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Nicely done
Works for me! Is that octane?
I had to wait for a good sale, but it's a fun model!
@Robert Freise Thanks!
@FSMCDesigns It's an Iray render. I used Scene Optimizer to get everything to fit on my 2070. The Outpost is very texture heavy, so Scene Optimizer made working with it much easier. I also reduced the resolution of the Camazard textures.
I like it! As I've said before, anything with depth-of-field in it impresses me, since I'm always forgetting that part. The overall mood is definitely a Star Wars - meets - Firefly kind of vibe, which means it's really making me think of the Mandalorian right now. I especially enjoy the dude in the background. His pose just clicks; you can tell he's enjoying his girl-watching.
another WIP this is the crew of the Alderaan's Revenge
From Left to Right
Jax - Twi'lek pilot
Ryukk - Wookiee Commando
Silver - Captain
SE5 - Astromech Droid
Nice. Very cool looking characters.
Indeed, very evocative. The Wookie is well done - easily recognisable as one, and that's a bit challenging in this medium.
2 minor critiques: I suspect it's the droid, but one of those figures is lower on the Y-Axis than the others, so the middle two are hovering above their shadows. That jumps out to me. Also, having two of them wearing the same trousers but different tops, whilse the third is in a completely different look, feels off. I'd either tweak the colours so the trousers weren't so obviously identical, or tweak the colours on Ryukk's outfit so they tied in better.
And then there's my inherent pedant, who demands I point out that "Commando" is a type of military unit, not a type of soldier... but then again, if anyone could be an entire commando all by themselves, it'd be a Wookie. (And yes, I realise that popular fiction uses "commando" as a type of soldier and that Star Wars has adopted this usage, so in-universe it's probably not wrong. I just found the thought of a Wookie storming a beach in Normandy all by themselves to be amusing.)
Good looking crew
Actually according to the Dictionary "Commando" refers to both a Military unit designed to carry out raids and can refer to any member of a Commando unit... Plus who said Ryukk was the only Wokkiee Commando?
Well, now my training as a librarian has to kick in and point out that "the Dictionary" is not a useful reference. First, because you didn't specify which dictionary, and second, because there are no rules in English regarding who can publish a dictionary. So one has to evaluate any given dictionary carefully before deciding it's actually authoritative.
But the reality of English is that it's all just consensus anyway, and yes, in popular usage - as opposed to military jargon - the word "commando" can refer to a type of soldier as well as a type of unit.
Finally, and to get this post properly on point for the thread - that's a group of people I would not want to be downrange of! Are you willing to share the recipe?
love it
The civil war is over. The Empire lost. We are bounty hunters contracted by Corellian Security (CorSec) to hunt down Imperial War Criminals and bring them back to stand trial. They want them alive so we have perfected the use of non-lethal weapons. Stun Blasters. taser nets, tranquilizer name it. No Imperial will escape us or justice.
COMMANDO definition in Cambridge English Dictionary
Meaning of commando in English
noun [ C ]
US /kəˈmæn.doʊ/ UK /kəˈmɑːn.dəʊ/plural commandos or commandoes
a soldier who is specially trained to make attacks on enemy areas that are very dangerous or difficult to attack:
He was an experienced commando with 13 years in the Special Forces.
a small group of soldiers that are specially trained to make attacks on enemy areas that are very dangerous or difficult to attack:
Merriam-Webster definition
1South Africa
a: a military unit or command of the Boers
b: a raiding expedition
2a: a military unit trained and organized as shock troops especially for hit-and-run raids into enemy territory
b: a member of such a unit
Despite the slightly rude condemnation from some! For those interested in how I achieved the Wookiee look the recipe is simply as follows:
Gen8 Male and this for the fur
Then I basically hid the ears, tail, and whiskers. I did hide the larger feet on my version as well, but this was more so I could add boots, the large feet work well if no shoes/boots required, then mixed some morphs for the face and brute morphs for the body and then a little scaling for height.
also testing using 2d backgrounds to add a bit more environment to my renders
I apologise for coming across as rude. In my mind, the comments regarding the word "commando" were merely bantering. They were not intended as serious criticism, and I regret that I failed to communicate my tone.
Thank you for sharing how acheived the Wookie despite my poor choices.
Those are some great looking wookie's! Nice work draven!
Star Wars: The Old Republic player character fanart of my own character and Jedi Knight, Raz.
Nice work.
Looking good
Great looking Twi'lek Melissa, what did you use for her lekku markings?
Thanks! I put the tattoos together using a combination of Photoshop and Mudbox to paint them onto the mesh. Here is an older shot of her tattoos -
Beautiful, thanks for the info
really nice!
Updated concepts of the Revenge's Crew
couple of helmets I'm on the lookout for if anyone has or has seen them
Also anyone recognise the clothing in this promo image?
Very cool
Sorry, I don't know the clothes in the promo image. If you've not already done so, I'd start a thread in The Commons - it's a pretty commonly asked question.
For the Imperial Guard helmet, if you're willing to do some work there's at least one on Thingiverse:
That, of course, is an STL. You'd need to use something like Blender to convert it to an OBJ, and then Blender or UVMapper or some other program to give it a UV Map. Then you'd want to use either Studio's geometry editor or Blender again to create different material zones. But since it's all solid colours, you wouldn't need an actual texture map - car paint shaders would work nicely.
Lots of people post constuming things for 3D Printing, so you might be able to find the Resistance-style helmet on there too; I didn't with a quick search but there's lots in there and no naming conventions, so who knows?
Thanks TK
Thanks Vagabond - yeah was hoping for something that might already have been studio-ed specially for the Poe helmet, but thanks for link to the guard helmet will see what I can do with it as it is the simpler of the two helmets :)
Also thanks for the commons tip as well!
Cool character. Still play these days? I used to play until about 5 years ago. I can hardly believe it's been that long.
Couple more character concepts