Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 10



  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    RedRex - thank you. Beautiful Ruby Diamond. Congratulation to your 12 core multi-threaded machine. Bryce can use up to 8 of the total 24 threads. High and Normal priority will use 8 (high up to 8, normal half of the available, max 8) and low only 1. But you can open more than one instance of Bryce and so benefit from your powerful CPU.

    HDRI stands for high dynamic range image and is a full sphere image (360° by 180°). A conventional picture is trice 8 bit for red, green and blue giving 256 shades of each colour (hence 16 million colours, but still only 256 brightness levels). An HDRI has 32 bit floating point values for each primary colour (96 bit per pixel) and can represent billions of shades. Though such a picture cannot be directly displayed, IBL (image based light) can use the brightness levels to illuminate a scene.

    Slepalex - thank you. I'll experiment again with a flattened sphere later. When I used it here, I couldn't get the desired result. I also think the left end of the field does not look good.

    adbc - thank you. Very nice countryside. The fir trees look a bit small compared to the horses. Great material on the far hill.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Jay: Thanks. I’ll try your suggestion with the camera.

    Steve: Very funny and well made. At closer up view, the foam on the beer does look more polymeric than I would like, though.

    Horo: Lovely terrain and superb sky. I though the end to the corn field, which disappears in vagueness, was on purpose, to give the scene a surreal look. ????

    RexRed: Wonderful ruby diamond!

    Adbc: Nice pastoral scene. Though, I agree with Horo, the horses look big compared to the trees.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001
    edited February 2018

    And here's the new version of 'Creatures in the hall'. Good suggestion to move the camera, cause we can now see what's out there cheeky

    creatures in the hall2.jpg
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    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited February 2018

    This one I call, "Ruby Diamond".

    Very nice wavy text Mermaid. I didn't know Photoshop could do that with text! Excellent technique!

    Horo, I like the haze on your distant landscape and the sun illuminates the trees in a truly vibrant and refreshing way!

    Hansmar your Creatures in the Hall reminds me of a Tomb Raider game I played, and the city scene is very game-like also!

    S Ray your wall of don’ts looks more a like a shelf of do's... nice scene.


    What is HDRI?

    And I like the font program EleFont, fast and easy; Many thanks StuartB! 

    I have been rendering these pieces with an Intel I9 12 core 24 thread PC I just got with Win 10. 

    It is the first time I have been able to see some of them rendered other than tiny.

    I need to set up a Facebook page soon to host my images then I will be linking them here too.


    I am wondering why this image has distortions when I look at it in Google Chrome. I am wodering if it is being resampled once it is uploaded to the DAZ forum?

    RubyDiamond small - RexRed.jpg
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  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    Horo said:

    Beautiful Ruby Diamond. Congratulation to your 12 core multi-threaded machine. Bryce can use up to 8 of the total 24 threads. High and Normal priority will use 8 (high up to 8, normal half of the available, max 8) and low only 1. But you can open more than one instance of Bryce and so benefit from your powerful CPU.

    HDRI stands for high dynamic range image and is a full sphere image (360° by 180°). A conventional picture is trice 8 bit for red, green and blue giving 256 shades of each colour (hence 16 million colours, but still only 256 brightness levels). An HDRI has 32 bit floating point values for each primary colour (96 bit per pixel) and can represent billions of shades. Though such a picture cannot be directly displayed, IBL (image based light) can use the brightness levels to illuminate a scene.

    Thank you Horo for taking the time to comment about how to get the most out of my cores for rendering! AWESOME INFO!  Yes, I do use multiple instances of Brice for rendering too!

    Where do I set the option for an image to use HDRI rendering?

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    RexRed - You're welcome. In the Sky Lab click on IBL, here you can load an HDRI and use it as backdrop if you wish, mix it with the sky and adjust the light. With Bryce 7.1 come a couple of HDRIs (usually in the Content folder under the main Bryce folder). Bryce accepts .hdr files (Radiance RGBE RLE2) in the spherical and angular map projections. You can also generate an HDRI from the existing sky. An HDRI is a light source a bit like a Dome Light in the Light Lab.

  • S RayS Ray Posts: 400

    Horo, If I export a HRDI image from Bryce does it only use the sky's properties or will it use the whole scene. Like say I use the ground plane as a mirror will the ground plane's refection be used in the HRDI?

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    S Ray - the HDRI loaded in Bryce can be exported. No sky or scene are included, just the HDRI. If the HDRI is created from the sky, it is what you see rendered without ground plane (with clouds and sun visible). The sun will not be as bright as we would expect in an HDRI. An HDRI from a Bryce sky with the sun not visible will give nice ambient light and the colour (usually blue) can be reduced with Saturation. To export a trully high dynamic range image as HDRI, Intensity should be set very low, between 0.1 and 0.01, otherwise the bright parts get burned-out. A bit of experimenting may be needed. I have a 7 page PDF on my website that elaborates on exporting an HDRI:

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited February 2018

    Horo : thanks and I agree with your remark about the trees.

    Hansmar : your new version of "Creatures in the hall" shows indeed more detail. Thanks for your comment and yes, the trees he ....

    I made a new version with larger trees.




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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited February 2018

    Hansmar - that's better and also shows the "abyss" below the platform better.

    adbc - much better, very nice landscape.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • Horo,many thanks for your answer,I ve just deleted a lot of garbage and made a clean install of bryce,now it works like a charm

    C-ram thanks for the response,awesome gallery by the way,How did you made this work? if you can say it ;  did you made a postwork with photoshop? because it looks like a 19th century painting

    Electro-elvis thanks for the answer and the info



  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649
    edited February 2018

    Adbc – thanks

    Hansmar – thanks, the Creatures in the Hall is a very nice render, the darkness works well in this case, the 2nd version is much nicer.

    SRay – nice render,

    Horo- very nice render, except, as the other mentioned the field does look a bit odd at the edge.

    RedRex – thanks. Lovely diamond render. Regarding Hdri and how to use them in Bryce, it will be a good idea to watch David and Horo’s videos on this subject found here:  and

    Adbc – love your simple landscape, after a bit of adjustment the 2nd one looks awesome.



    A simple still render using a model from Renderosity by Cybermonk


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  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376
    edited February 2018

    @Horo : very nice night-time render with single tree full of moon light.


    @adbc : nice landscape. I'll simply add more and more vegetation to get a better result. Anyway a good result here.


    @juanariel666777 : absolutely no post work for this picture like most of my renders in Bryce. Thanks for your comment.


    There we go. An automnal work render with my new computer which is really going faster than my previous.

    8 real cores are definitely improving render time while new chipset with new bus speed increase efficency and stability in Bryce.

    As usual, speedtree for the vegetation. A lot of leaves carpet instanced here and some great modified models from speedtree store.

    Autumnal shore.jpg
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  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited February 2018

    Not sure if anyone is interested but i just found an extension plugin for chrome called "Enhanced Image Viewer" It is an extension that you install into Chrome from the google play store, "free" it has a lot of functions (most that go over my head) but one feature I like is you can use the mouse scroll wheel to enlarge and reduce image viewing size once you click on them. Works perfectly with the images shared here in this thread. :)


    Enhanced Image Viewer

    Not sure if this link will work, let me know if and how you find it useful.

    Post edited by RexRed on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited February 2018

    juanariel - you're welcome.

    mermaid - thank you, I agree about the field. Nice shape but I think this grey on grey doesn't show the artwork in its full potential. I like the reflection and shadow on the floor.

    c-ram - thank you Marco. Beautiful Autumnal shore, I like the contrast of the rather dark clouds and the bright sunlit trees.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : thank you.

    mermaid010 : thank you. Very nice shape and render that grey on grey has a special effect, although Horo might be right.

    c-ram : thanks, I will try to use more vegetation if Bryce doesn't crash all the time, the file is only 33 mb.

    I really like your landscapes, they are so realistic, the clouds, the trees, the water, waw.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Thanks Horo and Adbc.

    C-ram - another outstanding render

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited February 2018

    The room is left-over from GI experiments we (David, Rashad and I) made in the Bryce 6.1 times. It is made of booleaned cubes and cylinders. Lit by 9 radials in the lamps on the ceiling. The original had another 60 radials to light the room, these were removed and a parallel light shining up to the ceiling and two very flat spots shining from behind the camera and the picture added instead. The sun shines through the windows and 3 radials are in the adjacent room at right.

    Room End (S)

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  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Wow Horo beautiful setup and lighting, Love the color contrast.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo :  I totally agree with mermaid010.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited February 2018

    Yeah, agree with Mermaid and AdBc...super lighting (the odd-looking thingy in the room is a bit distracting for my eye, but yeah...great scene).


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Thank you mermaid, adbc and Jay. I did another render without the spots and parallel light, just an HDRI with the lower hemisphere white and the upper black. Looks almost the same, just the floor and the stand for the Super Bucky a bit darker.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    adbc, Horo, Mermaid: Thanks. I agree with you; the new creatures render is better.

    adbc: and your render works better with the larger trees.

    Mermaid: I agree with the others. Try some other colours, or maybe some coloured lights or something to make the render shine more.

    c-ram: That's another masterpiece! Wonderful level of realism. And it has a painterly aspect, maybe because it looks a little grainy.

    Horo: great lighting and nice artwork at the back. 

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar : thank you.

  • Dan WhitesideDan Whiteside Posts: 507
    edited February 2018

    As always, I really enjoy everyones images especially the recent landscape images. 

    Here’s an image  from me:

    “The Gregarious Guide”

    This image drove me nuts! Something about the temple model caused Bryce to crash with great regularity (and only 1.6 GB of RAM used). When I got a render to completly finish I finally gave up…


    Content used:

    Curator Aquarum - Jack Tomlin

    Genesis  2 female, hair and wardrobe - DAZ3D

    HDRI Captured Volumetric Skies 1 - Horo And David Brinen


    Rendered with Normal AA, Illuminated by a single Dome light and the sky IBL.


    Just a postscript for those interested, Eric Wenger (the gentleman who originally programmed the app that would become the core of Bryce1) has released Voyager 4. It’s a Mac only app which I think is rather unfortunate. Everything is procedureally generated - no “meshing” involved at all.   Here’s some of the stuff I’ve ben messing around with (very large when zoomed out but recommended). Mostly based on some of the content provided:

    And a picture of the  newest member of our canine family, Lana: ;

    Thanks for looking!


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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Hansmar - thank you. The render in the back is quite old and I never published it. It shows the other side of the room.

    Dan - superb artwork. Difficult to understand why Bryce annoyed you with crashing. Beautiful renders you did with Eric Wengers Voyager 4. Difficult to say which one I like best, perhaps MetaCity-night_2. Eric is the "father" of Bryce and certainly of the DTE. Since Daz has abandoned the Mac for Bryce, Eric's "revenge" is to offer Voyager 4 for the Mac only. Pity, but I can't blame him.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001
    edited February 2018

    Dan: Wonderful render. Very nice works with Voyager 4 too.

    I could not help myself and made some abstracts again. First one, I call 'tyres' and is made largely with metaballs and an HDRI for light. Second one is 'In the art gallery' using an object by Matcreator (oddworld1) and a the sun, a dome light, spot light and HDRI for lights. There is only one object in the scene. by the way. I put it in a box with a partly transparent and partly reflecting texture. Gives a nice effect, I think.

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    in the art gallery.jpg
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  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Dan Whiteside : outstanding render, very detailed. 

    Hansmar : your first render makes me think about an eye, an alien one perhaps.... vibrant colours, nice one.

    The second one has a nice special effect, maybe it's the alien watched by the eye


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Hansmar - I agree with adbc: the first render looks like an eye, great colours, too. The one with the Odd World shape looks interesting, nice effect, I agree.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    adbc and Horo: thanks. Funny how I see some big inflated tyres, where you two see an eye. But now you say so, it certainly has eyelike aspects. The nice thing about the second one (with the Odd World shape) is that it does not immediately look like a situation with reflections, but it could be a set of shapes in one background of hanging plates or something. I'll play with it some more, I think.

This discussion has been closed.