Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 10



  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649
    edited March 2018

    Sorry Horo I was referring to the bridge, if you made that in Bryce.

    S-Ray – nice sunset render

    A fishbowl using an Hdri from

    I used Hansmar's idea of a water plane with a sinuisodal mapping mode.

    600 x 600 - 209K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Mermaid - oh, that fishbowl looks really nice.
    About the bridge: selfmade. It comes with Bryce 7.1 and you should find it under Objects, Bundle1, 11_Objects, BridgeSegment1. Several of us had contributed some stuff for the launch of Bryce 7.1.


  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited March 2018

    Pheew...Mermaid...reminds me of wanting to have a Martini  (classical tune + YouTube vid - "it's the bright one, the right one, it's Martini").


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited March 2018

    The previous render was the view from a drone; at the same time a photographer was on the bridge and just by chance hit the release at the same moment as the drone did. The photographer is not in the drone's view because he/she appeared as a second thought. laugh

    Travellers PV

    1200 x 750 - 145K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Thanks Horo and Jay for your comments

    Horo- this view of the render is awesome, thanks for mentioning where I can find the bridge.yes

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid010 : What a beautiful scene, colours, lighting = excellent.

    Horo : awesome view of the bridge.

    Just a question : you mentioned where to find it. I cannot find the Object Bundle 1, I suppose this was an item to pay for. 

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Mermaid - thank you.

    adbc - thank you. The Bundle 1 came free with Bryce 7.1 Pro, but not for the regular and PLE versions. It should be in the Bryce main folder, Presets, Objects, Bundle 1. Perhaps you never installed it. If you cannot find it, I can make it available to you. After all, it belongs to 7.1 Pro and there is no regular or PLE version available anymore.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : thank you. I could not find it anywhere, google redirected me to Daz3d and : 404 page not found. So yes please make it available. Thanks in advance.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    S Ray: Very atmospheric beach scene.

    Mermaid: Fantastic render. The HDRI and mapping mode appear to work great together.

    Horo: Wonderful view from the bridge. Great way to give perspective.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649
    Horo said:

    Mermaid - thank you.

    adbc - thank you. The Bundle 1 came free with Bryce 7.1 Pro, but not for the regular and PLE versions. It should be in the Bryce main folder, Presets, Objects, Bundle 1. Perhaps you never installed it. If you cannot find it, I can make it available to you. After all, it belongs to 7.1 Pro and there is no regular or PLE version available anymore.

    Horo - I can't find the bundle 1 too.

    Adbc and Hansmar - thanks for your comments.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited March 2018

    Mermaid - thank you.

    adbc - thank you. You're right, it was an item to pay for.

    Hansmar - thank you.

    Bundle1 did not come with Bryce 7.1 Pro, I mixed it up with the Pro materials. I apologise for the confusion I created.

    It was the product: SKU 12606 "Bryce 7 Content Bundle 1" and was available in the store at Daz 3D from 17.02.2011 until 30.06.2014 for $24.95.

    I cannot make the complete bundle available. However, once Daz 3D culls a product, the copyright gets back to the original owner and it is therefore no problem that I make my part available.

    My part is now available for free download from my website. Go to Raytracing > Resources > Objects (3rd from top, if it is not there, refresh the page).

    Post edited by Horo on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : thank you very much for making your part available, I really appreciate it.


  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Horo - I second that thanks a ton

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    adbc and mermaid - you're welcome.

    Now, there is more! sriesch kindly gave me the permission to feature his part from Bundle 1: 20 stones covered with lichen. They are great and can be found at the same place as mentioned above.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : thank you and sriesch : thanks for giving the permission.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Horo and sriesch: Thanks so much for the permission and the great items.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649
    edited March 2018

    Thanks sriesch for sharing these cool objects

    I reached a dead end on my second entry for the challenge so I decided to play some more with David and Horo’s Mountain Gorge product  I used some parts from one of their files and a sky from for the lighting.



    563 x 734 - 442K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited March 2018

    mermaid - nice waterfall, I miss a bit of haze around ot when looking so close. Perhaps one or two elongated spheres with some haze or fog material. The dolphin is cool.

    Inspired by Hansmar and Mermaid I played with a sphere. One single fully transparent sphere and within three Odd World shapes. The centre sphere is the result of the low refraction. In the back a 2D-face with a starfield. Light, reflection and PHT boosted anisotropic radial mapped specular from an HDRI, rendered with quality 256.

    Odd Space

    1200 x 795 - 134K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid : nice waterfall, I think horo is right about the haze. 

    Horo : Cool abstract image, great light effect.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    adbc - thank you.

  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 900
    edited March 2018

    So many cool rendered images here!

    I bought a new hairstyle in Daz3D shop and wanted to find out, how it looks in Bryce. I am quite happy with the result, but this hairstyle is a true time eater. Render time without hair (TA 64 rpp) about 30 minutes, with hair more than 24 hours sad

    Girl, Cat, Scaffold

    670 x 670 - 162K
    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649
    edited March 2018

    Thanks Horo and Adbc,

    Horo – beautiful abstract, I love the effect in the center of the sphere.

    Electro-elvis – lovely render, but 24hrs for the hair, now that’s expensive in terms of rendering.

    I did two more renders of the waterfall one using only the fog patches from which I uploaded to my Pinterest account and this one – with the fog patches; I changed the lighting using a Cloud Sphere from




    563 x 734 - 379K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Mermaid: good work on the waterfall experiments. Have you considered to copy the waterfall, enlarge it somewhat and make it fuzzy? That may help to give less defined edges, which make it look a bit like an ice-waterfall now. I don't know whether that might work and you will need to experiment with the material settings prevent unwanted artefacts.

    Horo: very nicely done! Lovely colours and lights. Abstracts can be so rewarding, I feel.

    electro-elvis: great looking lady (cat too) and very nice rendered hair indeed. Is it transparency or a very high resolution, with lots of small strands (partly reflective?) that cause the long render time?

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Electro-Elvis - well done lady and cat. Yes, long hair take very long to render.

    Mermaid - thank you. The waterfall is better but not fully convincing. Hansmar's idea is worth considering.

    Hansmar - thank you.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Electro-Elvis : Very realistic scene with the lady and the cat. Looks like the cat is attentively watching something.

    mermaid010 : I'll second Horo's comment.

  • orbitalorbital Posts: 120
    edited March 2018


    on a journey1 copy.jpg
    3000 x 1503 - 1M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    orbital - apart from the interesting idea, this is a superbly done artwork and full of details.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Orbital: Fantastic fantasy render. Made me think of the works of Estevez, who is Artist of the month now. Lovely!

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Thanks Hansmar, Horo and Adbc, I'll give Hansmar idea a try.

    Orbital: awesome fantasy artwork, very nicely done.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Orbital : Impressive image !

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