question about omnifreaker Shaders and skin in Daz studio



  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited October 2012

    ho my .....welcome to the world of 3d I say to myself

    so what oh earth kind of computer do I need to get to use your wonderful features ?

    Post edited by RedHeadLilith on
  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    still I wander the scene I saw in this thered looks way over complex than the simple scene I was trying to render

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  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969

    Your computer is OK for what I've seen and you have 50Gb free on C which should be enough for now.

    What makes your render time so long is that you're using Uberenvironnement with a shading rate at 0.20.

    Try a value like 8 then decrease if the quality of the shadows are not good enough

    One other thing you can do is also check your render settings. There's also a shading rate there. Put it at 1 and decrease only if needed.

    In your logs the only proplem I saw some broken morph that you should reinstall or it is old morph that should be updated. No idea as I don't have the products

    Last thing. Disable reflection and fresnel on your skin, we're no reflective surface aren't we? I also disble translucency as it shouldn't be needed if the settings are correct

  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hi and welcome

    Are you sure you have 50Gb free space on C drive? If that is the case I find it strange. i never had that problem
    Anyway what you can do is moving the temp folder of DS4.5 as well as the DSON cache
    To do that File->Preference and at the bottom of the opened window you can customize the Temporary folder and the DSON cache folder
    Put something like D:\Temp\DS4temp and D:\temp\DS4DSON or whatever folder you like provided there is enough space

    I'd also recommend to empty the two old folders to free space on your C drive

    well after changing the path inside daz to d : like you told me to it's still creating the folders inside c:/ app data but now it's also creating them in d ....:(

    the new paths I changed to were D:/AppData
    I'm starting to think I'm too stupid for this program

  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited October 2012

    Your computer is OK for what I've seen and you have 50Gb free on C which should be enough for now.

    What makes your render time so long is that you're using Uberenvironnement with a shading rate at 0.20.

    Try a value like 8 then decrease if the quality of the shadows are not good enough

    One other thing you can do is also check your render settings. There's also a shading rate there. Put it at 1 and decrease only if needed.

    In your logs the only proplem I saw some broken morph that you should reinstall or it is old morph that should be updated. No idea as I don't have the products

    Last thing. Disable reflection and fresnel on your skin, we're no reflective surface aren't we? I also disble translucency as it shouldn't be needed if the settings are correct

    If I do all this then I'm loosing all the quality of the skin and lights.
    my render setting were set to the default one of daz without even clicking the advanced panel

    I now changed shading rate to 1 in the light . btw this is a different model than the one I posted the images of in the start of my post so the skin settings are different ones . and by looking a them reflection and Fresnel are off

    now doing another render but by the look of it it's stuck after 10 minutes the picture is still black .

    Post edited by RedHeadLilith on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,367
    edited December 1969

    The DS default settings aren't neccesarily the best.
    Hair slows up renders ALOT when using Uberenvironment. Applying the Uber shader and turning off occlusion will help.

    These are some settings for the Uberenvironment, its about where I start.

    276 x 572 - 42K
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited October 2012

    The DS default settings aren't neccesarily the best.
    Hair slows up renders ALOT when using Uber. Applying the Uber shader and turning off occlusion will help.

    These are some settings for the Uber, its about where I start.

    There is nothing there to indicate the long render times.

    Next to look at are your Advanced Render Settings (should look like the pic below) Can you post a screen shot of the scene and the render settings please.

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  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited October 2012

    now when I load daz this is the picture I see and it takes long to load

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    Post edited by RedHeadLilith on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,367
    edited December 1969

    Hide the hair in the render and see if the image renders anyquicker like that.

  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited October 2012

    so all my models going to be bold from now on ? :)

    going to try this but don't think this is the problem
    I need some break ! going to walk my dog and by cigarets than will come back keep on fighting with this program . I must say never had this kind of problems with any program I ever used this is a new challenge for me

    Post edited by RedHeadLilith on
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited October 2012

    For a start your Max Ray Trace Depth can be lowered to 1 or 0 if you don't have any reflections, refraction or Indirect Light. So drop it to 0 leaving the hair on and see what happens

    Post edited by Szark on
  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited October 2012

    trying this now, but the weird thing is a few months ago - I was rendering just fine with much complex scenes and much higher settings

    I think its conflict between files is what i'm having
    or the fact the latest update of my graphic card is set to beta version and not normal stable one.

    and thank you ..sorry it just I struggle with the program already a few months , it got to a point I’m about to lose it smile

    could it be the problem is installed in c:program files
    and not c : program files X86
    I do own 64 bit

    and please… can some one guide me on how to do a complete clean uninstall to daz and reinstall it to the new version
    there is a guide of adam on how to do this but it's talking about daz 3 and not 4.5
    after doing it so many times I probably screwed up something and now after updating to the latest version all my smart content is gone only my library content shows
    even after I did import data to all my content

    I have daz folder inside C driver - program files
    I also have a daz folder inside C program file 86 X common files
    and also inside program data
    before I install a new version do I need to delete them or not ?

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    Post edited by RedHeadLilith on
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    trying this now, but the weird thing is a few months ago - I was rendering just fine with much complex scenes and much higher settings

    Yep I am finding that myself.
  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    what you said did worked I lowered the max trace to 0 and it worked, but the result well just looks not good compering to what i was able to render a few months ago

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  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ok so after browsing on the forums I came across this :

    On the Content Library tab, click on the Options menu (the rectangle with horizontal lines in the upper corner) and choose “Content DB Maintenance” > “Re-Import Metadata”.

    If that doesn’t fix it:

    Make sure you Stop the CMS before uninstalling it, and either delete the databases or install them to a different location when you reinstall DS4. When you start up DS4, if you are not prompted to import the metadata, do the Re-Import described above.

    How do you stop/start the DAZ Content Management Service?

    Go to the circular icon on the bottom left hand corner in windows and navigate to the folder containing the CMS. There is a link you can click which starts the CMS and one to stop it as well as the uninstall link.

    I never did it like this all the times I uninstalled and updated to the latest version of daz I never stopped my CMS before uninstalling it what makes me to think this is what making most of my problems , now install them to a different location when you reinstall DS4 not sure what this means ... where else can I install it to now?

  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited October 2012

    boyyy what a change!!!!

    everything is super fast now! I did it !

    thanks for all the help everyone and sorry for been such a pain

    looks like I was right ...I think it's very important other people will know this also before they run into the pain I was having all this months until I saw this answers in the forum about the CMS
    I think is should say in the tittle of the Sticky: Housekeeping and Maintenance for DS4--->>>> VERY IMPORTANT WHAT YOU NEED TO DO BEFORE UNINSTALLING DAZ
    anyhow finally I can play with my dollies :)

    Post edited by RedHeadLilith on
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    what you said did worked I lowered the max trace to 0 and it worked, but the result well just looks not good compering to what i was able to render a few months ago
    Max Ray Trace Depth will have not effect on the quality of the is a myth that is floating about. Max Ray Trace Depth is there for Reflections, Refraction and Indirect and Global Illumination. So if your surface dosen't have any raytracing effects and you are using normal lighting then 0 will do all day long. This is even true when using Ray Traced Shadows, 0 will do,

    Your Quality settings Are Pixel Samples x and y, Shadow samples and Shading Rate. Try a Shading rate of 0.20 or better 0.10

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    boyyy what a change!!!!

    everything is super fast now! I did it !

    thanks for all the help everyone and sorry for been such a pain

    looks like I was right ...I think it's very important other people will know this also before they run into the pain I was having all this months until I saw this answers in the forum about the CMS
    I think is should say in the tittle of the Sticky: Housekeeping and Maintenance for DS4--->>>> VERY IMPORTANT WHAT YOU NEED TO DO BEFORE UNINSTALLING DAZ
    anyhow finally I can play with my dollies :)

    Yes it does depend how old the CMS you have is but yes I found uninstalling CMS, plug-ins and Daz Studio first before reinstalling the new one to be the better option IMHO. I have only started the habit after 2 or 3 updates ago.
  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    what you said did worked I lowered the max trace to 0 and it worked, but the result well just looks not good compering to what i was able to render a few months ago
    Max Ray Trace Depth will have not effect on the quality of the is a myth that is floating about. Max Ray Trace Depth is there for Reflections, Refraction and Indirect and Global Illumination. So if your surface dosen't have any raytracing effects and you are using normal lighting then 0 will do all day long. This is even true when using Ray Traced Shadows, 0 will do,

    Your Quality settings Are Pixel Samples x and y, Shadow samples and Shading Rate. Try a Shading rate of 0.20 or better 0.10

    thank you Szark . btw I love your renders they are amazing !

    I also learned some stuff from reading many posts of you here and in the Dreamlight forum too

    keep up the amazing work and help you bring to the society of daz 3d :)

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    RedHeadLilith thank you. I am glad you are learning something from my ramblings.

    oh bad engrish where? You are doing's my only language and I still cannot use it right.

  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969

    boyyy what a change!!!!

    everything is super fast now! I did it !

    thanks for all the help everyone and sorry for been such a pain

    looks like I was right ...I think it's very important other people will know this also before they run into the pain I was having all this months until I saw this answers in the forum about the CMS
    I think is should say in the tittle of the Sticky: Housekeeping and Maintenance for DS4--->>>> VERY IMPORTANT WHAT YOU NEED TO DO BEFORE UNINSTALLING DAZ
    anyhow finally I can play with my dollies :)

    Glad you got it sorted. Happy rendering now :)

  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    RedHeadLilith thank you. I am glad you are learning something from my ramblings.

    oh bad engrish where? You are doing's my only language and I still cannot use it right.

    thank you !

    Szark I have a question I saw that the Dreamligt new store is offering all kind of discounts on her products
    as a new user of Daz 3d what is the first package would you recommend to get ?

    if you are a new to this 3d world where do you think is the best to start ?

    Model Master,Light Master,3D Pin-Up Master ?

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Dreamlight run by Val Cameron (otherwise known as Walle). Yes HE is always running discounts.

    Ok for some time when people ask me this question I have always answer "I won't recommend anything as we all have different tastes and ways of learning". Plus I don't want anyone coming back at me saying you recommended this and it is crap. :)

    All I will say if you have the spare cash go for Light Master first. If you are a Dreamlight normal member like me take advantage and download every single vid and e-book on a portable Hard Drive or DVD. There is a wealth of information in the library, gold in fact IMHO. The thing is with DL you aren't so much learning about Daz Studio but CGI in general. You then apply the information to Daz Studio. Yes most tuts are based around DS3 but the info is still current and can be translated in to DS4.5. Hope that helps

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    A couple of things about Raytrace depth...

    1. UberEnvironment2 and UberSurfuce both use raytrace effects, by default, so it comes into play.

    2. Last night, I was rendering shots for a fishbowl I made and upping from 3 to 5 had the impact of adding about 10 mins to the render time.

    3. If you do need it and it isn't high enough, odd things happen. Like strange 'blobs' in the fishbowl...basically from the traces being 'cut off too soon'. Also jumping from 0.1 back to 0.5 for shading rate decreased the time by about the same 10 mins upping the trace depth raised it, without too noticeably impacting the final render...but it was a simple scene with two lights and not a lot of complex textures.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    A couple of things about Raytrace depth...

    1. UberEnvironment2 and UberSurfuce both use raytrace effects, by default, so it comes into play.

    As far as I know UberEnvironment2 only uses Ray Tracing for shadows and I think AO as default. The only time it needs Max Ray Trace Depth increased from 0 is when your are using IDL or GI or the surfaces have raytraced effects like reflection, refraction etc. Ray Traced Shadows are not depenent on Max Ray Tarce Depth.

    UberSurface/2 can be used in conjunction with Max Ray Trace Depth of 0 if certain channels are turned off, mainly Reflection, refraction, SSS etc. But why would we using Uber Surface without these channels so yes I agree that Max Ray Trace Depth has to be considered.

  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    Dreamlight run by Val Cameron (otherwise known as Walle). Yes HE is always running discounts.

    Ok for some time when people ask me this question I have always answer "I won't recommend anything as we all have different tastes and ways of learning". Plus I don't want anyone coming back at me saying you recommended this and it is crap. :)

    All I will say if you have the spare cash go for Light Master first. If you are a Dreamlight normal member like me take advantage and download every single vid and e-book on a portable Hard Drive or DVD. There is a wealth of information in the library, gold in fact IMHO. The thing is with DL you aren't so much learning about Daz Studio but CGI in general. You then apply the information to Daz Studio. Yes most tuts are based around DS3 but the info is still current and can be translated in to DS4.5. Hope that helps

    thank you for answering my question , actually I did got the Dreamlight master light pack - wanted to be sure it was the right choice :)

    I saw some of the videos and I still need to watch them again -also download all they have to offer , the Ebooks about skin is the one I used the most lately with PWserf

    the thing is I was trying at first using it on Genesis and it gave me some different result , less good than the results I got when applying shader to Victoria 4.2

    how are the 2 different ?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    mjc1016 said:
    A couple of things about Raytrace depth...

    1. UberEnvironment2 and UberSurfuce both use raytrace effects, by default, so it comes into play.

    As far as I know UberEnvironment2 only uses Ray Tracing for shadows and I think AO as default. The only time it needs Max Ray Trace Depth increased from 0 is when your are using IDL or GI or the surfaces have raytraced effects like reflection, refraction etc. Ray Traced Shadows are not depenent on Max Ray Tarce Depth.

    UberSurface/2 can be used in conjunction with Max Ray Trace Depth of 0 if certain channels are turned off, mainly Reflection, refraction, SSS etc. But why would we using Uber Surface without these channels so yes I agree that Max Ray Trace Depth has to be considered.

    But...they are both on, by default...and if MRTD is set to 0, then you may not get the expected results...a starting point of 2 should be fine and 4 should be high enough for most cases.

    I think UE2 uses raytracing for everything except AO (No Raytracing). Or at least that's my impression from the docs...

    I did take it up to 8, just to see if my fishbowl benefited from it...but when it was going on 20 mins and the spot render was only half done, I decided that maybe it didn't need to be THAT high...

  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    So this Time I was trying something different :

    I used Genesis and not V4.2 instead of applying her Uber 1 I applied her the uber HumenSurface - I didn't change anything in the settings of the the skin surface besides the shader I applied to her skin then I used the UE2 light with the settings in the picture and 3 more fill lights , I also changed the Render settings to the ones showing in the picture ,
    the total render time took only 3 minutes.
    the result I think is nice , the moment I tried to change the UE2 settings to IDL with Soft Shadows or higher without changing anything else than the render time start to grow

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  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    Szark said:
    mjc1016 said:
    A couple of things about Raytrace depth...

    1. UberEnvironment2 and UberSurfuce both use raytrace effects, by default, so it comes into play.

    As far as I know UberEnvironment2 only uses Ray Tracing for shadows and I think AO as default. The only time it needs Max Ray Trace Depth increased from 0 is when your are using IDL or GI or the surfaces have raytraced effects like reflection, refraction etc. Ray Traced Shadows are not depenent on Max Ray Tarce Depth.

    UberSurface/2 can be used in conjunction with Max Ray Trace Depth of 0 if certain channels are turned off, mainly Reflection, refraction, SSS etc. But why would we using Uber Surface without these channels so yes I agree that Max Ray Trace Depth has to be considered.

    But...they are both on, by default...and if MRTD is set to 0, then you may not get the expected results...a starting point of 2 should be fine and 4 should be high enough for most cases.

    I think UE2 uses raytracing for everything except AO (No Raytracing). Or at least that's my impression from the docs...

    I did take it up to 8, just to see if my fishbowl benefited from it...but when it was going on 20 mins and the spot render was only half done, I decided that maybe it didn't need to be THAT high...
    You could be right about UE2 but I see no change from 0 to 1 whne using Occulssion with soft shadows. I will go away and confirm all this for us.

  • RedHeadLilithRedHeadLilith Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    even that the result is nice can some one guide me what from the human surface shader skin setting do I need to change If I want her skin to look more white and real without increasing the render time dramatically ?

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