N.G.S. Anagenessis II - Revolu…
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The link from Dimension-Z is posted earlier, but here it is again
https://www.dropbox.com/s/t4k1zybc3b54its/NGS 2 Freebie Script.zip?dl=0
Alright I'll check it, by the way how do you change the brightness and color tone of NGS? When I apply it, it seems to lighten the skin tone too much and oh by the way how do you install that script? :)
The freebie comes with install instructions.
For brightness and color tone, I run Anagenessis 2 Brightness Ultra Low. If that's not dark enough, I also select the surface(s) and alter glossy color to pale pink or grey.
I've tried changing to speculate color bec that's what the creator of the product said but when I did that the colors of the nails became grey since I changed it to grey. If I change the glossy color will the nails get affected?
Sorry for taking a while to respond. As I said earlier, I was confusing NGS Shader_New and the Manual script until you pointed out my mistake. However, having just had chance to return to a test, I find that the prop is still coming out white even when follwoing your advice. I select the prop, run NGS Shader_New and then go back a level and double-click the freebie script but the result in Iray is a white prop.
Make sure the surface(s) of the prop are selected when you run shader_new and the freebie script. Also, if the prop isn't IRAY, run IRAY Uber Shader first to convert it before doing shader_new/freebie. Finally, if all else fails, you can check the log file. And sometimes (for example the horses), I've found that running one of the main scrips does the job (e.g., anagennesis 2 for genesis) when the freebie script won't.
Yes, I have been trying everything you mention. I have a feeling that the manual freebie script is doing nothing. Nothing changes on screen when I run it and there is no indication that it has worked.
I've just abandoned the 3rd party prop for now and am trying with the DAZ geograft gens and, although I'm not getting white now, I am not getting a skin match. It all looks fine before I apply NGS but afterwards, no matter what I try, I can't get the geograft to match the hip skin.
I'll try again and check the log.
Here's the log ...
2017-02-15 09:25:24.216 File loaded in 0 min 1.5 sec.2017-02-15 09:25:24.218 Loaded file: G2 Material_New.duf2017-02-15 09:25:25.933 Script executed successfully: D:/David/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/DIM Content/Shader Presets/!Iray/N.G.S. Anagenessis 2/Anagenessis 2 Genesis 2.dse2017-02-15 09:26:05.263 File loaded in 0 min 0.1 sec.2017-02-15 09:26:05.265 Loaded file: NGS Shader_New.duf2017-02-15 09:26:11.587 Loading script: D:/David/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/DIM Content/Shader Presets/!Iray/N.G.S. Anagenessis 2/Manual Apply/NGS 2 Freebie Script.dse2017-02-15 09:26:11.651 Script executed successfully: D:/David/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/DIM Content/Shader Presets/!Iray/N.G.S. Anagenessis 2/Manual Apply/NGS 2 Freebie Script.dse
One other thing, I'll often have surfaces open to see the base/diffuse texture...then I watch as I run the script to confirm that it copies that texture (image) to all the other places in surfaces. Then I know it's done all it can do.
I'm sure there will be plenty of things it just doesn't work on. Personally, I'm impressed that it functions on as much as it does (v4 to G3F/M and tons of props).
As for gens, I think I tested with Vic 7 just to confirm it worked, so maybe try her...just to make sure you're using the freebie script properly. If it works for her but not some other character, then at least you know its not something you're doing wrong.
I'm surprised that Dimension-Z has left the building. A few comments from the PA might put things in perspective for me.
I'm just having a bad time with plugins and add-ons just now. I've got a long-running thread over at Rendo about VWD which is causing me to lose what is left of my hair. So I take a rest from that and come back to this only to find I'm still lost.
This thread is generally just to advertise the coming of a new product. From my understanding, if a PA does respond in this forum to a technical issue, they're going very far above and beyond. One of the benefits of being a PA at Daz is that Daz handles the first pass at technical questions, insulating the PA's and allowing them to spend more time creating...which is a good thing.
And of course Daz has proper channels for tech questions, which I think involve ultilizing the tech forum or logging a ticket.
As for plugins/addons, I completely sympathize! NGS took me a while but I stuck with it because I use it so much. Same with VWD. Oh, I shed tears with VWD! But it's such a nifty little tool now...it's like skating on thin ice...if you know where the cracked spots are and avoid them, you can have a great time skating, but takes a while to learn the danger zones. :)
Sorry about your problem! I always watch the forum, but now I have some important problems to solve.
Can you explain me again about your issue please?
Actually your tip about comparing surfaces provided the answer (at least for the geografted gens). Turns out everything was the same except for the Glossy Layered Weight. The hip was at 5.0 and the geograft was at 100. Correcting that and all is matching.
I'll give it a while before I attempt the prop again.
I'll try.
I don't normally use the DAZ supplied gens on G2M because hiding them creates a big hole in the mesh which clothes get sucked into. So I have been using the M4 gens as a parented prop. There are two ways to texture the prop - either use a third-party add-on from Jepe which has various texture options to nearly match the host body or I can use M4 Mats which come with gen textures. In order to do so I have to convert from M4 to G2M but I have a batch converter which does that easily.
The problem is that these are all 3Delight mats so I need to convert them to IRay. I can do that using the DAZ Uber Iray shader but the skins (body and gens) come out extremely light and glossy. So then I try to apply NGS2. The skin then looks good on the body but I cannot get the prop to accept NGS2.When I try your manual freebie the prop just renders solid white. I have followed the advice of others here but nothing seems to work.
I also tried with the DAZ gens with some success but, as I said, I prefer not to use them if possible.
OK. I see.
Does your prop has exactly the same maps on specific values, as the rest of the body? We have to make a started point first!
You must have exact the same values, same maps, same all. If so then you have another issue.
Did you apply Uber Base before any NGS applying?
Did you have UNCHECKED all specific values limits? (is not so important as a shader uncheck them automatically - but give a check)
Sorry - I had to go out. I'm in New Zealand so our daytime hours are somewhat ahead of most of the inhabited world.
The prop is by Jepe and is called Real Gens for M4 (although it can be parented to any figure). I don't know which specific values you mean. It is not a geograft and it has its own textures and maps.
Yes - I tried with Uber Base and also tried without. No success.
Again, I don't know what you mean by specific value limits.
It really would have been nice to have a user guide for this product. A PDF screen shot of the surfaces panel doesn't provide enough information.
Specific values on the surfaces. You must have the same values on gens as you have on body torso. And also as many maps (on glossy layered weight, top coat layer etc..) as you have on body.
Check what you have on torso and what you have on gens. If are the same then try this:
Copy Torso Surface and paste it to Gens Surface (after you have applied NGS Shader on Gens), and then replace the right gens maps.
PDF includes all that you need. The rest will be done by the script. And also instructions included on freebie script. Although NGS2 is made as I said on my product description
for Genesis Figures.
Non Genesis Figures or any props must be applied manually. I think It's a very cleared description.
By specific values, do you mean such as Diffuse, Gloss, etc? Or do you mean a texture image plugged into the diffuse slot?
When you say after I have applied the NGS shader - that's what I'm asking about: how do I do that? What is the procedure? I've tried clicking NGS Shader_New and then the freebie script and that's when I end up with a white prop.
Both of textures plugged in diffuse etc. and also same values for weights, top coat curves etc...
The steps are:
1. Select Prop
2. Select All Surfaces
3. iRay Uber Shader (with selected surfaces) *Optional Step
4. NGS Shader New (with selected surfaces)
5. Freebie Script
Yep - that's exactly what I've been doing in exactly that order. I'd show you an image but they won;t allow it here.
Actually, just reading your replay again, I actually don't check the values for the prop. I assume that the DAZ Uber base will generate the right values. Are you saying that I have to go through the list of shader settings and make sure they are the same as the body surfaces?
OK. I have to check it myself and send you feedback.
I think you have given me an alternative. It isn't that tedious to go through the surface settings and type them in manually just for the prop. I've just tried it and have come close to a match so, in this case, I don't think the script will be nescessary.
However, any pointers you can give on dealing with props in general will be appreciated.
Can someone kindly tell me how to change the skin tone of the skin without having a weird effect on the nails? I've tried changing the specular and when I did the nails became grey. How do I change the skin tone to a darker one since the NGS makes the skin lighter.
Dicrease Translucency Color to darker or increase Translucency Weight only for nails.
So am I doing the right way when changing the skin to darker? Is changing the specular the right way? For the nails alright I'll try it.
There is no right way for skin color taste! It's your choice to make anything you want with coloring. No rules about that. So yes you do right!
Coloring is subjective. Skin feeling and texturing is objective!
But what do you recommend doing? I'm new to 3D so I wanted to know how you do it since I know it's your product
I'd suggest posting images; what you have; what you want to achieve. You're using words to describe a picture; pictures are best at describing themselves. :)
You're stating weird; someone else may think it is normal, or at least expected considering what you're doing.
I made all changes on the folder ..\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud\1_35273\shader presets\n.g.s. anagenessis 2 but the itens from Manual script are not showing on Daz Studio. It is another folder or I need to do something else?
I'm trying to make it work with New Genitalia v6 2.0 from 3feetwolf:
When I first apply the genitalia and then Anagenesis, some parts remain the with the old texture. Using Anagenesis 2 Genesis 2.dse.
When I first apply Anagenesis and then the genitalia, some pink parts become blue.