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I think I found the answer. Read through the tread again and found someone who solved it for Eva 7. Looks like pink instead of yellow was the solution:
I took Dimension-Z's advice (earlier in this thread) to change the glossy color and it worked very well on a figure whose diffuse map was also very light. Here's Eva7 with no changes (left), with N.G.S Anagenessis II applied (center), and then with it applied plus changing the glossy color from bluish to pinkish (right). If that helps anyone.
Definitely manually.. There is a thread on iray skin settings elsewhere in the forums and what you are doing is dealing with skin translucence... I personally like pinks and pale greys for this problem but is it a general iray issue...
I'm having a little trouble with the Dark Skins bit -- is it just for enhancing dark skins, or does it actually make the skin dark?
it is for enhancing dark skins.... which are you trying to do?
Yeah, I was trying to make the skin actually darker-- guess I have to go back to Wet & Tanned Skin for that.
The problem is that everyone, light skinned and darkskinned, have the same color nail beds, palms, etc... A shader would not be able to change the values to darker without affecting those.Wet & and Tanned might be a much better approach.
I give up. Just got back to trying to apply NGS manually and I get nothing but white. No texture, no detail - just white.
Here's what I did (I can't show it because I'm talking about a gen-prop).
1. I set up the G2M figure and applied NGS using the Genesis 2 icon. All fine.
2. I parented the prop and selected a colour close to the parent skin.
3. I made sure the material was Iray, not 3DL.
4. I selected the prop in the viewport and the prop skin in the surfaces tab.
5. I went to the NGS folder in Shader Presets and clicked the NGS Shader_New icon. The Skin surface changed tone in the viewport but came out pure white in the render.
EDIT - OK, I see what's happening - the gloss is pure white. If I make that darker then the texture appears but it is nowhere near a match for the parent skin.
Step 2 is wrong; apply a texture such as your G2M character's hip to the prop. If there is no texture, it should be white.
Also, I'm assuming you actually ran the manual script after applying NGS Shader_New. You didn't mention that you ran the script...but it's a critical step. It's what copies the texture map from base/diffuse color to all of the other channels.
The prop does not take the character textures, it has its own and I choose the one that mostly closely matches the skin tone of the character. The prop is not a geograft is is based on M4 gens and is parented, not grafted.
Sorry, I'm not with you ... I thought the manual script is what applies the shader. This is probably the source of my confusion - isn't NGS Shader_New the manual script? If not, where is it - what is it called? I can't find another script.
First you run NGS Shader_New from the Shaders folder. Then, without changing your surface selection, you go up a level in your heirarchy to run the manual script (attached screen shot). If in IRAY preview mode, you'll notice the white goes away and the textures appear properly.
This is all assuming you installed the manual script according to the instructions (attached).
It is in the download - I must have skipped copying it over. Sorry to add to the confusion.
Never mind, the script above is better than the way I was doing it. Thanks. I love this product.
I love the results of of your system, my characters seem to have a new dimension of vitality. But as I'm the type that never leaves well enough alone, is there a "best way" to apply this shader to non-skin, non-figure items. As of now I'm copying the surface, pasting it to the item surface and then changing the maps. Not difficult, but I have to make sure I don't have any limits set, because it seems you so some magic by exceeding them. I Any advice would be appreciated, I'm not looking for any particular result, it's just discovery and play. Thanks.
I know I seem to be the one with all the problems but now I have another. I've noticed that the the skin on NGS2 characters is very grainy in shady areas. Non-NGS skins in the same render do not have this problem. I allow the render to run to 100% and I've adjusted the render converged ratio up to 99% and the max samples beyond what is necessary.
Any advice? I've tried playing with gloss, top coat, top coat bump, pores, etc. but have not found a way to eliminate the noise.
Does anyone have any idea why - when I apply the presets to any Genesis 3 or M4/V4 figure - teh rendered skin is PURPLE??
Having some problems with applying this to non-Genesis figures specifically the DAZ horse. I have followed the instructions to add the freebie script. I've applied the shaders per the instructions however when I attempt to apply the script I keep getting an error message. Have tried about a half a dozen variations to try to make it work but the error log shows the same error.
I've copied the following from the error log which might tell someone what I'm doing wrong. Any help appreciated!
WARNING: Script Error: Line 36
WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'oProperty' [null] is not an object.
WARNING: Stack Trace:
<anonymous>()@C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/Shader Presets/N.G.S. Anagenessis 2/Manual Apply/NGS 2 Freebie Script.dse:36
Error in script execution: C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/Shader Presets/N.G.S. Anagenessis 2/Manual Apply/NGS 2 Freebie Script.dse
I've only just purchased it; really glad I did. I'm not seeing anything like you mention; is this with just the default shader, or are you adding gloss, or micropores as well?
I've noticed the file created in the temp folder. I've compared a few and they all seem identical so far. I presume that the setting they relate to I am not changing; the image I mean relates eyes. Just curious, as I'm likely to end up saving a copy somewhere instead of having it continually recreated.
Don't get me wrong, I love the way the skin looks using NGS2. I've yet to see one that isn't improved. But I'm having this noise problem I have tried playing with gloss and pores. The only way I can reduce the noise is to render at twice the size and then resize on completion. Two problems with that - despite reports of render times being hardly affected, my double-size renders take almost twice as long. Secondly, while the noise is reduced, it is still visible and, once I know it is there it bugs the hell out of me.
Oh, and another way of reducing the noise is to over-light the skin so that there are very few shadowy areas. Less noise but not very artistic.
Try increasing the roughness on Top Coat?
Its possibly not noise so much as tiny reflections taking time to blend in.
I generally get that error if the objects base or diffuse color lacks a map. Then there's really no point to running NGS script on it...the script would have no map to copy which is it's primary mode of operation.
Also you said 'shaders'. I never apply more than one shader at a time when using the manual freebie. I select the similar surfaces and apply the shader (singular) (usually ngs shader_new). Then I run the script. If there are more things that need a different shader, I then select those surface(s), apply the shader, and run the script again. I do it while in IRAY preview mode. I can tell it's going to work in IRAY preview because the object turns pale white/blue when I apply the shaders (if this doesn't happen, then I know no point to run the script). Then when I run the script, the pale white/blue goes away since the script copies the map to all the properties that need it.
Are there any tutorials on how to use this product, i just brought this and have no idea how to even use it, cant even find it in the interface
My Library >> Shader Presets >> N.G.S. Anagenessis 2
Well since in the promo pics it is applied to the DAZ Horse, I assume that it should work or that would be misleading advertising. According to the instructions all the shaders are applied and then the script run, however I have also tried adding one shader at a time to one surface and yes it does turn blue. I also tried a bunch of other combinations when applying the shader/s. But I then get the error each and every time I try to run the script on the DAZ Horse. While this is not a deal breaker for the product it is disappointing as I often render horses.
I just tried it on Mill Horse and Daz 2 Horse. Both worked eventually (attached). However, I too got the error. On Mill horse, I had to run IRAY Uber shader first, then NGS manual freebie worked fine.
For Daz 2 horse, I had to run Anagenessis 2 Genesis script.
So ya, it took a bit of fiddling to get it working for the horsies. :)
Thanks for that. I had also been trying this on DAZ Horse 2, and I had hit the same errors as other people. For me the coat converted ok, but the head was missing all the maps in the correct place. I did as you suggested and ran the Genesis 2 script, and it all works now. No idea why this would work, as the head has different surface names to those used in Genesis 2.
How do you apply the shaders on non Genesis figures? Like horses, monsters, and objects? Do you just simply select and click the Genesis 3 NGS applicator?
I routinely apply the default Daz iRay shader first now (select all surfaces and apply the shader). Next I select all of the surfaces that are skin-like or not covered by the other shaders and apply the manual ngs shader_new. finally I apppy all of those specific ones like the pupil shader to the pupil, mouth shader to the mouth except for teeth which gets the teeth shader etc... I select all surfaces and apply the manual ngs script. Finally, if it is something unusual, I might adjust the gloss in the shader surface. I can now do this in roughly four minutes per character. Done.
Where do I find the manual NGS?