Genesis to Poser .CR2 Competition

Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
edited August 2012 in The Commons

OK, let's get the ball rolling with a good old-fasioned competition! A Poser render competition featuring Genesis (anyone who doesn't want Genesis, or doesn't like it, doesn't have to enter)


1st Prize - Victoria 5 Pro Bundle and Michael 5 Pro Bundle

2nd Prize either the Victoria 5 Pro Bundle or the Michael 5 Pro Bundle

3rd Prize A DAZ Original Starter Bundle (I think they are all listed HERE but there are some extras that show up, so be sure it says "Starter Bundle" in the product title and is a DO)


Obviously, since you're interested in Genesis ANYWAY there's a possibility that you already have V5, M5, or indeed both and a slew of extras... so if you already own the listed prize you will be able to swap in any DAZ Original of the same or lesser value.

Entries must be posted to this thread.

Image must be 800x800 maximum to allow them to be posted to the forum. A larger version can be linked to, but the forum posting is what will be judged on. (I am VERY flexible on this)

Images must use (at least) one Genesis figure prominently in the scene.

Images must contain (at least) one figure/conformer which has been transferred to Poser using the CR2 exporter. My tut ( CAN be used as a reference to aid in doing this, but that is not mandatory. Nor is there any bar on exporting other figures as .OBJ files – but at least one should use the CR2 exporter. It can be Genesis or an item of clothing, or both.

Images MAY use any form of post-work, although when judging I (Cliff) personally will give kudos to renders without post-work (i.e. if there are two images that rank exactly the same but one is post-worked and one is not, the non-post-worked image will win out for me).

Judges’ decisions are final, and since it’s based on an appreciation of art may appear arbitrary. I will NOt be the only judge ;)

All images should be newly created, never seen anywhere before - though they can be posted elsewhere once you've shown at least a WIP here.

You may submit up to a maximum of 5 images, on the understanding that you may only win one prize. So for example, if you win first prize with one image, all your other images will be disqualified for 2nd and 3rd prizes. I think 5 should be more than enough, especially given the amount of time left until the competition closes.

Compettion closes 1st July at 23:59:59 Utah time.

It might be nice if DAZ could be granted the right to use any images submitted for publicity purposes, but would that be pushing things too far? (seeking forumite opinion here)

Every entrant should have a blast, enjoy trying to do something in the render that amuses them... whether it’s the process or the result. It’s the law, fun shall be had.



Post edited by adamr001 on


  • ba_aca2a9241dba_aca2a9241d Posts: 55
    edited December 1969

    Wow, somehow this feels so not right, especially the part of granting Daz the right to use the entries for publicity.

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2012

    That was my idea, not DAZ's, and as you can see from the first post it's not set in stone. To a degree we all release a certain amount of control over our images whenever we put them up on the net, but the idea behind this isn't to give DAZ a marketing opportunity but to correct what I see as a bunch of misinterpretations about Poser.

    I've seen (and done my best to debunk) various rumours about limitations in Poser that simply don't prevent one from doing excellent images with Genesis. I've had to debunk some of the rumours several times, and I've seen others debunking the same rumours - so I figure the best possible way to counter that is to be able to SEE great Genesis images, produced in my favourite poser-type program (Poser!).

    I am FAR from the best Poser artist - of that there is no doubt. But if we post great imagery here, will DAZ use it to promote Poser use of Genesis? I'd hope so. I'd like to think we can get them on board with showing that, actually, Team Poser have done a pretty good job of making Poser "Genesis-friendly". If not - then nothing lost.

    As I've said, I'm also open to withdrawing that rule. I would just like to promote the idea that "Poser Can Do It", but if there's enough anti sentiment I'll certainly withdraw it.



    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • NoneNone Posts: 0
    edited June 2012

    Poor old Cliff - damned if you do, damned if you don't, although you would think that with the bitching and moaning here, and on other Poser forums you would think people would be happy that someone has stepped up and shown people how to get genesis into Poser, I mean it's not like Daz or SM with their huge amounts of money and people could be bothered now.

    Post edited by None on
  • wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6 Posts: 183
    edited December 1969

    Someone has to go first, so here is my render in Poser with actually 2 genesis figures and a V4

    800 x 800 - 893K
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Thanks WimvdB - excellent start :D

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,637
    edited December 1969

    Here's just a few examples of importing Genesis into Poser using Cliff's tutorial and scripts (not entries, just examples). :)

    615 x 800 - 172K
    615 x 800 - 129K
    615 x 800 - 155K
  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,637
    edited December 1969

    Another non-entry:

    Doyle for M5, dynamic shirt and Mullet Hair...

    615 x 800 - 184K
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Wow :)

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    I've still got to firm up SOME details - but I've updated the first post to give an end date and make it clear that WIPs are allowed, but also that a thread at Rendo:

    has prompted me to state that it's OK to post elsewhere once you have a render (or WIP) registered on this thread. Because although the thread started out with a slight misunderstanding, it's gone on to be a thoroughly positive and enjoyable discussion.

    Please, anyone who has a renderosity account - feel free to add your images to that thread so that others can see what you are achieving :)



  • ArthurArthur Posts: 2
    edited June 2012

    Just started trying genesis in Poser, so here are a few from me, It will be a learning experience for sure :)

    Image remove by mod for nudity. Please review the TOS for details.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2012

    Thanks Arthur - a pity the image got yanked for nudity before I got to see it. :(

    Ah well - hopefully you can rememdy that without ruining the concept of the image?

    And life is a learning experience! I have LONG maintained (and by long I mean literally decades) that you learn, and then you die. Even if your body doesn't know well enough to stop moving, once you've stopped learning you've stopped living IMHO.



    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • ArthurArthur Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    Ok, was a hard one but I've got some legacy clothes on M5, :)

    600 x 800 - 180K
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Cool :)

    Genesis is definately more work to get set-up, especially getting the clothing set up, but once you're there it's actually a pretty decent figure IMO :)



  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Question: how long is that intro price? Blame the store for me not knowing ...

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2012

    Kerya said:
    Question: how long is that intro price? Blame the store for me not knowing ...

    Oh, I blame the store for a lot more than that! LOL.

    My instructions were for the intro discount to be 40% for the first week, and to drop to 30% for a second week. Since the plan was IIRC for it to be released on a Friday, Utah time, I would not want to leave it past Thursday to pick it up if you can. It'll still be on discount for a week longer than that - should be till midnight of the 28th/29th of this month - but the price should have gone up by over a dollar.



    PS it DEFINATELY benefits from having a recent version of Adobe's PDF reader too - 9 should work, 10 does, 8 doesn't.

    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Well - I am using Foxit Reader ...
    But I have to scratch some money together.
    Not being able to use my PC coupon for half of the price is making things difficult.
    But as I like DS AND Poser I would like to be able to use this doll in both ...
    *goes hunting for pennies behind the couch*
    And I think your tutorial is worth the full money, I am just not the wealthiest person.

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Oh, I hear you both on the pennies situation (don't forget to look down the sides, and even under the cushions - they're your best bet in my experience) and on the fact that the PC coupon doesn't apply to PA items. I have a sneaky suspicion that I'm not the only PA that's... not entirely happy about that change, shall we say? It's affected my purchases for certain, so I expect it to affect sales of the tutorial adversely :(

    But we struggle on, as usual :)



  • Miranas ArtMiranas Art Posts: 68
    edited December 1969

    The most interesting part for me is the clothing of Genesis. How are the expirience with the tutorial and clothing in Poser?

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2012

    Mirana said:
    The most interesting part for me is the clothing of Genesis. How are the expirience with the tutorial and clothing in Poser?

    Clothing is one of the larger challenges with using Genesis in Poser. Which is why a fairly large chunk of the tutorial is devoted to clothing topics - from page 29 to 48, inclusive.

    I can't promise it will make all clothing and hair work easily - it won't. But of those I've tried, it's helped more than it hasn't except on the default Genesis shape (which doesn't need so much help anyway).



    800 x 459 - 43K
    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • Miranas ArtMiranas Art Posts: 68
    edited December 1969

    Mirana said:
    The most interesting part for me is the clothing of Genesis. How are the expirience with the tutorial and clothing in Poser?

    I can't promise it will make all clothing and hair work easily - it won't. But of those I've tried, it's helped more than it hasn't except on the default Genesis shape

    Thanks for your fast answer. But what about shapes like V4 (or is this a default?)?
    It's so bad that this genesis sale ends today, so there is so much pressure on my decision :-(

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2012

    Mirana said:
    Thanks for your fast answer. But what about shapes like V4 (or is this a default?)?
    It's so bad that this genesis sale ends today, so there is so much pressure on my decision :-(

    V4 isn't default, but is fairly close to it. The tutorial isn't based around any one shape - it should be as useful for getting clothing to work on the V4 shape as it is on the Mr Hyde character.

    Here's one of the promo scenes redone VERY quickly, with both M5 and V5 changed to V4, a python script included with the tut run on them, and two areas of poke-through quickly fixed before rendering, as documented in the tut.

    I can't speak for all clothing - in fact, I had to buy some clothing specifically to produce these promos (I didn't own a bikini for Genesis). How well the clothing will work in Poser will be a combination of factors, including the clothing itself.



    800 x 1040 - 1M
    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2012

    Here's another quick one I've thrown together from an existing promo - again I've changed V5 to V4 and run my script, but I haven't done any extra poke-through correction before rendering even more quickly (I'm dishing supper at the same time lol)



    500 x 650 - 447K
    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    One more question: does your tutorial deal with Generation4/Generation3 clothes on Genesis too?

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2012

    Kerya said:
    One more question: does your tutorial deal with Generation4/Generation3 clothes on Genesis too?

    Not at such, but once you've used the transfer tool to convert clothing from Gen4/Gen3 to Genesis you should be able to treat it just like any other Genesis conformer, and convert it back to Poser for Genesis in the same way as described in the tut.

    I've also discovered that I've been falling into a similar trap as eveyone else and pushing the "extreme" that Genesis is capable of whilst underplaying (or not playing at all!) the human side - especailly kids. This is a "several seconds" render of Genesis as a kid in Poser wearing the "adult" JS pants and top. I haven't done any poke-through correction or material settings changes that I'd normally want to look at - just loaded up Genesis, hit the "Kid" dial, applied the clothing and run my joint-fixing script.



    791 x 642 - 14K
    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Thank you!
    Sounds logical - conform to Genesis in DS, save as dsf? in DS, run exporter.
    *still searching for pennies, but things are looking good*

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Sounds about right. Don't forget to post some renders here! ;)

  • invisigothinvisigoth Posts: 155
    edited December 1969

    @pheonix that character looks like someone i know lol he doesn't wear glasses though

    i would enter this contest, but i can't get cr2 exporter to work properly..i export and i can't get poser..or more importantly carrara to read the cr2

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2012

    AFAIK Carrara doesn't support weight-mapped .CR2 files. There was someone working on a weight-map conversion capability in the forums IIRC, but you now know everything about it that I do :(

    However, they've been working on getting to support Genesis natively in Carrara - I THINK there's a beta available that supports Genesis somewhat?



    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    I've finally updated the first post with the official list of prizes - which (to save everyone from having to go back there, as I'm already posting) is:

    1st Prize - Victoria 5 Pro Bundle and Michael 5 Pro Bundle

    2nd Prize either the Victoria 5 Pro Bundle or the Michael 5 Pro Bundle

    3rd Prize A DAZ Original Starter Bundle (I think they are all listed HERE but there are some extras that show up, so be sure it says "Starter Bundle" in the product title and is a DO)


    Obviously, since you're interested in Genesis ANYWAY there's a possibility that you already have V5, M5, or indeed both and a slew of extras... so if you already own the listed prize you will be able to swap in any DAZ Original of the same or lesser value.



  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    I wished I had the time to take part in the competition - but I never ever finish a picture in two weeks. That's ok, at least I can use Genesis in Poser now. :)

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