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Complaint: I called the local Ancient-Persons-Bus dispatcher and scheduled a bus pickup at my home on Tuesday. I was all ready and waiting to go out the door the moment it appeared at the corner where it turns toward me, but it turned away from me.
I got dropped through the cracks. No mini-adventure that day.
It was to be just a personal pre-Christmas shopping day, no appointments, so no harm done. Besides, I'd arranged for a breakfast with my symphony buddy on Thursday and could get my shopping done then.
Complaint: About an hour after missing the bus, my nose started oozing pink stuff again,
so ... Non-complaint: I was able to stay home and tend to my nose to keep it from bursting forth with a flood of red while wandering a store.
Complaint: Also after missing the bus, I read my e-mail and discovered that my symphony buddy needed to move our Thursday breakfast to Friday. OK, no major harm done, but I really wanted to get uptown before the madhouse on the Friday before Christmas.
Non-complaint: Later in the afternoon on Tuesday I got a phone call from my BFF who is in town from NYC again for the holidays and he said he's taking me to lunch on Thursday. Cool! Everything worked out.
Non-complaint: My nose seems to be almost completely healed and under control again I've had 8 full days without an actual nosebleed. Knock on wood.
Complaint: The weather looks iffy for Thursday and Friday.
Why is it usually if it sounds too good to be true, it is a bad idea to go that way.
Selfish expectations.
Why did Wednesday night come on Thursday morning this week?
Complaint: It's dark most of the day, this time of the year, where I live. It makes you feel constantly sleepy.
Get daylight replicating LED bulbs & make the rooms brighter than in summer.
I have a similar problem, go to work in the dark & come home in the dark, having spent the day in an office without real windows. Pfft.
I understand that that is a common feeling. But it's never affected me that way. As long as the street lights are on and I have a light with me, I'm OK. I've almost always worked in a windowless lab, and I live in a dark apartment with most of the windows covered anyway, and have always had a set schedule of sleep & wake. And currently the view out my kitchen window, especially in winter is best in the dark, the snow, the town streetlights, the cars lights on the road, the clip-clop of the Amish buggys heading wherever, and the christmas lights in the park, are like a Christmas card image.
However, having reaching the age of "Advanced", I find that naps around 3:00 PM have crept into my schedule.
Non-complaint: The weather today, here, has accommodated my wishes and moved back the snow until 3:00AM tomorrow morning, so I'll get to go uptown for lunch and a shopping mini-adventure today. Wheee...
But breakfast tomorrow with my symphony buddy is still iffy.
It's dark outside.
...[looks out window]...yep here to,. but warmer than normal for this time of year (currently 48° F at 01:35) which saves on the electric bill.
Non-complaint: Had lunch at Olive Garden yesterday with my BFF from high school. Mmmm... linguine & shrimp carbonara. Tried to pick up my prescriptions at the drugstore but they were closed for lunch, didn't get back afterwards. But I did get a sh**load of groceries at a proper grocery store.
Lots of cheese. Blue cheese, Gouda cheese, Pepperjack cheese. Mmmm..., cheese.
'Nother Non-complaint: It only snowed about a half inch last night and it's not snowing now, so breakfast with my symphony buddy is still on.
He's picked Bob Evans this time. Meh, not the same as my favorite family owned 60 year old hole-in-the-wall breakfast joint in the seedy part of town, but at least the food is better than Burger King or Tim Hortons.
Complaint: Wasted Cake: Couple weeks ago I baked a chocolate cake from a box mix that I picked up at the grocery store a looong time ago. Time to use it up. Cake came out wonderful, and I spread rich creamy chocolate icing on it. Mmmm... chocolate cake.
Doctor says I'm not supposed to be eating chocolate.
I figured I could get away with a small piece each day.
So I experimented by skipping a few days here and there. Unfortunately, it seemed to be exacerbating my heart issues.
But by then the cake was a week old and getting stale. I ended up throwing out the last half of it. Arghhhh..., no chocolate for Christmas or ever again.
Complaint: my washing machine died today
Non-complaint: after 17 years
Non-complaint: the new one may arrive before Christmas
Complaint: that was my DAZ budget for a while
Complaint: I'm getting too old for this s@#%.
Cheese makes everything better. Except cholesterol, of course.
But according to my lab results, the fish oil capsules I take twice a day have resulted in low bad cholesterol, and plenty of good cholesterol. So I eat cheese.
The My First Washing Machine Lasted 17 Years And My Second Lasted 17 Months Complaint Thread.
That's okay, that's still within the warranty
Planned obsolescence taken to the extreme.
My washing machine is going to kaput zone fast. It acts up usually at the end of the wash.
Actually it is the landlady's washing machine. She said she replaced it recently, but I don't know how recently.
Non-complaint: Went to breakfast yesterday with my symphony buddy. Treated myself to a big christmas breakfast at "Bob Evans" with steak & eggs, and sausage gravy on biscuits, orange juice, decaf coffee. Mmmm..., made a pig of myself but it was sooo good. Soft baking-powder biscuits, with steaming hot and very spicy gravy.
I even was able to bring home enough gravy & biscuits for two more breakfasts at home. Wheee..., exciting food in the refrigerator for a change.
The last time I'd ordered biscuits & gravy in a restaurant it was terrible.
Biscuits toasted hard & crispy, gravy only weakly spicy, and barely lukewarm. I tried to bring it to the attention of the waitress, but she seemed afraid to approach my table, and then instead of appologizing and attempting to make it right, she argued with me.
I'm looking forward to my next visit there.
Photo of biscuits & gravy for our over-the-pond friends:
I probably should make some coffee if I'm going to get any today?
Maybe the Coffee Fairy will visit you soon?
Oh, is that what I swatted during my morning stupor? I wondered why the splat sparkled.
Complaint: There are only 7 Fahrenheits on my porch.
No toddle to the grocery store today.
Non-complaint: "The Man Who Invented Christmas" I'd cursorily heard of this 8 year old movie but had never seen the trailer for it, and didn't pay it much attention until today when I saw a review of Christmas movie flops. Yeah most of them were deserving of the humiliation, but this one delighted the dickens out of me.(groan)
I'm a Scroogiphile, having seen and enjoyed (or not) so many many adaptations of the Scrooge story. It's been done to death.
But this story about how Dickens wrote "A Christmas Carol" is actually pretty good. Decent and engaging semi-historical plot interwoven with the Scrooge plot, wonderful actors, great costuming and sets, good pacing. It's been a breath of fresh air and revival of my Scroogiphilism.
I'm hungry. Can't eat anything until I return home.
why did I get a big tin of popcorn?
Happy Birthday, Kyoto Kid!
+1 Wheee... one more cycle around the Sun and umpteen million miles of movement relative to something.
Happy Birthday!
Everytime I see your forum name I visualize a youngster in a gi. You never fail to live up to my image of a exciting person to have around.
Happy birth day and enjoy the ride again.
It is that time of the season.
Complaint: I had to get my 2016 van's emissions checked on Monday and thought it would be easy, just had it gone over by my mechanics. Waited over three hours before the line dropped me to the testing machine (four of six lines broke down) and then I failed due to the gas cap. Temps were in the low 20F, wind chill, in the teens. Mechanic replaced quickly but got back for recheck on Wednesday, and yeah, the lines were either broke or not manned except for two. And one machine broke as it did the last test on my van. It got to go through all the tests again. It passed. But again, temps same as Monday.
I now have a full-on cold just in time for the last few days prepping for Christmas. But I now have my van registered for the next year.
Non-complaint: By 2:00 to 3:00pm in the afternoons we have been in the 60s. No snow, but a chance for rain Christmas evening in Denver.
I hope everyone will have pleasant holidays doing what they love and have enough food. Be safe if traveling.
It was cheaper by the ton? (er.., tin)
I found a way to watch Kraven the hunter for 50 some cents.