Genesis to Poser .CR2 Competition



  • edited December 1969

    @ evilgidget : I'm surprised she waxed her legs but neglected her chest and chin! :)

    Any of the winners get their prizes yet? Still waiting... I've got a big render to work on and soon Cliff will be cracking the whip. :P

  • edited December 1969

    Nope haven't heard anything yet, just figured Daz was busy. And she ran out of wax after she finished her legs, hehehe.

  • edited December 1969


  • FauvistFauvist Posts: 2,060
    edited December 1969

    To export the Genisis CR2 from Daz Studio to Poser, do you need to buy any 3D utility or software - or is Daz Studio and Poser enough?

    I've felt so alienated by DAZ with the introduction of Genesis and the revamping of the website and store that i've virtually stopped buying anything here, or following the forums.

    Just to get it straight - is it possible to create a character in DAZ Studio using Genesis and a bunch of morphs, and dress the figure in clothing and make it fit, and then export the complete morphed, dressed figure to Poser - and have it look normal? Or does something weird happen to the figure or clothes along the way?

    Can Genesis be imported into any other programs, such as VUE or Carrara or Blender or Bryce?

    (If this is an inappropriate post for this thread - please move it to the forum or thread where it can be answered)


  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Cliff's tutorial and scripts are making things easier - much easier!!!!

    But you always was able to export Genesis (with clothes) as an obj. And there always was the Poser cr2 exporter with an official tutorial here
    It's not easy and doesn't look that good out of the box (that may change with DazStudio 4.5, I don't know), but it works.

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    I'm sorry that it's taking so long for DAZ to issue the prizes. I don't know what the delay is, exactly - I've sent them the details as soon as they were all in.



  • Rosie DRosie D Posts: 67
    edited July 2012

    A little something to be going on with while we wait....

    'Dusk to Dawn'

    Dusk is V4WM wirh V4 Midsummer Dream Hair and V4 Cilea Costume

    Dawn is Genesis with Midsummer Dream for Genesis and Cilea for Genesis

    I had quite a battle with both these figures for different reasons and had varying degrees of success and some outright failures - the quest continues......:)

    Edit to add

    I used Alice for both characters - added to Genesis via GenX
    Asteria textures with SSS added in Poser

    541 x 765 - 450K
    Post edited by Rosie D on
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Gorgeous Rose :D

    I've chased DAZ about the prizes so it's a matter of waiting for them to respond I'm afraid. But if that's the kind of thing we can expect to fill the void while we wait... maybe I should ask them to keep delaying?

    Cheers ;)


  • edited December 1969

    Rosie D, that is lovely work. You make me ashamed to post my mundane effort.

    Cliff, no, the delay is discouraging me as things aren't going too well with trying to use the kid shape. The shape itself is fine as long as I don't try and use the infant at anything over 30% and I have high hopes that this is finally being fixed in SR3, so might get better. But I can't move any K4 clothing to Genesis and then export out to poser. Adult clothes are fine (in so far as clothing is) when using your scripts. But if the outfit was for K4, even after being fit over to the base genesis and adding in shape morphs, the minute it has been exported to poser it will load at K4 size instead of Genesis base size and the minute its conformed it applies the child shape scale and gets even smaller. Limit corrections don't help, manual scaling doesn't work and it doesn't matter whether copy figure scaling is checked on or off. So something is going wrong somewhere with that, but who knows.

    Anyway, enough of that, wasn't promised perfect and have another week left on Genesis to Poser experiments before I reach the month I promised myself. :) Here is a mundane one, with the base V5 shape dialed up.

    1450 x 1480 - 472K
  • wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6 Posts: 183
    edited December 1969

    Can you give the details of the shapes and clothing? Morph dials for genesis and the outfits you use.
    I might be able to test this in sr3 and see if that solves your problem. The tests I have done seem to work well
    Conversion from V4->genesis->poser do not all give good results. If for instance S4 scaling is embedded in the cr2, it might have a problem.
    I have not tried K4 clothing yet

  • edited December 1969

    WimvdB, before I gave up I had tried Mada's Cuddles, the Bambini boys and girls clothes and Pajamas, I did find out that those all support the toddler morph, so you might be on to something. I also tried 3DTubeMagic's K4 Fairy which didn't have the toddler morph support (chibi, kelda, realistic and thin) and the RPublishing K4 Playset (don't believe that supports the toddler either). I tried the K4cowpoke set , the boys version(came with the K4 Pro bundle). turns out it supports the toddler morph also. Then tried some freebies by Sanbie, Pajamas and and Day wear that only support heavy, thin and Realistic.

    In all cases, I loaded the clothes to Daz Studio and the Base Genesis figure, picked K4 from the autofit dropdown, let it do its thing... I kept the shape list short for these, I added Basic Female, V4 and V5, Basic Child, Heavy, Pot Bellied and Thin. Then used the cr2 exporter, located the outfit obj when prompted, same conformer settings as for all the other clothing, saved it into the Poser Genesis Runtime.

    But with every one of the outfits, I got the same problem, the clothing all loaded too small and got even smaller when conformed. I just got tired and quit trying. My first effort included the Genesis infant shape, but I deleted that effort, thinking it might be the problem (dependent parameter issues came to mind) I tried with just the child, heavy, thin and, pot bellied) no joy. And I even tried with just a basic female and V4 shape, again no go.

    I can go from adult original clothing down, but not from child clothing up. *sigh*

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    evilgidget - I'm SO sorry about that. As you're aware, I've not got a lot for kids but I'll have a scout around and see if anything turns up. Sometimes I just wish I had remote control access to clients' PCs so I can try things out in exactly the right environment, with exactly the right content :(

    Don't forget the Python script that unhides dials - that could potentially be handy in spotting where the problem is coming from.

    WimvdB - ooh, thanks for stepping into the breach - that'd be most handy!



  • edited July 2012

    Oh Cliff, don't be sorry. In the first place you weren't sure how things would go when it came to the child/infant shapes and you were very upfront about that before I ever purchased. I use the unhide script on pretty much everything anyway as too many things are often hidden from us for our own protection. If others want to look at the issue and see if they get different results and can tell me what error I might be making, I'll certainly be grateful for their efforts. But after experiencing the same issue with a variety of clothing from a variety of sources and having successful conversions of adult sized clothing, well I just got tired and figured that either the cr2 wasn't being written correctly or it wasn't being read correctly(or some combination of both), none of which I have the skill to fix and just let it go.

    Post edited by evilgidget_2000_394cf150da on
  • edited December 1969

    Mr. Hyde with a mish mash of texture maps. Hulk Tired

    1000 x 1200 - 483K
  • wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6 Posts: 183
    edited July 2012

    Oh Cliff, don't be sorry. In the first place you weren't sure how things would go when it came to the child/infant shapes and you were very upfront about that before I ever purchased. I use the unhide script on pretty much everything anyway as too many things are often hidden from us for our own protection. If others want to look at the issue and see if they get different results and can tell me what error I might be making, I'll certainly be grateful for their efforts. But after experiencing the same issue with a variety of clothing from a variety of sources and having successful conversions of adult sized clothing, well I just got tired and figured that either the cr2 wasn't being written correctly or it wasn't being read correctly(or some combination of both), none of which I have the skill to fix and just let it go.

    I tried it with other k4 clothing which I have (using pretty much the same morphs as you had) and I see the problem.
    Even if you conform the clothing to an unmorphed genesis, the clothing comes in at the completely wrong scale. It looks like the exporter does not strip out the scaling elements from the cr2. The end result is pretty spectacular if you turn off the scaling in Poser, but not something you usually want (exploding minishirt fitted around the shins).
    Anyway - it looks like a bug in the exporter - or something which they had not thought about yet (like the S4 scaling)
    SR3 makes no difference here

    Edit: I did some more testing and it is a bit different. It appears that any V4 to Genesis converted clothing does not export to Poser at the moment. All the ones I have tried fail even without any scaling at all. I guess going from Poser rigging to DS weihtmapping to Poser weightmapping goes a step too far for now.

    Post edited by wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6 on
  • edited July 2012

    Thank you for checking this for me WimvdB, much appreciated.

    As to the results, to borrow a phrase I saw and liked in a thread on Rendo, at least it wasn't just an external mouse driver error. :) Though it does make me a bit sad overall, such is life.

    I have had some success with V4>Genesis>Poser, but it has largely been on limited items (Retro Girl Swimsuit, Cut Off Shorts, Some sleeveless tops and T shirts from my free stuff collection) Overall, male items have converted better, probably in part due to the stylistic limitations of the wardrobe.

    In truth, conversion of native Genesis clothing has been just as problematical for different reasons. Its functionality is so closely tied to Daz Studio features, rather than actual Genesis features that most of it lacks sufficient mesh and movement to work well in Poser after conversion. There are exceptions, the stuff I have from the 3DU sets comes to mind, seems to behave well .

    Post edited by evilgidget_2000_394cf150da on
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Oh Cliff, don't be sorry.

    Oh, I'm always sorry if I can't help people - it doesn't have to be my fault, I'd just rather things ran smoothly.

    On which note, I've asked my PA Rep about the prizes again and he says he's going to check with Customer Services to find out what's happening with the prizes.



  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited July 2012

    Quick update on the prizes:

    Customer service says they need email addresses from the winners, the store does not have usernames in a way they can pull up. Once they have those, they can issue the prizes fairly quickly.

    So if the winners could PM me their email addresses (presumably the ones you've got registered with your DAZ store account) with the subject line "Genesis to Poser Winner", I'll report who wants what to DAZ again and start building my spam-address database.

    Err, I mean, ah... oh yes, I'll just report winning to DAZ again. Forget the spam thing. I wouldn't do that. Too much fat in spam for me anyway, I suspect :)



    PS Smells to me like one of those security things - you know, how sites can never tell you what your password is but just reset it because staff don't have direct access to your account info kind of thing.

    Post edited by Cliff Bowman on
  • edited December 1969

    PM sent and thanks for the follow up too.

    And no worries on things not going smoothly. Truth is, after more than a year I think we all have come to expect that there isn't any smooth and easy. Your efforts have improved many things and mean that I can tinker with G in Poser once in awhile rather just ignoring it altogether, which is a step in the right direction. Truth is I should probably make it some dynamics just so I have them around for those times. But in truth, I think I hate trying to UV mapping too much to try that yet. LOL

  • Rosie DRosie D Posts: 67
    edited December 1969

    PM sent

    It's good to be able to get some of the Genesis shapes across - I was really missing getting new items from some venders that at one time I would almost always buy from.
    The clothing items are still difficult to deal with and I have no idea why some work and others don't, having said that I can have problems with the V4WM figure as well but this is more pronounced when the item has been designed for both Genesis and Gen4.
    Has anyone attempted to get any of the geografted models across or is that just one step too far....:)

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    But...but... UV mapping should be so much fun! Well, it OUGHT to be! Depends on the software I guess, which has generally been getting better over the years.

    I have, you will no doubt be shocked to hear, forwarded the list of winners to DAZ again along with your requested winnings and your email addresses. I'm sad to note that no-one provided their bank details - just how am I ever going to get that holiday in the bahamas? :(

    There's so many variables involved with clothing nowadays... just in the Kids 4 Basicwear there are two different types of "pants" - probably "shorts" and "briefs" that behave differently. One I can get to conform brilliantly, fits the basic child as well as M4 as well as The Gorilla... the other fits the basic child and scrunches up into a ball if you try anything adult. Not just from the same store, or for the same figure, or from the same artist - but actually from the same set. There's some kind of complicated multi-dimensional matrix of cross-issues whereby if the content creator did THIS and THAT and THE OTHER plus the CR2 exporter does SUCH AND SO and then on top if Poser is able to do SOMETHING ELSE then it works quite well. Throw a monkey spanner in any of the workings though and things get to be harder work :(

    Things are getting better - much better from my POV - but a smooth ride still seems to be some distance off yet.

    I hope to start seeing signs that you've all received your prizes soo... ah, imminently ;)



  • wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6 Posts: 183
    edited July 2012

    Here is another thing I did.
    It is using the child plus some additional morphs thrown in. All genesis except the angry V4

    Some minor pokethrough corrected with morphbrush.
    Using the K4 or V4 clothing is still a problem, so had to rely on adult genesis clothing

    746 x 942 - 198K
    Post edited by wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6 on
  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Nice one WimvdB :)

    Rosie D said:
    Has anyone attempted to get any of the geografted models across or is that just one step too far....:)

    Ah - I see I skipped over this earlier. AFAIC no-one has actually tried this yet, probably out of fear of blowing up their computer (I don't have any geographed stuff that I know of). If it works it would, I suspect, be as a complete new figure (in other words, I don't see how we'd be able to geograft a figure within Poser but it might be possible to export a pre-geografted figure to Poser - just like we need to use DS to add morphs into clothing before exporting them),

    It'd be an interesting thing to try though for sure - is anyone up for risking blowing up their PC? ;)



  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    Right - where're these renders using your winnings then? ;)



  • wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6wimvdb_dc63ee9ce6 Posts: 183
    edited December 1969

    It did not blow up the pc (yet..)
    Geocrafted bits come in as conforming figures. They conform ok to the figures, Both for M5 and V5. The base geometry has not changed for genesis. In DS4 the geometry to which the bits attached is invisible/gone. In Poser it is still there.
    My first impression is that it does not look too bad at all if you take care that you use exactly the same textures for the hip part of the genital. The overlapping geometry does not seem to cause a problem here.

    Apart from the bug in the exporter that the morphs are locked, they actually do work if you use the morphs in the hip (you have to use Clifs unhide script to get these)

    Sorry, due to TOS no pictures

  • edited December 1969

    Just got the email from daz. It will take me a while to get things downloaded and installed. I might have to get creative to get everything in one image. :)

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    They come in as conformers eh? Hmmm... oh - and OF COURSE I've got a geografting thing - M5's willy! Though I doubt I even have that installed. Might make a great sci-fi giant worm creature though.

    As for excuses about having to get creative... well, that's what we're here for!



  • Rosie DRosie D Posts: 67
    edited December 1969

    They come in as conformers eh? Hmmm... oh - and OF COURSE I've got a geografting thing - M5's willy! Though I doubt I even have that installed. Might make a great sci-fi giant worm creature though.

    I'm having trouble getting that image out of my head :roll: so it's probably just as well that I haven't got 'that' particular 'item' in my runtime (yet)!!!!!!

  • edited December 1969

    Many thanks to Daz and Cliff, both bundles are awaiting downloading now. Arms and Hands hurt today , so probably not until tomorrow, that is a lot of files. :)

    Misc. stuff - UV mapping software is getting better, unfortunately it is like all other software, it is what goes click. And the only one that went click was the demo for UVLayout. I'd have to give up quite a bit of content purchasing to afford it, maybe Santa will bring me a copy if I mend my wicked ways this year. lol

    I haven't actually tried to do anything with the geografted stuff, I do have Medolian(sp?) but when I saw it came in as a separate figure, I wasn't sure how to proceed.

    Will try to at least get something done with M5 once I get everything installed and a new export done.

  • edited December 1969

    There, I think I got them all in, from underwear to poses, and yes, the bits too, although you can't see that because the blue guy is shy. :coolgrin: Had a lot of fun but my poor computer struggled.

    I really like the versatility of the regular guy clothes -- I seem to have so much fantasy/scifi stuff for both the guys and girls.

    800 x 532 - 186K
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