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Amazing, After saying I hadn't had a nightmare in years, I had two in one day. I don't remember the first one, but the second was the one where the car is out of control and the brakes and the steering wheel don't work. That was fun.
I've had that one before, it's difficult to sleep through. 

I've been a little sick today, that probably explains the dreams.
Try having them every night or every other night like I do.
I keep having one where I am trying to drive from the back seat.
The reason for posting begins at 9:17.
Complaint: Bureaucracy: After my recent heart attack, I was assigned several new prescriptions issued with the implication to religiously take every day or die! It's taken me a month to get the prescription authorizations moved from the cardiac hospital's pharmacy in Buffalo to my local drugstore in Jamestown. Yay, progress.
Then refilling the prescriptions couldn't occur (insurance dogma) until one day before I ran out of pills, but I can't get to the drugstore on a whim, so I have my prescriptions delivered, but they only deliver twice a week. I might miss a day or two of my pills.
I resolved that problem the first time by making an otherwise unnecessary trip uptown which always ends up costing me at least $30 transportation costs ($2 bus to the city + $28 Uber home). Additionally, since then I'd decided to change my Primary Care (PC) provider from the sweet but aging country doctor lady in the small town to the east of me, to a younger, more up-to-the-times doctor in Jamestown to the west of me. I can get to Jamestown by bus, but there is no bus service to the town east of me, and getting a friend or one of the rare Ubers around here to come out of Jamestown and take me even farther east, is problematic and unreliable.
By changing PC I'd thought the problem was solved, so after scheduling a first appointment next February with my new doctor I called my insurance company to have them change my Primary Care provider to the new doctor. Easy peasy! All done. Unfortunately, I forgot about prescriptions.
Most all of them currently need renewing authorization by my PC, but my old doctor is now not my PC, and my new doctor hasn't seen me yet and may not authorize them.
The drugstore won't give me my pills without authorization, and even if my old PC did authorize them for the drugstore, insurance wouldn't pay for the pills ($$$) if not authorized by my registered PC provider. I've got about 10 days to get this mess straighened out, and get a new supply of life sustaining pills.
Arghhhh..., "First world" problems.
I'm having difficulties with Walmart. They accused me of return fraud and won't let me order anything online.
Hmmm..., I wonder why?
I have reported some missing items. For the last x months I haven't returned anything other than a cabinet I need to return.
My insurance has made me wait on a refill on some of my meds for a month before. Mine you, I've been on these meds for over a decade now, and they still demand pre-approval every so many months. Why does it take a month to give the pre-approval on meds that I've been on for over a decade? Occasionally they decide I don't need that med and demand I go on this other med because it's cheaper, so then we have to go through an appeal process, and occasionally we win but not often, so at least once a yr they are playing yo-yo with my meds. Not a good thing considering the meds. My doctors have gotten to the point that they give me a full year worth of refills and once that approved they can't ask for a pre-approval in the middle of refills. However, the insurance company got ticked-off with the one doctor doing that with one of my meds and made it, so I have to get pre-approved every month now.
I asked a manager if I can have a chicken before I start work. She rang it up the way I usually request it so now I have lunch. Have ten minutes to eat it.
i don't have time to get it after work and breaks aren't guaranteed when I work 4 hours.
i signed up for a bake off. I need to get the baked goods there before judging. I did 1 of each category. A home made cake. I call it a fruity cake because it isn't traditional fruit cake. I used thawed out frozen fruit purée instead of candied fruit. Krispy treats and add soft pumpkin cookies. There is also 2 homemade pumpkin pies.
I used 2 frozen pie crusts instead of making my own. Don't have a rolling pin. Food stamps and health benefit cards don't pay for rolling pins.
This is the first thing I looked at this morning after I got up off of the floor. I've heard of Mr. Bean but never seen a performance before. So this was my first impression and I really liked it.
Ah, Mr. Bean!
Incredible portrayal of so many ignorances & selfishnesses & immaturity & even genius, all rolled into the one and only Mr. Bean.
Wait until you find the one where he paints his room.
I entered some desserts into a bake off. The last thing I made was a pumpkin pie. I almost didn't make it. I did make it and entered it with the other 3 desserts.
Good thing I made and entered the pumpkin pie. It won in the pie category. I won a $50 Amazon gift card. I used it to get the latest Sims 4 expansion pack. Hopefully when I get home this afternoon I can sneak in some Simd 4 game time.
Congratulations. Pie maker.
Complaint: Senility! Yeah, I'm quoting myself. Arghhh..., I didn't realize that that Mr. Bean clip WAS the one where he painted his room.
I'd forgotten that it was part of the Christmas & NewYear's set of skits. Yeah, that's my favorite.
There are about a dozen, or so, other half-hour episodes of the classic Mr. Bean TV show. His movies are funny too, and remake some of the classic skits. What he does to the "Whistler's Mother" painting in the movie "Bean" is exhaustingly funny. And there are a few Rowan Atkinson stand-up performances too.
Toby the Devil:
And his three "Johnny English" spy spoof movies are also funny. He's not quite as Bean-ish but still funny.
Does it still count as a lie if you tell someone who is trying to sell you something that you already made the thing they are trying to sell you so they will stop trying to sell you that thing because you actually intend to make that thing, but the way you are going to make it is better than what they are trying to sell you on and you are getting annoyed because they think you are technologically and toolologically challenged and you just want them to stop, but then when you get home with the parts that took you going to five different DIY mega emporiums to accumulate and you go to make that thing, you find out you actually already made the thing probably two or so years ago and it's actually better that you were going to make, which was still way better than what the salesperson was trying to sell you on.
Yeah... in my defense I just assumed I didn't make it and there was stuff that had to be moved that was temporarily blocking where it was to be installed and I'm too lazy to move it beforehand... and I have zero confidence in my ability to be proactive.
No. Your reverse perception of time doesn't matter here. It's all relative anyway.
Is mercury a natural substance? Is it all natural?
Also what do they mean in advertising organic? Why is it different than the scientific definition?
Next year I'm thinking of using a 29 gallon container to make organic water.
I might put two moors into it to make it very organic water. I don't want to drink it. Maybe give it to my new plants in the spring?
To be honest, organic water doesn't seem to be very potable. And definitely so when the moors are in the water.
Mercury is an Element. A primary constituent of Matter. (symbol Hg). It has 80 Protons. One more than Gold which has 79. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature. It is poisonous to humans, and can be absorbed through the skin causing neurological disorders and even death. Mad Hatter's disease was caused by the use of mercury by hat makers to process the felt for men's hats during the 18th & 19th centuries. Because of this, the use of Mercury is now regulated and is difficult to find or buy. Mercury does not occur naturally in the world. It combines with several other elements to make many types of minerals, but is often found as a soft reddish-brown ore composed of Mercury and Sulfur called Cinnabar which is identified as Mercury Sulfide (HgS)
Not exactly true. Native mercury can be found as small blobs usually in association with cinnabar.
Well, as long as we're suggesting people watch shows they just watched, and telling lies that we forgot were actually the truth, I'd like to note that not too long ago I got out of a car and was walking through the parking lot of Wal-Mart. And I stopped because there was a stop sign... while I was walking.
I suspect none of us have any long term mental health issues. We just all drank too much water that was advertised as organic. Or maybe some of this stuff.
,..and the "Blackadder" tv series.
I never knew that.
So are we not supposed to eat the cinnabars?
I cry-laughed the first time I watched this!
Mmmmmmmm,,,Cinnamon Bars. well as the Cinnabon™ cinnamon rolls. particularly if you intend to maintain a slim physique and healthy blood glucose level
I bought this goldfish at dollar tree. The poor thing doesn't look too healthy.