Genesis to Poser .CR2 Competition



  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2012

    I know what you mean - but you can always post a WIP if you like. Most of the images in this thread so far have been just using Genesis in Poser, rather than actual competition entries. Keep an eye on the thread - and maybe throw something together real quick for Saturday if there aren't a lot of posts before then? ;)

    At worst you get nothing. At best, maybe a surprise win!



    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    I've uploaded some supplemental scripts (crease angle changes, smooth polys on/off) to:

    They're not huge, but they can ease the workflow a little :)



  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    If the new store had a possibility to select "favorite artists" you would be one of them!

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2012

    Pfft - I've got that beat! If there was a "favourite artists" feature I'd be at the top of MY list!

    Poser, DAZ Studio... Hexagon, Vue - so on and so forth. The whole idea is to try and make it easier to turn what's inside your head into an image, as faithfully as possible. It's good to try and take out as many of the "mundane work" bits and let us concentrate on the arty bits.

    If doing the work is harder than writing a script, I'll write a script. If writing the script is harder than doing the work... I'll do it the hard/manual way and not write the script!

    I wish I was in a position to write scripts for DS4 - as there's a few scripts there that I'd like to see written.



    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • PetraPetra Posts: 1,147
    edited December 1969

    OK, let's get the ball rolling with a good old-fasioned competition! A Poser render competition featuring Genesis (anyone who doesn't want Genesis, or doesn't like it, doesn't have to enter)


    1st Prize - Victoria 5 Pro Bundle and Michael 5 Pro Bundle

    2nd Prize either the Victoria 5 Pro Bundle or the Michael 5 Pro Bundle

    3rd Prize A DAZ Original Starter Bundle (I think they are all listed HERE but there are some extras that show up, so be sure it says "Starter Bundle" in the product title and is a DO)


    Obviously, since you're interested in Genesis ANYWAY there's a possibility that you already have V5, M5, or indeed both and a slew of extras... so if you already own the listed prize you will be able to swap in any DAZ Original of the same or lesser value.

    Entries must be posted to this thread.

    Image must be 800x800 maximum to allow them to be posted to the forum. A larger version can be linked to, but the forum posting is what will be judged on. (I am VERY flexible on this)

    Images must use (at least) one Genesis figure prominently in the scene.

    Images must contain (at least) one figure/conformer which has been transferred to Poser using the CR2 exporter. My tut ( CAN be used as a reference to aid in doing this, but that is not mandatory. Nor is there any bar on exporting other figures as .OBJ files – but at least one should use the CR2 exporter. It can be Genesis or an item of clothing, or both.

    Images MAY use any form of post-work, although when judging I (Cliff) personally will give kudos to renders without post-work (i.e. if there are two images that rank exactly the same but one is post-worked and one is not, the non-post-worked image will win out for me).

    Judges’ decisions are final, and since it’s based on an appreciation of art may appear arbitrary. I will NOt be the only judge ;)

    All images should be newly created, never seen anywhere before - though they can be posted elsewhere once you've shown at least a WIP here.

    Compettion closes 1st July at 23:59:59 Utah time.

    It might be nice if DAZ could be granted the right to use any images submitted for publicity purposes, but would that be pushing things too far? (seeking forumite opinion here)

    Every entrant should have a blast, enjoy trying to do something in the render that amuses them... whether it’s the process or the result. It’s the law, fun shall be had.



    Since I am using Poser that Tutorial would have come in handy but I can not afford it:(
    I guess I have to search the Net to find help.

  • WitchStormWitchStorm Posts: 186
    edited December 1969

    I've uploaded some supplemental scripts (crease angle changes, smooth polys on/off) to:

    They're not huge, but they can ease the workflow a little :)



    This is put into Poser, right? And, what is the way it goes in? I know what way items go into Daz is. But I don't know how to put things into Poser.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    The scripts would be in Python as that is Poser's scripting language. It is best to place python scripts in the Python folder in the main Poser app folder. By default, Poser still searches that folder for scripts.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    By the way: DS 4.5 is sounding more and more interesting:
    Added UI options for conformMorphs, conformScale, and conformEndpoints to the Cr2 exporter

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Kerya said:
    By the way: DS 4.5 is sounding more and more interesting:
    Added UI options for conformMorphs, conformScale, and conformEndpoints to the Cr2 exporter

    Isn't it just? It's nice to see some public report of additional work going on behind the scenes rather than me just saying "I'm told work proceeds" :D



  • erdi65erdi65 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Here is my entry for the Genesis to Poser .CR2 Competition.

    Victoria 5 Shape
    Future Cop Top
    Future Cop Pants
    Future Cop Boots
    exported using the cr2 Exporter

    furthermore in the scene
    Radiant Jaguar Hair, the walled city and some primitives

    Rendered in Poser Pro 2012, no Postwork (except resizing)

    800 x 600 - 303K
  • edited December 1969

    3Duniverse's Toon Amy wearing Littlefox's Dakota pants and boots. My fiber hair on Amy and the horse. Only postwork was a little curves to brighten the image.

    Are we only allowed to enter one image?

    800 x 800 - 214K
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    fivecat said:
    Are we only allowed to enter one image?

    Good question! I can see arguments for going either way, so I think what we'll do is allow up to 5 entries on the understanding that you can only win one prize - so if you get first place (for example) you are automatically disqualified from the 2nd and 3rd prizes. Having A limit should still avoid encouraging someone from subitting 50 preview renders all generated on the last day in the hope that one of the images will somehow resonate thematically.

    So - no render flood, but more than 1 (up to 5 maximum should be finme, I would think) will be allowed :)



  • edited December 1969

    Thanks for allowing more than one image -- five is a generous limit.

    This is V5 wearing V4 clothing and hair. The jaguar is Tiny's furred cat with Lyne's jaguar texture and morph.

    800 x 800 - 282K
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    I toyed around briefly with the idea of 3, but... I don't like limits very much. So I went with what seemed like a limit that couldn't stop anyone from producing good stuff, but would limit anyone who wanted to flood the compo with a torrent of images hoping one would "stick". Rules are always tricky thing, but I prefer mine to be kinda relaxed :D



  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited June 2012

    A quick heads up for anyone that bought the tutorial - seemingly DAZ QA have done an amazingly speedy job and have QA'd an update to the tut which adds around 10% more content to the tutorial and takes the script count up from 2 to 10, with some joint improvements in certain situations and other scripts just meant to make certain aspects of the workflow less tedious. Only Python scripts though, nothing for within DAZ Studio.

    There's a list of the changes, including a list of the scripts, under the "Additional Information" tab of the oproduct page:

    The scripts are the major change IMO.

    If it isn't still in your downloadable products at DAZ:

    then you'll need to go to your order history:

    this list now appears to be sorted alphabetically by name. Find the Genesis to Poser CR2 tut and click "Reset" to the right. The download should be available shortly.

    I haven't done a reset of an item and downloaded on the new software, but just in case... if downloading without pressing "Reset" gets you the old version (the installer filename will say 1.1 and the PDF will say 1.0) then try going the "Reset" route. Just in case the server/s cache the file based on what version was available when the item was added to your download list.



    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • edited December 1969

    Thanks for the update Cliff, grabbing it now. In the meantime here is a quick entry.

    Genesis exported with the tutorial and cr2 exporter, using Brennan, Evolution Morphs and SAV Atlas with the M4 UVs. SickleYield's Barbarian Rags also exported via the tutorials and scripts. Neftis Historical Curls, Predetron's Bushes, Stonemason's One Tree Hill, Val's Spears and Lyne's Milcat based Black Jaguar and a couple of other friends from the EF Wildlife series. Rendered in PoserPro2012 with minimal post in Photoshop (levels and resize)

    667 x 800 - 464K
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Cool - glad the update is getting out there :)

    And another entry! Not long till the compo closes now - I'll have to synchronise my watch with daz's sometime today.



  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Hey - looks like I did it in time (if I didn't stumble over the time zones differences). Not my best render, but I am having FUN!

    Genesis - Daz
    He is Rhinoman - Valandar (I decided that he doesn't need clothes - and he's so cute! LOL)
    She is a mix of morphs:
    Genesis Evolution Morphs - Daz
    Sosie V5 - Sarsa
    Genesis Head Morph Resource Kit 3 - Thorne, Handspan Studios
    Hitomi - MallenLane
    Skin is Alice - Alfaseed (Aerysoul)

    Clothes and Hair:
    Hitomis Day Out - MallenLane
    ElfSandals - Mada
    Fuji Hair for Genesis - Fisty

    Streets of Asia 2 - Stonemason
    Songbird Remix (sorry, I don't know which package, it's the California Quail) - Ken Gilliland

    800 x 600 - 401K
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    In an with lods of time to spare - it seems to me there's over 15 hours left before Saturday ends in utah (I'm relying on google's "World Clock" gadget),

    And nice to see some characters tha tI don't have making an appearance! :D



  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the confirmation about the timing.
    I've got nearly too many characters for Genesis.
    But it does make mixing fun! :D

  • edited December 1969

    Thought I would try another, Summer Days

    Genesis times 2, 1 V4 UV and 1 K4 UV, Lana Elite and Jamila (sp?) textures, Basic Figure shapes, Evolution Morphs with a bit of Aven and Jasmin as well. Jasmin Bikini and Wilmap's swimsuit exported and fit with the help of the scripts. Dream Home yard and Pool, Barbeque and Swing set were weekly freebies here at Daz. PoserPro2012 render, resized in Photoshop.

    1000 x 1200 - 878K
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Excellent - even better, looking back at the first post I was misremembering the cut-off time. It's just before midnight tonight. Obviously I was thinking more clearly when I posted than since, as having the cut-off half way through a weekend would be mean!

    Sorry for any irritation I've caused thinking that the compo ended earlier :(



  • Rosie DRosie D Posts: 67
    edited December 1969

    Missed the Deadline but I'm posting it anyway (never could get my time zones sorted out)

    I present for your entertainment the 'Defence of the Dodo' the starring role is taken by Genesis wearing the MS Lycan Character, and a few others that fell into the mix, also sporting items from Corsair for Genesis.

    The textures need further tweeking and the Corsair items need a bit more help with stretching and poke through but as a first attempt I'm reasonably pleased, thanks for the scripts and the tutoriial Cliff you are a Star!

    1530 x 1082 - 505K
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited July 2012

    Well, here's a time test post so I can synch everything nicely.

    Huh. The forum's reporting posts to me in Utah time - which is incredibly convenient. Yes, you're quite right - the compo's closed, no more entires, I'd better start conferring on who to shower with prizes.

    Cheers :D


    PS thanks for the compliments and stuff. It was great working on this, but even more fun seeing people actually enjoying using Genesis with Poser :D

    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited July 2012

    Rosie D

    Hi. Yes, you were definately past deadline, and your image was oversized too. But I like it so much that I'm asking DAZ for their opinion on stretching the point and allowing it. I'm generally not a very rulesy guy, but I'm aware that DAZ effectively changing the rules in the past has been a point of contention, and as I personally have one vote and like your image there's a reasonable chance that another contestant could lose out on winning anything if we allow your image.

    If any of the other contestants have an opinion on whether Rosie's image should be allowed to sneak in or not, please let me know - you can do so via PM if you'd rather it was private, and it would probably help us to come to "the right decision".

    Rosie, it's too late to edit your post and take the image down, I have a copy on my local hard drive now.

    Rosie's wasn't the only oversize image - but I did mention that I wanted to take a relaxed attitude to that, and the forum accepted the images so they're all valid from that perspective as far as I'm concerned. The emphasis should be on making nice imagery and having fun doing it IMHO, rather than fussily ticking checkbox after checkbox. Having said which, I'm surprised how many of MY personal checkboxes - things I like - were ticked :D



    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • Rosie DRosie D Posts: 67
    edited December 1969

    No worries Cliff - yes I did hope to make the deadline, and having produced an image for you I just really wanted you to see it - I won't be miffed if you don't include me in the judging!!!

    And oops sorry about the file size I'd got 2 jpg files and uploaded the wrong one - the smaller one was not only the correct size it was also gamma corrected and a little brighter - trying to do things in a rush inbetween revising for exams!

    And to everyone else well done and best of luck - it's great to see what can be achieved with Genesis in Poser :)

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    As my picture isn't great anyway and as Daz is always extending deadlines ... I would say include Rosie D's picture. :)

  • edited December 1969

    If any of the other contestants have an opinion on whether Rosie's image should be allowed to sneak in or not, please let me know - you can do so via PM if you'd rather it was private, and it would probably help us to come to "the right decision".

    I wouldn't have had an issue with an image entered a little late, but when it also fails to follow the rules I'd be a little dismayed if it were allowed. But you've also said you didn't like to be too strict with the rules, so allowing it sounds fair enough. Whatever the outcome I had fun with the renders and enjoyed the other entries.

    Good luck everyone (and winners are obligated to post poser renders here of their genesis goodies!)

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited July 2012

    I think my exact phrasing on the image size thing was "I am VERY flexible on this" ;) and I've judged them all "as seen on the forum" - not opened up larger to see any extra detail. So it's only really the timing issue as far as I'm concerned. No pronouncement until DAZ have weighed in, as it's them that are providing the prizes, but I'm getting a general feeling more of cameraderie than bitter opponents. Which - like the thread at Renderosity - is really rather nice to encounter.

    Winners have to post a new render featuring their winnings? Darn - do you think that if I snuck back to the first post and added that, anyone would notice? ;) 'cos that would have made a smashing rule!



    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • edited December 1969

    Winners have to post a new render featuring their winnings? Darn - do you think that if I snuck back tot he first post and added that, anyone would notice? ;) 'cos that would have made a smashing rule!

    Hey, you are VERY flexible on the rules for contestants, I think that should also apply to you too, right? Hee hee -- that means you can change the rules a little on the fly too. Yeah, do it! And, EVERY item in the bundles has to be used in one or more images. How's that for a rule? :lol:

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