AI bot on Chrome, I have little faith MS's AI "assistant" will be any better.  Unfortunately to completely "uninstall" it requires poking around in Windows registry, not looking forward to that.

    line break.jpg
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    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • AgitatedRiotAgitatedRiot Posts: 4,404

    frank0314 said:

    NylonGirl said:

    AgitatedRiot said:

    Complaint: Having someone over for dinner, I planned the meal; she then changed the meal and brought her food. She has no food problems or allergies and was the first person in my life ever to do this.


    Where I come from, this is the rudest move you can make. I want to feed them, not them feed me.


    So I now lie in the dog house cause I mentioned to my wife how I felt about someone rude and bringing their food to my dinner; I invited them to.

    I would say, if you invite someone to your home for dinner and they bring their own dinner, that is an insult. Unless they're allergic to corn. Then they can't eat anything in the United States. But this person isn't allergic to corn. It's just an insult. 

    Not neccessary. My son is engaged to a girl from India and when we have family dinners with her parent they bring Indian food because they are vegitariens and only eat the food of their culture. We don't find it offensive at all. I tend to make some Indian dishes that they would like to make them feel welcomed into our family and they share their food with us.

    That is different. When I invite people, I know what they can and can not have. I have created vegan meals for some of my guests, and we will eat the same meal with them to avoid making them uncomfortable.

    This invite knew I did this.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    I tried to make a potato and beef dish but not sure what I made?

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  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    I'm hot.

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  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458

    I used to be, but that was a long time ago.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,643
    edited July 9

    AgitatedRiot said:

    frank0314 said:

    NylonGirl said:

    AgitatedRiot said:

    Complaint: Having someone over for dinner, I planned the meal; she then changed the meal and brought her food. She has no food problems or allergies and was the first person in my life ever to do this.


    Where I come from, this is the rudest move you can make. I want to feed them, not them feed me.


    So I now lie in the dog house cause I mentioned to my wife how I felt about someone rude and bringing their food to my dinner; I invited them to.

    I would say, if you invite someone to your home for dinner and they bring their own dinner, that is an insult. Unless they're allergic to corn. Then they can't eat anything in the United States. But this person isn't allergic to corn. It's just an insult. 

    Not neccessary. My son is engaged to a girl from India and when we have family dinners with her parent they bring Indian food because they are vegitariens and only eat the food of their culture. We don't find it offensive at all. I tend to make some Indian dishes that they would like to make them feel welcomed into our family and they share their food with us.

    That is different. When I invite people, I know what they can and can not have. I have created vegan meals for some of my guests, and we will eat the same meal with them to avoid making them uncomfortable.

    This invite knew I did this.

    We solved the issue by not inviting peeps over. Seriously, before my hubby got injured we entertained a ton. Most people asked and loved to contribute, which never happened in Canada when I had guests for dinner. But here in Cali, our friends were sports oriented (racers and bicyclists and camper/hikers, and were used to tailgate parties and sharing grubin the race pits. They  loved to bring a dish, for all to share. I used to say bring nothing but yourselves. They always showed up with a dish of this or that,  so I learned it was better to tell what we were serving/having and welcomed them to bring a dish to share or not. Sort of like a potluck . . . but not quite because we supplied a full meal. And it's funny what folks bring. Tom, our bachelor buddy, never married, in his sixties always bought cookies. Jean always but some crazy 'Paula Dean looking' dessert, always a great hit that took her five minutes to make so we learned not to make desserts. Everyone was bound to have something they liked and there was always plenty of food and paper plates for people to take whatever they wanted back home. Embrace the favors! But ... sadly, we stopped entertaining after hubby's failed surgery, so enjoy these dinners while you can. Nothing lasts forever.

    Post edited by ArtAngel on
  • AgitatedRiotAgitatedRiot Posts: 4,404
    edited July 9

    My Bullet King of The Firewood.


    3000 x 4000 - 4M
    Post edited by AgitatedRiot on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    AgitatedRiot said:

    My Bullet King of The Firewood.


    He looks like a handsome black panther.  wink

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    I better stop eating worms so I can think about dinner.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited July 10

    ..serious complaint:

    Apparently the package thief (or a new one) at my building is back 

    While I was out I received an email that the item, I ordered ( a WiFi Mouse for my notebook) was delivered (which included a photo of it by my apartment door).  When I got back home it wasn't there. It was after hours so there is nothing I can do until tomorrow and I will show them the email. 

    Really getting tired and pissed of this as not only can I not afford this rubbish on my meagre income but it could also cause my credibility with the sender to come into question as they may think I am  just trying to scam them (which I am not).  I left a message on their voice mail that I will be going down to their office to discuss this matter again.

    The former management company kept all packages in a room in the office area and people had to sign for them. This new company seems to have a ;"laissez-faire" attitude when it comes to situations like this. Apparently they want to put forth as little effort

    ..serious complaint:

    Apparently the package thief (or a new one) at my building is back 

    While I was out I received an email that the item, I ordered ( a WiFi Mouse for my notebook) was delivered (which included a photo of it by my apartment door).  When I got back home it wasn't there. It was after hours so there is nothing I can do until tomorrow and I will show them the email. 

    Really getting tired and pissed of this as not only can I not afford this rubbish on my meagre income but it could also cause my credibility with the sender to come into question as they may think I am  just trying to scam them (which I am not).  I left a message on their voice mail that I will be going down to their office to discuss this matter again.

    The former management company kept all packages in a room in the office area and people had to sign for them. This new company seems to have a ;"laissez-faire" attitude when it comes to situations like this. Apparently they ant to put forth as little effort on managing the property as possible.

    I will also be entering a revised review on the BBB site as this company apparently looks to do as little work as they can to manage the property and care for/protect the tenants.

    I don't need this rubbish at my age.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458
    edited July 10

    That's a good thing about small backwoods towns where everybody has a dog and guns.  Packages usually stay delivered.indecision 

    But you have a legitimate complaint.  And it was worth saying twice.


    Notes:  I live in a two family home, where I have 1/3rd of the house.  And the young family of four in the other half have 2/3rds of the house, as well as the big, fenced yard, the big enclosed front porch, and the standalone garage.  (they also do the mowing, and garbage takeout duties.yes).  But, I have a small side porch and it's the only covered porch accessible to delivery people.  So, by mutual agreement, we've trained the delivery services to leave all packages on my little covered porch, at least partly out of the weather.  Sometimes packages have remained on the porch overnight or over a weekend because they're often gone for days at a time.  If I know they're gone, I'll pull their packages inside until they return, but some days I never leave the house and I don't even look out the window at the porch.  But we've never had a package disappear once it arrives at the porch.  My neighbors drive past my porch while going up the driveway, so they usually notice the package and pick it up.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458

    Complaint:  Tornado warnings here today.

    ... A Few Moments Later ...

    Non-complaint:  Tornados have seemed to have passed by, and are now rearranging things up near Buffalo.surprise

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458

    Non-complaint:  I only have one more puzzle to solve before the end of "Riven"-2024.  I've captured Gehn, I've rescued Catherine,  Now I just need to solve the last puzzle and also not trip any possible new remaining fatal traps.  Yay, great game.  the same as the original, but wonderfully different and challenging, in comfortable familiar environments with a nostalgic air, for original players of 1997's Riven.  

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,738

    Well the new sky has been installed and it's looking great. I dont know if purple is the color I would have chosen but it did cost less than all the shades of blue. It's fine.

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,738

    McGyver said:

    Of course you could have seen it pooping out there, or had seen someone delivering tons of Great Dane poop in some sort of dump truck or hopper truck with "Great Dane Poop Co." on the side... coincidentally there is a truck trailer manufacturer named "Great Dane" and they make a variety of trailers for all sorts of purposes and technically poop delivery could be one of them... so like if it was an unmarked truck and a small red oval with Great Dane was the only identification on it, that might just be the manufacturer logo... it could actually be bear poop or sea lion poop... I totally could see a zoo or aquarium pulling something like that.

    And here it is.

     Great Dane Mud Flaps

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458

    NylonGirl said:

    Well the new sky has been installed and it's looking great. I dont know if purple is the color I would have chosen but it did cost less than all the shades of blue. It's fine.

    Did it come with a polarization option? 

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,738

    LeatherGryphon said:

    NylonGirl said:

    Well the new sky has been installed and it's looking great. I dont know if purple is the color I would have chosen but it did cost less than all the shades of blue. It's fine.

    Did it come with a polarization option? 

    That was an option. But if you're going to pay for that then you might as well get blue.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948

    ..well spoke with the apartment management this morning then got on Amazon's CS page live chat ( a real person).  I was given the choice of having them send a new order out or having a refund.  The trouble with the former choice there was no specific arrival time so I didn't want the next delivery to be stolen and requested the refund instead (which was processed).  I mentioned I am going to re- order the item again and add the delivery surcharge to have it delivered in the morning when I am at home.  Not going to take any chances anymore until this theft thing gets resolved (if it ever is). 

    As to the discussion with the manager, I mentioned this is the sixth time I had a package stolen in the last couple years and added I am sure others have experienced this as well. it seems that my concern for this building and it's residents was little more than more of a bother to her. I asked if she could get security to view the video record from Tuesday and she told me that maintenance now does that.  "Excuse me I thought.. maintenance?"  I replied shouldn't that be the security company we have, and she told me they stopped using the service we had when they took over. 

    After that she seemed to imply they would do so when they get "around to it" (that data usually only lasts a few days and then it's overwritten).  She also told me that management bears no responsibility for stolen packages and (the former management company had all packages delivered to the office and put them in a storeroom. They would then notify us and we would come down and sign for them). 

    It is almost as if they feel our concerns are an "inconvenience" (I didn't say that out loud but it was running through my mind).  I also mentioned that the other day when I left through one of the other doors I found it was not latched and an alarm was going off.  when I pushed the door shut the alarm stopped.(for alarm to sound it had to be unlatched for several minutes).   I've also seen this door not latch properly before after going through it and would pull it fully shut. Again, I got a half hearted response that made it sound like it wasn't that big a thing (our building is a  couple a blocks away from a fairly sketchy area in which there have been a number of assaults recently). I took a deep breath as I was becoming so frustrated with what I felt was an irresponsible attitude, but  held my tongue and again isaid that these situations need more immediate attention and left.

    This company has a "F" rating by the BBB and it is getting easier and easier to see why.  I have no idea how they were even allowed to take managemtn of this building over as in previous months I heard form them that they had "staffing issues" Not goo enough, I cannot help but feel they are in over their heads with this given the repsonses I've been receiving and the issues I keep noticing 

    Apologies for the rant.


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458

    I'm so sorry McLean, it was a good point while it lasted.sad 

    I don't understand.  I simply don't understand.angry

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458

    Non-complaint:  Tornados missed me yesterday, but this county did get hit, about 22 miles north of me.surprise it took out several buildings on a dairy farm, including the main barns. The last tornado closer to me was about 8 years ago when it took out a 4 mile path through the woods beginning 1 mile east of me, and when it got to the next town (about 5 miles east) it decimated the beautiful trees in the their cemetery.frown  But based on the damage caused, the one yesterday was bigger than the basic simple tree-toppling NY tornado.  Exploding barns and houses are not normal here.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458

    kyoto kid said:

    ..well spoke with the apartment management this morning then got on Amazon's CS page live chat ( a real person).  I was given the choice of having them send a new order out or having a refund.  The trouble with the former choice there was no specific arrival time so I didn't want the next delivery to be stolen and requested the refund instead (which was processed).  I mentioned I am going to re- order the item again and add the delivery surcharge to have it delivered in the morning when I am at home.  Not going to take any chances anymore until this theft thing gets resolved (if it ever is). 

    As to the discussion with the manager, I mentioned this is the sixth time I had a package stolen in the last couple years and added I am sure others have experienced this as well. it seems that my concern for this building and it's residents was little more than more of a bother to her. I asked if she could get security to view the video record from Tuesday and she told me that maintenance now does that.  "Excuse me I thought.. maintenance?"  I replied shouldn't that be the security company we have, and she told me they stopped using the service we had when they took over. 

    After that she seemed to imply they would do so when they get "around to it" (that data usually only lasts a few days and then it's overwritten).  She also told me that management bears no responsibility for stolen packages and (the former management company had all packages delivered to the office and put them in a storeroom. They would then notify us and we would come down and sign for them). 

    It is almost as if they feel our concerns are an "inconvenience" (I didn't say that out loud but it was running through my mind).  I also mentioned that the other day when I left through one of the other doors I found it was not latched and an alarm was going off.  when I pushed the door shut the alarm stopped.(for alarm to sound it had to be unlatched for several minutes).   I've also seen this door not latch properly before after going through it and would pull it fully shut. Again, I got a half hearted response that made it sound like it wasn't that big a thing (our building is a  couple a blocks away from a fairly sketchy area in which there have been a number of assaults recently). I took a deep breath as I was becoming so frustrated with what I felt was an irresponsible attitude, but  held my tongue and again isaid that these situations need more immediate attention and left.

    This company has a "F" rating by the BBB and it is getting easier and easier to see why.  I have no idea how they were even allowed to take managemtn of this building over as in previous months I heard form them that they had "staffing issues" Not goo enough, I cannot help but feel they are in over their heads with this given the repsonses I've been receiving and the issues I keep noticing 

    Apologies for the rant.


    Any of your local TV stations have an investigative reporter in need of a story?enlightened 

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    I want to make pancakes but I don't want to make enough batter to feed a legion.  I tend to make enough batter for a legion instead of just me.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130

    I want a nap. I am posting an image of my pancakes I just made.  They are gone now.  The plate is in the dishwasher.

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  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,458

    Non-complaint:  Wheee... an free unexpected trip uptown, and back.  Got to a real grocery store and found a big bag of wonderful cherries.  Mmmm... cherries.heart

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