Star Wars Renders 2013 +



  • DMaxDMax Posts: 637
    tkdrobert said:

    I don't know anywhere you can get it for free.

    Thank you @tkdrobert I had managed to find some other relevant stuff from the links you had shared with me a while ago (still very happy with them!)... I will go see if there are any nice vaders out there, definitely don't mind paying fair money for fair work :)

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    DMax said:

    Anybody knows where to get Darth Vader costumes? I downloaded one a long time ago but recently noticed that its black bodysuit doesn't load (only had texture files but no wardrobe/armor, it seems) so will probably have to find a new one.

    Maybe the textures are supposed to apply directly to the figure, as a "skin bodysuit"? That was a fairly common setup for many "long time ago" SF and armour outfits. Less common in the Genesis era, I can only think of a handful of items that do it that way.

  • DMaxDMax Posts: 637

    Maybe the textures are supposed to apply directly to the figure, as a "skin bodysuit"? That was a fairly common setup for many "long time ago" SF and armour outfits. Less common in the Genesis era, I can only think of a handful of items that do it that way.

    I had thought so as well since that's the same way for the stormtrooper bodysuit but this vader suit texture does nothing when I click on it... perhaps I will try it again later because the armor is stunning.

  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618

    If it's the Vader set by "EllPro" from VanishingPoint, then the texture IS meant to be applied directly to the base figure, in this case Michael 3.  Not the Genesis 3 male, but Michael 3, the "Millennium" series of models from the mid 2000s.  As such, that texture can also be used by the original Freak, Victoria 3, Aiko 3, shoot, even "Melody for A3". LittleFox's CatGirl figure from 2007.  I used it both upon Melody and F3 many pages ago in this thread.



  • DMaxDMax Posts: 637
    Redfern said:

    If it's the Vader set by "EllPro" from VanishingPoint, then the texture IS meant to be applied directly to the base figure, in this case Michael 3. 

    Ohhhh this does sound familiar I believe it is the one that I recently tried to load (got it a while back)... I tried it on Michael4 perhaps that's why it failed to load!

  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417
    DMax said:

    Anybody knows where to get Darth Vader costumes? I downloaded one a long time ago but recently noticed that its black bodysuit doesn't load (only had texture files but no wardrobe/armor, it seems) so will probably have to find a new one.

    I sent you a private message.

  • Phloki3dPhloki3d Posts: 138

    No Man Left Behind

    Finally got some Clone Troopers to play with!

    1080 x 1350 - 2M
  • JoeQuick said:

    here's some baby yoda morph work in progress

    That is waaaaay coooool JR!!! I live it! Will this be in the store here or at the other place?
  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579

    Jedi Leia

  • DMaxDMax Posts: 637
    edited October 2020

    @tkdrobert Are you sending your Leia after my Trooper with her emissive whipping wand? :D


    667 x 800 - 402K
    Post edited by DMax on
  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579
    DMax said:

    @tkdrobert Are you sending your Leia after my Trooper with her emissive whipping wand? :D


    YUP!  Nice render.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,253

    some modelling in Carrara smiley

  • @Stezza  Nicely done

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,959
    edited October 2020
    Phloki3D said:

    Anger Leads To Hate

    Really trying to incorporate more dynamic poses and action into my renders as of late, and having a blast!

    I like your lighting and atmosphere.  The sense of motion is really good too.

    Post edited by Mattymanx on
  • RonwaldRonwald Posts: 71
    DMax said:

    @tkdrobert Are you sending your Leia after my Trooper with her emissive whipping wand? :D



    Very cool! Looks fantastic.


  • Vagabond ElfVagabond Elf Posts: 57
    edited October 2020

    Finally got this to a point where I'm willing to share it:

    The TIE pilot needs a chestbox, but it's far enough away that I don't think it's too noticable.

    I've always found the idea of a "standarised ugly" ridiculous.  I can get behind the notion of "Uglies" in general, but since they're cobbled together from wrecked ships and spare parts, they should all be very unique and Mad Max-ified.  And yet, the "TYE" design has always appealed to me.  So in my personal headcannon, the TYE isn't an "Ugly," it's just an uncommon design.

    I see the TYE as Koensayr's desperate last attempt to retain a government contract after the end of the Clone Wars and the Imperial Navy's decision to standardise on Sienar designs for their snubfighters.  The TYE uses a TIE cockpit under license from Sienar, but replaces the ion engines with co-axial fusion engines based on the last generation of Y-Wings.  A hyperdrive is optional.  The TYE's main selling point, however, is its ability to operate from unprepared fields, something the Sienar TIEs can't do.  (Yes, I've seen the Mandalorian, and I know there's a TIE that can land in that.  In my headhannon, that design was in pre-production during ROTJ and never entered full-scale service, and was created to replace the TYE.)  The Imperial Navy wasn't all that interested, since doctrine called for fighters to remain tethered to their carriers in any event, but the Imperial Army saw the potential, and bought a few hundred for close air support.  The TYE wasn't really ideal for this role, however, having no ordnance bay, and was largely phased out of service by the time of the Battle of Yavin.

    1800 x 1012 - 3M
    Post edited by Vagabond Elf on
  • Rogue7Rogue7 Posts: 134

    Great job, well done

  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579

    Ahsoka Fulcrum

  • RonwaldRonwald Posts: 71
    tkdrobert said:

    Ahsoka Fulcrum



  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579
    Ronwald said:
    tkdrobert said:

    Ahsoka Fulcrum




  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579

    Bothan Spy

  • Nice!  Good attention to the background, I love the R2 at the back. 

    Have you considered playing with the lighting, so that the troopers are in full light and the spy is in shadow?

    Also, what figure or morph is the spy?  I'd love a good fox-person.

    tkdrobert said:

    Bothan Spy


  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579
    edited October 2020

    Nice!  Good attention to the background, I love the R2 at the back. 

    Have you considered playing with the lighting, so that the troopers are in full light and the spy is in shadow?

    Also, what figure or morph is the spy?  I'd love a good fox-person.

    tkdrobert said:

    Bothan Spy


    I had a lot of issues while trying to do this one, so I wasn't able to experiment with the liggting as much as I would normally.  My compter seems to have issues when using full body d-force hair.  A few times I tried to render a small IRAY preview and all I got were black canvasses.  For the head shape, I used HFS Ultimate Shapes for Genesis 8 Male.  For the hair, I used Tomcat For Genesis 8 Male.  Both are available in the Daz store.

    Post edited by tkdrobert on
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    tkdrobert said:

    Bothan Spy

    Not hiding very well for a spy. Further proof, as if any were needed, that no-one can see out of those helmets.  

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192
    tkdrobert said:

    Bothan Spy

    Not hiding very well for a spy.

    Why do you think so many Bothans died?

  • DandeneDandene Posts: 162
    tkdrobert said:

    Ahsoka Fulcrum

    Great render!  My brother would love this.  He's a HUGE Ahsoka fan.

  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579
    Dandene said:
    tkdrobert said:

    Ahsoka Fulcrum

    Great render!  My brother would love this.  He's a HUGE Ahsoka fan.

    She's my daughter's favorite as well.

  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579
    tkdrobert said:

    Bothan Spy

    Not hiding very well for a spy. Further proof, as if any were needed, that no-one can see out of those helmets.  

    LOL.  I actually tried looking from that trooper's POV and you actually can't see him.

  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579
    Gordig said:
    tkdrobert said:

    Bothan Spy

    Not hiding very well for a spy.

    Why do you think so many Bothans died?


  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579

    Han and Leia

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