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Thanks for these links. I guess the man Friday's version of character converter for Genesis nine has been removed from the store. But it seems that River soft arts version is still available. Is that it? Well, it looks like the DAZ premiere version is here. At this point, I'm not buying into it because DAZ Studio will only run in emulation mode on the new Apple Silicon chips. That's a big issue for me because it's running in Rosetta 2 which I do not expect to continue for long. I lost money on Rosetta 1 when Apple dropped that. I would have had to re-buy a number of Apple applications, and I just decided that it would cost too much. As I've mentioned before, even a sales person at an Apple store advised me not to buy a new Macintosh computer if I were buying it mainly to run Daz studio because that only runs in emulation Mode. I am sincerely hoping that DAZ Will soon release a version of Daz studio that will run natively on the Now not so very new Apple M Silicone chips.
Soon in Daz time is like a decade from now
They published a new beta built, maybe it'll fix the problem you're having with the convert menu: it did fix my problems with two Manfriday's plugins not loading.
Just to be clear, if someone using a Mac has not updated to Daz Studio 4.23, don't do it for the moment and wait for Daz to update the public release: currently, the problem is only fix in the beta version.
Well, at least Daz tried to notify some people about the problem. I wish they would send out some kind of a guarantee -- I don't know what else you call it -- to us, Mac users, telling us that there will be a version of DAZ Studio Which will run natively on the Apple Silicon M chips. The banner that shows up for me is the one advertising the new premier version of Studio. I've never seen the banner warning anyone. Thank goodness, Lee saw it and that others have commented on it. Otherwise, I would know nothing about it.
OK guys, guess this is finally the right place for my questions. So DAZ is talking a lot about Premier. And I am thinking about subscribing.
I was asking about the ManFriday plugins (like dForce Assistant or RenderQueue) which I was always interested in but which have been Win Only. One day after that I had an orange banner - just one day - stating that Mac users will get full plugin functionality but should not download Studio 4.23 at the moment.
Well, Studio Premier is a vital part of the whole Premier thing, but...
- will Studio Premier have feature parity between Win and Mac? E.g. filament is a thing we are waiting for since ages or was that recently implemented?
- will all the ManFriday plugins be available for Mac and when?
- when to expect a first public version of 4.23 for Mac. I mean if I would subscribe Premier today, how many months would I pay for something I cannot fully use?
- is that new FilaToon-Thing available for Mac at all or is it limited to 4.23, which is of course not yet running properly on Mac
and finally
- when can we finally expect a real native Apple Silicon version of studio. It's ages since the M1 was released.
Mada, in her FAQ about Fila-toon, confirmed that currently Fila-toon won't work on Mac, regardless of the version:
About your other questions: Manfriday's plugins should work with the most recent public beta version (OBJ Companion and Seamster do, it's the only ones I have from MF but they were prevented to load by the same bug, a bug that Daz fixed in Daz Beta If you don't want to install beta version, you'll have to wait for a public release based on at least Daz Beta
I don't know when a new public release will be made available, but hopefully soon, especially because it should also include changes made by Daz to improve the stability of Daz Studio on Mac OS Sonoma and later (which would allow me to finally update my own Mac).
Regarding a native Apple Silicon version, your guess is as good as anyone else guesses and AFAIK, no one in the known has publically wrote something on the subject since I started using Daz Studio last year.
what is the Fla-Toon Thing?
Thanks for the info. Well I am already on Sonoma and kind of live with the instability of DAZ Studio at the moment:
- Don't use Menus, especially nested ones as they are doomed.
- Access scripts not via menus but smart content and double-click.
(not that this makes any sense but it's a way to use things live look@this and dforce2morph without killing studio out of the sudden all the time)
- Save often, really often. And even more often.
It is really funny that I pay this company loads of money for content when they still treat mac users like customers second third fouth class.
The toon stuff, which is suitable for Filament
Filament is still not available for Mac.
From what I've read, that was the plan.
It uses filament, so not yet.
Where did these things come from, I wonder. I did break my rule about not buying, and I purchased Evander and Anael. But, in the DIM I was surprised to find these other items. I thought maybe they came along with Anael, but all of the materials and textures seem to be installed along with Anael. Please see the screen shot.
Daz added new interactives lessons in Daz Studio 4.23 and these products are the ones used by these lessons. So Daz gave them to every account.
@Elor: Thank you. Could I download and use them even in 4.21, Which is what I'm using at present?
Yes, you should be able to use them with Daz most of them are products released before Daz 4.22 was and outside of Quick Hide (no idea what it is), all are hairs / clothes / make-up using the same technology as plenty of other hairs / clothes / make-up working wit Daz 4.21.
I tried to apply a clothing set from G8 To a G9 Figure and in the fit window that opens up, there was nothing there for G9. I thought I had read that DAZ had included a fit option for G9. Is that only available in the premier version? I do have all of the new essentials downloaded.
Did you install the most recent update for Genesis 8 Essentials ? (If you did the trick to get Genesis 8 expressions working on Genesis 8.1, don't forget to redo it)
@Elor: thank you for all of your help. OK, I got the "Fit To" thing working. What do you mean by "The trick"To get the expressions working?
for some reason the fit two thing wasn't working for one day. But yes, I did get all the latest essentials downloaded.
Is anyone else concerned that Apple may drop Rosetta 2 Soon and that DAZ Studio Will not run on the new Apple Silicon M Chips? Or do you think that there always will be a version of DS That will run on a Mac computer?
Wont happen in at least a year, still a lot of apps not ported in full, so not during the cycle of macOS 15 I would say. macOS 16 might be another thing though, but hopefully we have DS 5 by then, but with the downside that some scritps and all plugins needs to be updated, but that will be the same for both Windows and macOS.
I also found that you can rename each of the two folders by adding a dot and then something like sav at the end: .sav.
Then, I discovered that if you do this, or pull the two folders out of place for a brief time, you can then put them back the way they were. As long as you started working with G 8.1 figures before you put the folders back, the expressions should continue working on the G 8.1 figures until you quit DAZ Studio.
Actually, I thought DAZ would have fixed this by now and it would be unnecessary to work with these 2 folders in order to get expressions working on the G 8.1 figures. Is it just too hard to do?
The main change between 8 and 8.1 was that 8.1 has a load of more face bones, so expressions for 8 wont work at all well on 8.1 in many cases.
Just check the bones in the face on 8 and 8.1 and you will understand
@Totte: Thanks for much for giving your opinion. I value it.
The bones are the same, which is why the old properties can be loaded with fiddling, it is the higher-level pose controls that differ.
Disabling the Genesis 8 expressions isn't breakage, it was deliberate - Ia ssume either to avoid adding to load times or to avoid having overlapping settings or both.
Does anyone know if the problems with Mac have been resolved yet in Daz Studio 4.23 public build?
If you are referring to the issues with MFs plugins, yes, the issue is fixed.
The latest public build has fixed my convert menu issue. Not sure about any other plug-in issues.
Does anyone know if this 4.23 version of DS will run on Monterey 12.7.6?
And what is the convert menu by the way? Probably sounds like a dumb question, but I don't think I'm using the menu for anything. Oh, just checked: I don't have a Convert Menu with 4.21, unless it's hidden someplace.
I run 12.6.7 on my MacPro 2013 and the menubar in DS 4.23 is the normal Apple one. The problem is that the way Qt calls menu update fails with macOS 14+ and causes an infinite loop of calls that eventually crashes within a few microseconds.